265 research outputs found

    An Efficient hardware implementation of the tate pairing in characteristic three

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    DL systems with bilinear structure recently became an important base for cryptographic protocols such as identity-based encryption (IBE). Since the main computational task is the evaluation of the bilinear pairings over elliptic curves, known to be prohibitively expensive, efficient implementations are required to render them applicable in real life scenarios. We present an efficient accelerator for computing the Tate Pairing in characteristic 3, using the Modified Duursma-Lee algorithm. Our accelerator shows that it is possible to improve the area-time product by 12 times on FPGA, compared to estimated values from one of the best known hardware architecture [6] implemented on the same type of FPGA. Also the computation time is improved upto 16 times compared to software applications reported in [17]. In addition, we present the result of an ASIC implementation of the algorithm, which is the first hitherto


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    Tourism is an important activity for the global economy around the world. This situation leads to an endless change and innovation. The answers to the changing needs and expectations of customers are contributes to this development. Many different researches are being developed to compete under these conditions. According to this study, identifying the feeling of the visitors participating in religious tourism is being able to request and an important response to meet the expectations. In this context, these research investigated feeling of the people who visit the Virgin Mary House. To quantify this phenomenon, semi-structured interview was used in this study which covered qualitative data collection techniques. As a result of this research, feelings of visitors in the holy place have been identified and their opinions and expectations have been evaluated

    Etkinlik turizmi çeşidi olarak festivaller: Bozcaada yerel tatlar festivali örneği

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    In today’s world, alternative tourism activities and tourism product diversification started to gain more importance due to the increase in the number of people participating in tourism and the change in the demands and the needs of the touristsFestivals, as an alternative form of tourism, increase the number of tourists, contribute to the promotion of the region and play an important role in the development of the destination. In this study, the impacts of Tenedos Local Flavours Festival were examined, travel purposes of the tourists were specified, the demographic characteristics of the local residents and the tourists were identified, their perceptions of Local Flavours Festival were assessed and some recommendations were made to achieve more effective results. The research findings show that Local Flavours Festival has positive effects on the promotion of Tenedos and also has economic, socio-cultural and environmental impact on local community. However, the research also concluded that the promotional actions of the festival and the activities organized during the event were insufficient.Günümüzde turizme katılan kişi sayısının artması ve bu doğrultuda turist istek ve ihtiyaçlarında görülen değişiklikler gibi nedenlerden dolayı turizm çeşitlendirmesi ve alternatif turizm faaliyetleri önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Alternatif turizm çeşitlerinden biri olan festivaller de, gerçekleştirildiği destinasyondaki turist sayısını arttırmakta, destinasyonun tanıtımına katkıda bulunmakta ve destinasyonun kalkınmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Yerel Tatlar Festivali’nin Bozcaada’ya etkileri incelenmiş, yerel halkın ve festivale katılan turistlerin demografik özellikleri, seyahat amaçları, Yerel Tatlar Festivali’ne ilişkin algıları değerlendirilerek festivalin daha etkin gerçekleştirilebilmesi için bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Araştırma sonuçları Yerel Tatlar Festivali’nin Bozcaada’nın tanıtımına olumlu etkileri olduğunu ve bölgede yaşayan yerel halka ekonomik, sosyo-kültürel ve çevresel açılardan birçok etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte festivalle ilgili yapılan tanıtım faaliyetlerinin ve festival etkinliklerinin yetersiz olduğu sonuçlarına da ulaşılmıştır

    Yığma Duvarların Düzlem İçi Kırılma Mekanizmalarının Nümerik Olarak Belirlenmesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi-- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2017Conference Paper -- İstanbul Technical University, Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2017Bu çalışmada, boşluksuz ve boşluklu yığma duvarlar modellenerek düzlem içi yükleme sonucu oluşacak kırılma mekanizmaları analiz edilmiştir. Yığma duvarların modellenmesinde homojenleştirme tekniği olarak bilinen makro modelleme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Modellerde kullanılacak olan malzeme parametrelerinin belirlenmesinde yığma duvar üzerinde kendisini periyodik olarak kendisini tekrar eden elemanter duvar parçasından yararlanılmıştır. ANSYS yazılımında kırılma durumunu belirlemek amacıyla basınç dayanımı yüksek fakat çekme dayanımı düşük olan malzemeler için uygun bir hipotez olan Drucker-Prager kırılma hipotezi kullanılmıştır. Yığma duvarların kırılma mekanizmalarının belirlenmesinde Drucker-Prager hipoteziyle beraber elastoplastik malzeme modeli kullanılmıştır. Yapılan sonlu eleman analizleri sonucunda duvarlarda meydana gelen şekil değiştirmeler, gerilmeler ve kırılma mekanizmaları incelenmiştir. Yapılan analizlerde bulunan sonuçlar deney sonuçları ile karşılaştırıldığında, elde edilen sonuçların deneysel çalışmadaki sonuçlarla uyumlu olduğu görülmüştür.In this study, fracture mechanisms of the in-plane loaded masonry walls with and without opening are analyzed. Macro modeling technique known as homogenization is used for modeling of masonry walls. To determine material properties for the masonry walls, the elementary wall part which periodically repeats itself on the masonry wall is used. The Drucker-Prager fracture hypothesis, a suitable hypothesis for materials with high compressive strength but low tensile strength, is used to determine the fracture state in ANSYS software. Elastoplastic material model is used together with the Drucker-Prager hypothesis in determining the fracture mechanisms of the masonry walls. Deformations, stresses and fracture mechanisms which occur on the walls are investigated as a result of the finite element analyzes. When the results obtained after the analysis are compared with the experimental results, it is found that the results obtained are compatible with the results of the experimental study

    Evaluating nursing students clinic stress, and coping with stress during the clinic first day of the Woman Health and Diseases Nursing clinical course

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    Purpose: This study aimed to explore the clinical stress levels, stress sources and coping strategies of Turkish male and female nursing students attending the Woman’s Health and Disease Nursing clinical course on the first day.Method and material: This cross-sectional study was conducted in March 2010 at a public university located in Istanbul. The study group included 98 nursing students. Data were collected from the nursing students in the study group using a self-report questionnaire, clinical stress questionnaire and Carver Coping scale. The data were analyses using percentages, chi-square analysis, the Mann-Whitney U test and Cronbach's alpha coefficients Results: Approximately half of the male students (47.6%) reported that they experienced stress since the patient group consisted of females and the majority of male students (76.2%) stated that they were subject to gender discrimination at the clinic and there was a significant difference between the male and female students. The male and female nursing students’ stress levels and Carver Coping scale total score of  on the first day of the Woman’s Health and Disease nursing clinical course was similar (p>0.05). Conclusions:  Male students experience stress because the patient group consisted of women, the majority of male students reported that they were subject to gender discrimination and gender discrimination was a source of stress for them. Female and male nursing students experienced stress in the first day of the clinical course of the Woman's Health and Diseases Nursing course, and that the stressors and coping strategies were similar across genders. In the clinical training for the Woman's Health and Diseases Nursing course lectures should be aware of possible stressors and, if necessary, should help students in positive coping

    Project management: a case study in construction industry

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    Ankara : The Faculty of Management and the Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ., 1993.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1993.Includes bibliographical references leaves 40-41.Kömürcü, Ahmet MuratM.S

    Effects of business excellence drivers on firm performance in manufacturing industry

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    Improvement of firm performance has been an effective tool for firms to increase their competitiveness. Acceleration of technological developments, difficulty of customer satisfaction and very intense global competition have resulted in a hostile environment necessitating a dynamic change process. This process is indeed difficult to manage and Business Excellence has become one of the critical instruments for managers to secure survival. Defining Business Excellence, discovering its determinants, analyzing the status and characteristics of Business Excellence in Turkish manufacturing industry and measuring its effects on firm performance constitute the major objectives of this thesis. After an extensive literature review, technology and innovation tendency, human resources, process management and continuous improvement (CI), manufacturing structure and operations, planning, manufacturing strategy, customer focus, supplier relations and leadership are identified as Business Excellence determinants. The questionnaire is prepared by considering Business Excellence determinants and the questionnaires employed in previous studies. Our final sample size has reached 140 manufacturing firms. In the following step, employing the data gathered, analyses about relationship between Business Excellence determinants and general firm performance and financial indicators are performed. Factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, T-tests and structural equation modeling are selected as the appropriate methods for the analysis. Commercial software packages MS Excel, SPSS v13 and AMOS v4 are used

    Erken dönem uyumsuz şemalar, ebeveynlik biçimleri ve psikolojik belirtiler ile psikolojik dışlanmanın tehdit ettiği ihtiyaçlar arasındaki ilişkiler

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    Objective: This study was designed to examine the relationship between early maladaptive schemas, parenting styles, psychological symptoms and the need threats in university students. Method: The sample of the study consisted of 133 undergraduate students studying at Hacettepe University. Aforementioned variables were assessed by Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form 3, The Turkish versions of the Young Parenting Inventory, Symptom Assesment Inventory, Need Threat Scale. Results: A series of regression analyses revealed that perceived paternal Conditional/Success-Oriented parenting style predicted the decrease in self esteem. The Pessimistic/Anxious paternel parenting style predicted the increase in self esteem. Extreme Permissive/Unlimited and Pessimistic/Anxious paternal parenting styles predicted the increase in the need of control. On the other hand paternal Punitive parenting style predicted the decrease in perceived control. Analyzing the relationship between psychological symptoms and self-esteem, results showed that the increase in anxiety score predicted the increase in self esteem and phobic anxiety predicted the decrease in self esteem. Moreover, the decrease in self-esteem predicted by the increase in interpersonal sensitivity. Finally, analyses showed that there is no significant relationship between schema domains and basic need threats. Conclusion: In conclusion, findings pointed out the predictive power of early maladaptive schemas, perceived parentin