147 research outputs found

    Exploring Practitioners’ Pedagogic Stances in Relation to Integrated Guidance: A Q-Method Study

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    Using Q-method, this article explores how experience with integrated guidance frames practitioners’ pedagogic stances. Integrated guidance is an approach to delivering career guidance that combines face-to-face and digital approaches. Through statistical analysis of participants’ Q-sorts and qualitative interpretation of the results, we identify three groups of participants with different philosophies about integrated guidance and, consequently, different strategies and approaches to guidance. All groups recognise that blended learning pedagogy is useful in career guidance and believe that digital information, guidance tools and platforms can benefit clients in their career learning. However, there are also differences between the groups. The first group (enthusiasts) view the digital environment positively and are confident about their ability to adapt and apply emerging technologies in guidance. The second group (human connectors) prefer face-to-face approaches, especially for clients with low digital skills; they view the digital environment as potentially hostile and have concerns about their abilities to adapt to new guidance technologies. The third group (critical pragmatists) are confident in using digital technologies for guidance but believe that the digital environment can be hostile while recognising its potential as a site for their clients’ career development. These different groups are theorised and display three distinct pedagogic stances on integrated guidance

    Karrierelæring i høyere utdanning: Studenters utvikling av karrierekompetanse og mestringstro gjennom praksisnær undervisning

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    Intensjonen med dette prosjektet springer ut av anbefalingene til ekspertutvalget bak NOU 2016:7 (Kjærgård, 2016), som var at karriereveiledning bør sees som en del av de høyere utdanningsinstitusjonenes virksomhetsområde, at alle studenter i høyere utdanning bør ha tilgang til karriereveiledningstjenester av god kvalitet, og at karriereveiledningen bør inngå som en del av studieløpet. Oppgavens hensikt er å belyse problemstillingen: Hvilke sammenhenger er det mellom praksisnær undervisning og studenters utvikling av karrierekompetanse og mestringstro? I prosjektet har jeg utforsket sammenhengene mellom praksisnær undervisning, karrierelæring og mestringstro både med utgangspunkt i karriereteori og gjennom en undersøkelse blant studenter, for å belyse hvordan studenter opplever sammenhengen mellom studentaktive og praksisnære læringsaktiviteter, og utvikling av karrierekompetanse og mestringstro. Formålet er forstå hva slags behov studentene kan ha for karrierelæring i studieprogrammet og finne en måte å skape et kunnskapsgrunnlag som er egnet i utvikling av strukturert karriereundervisning for studenter. Forskningsmetoden i studien er Q-metodologi. Studien ble gjennomført med Q-metode, hvor data ble samlet inn digitalt fra til sammen 31 studenter i tre ulike utdanningsprogram. Til datainnsamlingen brukte jeg programmet Q Method Software. Deltakerne sorterte 48 utsagn fra helt uenig til helt enig. Utsagnene ble formulert med utgangspunkt i styringsdokumenter og kunnskapsgrunnlag for den norske kompetansepolitikken og karriereveiledningsfeltet. Faktoranalyse ble gjennomført med programmet KADE, og frembrakte tre faktorer. Faktorene representerer tre ulike syn på hvordan studenter opplever at undervisningen de får gjør dem forberedt på fremtiden. I drøftingsdelen av oppgaven har jeg diskutert hvordan faktorenes oppfatninger og behov for karrierelæring kunne forstås i lys av teorigrunnlaget for oppgaven. Faktorene har ulike forståelser av karrierelæring, mestringstro og praksisnær undervisning. Dette gjør at de har forskjellige behov for å tilegne seg karrierekompetanse. I siste del av oppgaven har jeg tatt frem eksempler på ulike opplegg for strukturert karriereundervisning som kan fremme karrierekompetanse hos studenter med ulike behov for karrierelæring

    Imaging electrical excitation inside the myocardial wall

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    Cardiac arrhythmias are often triggered by ectopic membrane depolarization originating deep inside the myocardial wall. Here we propose a new method utilizing a novel near-infrared voltage-sensitive fluorescent dye DI-4-ANBDQBS to determine the three-dimensional (3D) coordinates of the sources of such depolarization. We tested the method in live preparations of pig left and right ventricular myocardium (thickness 8-18 mm) and phantoms imitating the optical properties of myocardial tissue. The method utilizes an alternating transillumination approach that involves comparing pairs of simultaneously recorded broad-field epifluorescence and transillumination images produced at two alternating directions of illumination. Recordings were taken simultaneously by two CCD cameras facing the endocardial and epicardial surfaces of the heart at a frame rate up to 3 KHz. In live preparations, we were able to localize the origin of the depolarization wave with a precision of ±1.3mm in the transmural direction and 3 mm in the image plane. The accuracy of detection was independent of the depth of the source inside ventricular wall

    Effort and pupil behaviour in a visual search task

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    ABSTRACT Perceptual load is reflected in the size of the eye pupil. High perceptual load decreases processing of irrelevant information because attentional resources are employed in the experimental task. Large scale attentional zoom decreases processing efficiency due to a spread of attentional resources. The relationship between perceptual load, attentional zoom, and distractor processing was investigated with modified version of Beck and Lavie’s (2005) distractor processing paradigm. Both behavioural data (i.e. accuracy and response times) and a physiological measure (pupil change) were recorded concomitantly. Results indicated that pupils dilated more in the high load conditions than in the low load conditions, but failed to show differences due to display size manipulations. Moreover, while behavioural data indicated that distractor processing was reduced in the high load condition, pupil reactions to different distractors were just as strong in both the high and the low load condition. It is argued that the pupil is highly sensitive to fluctuations in effort


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