30 research outputs found

    the case of rural and rural fringe areas

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    stališča lokalnega prebivalstva

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    Vloga deležnikov pri oblikovanju turistične strategije: stališča lokalnega prebivalstva

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    The aim of the paper is to present the importance of the stakeholders for successful tourism development. A successful tourism development depends greatly on excellent cooperation and communication between all stakeholders involved in the tourism system, thus the tourism is a complex social system. The stakeholders in tourism destination are: local residents, local companies, media, employees, government, competitors, tourists, business associations, activists and tourism developers. The paper aims at analyzing and segmenting destination’s citizens according to their attitudes towards tourism. Analysis revealed that there are a strong supporters and neutrals among 601 local residents. Living environment, job position, living environment and education are important factors influencing individual’s attitudes towards tourism development.Namen prispevka je prikazati pomen raziskovanja mnenj deležnikov za uspešen razvoj turizma na določeni turistični destinaciji. Uspešnost strateškega razvoja turizma ni odvisna zgolj od uspeha podjetij, ki delujejo na tem področju, temveč od vseh deležnikov, ki ga soustvarjajo. Ti deležniki so lahko: lokalno prebivalstvo, lokalna podjetja, mediji, raziskovalci, zaposleni, vlada, tekmeci, turisti, gospodarske združenja, aktivisti in razvijalci/načrtovalci razvoja destinacije. V članku skušamo opredeliti vlogo lokalnega prebivalstva, kot ene izmed skupine deležnikov v procesu razvoja destinacije. V raziskovalnem delu prispevka je predstavljena raziskava izvedena med 601 prebivalci na določeni destinaciji, ki raziskuje njihov odnos do turizma. Ugotavljamo, da deležniki razvijajo različna stališča do razvoja turizma in jih lahko segmentiramo v skupino neopredeljenih in skupino zagovornikov. Izobrazba, življenjsko okolje in delovno okolje so se izkazale kot vplivne splošne družbene značilnosti na oblikovanje stališč do razvoja turizma

    Spremljanje vedenja turistov

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    Sistem spremljanja turistov na različnih ravneh turističnih destinacij (tj. lokalna, regionalna, nacionalna) je kompleksen zaradi več dejavnikov. Najpomembnejši dejavnik je dejstvo, da turistično destinacijo sestavljajo številni zelo heterogeni turistični ponudniki, vsak s svojimi poslovnimi cilji, ki zahtevajo drugačne trženjske prijeme. Naloga snovalcev celovitega sistema spremljanja vedenja turistov je torej, da upoštevajoč značilnosti destinacije oblikuje optimalni sistem spremljanja vedenja turistov. Za tak sistem ni nujno, da temelji na izvajanju primarnih raziskav, če destinacija za to nima ustreznega finančnega in intelektualnega kapitala. Primarne raziskave tudi niso nujno zagotovilo, da bodo rezultati o vedenju turistov veljavni in zanesljivi, saj je primarno raziskovanje oteženo s številnimi ovirami, med katerimi turisti in njihovo izpovedovanje vedenja ter razlogov za določeno vedenje niso nujno največja ovira. Turistični ponudniki se premalokrat zavedajo, da številne podatke (najveljavnejše in najzanesljivejše) že zbirajo v svojih rezervacijskih, recepcijskih in drugih informacijskih sistemih. Te podatke je torej potrebno le zbrati na enem mestu, jih urediti za poglobljene analize in analize izvesti. Drug pomemben vir podatkov o vedenju turistov so zaposleni, ki turiste spremljajo na vsakem koraku in torej poznajo vedenje ter razloge za specifično vedenje - ponovno zelo zanesljiv in veljaven podatek o vedenju turistov

    Drivers of plate waste at buffets: A comprehensive conceptual model based on observational data and staff insights

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    The harmful tourist behaviour of taking a lot of food from a buffet, but not eating it all, remains under-researched. This study gains key insights into drivers of plate waste. Observational data show that: dinner buffets are worse than break-fast buffets; the latest breakfast serving time is worse than the earliest; high-end breakfast buffets are worse than budget buffets. The first meal a guest eats at a hotel and the presence of children also lead to more plate waste. Staff offer consistent and plausible explanations for these observations, resulting in a comprehensive model of drivers of plate waste. This model offers a basis for intervention development to reduce plate waste and by so doing minimise environ-mental damage caused by the tourism industry

    Tools and data services registry: a community effort to document bioinformatics resources

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    Life sciences are yielding huge data sets that underpin scientific discoveries fundamental to improvement in human health, agriculture and the environment. In support of these discoveries, a plethora of databases and tools are deployed, in technically complex and diverse implementations, across a spectrum of scientific disciplines. The corpus of documentation of these resources is fragmented across the Web, with much redundancy, and has lacked a common standard of information. The outcome is that scientists must often struggle to find, understand, compare and use the best resources for the task at hand. Here we present a community-driven curation effort, supported by ELIXIR—the European infrastructure for biological information—that aspires to a comprehensive and consistent registry of information about bioinformatics resources. The sustainable upkeep of this Tools and Data Services Registry is assured by a curation effort driven by and tailored to local needs, and shared amongst a network of engaged partners. As of November 2015, the registry includes 1785 resources, with depositions from 126 individual registrations including 52 institutional providers and 74 individuals. With community support, the registry can become a standard for dissemination of information about bioinformatics resources: we welcome everyone to join us in this common endeavour. The registry is freely available at https://bio.tools

    Integracije kot orodje managementa turističnih destinacij

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    It is well known that the organizational structure of the Slovenian tourism industry is changing. Tourist companies are merging, but unfortunately only a few companies empowered their capital structure and market position, so in a way we can talk about an oligopoly. The situation does not favor rural and rural fringe areas, where an underdeveloped tourism economy cannot represent a solid source of income for many tourist farms and other tourist companies. Integration is a scientifically and professionally proven method for empowering businesses. Integrative destination management, which provides the tool for tourist destinations development, aims at sustainable tourism where the community collectively develops and runs the tourism economy. This paper examines the possibilities for the development of business integration as a basis for the successful implementation of destination management in the Mislinja Valley. A survey has been conducted, where two thirds of the tourist companies in the area were investigated in relation to the destination management and tourism opportunities in the area. Analysis shows that the business environment accepts the idea of integration as a tool for empowering the regional tourism industry, however only interest integration appeares to be acceptable at this time.Opažamo, da se organizacijska struktura slovenskega turističnega gospodarstva počasi spreminja. Gospodarski subjekti se povezujejo, a na način, ki krepi le nekaj korporacij in tako se na nek način ustvarja oligopol. To prepočasi rešuje problematiko nerazvitih in tudi že ogroženih podeželskih in obrobnih okolij, v katerih pa ravno turizem lahko predstavlja najprimernejšo dopolnilno gospodarsko panogo. Integracije predstavljajo preverjeno in učinkovito metodo krepitve poslovnih in organizacijskih odnosov med posameznimi gospodarskimi subjekti, ki lahko nastajajo kapitalsko ali interesno. Koncepti integrativnega destinacijskega managementa, ki predstavlja orodje razvoja turističnih destinacij, težijo k trajnostno naravnanemu turističnemu gospodarstvu, kjer povezani turistični subjekti skupaj razvijajo in vodijo turizem. V članku preučujemo možnosti integriranja turističnega gospodarstva kot osnove za uspešno delovanje destinacijskega managementa v Mislinjski dolini. Z raziskavo med 52 poslovnimi turističnimi subjekti na območju Mislinjske doline, smo iskali možnosti za razvoj integracij, kot vzpodbudne in v svetu priznane metode krepitve gospodarstva. Analiza je pokazala, da poslovno okolje sprejema idejo o integriranju, pri čemer se izpostavlja predvsem ideja o interesnem povezovanju