73 research outputs found

    Utilizing Business Intelligence Framework for Leveraging Product Lifecycle Management

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    Product lifecycle management is a concept for managing product related information. Besides product related information decision-makers urge processed information of other types as well. A solution for managing this kind of business information is business intelligence. In this paper is studied how business intelligence framework could be utilized in the context of product lifecycle management in order to refine information for better decision-making. The study is based on theoretical findings of business intelligence as a solution for product lifecycle information management challenges. As a conclusion the paper points out how business intelligence, and especially business intelligence tools, e.g. data warehousing and data mining, are efficient way to refine information products in order to support decision-making

    Assessing Maturity Requirements for Implementing and Using Product Lifecycle Management

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    Product lifecycle management (PLM) is a systematic and holistic way to approach challenges that exist in managing product related information along products’ lifecycle from product design to its disposal. There is an established set of information management approaches that address important subsets of lifecycle information management challenges, e.g. product data management (PDM), ERP and CRM. Common feature to PLM processes is that their implementation requires changes in organization, systems, conventions, and importantly, skills and capabilities. The aim of this paper is to discuss the issue of PLM implementation and how it can be aided with capability maturity assessment. Empirical part of the paper points out how capability maturity assessment can be conducted and how it is applicable in different stages of implementing and developing PLM

    Application of Big Data Analytics for Understanding the Complexity of Vehicle Routing Problems

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    Application of Big Data Analytics for Understanding the Complexity of Vehicle Routing Problem

    Talouspolitiikan vaikutukset tuloeroihin ja työllisyyteen 2015–2018

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    Tutkimuksen tehtävänä on selvittää, miten talouspolitiikan työllisyysvaikutukset voidaan huomioida myös tuloerovaikutuksia arvioitaessa. Kysymystä on lähestytty mikrosimulointimenetelmällä, jossa sovelletaan lainsäädännössä esiintyviä etuuksien ja verotuksen laskukaavoja väestön tulotietoihin. Työllisyysvaikutus on arvioitu työnteon kannustimien muutosten kautta ja taloustieteellisen tutkimuskirjallisuuden perusteella valitulla työn tarjonnan joustolla. Menetelmää on sovellettu vuosien 2015–2018 sosiaaliturvan ja verotuksen muutosten vaikutusten arviointiin. Kun työllisyysvaikutusta ei huomioida, vuosien 2015–2018 politiikka on ollut hieman tuloeroja kasvattavaa. Keskeisiä tuloeroja kasvattavia toimia ovat olleet sosiaalietuuksien indeksijäädytykset ja veronkevennykset. Gini-kertoimella mitattuna päätösten tuloeroja kasvattava vaikutus on noin 0,2–0,3 prosenttiyksikköä. Sosiaaliturvaan ja verotukseen tehdyt muutokset ovat samanaikaisesti parantaneet työnteon taloudellisia kannustimia, ja siten niiden arvioidaan lisäävän työllisyyttä. Täsmälliset tulokset riippuvat mm. siitä kuinka herkästi ihmisten oletetaan reagoivan kannustimiin ja miten päätösperäiset toimenpiteet määritellään. Koska näitä koskevat valinnat eivät ole kiistattomia, tutkimuksessa esitetään tuloksia vaihtoehtoisista simulaatioista. Oletusjoustolla arvioituna hallituskauden päätösten työllisyyttä lisäävä vaikutus on 33 000 – 42 000 henkilötyövuotta. Kun työllisyysvaikutukset otetaan huomioon, tuloerot kasvavat arviolta enää vain hyvin lievästi tai eivät lainkaan eli 0–0,2 prosenttiyksikköä Gini-kertoimella mitattuna

    L-Cysteine Containing Vitamin Supplement Which Prevents or Alleviates Alcohol-related Hangover Symptoms : Nausea, Headache, Stress and Anxiety

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    Correction ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM Volume: 55 Issue: 6 Pages: 705-705 DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agaa088 Published: NOV 2020Aims: Alcohol-related hangover symptoms: nausea, headache, stress and anxiety cause globally considerable amount of health problems and economic losses. Many of these harmful effects are produced by alcohol and its metabolite, acetaldehyde, which also is a common ingredient in alcohol beverages. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of the amino acid L-cysteine on the alcohol/acetaldehyde related aftereffects. Methods: Voluntary healthy participants were recruited through advertisements. Volunteers had to have experience of hangover and/or headache. The hangover study was randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled. Nineteen males randomly swallowed placebo and L-cysteine tablets. The alcohol dose was 1.5 g/kg, which was consumed during 3 h. Results: The primary results based on correlational analysis showed that L-cysteine prevents or alleviates hangover, nausea, headache, stress and anxiety. For hangover, nausea and headache the results were apparent with the L-cysteine dose of 1200 mg and for stress and anxiety already with the dose of 600 mg. Conclusions: L-cysteine would reduce the need of drinking the next day with no or less hangover symptoms: nausea, headache, stress and anxiety. Altogether, these effects of L-cysteine are unique and seem to have a future in preventing or alleviating these harmful symptoms as well as reducing the risk of alcohol addiction.Peer reviewe

    Torakoabdominaalisten aortta-aneurysmien hoito Suomessa vuonna 2020

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    Torakoabdominaalisten aortta-aneurysmien ja munuaisvaltimoiden yläpuolelle ulottuvien pararenaalisten vatsa-aortta-aneurysmien hoito on keskitetty Suomessa yliopistosairaaloihin. Näiden valtimonpullistumien hoito on vaativaa, koska munuaisvaltimot ja suolilievevaltimot lähtevät aortan aneurysmaattisesta segmentistä. Aneurysman hoidossa näiden sivuhaarojen verenkierto täytyy rekonstruoida joko avoleikkauksen yhteydessä aorttaproteesista lähtevillä sivuhaaroilla tai suonensisäisessä hoidossa endovaskulaarisilla tekniikoilla. Avoleikkaus on vakiintunut hoitomuoto, johon kuitenkin liittyy merkittävä kuoleman ja vakavien komplikaatioiden riski. Avoleikkauksen ja suonensisäisen hoidon yhdistelmä eli hybridileikkaus on tavanomaista avoleikkausta kevyempi vaihtoehto, mutta silti suuri ja riskialtis toimenpide. Monimutkaisen endovaskulaarisen hoidon tulokset isoissa keskuksissa ovat nykyään vertailukelpoisia tai parempia avoleikkaukseen verrattuna, vaikka endovaskulaaritekniikalla hoidetut potilaat ovat usein iäkkäämpiä ja sairaampia. Endovaskulaarisesta hoitomuodosta on tullut merkittävä pararenaalisten ja torakoabdominaalisten aortta-aneurysmien avoleikkauksen vaihtoehto potilaille, joiden verisuonianatomia soveltuu suonensisäiseen toimenpiteeseen


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    Methods are introduced for analysing the shape and orientation of planar fibres from greyscale images of fibrous systems. The sequence of image processing techniques needed for segmentation of fibres is described. The identified fibres were interpreted as deformed line segments for which two shape and two orientation parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method. The methods introduced are shown to perform quite well for simulated systems of deformed line segments with known properties. They were applied to TEM images of carbon nanotubes embedded in polycarbonate

    FADS1 rs174550 genotype and high linoleic acid diet modify plasma PUFA phospholipids in a dietary intervention study

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    Introduction Fatty acid desaturase 1 (FADS1) gene encodes for delta-5 desaturase enzyme which is needed in conversion of linoleic acid (LA) to arachidonic acid (AA). Recent studies have shown that response to dietary PUFAs differs between the genotypes in circulating fatty acids. However, interactions between the FADS1 genotype and dietary LA on overall metabolism have not been studied.Objectives We aimed to examine the interactions of FADS1 rs174550 genotypes (TT and CC) and high-LA diet to identify plasma metabolites that respond differentially to dietary LA according to the FADS1 genotype.Methods A total of 59 men (TT n = 26, CC n = 33) consumed a sunflower oil supplemented diet for 4 weeks. Daily dose of 30, 40, or 50 ml was calculated based on body mass index. It resulted in 17-28 g of LA on top of the usual daily intake. Fasting plasma samples at the beginning and at the end of the intervention were analyzed with LC-MS/MS non-targeted metabolomics method.Results At the baseline, the carriers of FADS1 rs174550-TT genotype had higher abundance of long-chain PUFA phospholipids compared to the FADS1 rs174550-CC one. In response to the high-LA diet, LA phospholipids and long-chain acylcarnitines increased and lysophospholipids decreased in fasting plasma similarly in both genotypes. LysoPE (20:4), LysoPC (20:4), and PC (16:0_20:4) decreased and cortisol increased in the carriers of rs174550-CC genotype; however, these genotype-diet interactions were not significant after correction for multiple testing.Conclusion Our findings show that both FADS1 rs174550 genotype and high-LA diet modify plasma phospholipid composition.</p