161 research outputs found

    Optimization and Quality Assessment of Baryon Pasting for Intracluster Gas using the Borg Cube Simulation

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    Synthetic datasets generated from large-volume gravity-only simulations are an important tool in the calibration of cosmological analyses. Their creation often requires accurate inference of baryonic observables from the dark matter field. We explore the effectiveness of a baryon pasting algorithm in providing precise estimations of three-dimensional gas thermodynamic properties based on gravity-only simulations. We use the Borg Cube, a pair of simulations originating from identical initial conditions, with one run evolved as a gravity-only simulation, and the other incorporating non-radiative hydrodynamics. Matching halos in both simulations enables comparisons of gas properties on an individual halo basis. This comparative analysis allows us to fit for the model parameters that yield the closest agreement between the gas properties in both runs. To capture the redshift evolution of these parameters, we perform the analysis at five distinct redshift steps, spanning from z=0z=0 to 22. We find that the investigated algorithm, utilizing information solely from the gravity-only simulation, achieves few-percent accuracy in reproducing the median intracluster gas pressure and density, albeit with a scatter of approximately 20%, for cluster-scale objects up to z=2z=2. We measure the scaling relation between integrated Compton parameter and cluster mass (Y500c∣M500cY_{500c} | M_{500c}), and find that the imprecision of baryon pasting adds less than 5% to the intrinsic scatter measured in the hydrodynamic simulation. We provide best-fitting values and their redshift evolution, and discuss future investigations that will be undertaken to extend this work.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables; accepted in the Open Journal of Astrophysic

    The hydrostatic-to-lensing mass bias from resolved X-ray and optical-IR data

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    An accurate reconstruction of galaxy cluster masses is key to use this population of objects as a cosmological probe. In this work we present a study on the hydrostatic-to-lensing mass scaling relation for a sample of 53 clusters whose masses were reconstructed homogeneously in a redshift range between z=0.05z= 0.05 and 1.071.07. The M500M_{500} mass for each cluster was indeed inferred from the mass profiles extracted from the X-ray and lensing data, without using a priori observable-mass scaling relations. We assessed the systematic dispersion of the masses estimated with our reference analyses with respect to other published mass estimates. Accounting for this systematic scatter does not change our main results, but enables the propagation of the uncertainties related to the mass reconstruction method or used dataset. Our analysis gives a hydrostatic-to-lensing mass bias of (1−b)=0.739−0.070+0.075(1-b) =0.739^{+0.075}_{-0.070} and no evidence of evolution with redshift. These results are robust against possible subsample differences

    Estimation of the hydrostatic-to-lensing mass bias from resolved cluster masses

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    We present a study on the bias of hydrostatic masses with respect to lensing mass estimates for a sample of 53 clusters in a redshift range between z = 0.05 and 1.07. The M500 mass for each cluster was inferred from X-ray and lensing data, without using a priori observable-mass scaling relations. Cluster masses of our reference analysis were reconstructed homogeneously and we assess the systematic dispersion of those homogeneous masses with respect to other published mass estimates. We obtain an hydrostatic-to-lensing mass bias of (1 − b) = 0.74−0.07+0.08 and no significant evidence of evolution with redshift

    NIKA2 observations of dust grain evolution from star-forming filament to T-Tauri disk: Preliminary results from NIKA2 observations of the Taurus B211/B213 filament

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    To understand the evolution of dust properties in molecular clouds in the course of the star formation process, we constrain the changes in the dust emissivity index from star-forming filaments to prestellar and protostellar cores to T Tauri stars. Using the NIKA2 continuum camera on the IRAM 30~m telescope, we observed the Taurus B211/B213 filament at 1.2\,mm and 2\,mm with unprecedented sensitivity and used the resulting maps to derive the dust emissivity index ÎČ\beta. Our sample of 105 objects detected in the ÎČ\beta map of the B211/B213 filament indicates that, overall, ÎČ\beta decreases from filament and prestellar cores (ÎČ∌2±0.5\beta \sim 2\pm0.5) to protostellar cores (ÎČ∌1.2±0.2\beta \sim 1.2 \pm 0.2) to T-Tauri protoplanetary disk (ÎČ<1\beta < 1). The averaged dust emissivity index ÎČ\beta across the B211/B213 filament exhibits a flat (ÎČ∌2±0.3\beta \sim 2\pm0.3) profile. This may imply that dust grain sizes are rather homogeneous in the filament, start to grow significantly in size only after the onset of the gravitational contraction/collapse of prestellar cores to protostars, reaching big sizes in T Tauri protoplanetary disks. This evolution from the parent filament to T-Tauri disks happens on a timescale of about 1-2~Myr.Comment: to appear in Proc. of the mm Universe 2023 conference, Grenoble (France), June 2023, published by F. Mayet et al. (Eds), EPJ Web of conferences, EDP Science

    Towards the first mean pressure profile estimate with the NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zeldovich Large Program

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    High-resolution mapping of the hot gas in galaxy clusters is a key tool for cluster-based cosmological analyses. Taking advantage of the NIKA2 millimeter camera operated at the IRAM 30-m telescope, the NIKA2 SZ Large Program seeks to get a high-resolution follow-up of 38 galaxy clusters covering a wide mass range at intermediate to high redshift. The measured SZ fluxes will be essential to calibrate the SZ scaling relation and the galaxy clusters mean pressure profile, needed for the cosmological exploitation of SZ surveys. We present in this study a method to infer a mean pressure profile from cluster observations. We have designed a pipeline encompassing the map-making and the thermodynamical properties estimates from maps. We then combine all the individual fits, propagating the uncertainties on integrated quantities, such as R500R_{500} or P500P_{500}, and the intrinsic scatter coming from the deviation to the standard self-similar model. We validate the proposed method on realistic LPSZ-like cluster simulations.Comment: to appear in Proc. of the mm Universe 2023 conference, Grenoble (France), June 2023, published by F. Mayet et al. (Eds), EPJ Web of conferences, EDP Science

    IAS/CEA Evolution of Dust in Nearby Galaxies (ICED): the spatially-resolved dust properties of NGC4254

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    We present the first preliminary results of the project \textit{ICED}, focusing on the face-on galaxy NGC4254. We use the millimetre maps observed with NIKA2 at IRAM-30m, as part of the IMEGIN Guaranteed Time Large Program, and of a wide collection of ancillary data (multi-wavelength photometry and gas phase spectral lines) that are publicly available. We derive the global and local properties of interstellar dust grains through infrared-to-radio spectral energy distribution fitting, using the hierarchical Bayesian code HerBIE, which includes the grain properties of the state-of-the-art dust model, THEMIS. Our method allows us to get the following dust parameters: dust mass, average interstellar radiation field, and fraction of small grains. Also, it is effective in retrieving the intrinsic correlations between dust parameters and interstellar medium properties. We find an evident anti-correlation between the interstellar radiation field and the fraction of small grains in the centre of NGC4254, meaning that, at strong radiation field intensities, very small amorphous carbon grains are efficiently destroyed by the ultra-violet photons coming from newly formed stars, through photo-desorption and sublimation. We observe a flattening of the anti-correlation at larger radial distances, which may be driven by the steep metallicity gradient measured in NGC4254.Comment: to appear in Proc. of the mm Universe 2023 conference, Grenoble (France), June 2023, published by F. Mayet et al. (Eds), EPJ Web of conferences, EDP Science

    NIKA2 observations of 3 low-mass galaxy clusters at z∌1z \sim 1: pressure profile and YSZY_{\rm SZ}-MM relation

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    Three galaxy clusters selected from the XXL X-ray survey at high redshift and low mass (z∌1z\sim1 and M500∌1−2×1014M_{500} \sim 1-2 \times 10^{14} M⊙_{\odot}) were observed with NIKA2 to image their Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZ) signal. They all present an SZ morphology, together with the comparison with X-ray and optical data, that indicates dynamical activity related to merging events. Despite their disturbed intracluster medium, their high redshifts, and their low masses, the three clusters follow remarkably well the pressure profile and the SZ flux-mass relation expected from standard evolution. This suggests that the physics that drives cluster formation is already in place at z∌1z \sim 1 down to M500∌1014M_{500} \sim 10^{14} M⊙_{\odot}.Comment: to appear in Proc. of the mm Universe 2023 conference, Grenoble (France), June 2023, published by F. Mayet et al. (Eds), EPJ Web of conferences, EDP Science

    Exploring the interstellar medium of NGC 891 at millimeter wavelengths using the NIKA2 camera

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    In the framework of the IMEGIN Large Program, we used the NIKA2 camera on the IRAM 30-m telescope to observe the edge-on galaxy NGC 891 at 1.15 mm and 2 mm and at a FWHM of 11.1" and 17.6", respectively. Multiwavelength data enriched with the new NIKA2 observations fitted by the HerBIE SED code (coupled with the THEMIS dust model) were used to constrain the physical properties of the ISM. Emission originating from the diffuse dust disk is detected at all wavelengths from mid-IR to mm, while mid-IR observations reveal warm dust emission from compact HII regions. Indications of mm excess emission have also been found in the outer parts of the galactic disk. Furthermore, our SED fitting analysis constrained the mass fraction of the small (< 15 Angstrom) dust grains. We found that small grains constitute 9.5% of the total dust mass in the galactic plane, but this fraction increases up to ~ 20% at large distances (|z| > 3 kpc) from the galactic plane.Comment: To appear in Proc. of the mm Universe 2023 conference, Grenoble (France), June 2023, published by F. Mayet et al. (Eds), EPJ Web of conferences, EDP Science

    The XXL Survey: XLIV. Sunyaev-Zel’dovich mapping of a low-mass cluster at z ∌ 1: a multi-wavelength approach

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    High-mass clusters at low redshifts have been intensively studied at various wavelengths. However, while more distant objects at lower masses constitute the bulk population of future surveys, their physical state remain poorly explored to date. In this paper, we present resolved observations of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect, obtained with the NIKA2 camera, towards the cluster of galaxies XLSSC 102, a relatively low-mass system (M500 ∌ 2 × 1014 M⊙) at z = 0.97 detected from the XXL survey. We combine NIKA2 SZ data, XMM-Newton X-ray data, and Megacam optical data to explore, respectively, the spatial distribution of the gas electron pressure, the gas density, and the galaxies themselves. We find significant offsets between the X-ray peak, the SZ peak, the brightest cluster galaxy, and the peak of galaxy density. Additionally, the galaxy distribution and the gas present elongated morphologies. This is interpreted as the sign of a recent major merging event, which induced a local boost of the gas pressure towards the north of XLSSC 102 and stripped the gas out of the galaxy group. The NIKA2 data are also combined with XXL data to construct the thermodynamic profiles of XLSSC 102, obtaining relatively tight constraints up to about ∌r500, and revealing properties that are typical of disturbed systems. We also explore the impact of the cluster centre definition and the implication of local pressure substructure on the recovered profiles. Finally, we derive the global properties of XLSSC 102 and compare them to those of high-mass-and-low-redshift systems, finding no strong evidence for non-standard evolution. We also use scaling relations to obtain alternative mass estimates from our profiles. The variation between these different mass estimates reflects the difficulty to accurately measure the mass of low-mass clusters at z ∌ 1, especially with low signal-to-noise ratio data and for a disturbed system. However, it also highlights the strength of resolved SZ observations alone and in combination with survey-like X-ray data. This is promising for the study of high redshift clusters from the combination of eROSITA and high resolution SZ instruments and will complement the new generation of optical surveys from facilities such as LSST and Euclid

    Flaring Stars in a Non-targeted mm-wave Survey with SPT-3G

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    We present a flare star catalog from four years of non-targeted millimeter-wave survey data from the South Pole Telescope (SPT). The data were taken with the SPT-3G camera and cover a 1500-square-degree region of the sky from 20h40m0s20^{h}40^{m}0^{s} to 3h20m0s3^{h}20^{m}0^{s} in right ascension and −42∘-42^{\circ} to −70∘-70^{\circ} in declination. This region was observed on a nearly daily cadence from 2019-2022 and chosen to avoid the plane of the galaxy. A short-duration transient search of this survey yields 111 flaring events from 66 stars, increasing the number of both flaring events and detected flare stars by an order of magnitude from the previous SPT-3G data release. We provide cross-matching to Gaia DR3, as well as matches to X-ray point sources found in the second ROSAT all-sky survey. We have detected flaring stars across the main sequence, from early-type A stars to M dwarfs, as well as a large population of evolved stars. These stars are mostly nearby, spanning 10 to 1000 parsecs in distance. Most of the flare spectral indices are constant or gently rising as a function of frequency at 95/150/220 GHz. The timescale of these events can range from minutes to hours, and the peak ÎœLÎœ\nu L_{\nu} luminosities range from 102710^{27} to 103110^{31} erg s−1^{-1} in the SPT-3G frequency bands
