335 research outputs found

    Kokemuksia haastavista ja kuormittavista tilanteista varhaiskasvattajien työssä

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    Opinnäytetyön lisäosan tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia haastavia ja kuormittavia tilanteita varhaiskasvattajat voivat kohdata työssään lasten, huoltajien, työyhteisön ja muiden tilanteiden parissa. Tutkimustehtävä keskittyi erityisesti siihen, millä tavalla haasteisiin voidaan vaikuttaa ja millaisiin tilanteisiin varhaiskasvattajat kokevat itse pystyvänsä vaikuttamaan ja millaisiin eivät. Tutkielmassa käsiteltiin myös varhaiskasvattajien kokemia työn voimavaroja, jotka osaltaan tukevat varhaiskasvattajien työssä jaksamista. Tutkielmassa vertailtiin varhaiskasvattajien ja muskariopettajien kokemuksien samankaltaisuuksia, koska tämä tutkielma täydensi aikaisempaa musiikkipedagogin (AMK) opinnäytetyötäni (Mäkipelto 2014). Teoreettinen viitekehys muodostui tässä tutkielmassa työhyvinvointiin liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta ja aikaisemmasta tutkimuksesta, joissa tarkasteltiin työkäytäntöjen ja työn voimavara- ja kuormitustekijöiden vaikutuksia työhyvinvointiin. Tutkielma toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena eli laadullisena tutkimuksena ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua. Teemahaastattelu analysoitiin teemoittelun ja aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Yhteistyökumppanina oli Norlandia päiväkodit. Haastatteluun osallistui neljä varhaiskasvattajaa, joiden kokemukset eivät liittyneet ainoastaan nykyiseen työpaikkaan Norlandian päiväkodissa, vaan ne koskivat myös aikaisempaa työhistoriaa. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että haastavat ja kuormittavat kokemukset liittyivät erityisesti lapsiryhmän hallintaan, huoltajien kohtaamiseen, työyhteisön ristiriitoihin, työn ulkopuoliseen elämään ja työnkuvaan liittymättömiin tilanteisiin kuten siivoamiseen. Ongelmanratkaisukeinoiksi nimettiin lasten parissa tunteiden käsittely ja rauhallinen vuorovaikutus. Varhaiskasvattajat kokivat, että huoltajien parissa auttoi kunnioittava suhtautuminen ja säännöllinen tiedottaminen. Työyhteisössä korostui yhteisten sääntöjen, kommunikoinnin ja toimivan johtajuuden merkitys. Muissa tilanteissa painotettiin työn ulkopuolisesta elämästä huolehtimista. Varhaiskasvattajat kokivat, että lasten perheoloihin ja resurssien puutteeseen he eivät pystyneet vaikuttamaan. Työn voimavaroina painottui lasten riemu ja kehitys, toimiva yhteistyö huoltajien ja työyhteisön parissa sekä oman työn kehittäminen, arvostaminen ja rajaaminen. Edeltävissä tuloksissa oli paljon yhteneväisyyksiä aikaisempien tutkimustulosten kanssa. Varhaiskasvattajat ja muskariopettajat olivat kokeneet yhtäläisiä haastavia tilanteita erityisesti lapsiryhmän hallintaan, huoltajien kohtaamiseen ja työyhteisössä heikkoon perehdytykseen ja sääntöjen epäselvyyteen liittyvissä tilanteissa. Ongelmanratkaisukeinoina korostui molemmissa ammattiryhmissä lasten parissa keskusteleminen, yhteisten sääntöjen, periaatteiden ja toimintatapojen vahvistaminen. Varhaiskasvattajat ja muskariopettajat kokivat lasten riemun ja työkavereiden tuen voimavaraksi. Johtopäätöksistä ilmeni, että varhaiskasvattajien ja muskariopettajien työssä korostui vuorovaikutuksen merkitys. Mikäli vuorovaikutus oli heikkoa, se aiheutti enemmän kuormitusta. Jos vuorovaikutus toimi, yhteisöllisyys lisääntyi ja toimi voimavarana. Jatkossa voitaisiin tutkia enemmän erityisesti työn ulkopuolisen elämän yhteyttä varhaiskasvattajien hyvinvointiin ja moniammatillisten varhaiskasvattajien erilaisia kokemuksia. Niiden merkitys korostui tässä tutkielmassa ja aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa.The purpose of the supplementary thesis was to find out what kind of challenging and stressful situations early childhood educators may face in their work with children, guardians, the work community and other situations. The aim was to find ways to influence the challenges and find out which situations early childhood educators feel themselves capable of influencing and which not. The thesis focused also on the strengthening factors experienced by early childhood educators, which contribute to the well-being of early childhood educators. Moreover, the thesis compares similarities between the experiences of early childhood educators and music playschool teachers as this thesis complements my earlier bachelor’s thesis in early childhood music education (Mäkipelto 2014). The theoretical framework of this thesis consists of occupational well-being literature and earlier studies, which examined the effects of work practices and work strength and stress factors on occupational well-being. The thesis was carried out as qualitative research and a semi-structured thematic interview was used as the research method. The thematic interview was analyzed with theme and content analysis. The cooperation partner was Norlandia Päiväkodit. Four early childhood educators participated in the interview. Their experiences were not only related to the current job at the Norlandia kindergarten, but also on past work history. The results demonstrated that challenging and stressful experiences were especially related to group management with children, the interaction with guardians, conflicts in the work community, life outside the workplace, and work assignment issues not included in the job description such as cleaning. Problem solving included emotional management and peaceful interaction with children. Early childhood educators felt that respect and regular information helped with guardians. In the work community the importance of common rules, communication and effective leadership were emphasized. The life outside of work was emphasized in other situations. Early childhood educators felt that they were unable to influence children's family conditions and lack of resources. The work strength-factors consisted of the joy and development of children, effective cooperation with guardians and the work community, as well as the development, appreciation and delimitation of their own work. These results had several similarities with previous research results. Early childhood educators and music playschool teachers had experienced similar challenging situations, especially in the group management with children, the interactions with guardians, and in the work community in situations involving weak orientation and unclear rules. Both professional groups solved problems by discussing with children and enforcing common rules and principles. Both professional groups felt that the joy of children and support from colleagues strengthened their work resources. The study concluded that interaction is important for both early childhood educators and music playschool teachers. If interaction was weak, it caused more stress. If it worked, communality increased and it served as a strength factor. The occupational wellbeing of early childhood educators could be studied further by focusing on life-factors outside work and a multi-professional perspective. The importance of these perspectives was emphasized in this thesis and former studies

    Gene expression in TGFbeta-induced epithelial cell differentiation in a three-dimensional intestinal epithelial cell differentiation model

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    BACKGROUND: The TGFβ1-induced signal transduction processes involved in growth and differentiation are only partly known. The three-dimensional epithelial differentiation model, in which T84 epithelial cells are induced to differentiate either with TGFβ1 or IMR-90 mesenchymal cell-secreted soluble factors, is previously shown to model epithelial cell differentiation seen in intestine. That model has not been used for large scale gene expression studies, such as microarray method. Therefore the gene expression changes were studied in undifferentiated and differentiated three-dimensional T84 cultures with cDNA microarray method in order to study the molecular changes and find new players in epithelial cell differentiation. RESULTS: The expression of 372 genes out of 5188 arrayed sequences was significantly altered, and 47 of them were altered by both mediators. The data were validated and the altered genes are presented in ontology classes. For the genes tested the expressions in protein level were in accordance with the mRNA results. We also found 194 genes with no known function to be potentially important in epithelial cell differentiation. The mRNA expression changes induced by TGFβ1 were bigger than changes induced by soluble factors secreted by IMR-90 mesenchymal cells. The gene expression data was depicted in already known signaling pathway routes. CONCLUSION: Our results reveal potential new signaling pathways and several new genes affected by TGFβ in epithelial cell differentiation. The differentiation induced by TGFβ1 appears to be more potent than the differentiation induced by mesenchymal cells. This study indicates that our cell culture model is a suitable tool in studying regulatory mechanisms during epithelial cell differentiation in intestine. Furthermore the present results indicate that our model is a good tool for finding new players acting in the differentiation of epithelial cells

    Design and development of poly-L/D-lactide copolymer and barium titanate nanoparticle 3D composite scaffolds using breath figure method for tissue engineering applications

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    In tissue engineering, the scaffold topography influences the adhesion, proliferation, and function of cells. Specifically, the interconnected porosity is crucial for cell migration and nutrient delivery in 3D scaffolds. The objective of this study was to develop a 3D porous composite scaffold for musculoskeletal tissue engineering applications by incorporating barium titanate nanoparticles (BTNPs) into a poly-L/D-lactide copolymer (PLDLA) scaffold using the breath figure method. The porous scaffold fabrication utilised 96/04 PLDLA, dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), and different types of BTNPs, including uncoated BTNPs, Al2O3-coated BTNPs, and SiO2-coated BTNPs. The BTNPs were incorporated into the polymer scaffold, which was subsequently analysed using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The biocompatibility of each scaffold was tested using ovine bone marrow stromal stem cells. The cell morphology, viability, and proliferation were evaluated using FE-SEM, LIVE/DEAD staining, and Prestoblue assay. Porous 3D composite scaffolds were successfully produced, and it was observed that the incorporation of uncoated BTNPs increased the average pore size from 1.6 mu m (PLDLA) to 16.2 mu m (PLDLA/BTNP). The increased pore size in the PLDLA/BTNP scaffolds provided a suitable porosity for the cells to migrate inside the scaffold, while in the pure PLDLA scaffolds with their much smaller pore size, cells elongated on the surface. To conclude, the breath figure method was successfully used to develop a PLDLA/BTNP scaffold. The use of uncoated BTNPs resulted in a composite scaffold with an optimal pore size while maintaining the honeycomb-like structure. The composite scaffolds were biocompatible and yielded promising structures for future tissue engineering applications.Peer reviewe

    Teacher's reflection of inquiry teaching in finland before and during an in-service program: Examination by a progress model of collaborative reflection

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    In inquiry-based science education, there have been gradual shifts in research interests: the nature of scientific method, the debates on the effects of inquiry learning, and, recently, inquiry teaching. However, many in-service programs for inquiry teaching have reported inconsistent results due to the static view of classroom inquiries and due to the partial perspective between individual and collaborative reflections. Thus, by means of a theoretical progress model of collaborative reflection, this qualitative research aims to investigate reflections of four participant teachers before and during a half-year in-service teacher program. The model captures the following four interactions for each individual teacher and among the teacher cohort: belief to practice, practice to belief, stimulation, and reinforcement. The audio-video data and their quantification allowed identification of the teachers' consistent prior beliefs and practices as a multiplicity of inquiry teaching and their interwoven progress during the program. The findings are further discussed in terms of the implicit development and the richer repertoire. © 2012 National Science Council, Taiwan


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    Objectives: Since the early 1990s, low long-term survival rates following pancreatic surgery for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma have challenged us to improve treatment. In this series, we aim to show improved survival from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma during the era of centralized pancreatic surgery. Methods: Analysis of all pancreatic resections performed at Helsinki University Hospital and survival of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients during 2000-2013 were included. Post-operative complications such as fistulas, reoperations, and mortality rates were recorded. Patient and tumor characteristics were compared with survival data. Results: Of the 853 patients undergoing pancreatic surgery, 581 (68%) were pancreaticoduodenectomies, 195 (21%) distal resections, 28 (3%) total pancreatectomies, and 49 (6%) other procedures. Mortality after pancreaticoduodenectomy was 2.1%. The clinically relevant B/C fistula rate was 7% after pancreaticoduodenectomy and 13% after distal resection, and the re-operation rate was 5%. The 5- and 10-year survival rates for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma were 22% and 14%; for T1-2, N0 and R0 tumors, the corresponding survival rates were 49% and 31%. Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 >75 kU/L, carcinoembryonic antigen >5 mu g/L, N1, lymph-node ratio >20%, R1, and lack of adjuvant therapy were independent risk factors for decreased survival. Conclusion: After centralization of pancreatic surgery in southern Finland, we have managed to enable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients to survive markedly longer than in the early 1990s. Based on a 1.7-million population in our clinic, mortality rates are equal to those of other high-volume centers and long-term survival rates for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma have now risen to some of the highest reported.Peer reviewe

    ECTRIMS/EAN consensus on vaccination in people with multiple sclerosis: Improving immunization strategies in the era of highly active immunotherapeutic drugs

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    Background: With the new highly active drugs available for people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS), vaccination becomes an essential part of the risk management strategy. / Objective: To develop a European evidence-based consensus for the vaccination strategy of pwMS who are candidates for disease-modifying therapies (DMTs). / Methods: This work was conducted by a multidisciplinary working group using formal consensus methodology. Clinical questions (defined as population, interventions, and outcomes) considered all authorized DMTs and vaccines. A systematic literature search was conducted and quality of evidence was defined according to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Levels of Evidence. The recommendations were formulated based on the quality of evidence and the risk–benefit balance. / Results: Seven questions, encompassing vaccine safety, vaccine effectiveness, global vaccination strategy and vaccination in sub-populations (pediatric, pregnant women, elderly and international travelers) were considered. A narrative description of the evidence considering published studies, guidelines, and position statements is presented. A total of 53 recommendations were agreed by the working group after three rounds of consensus. / Conclusion: This first European consensus on vaccination in pwMS proposes the best vaccination strategy according to current evidence and expert knowledge, with the goal of homogenizing the immunization practices in pwMS

    Growth rates of nucleation mode particles in Hyytiälä during 2003−2009: variation with particle size, season, data analysis method and ambient conditions

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    The condensational growth rate of aerosol particles formed in atmospheric new particle formation events is one of the most important factors influencing the lifetime of these particles and their ability to become climatically relevant. Diameter growth rates (GR) of nucleation mode particles were studied based on almost 7 yr of data measured during the years 2003–2009 at a boreal forest measurement station SMEAR II in Hyytiälä, Finland. The particle growth rates were estimated using particle size distributions measured with a Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS), a Balanced Scanning Mobility Analyzer (BSMA) and an Air Ion Spectrometer (AIS). Two GR analysis methods were tested. The particle growth rates were also compared to an extensive set of ambient meteorological parameters and trace gas concentrations to investigate the processes/constituents limiting the aerosol growth. The median growth rates of particles in the nucleation mode size ranges with diameters of 1.5–3 nm, 3–7 nm and 7–20 nm were 1.9 nm h<sup>−1</sup>, 3.8 nm h<sup>−1</sup>, and 4.3 nm h<sup>−1</sup>, respectively. The median relative uncertainties in the growth rates due to the size distribution instrumentation in these size ranges were 25%, 19%, and 8%, respectively. For the smallest particles (1.5–3 nm) the AIS data yielded on average higher growth rate values than the BSMA data, and higher growth rates were obtained from positively charged size distributions as compared with negatively charged particles. For particles larger than 3 nm in diameter no such systematic differences were found. For these particles the uncertainty in the growth rate related to the analysis method, with relative uncertainty of 16%, was similar to that related to the instruments. The growth rates of 7–20 nm particles showed positive correlation with monoterpene concentrations and their oxidation rate by ozone. The oxidation rate by OH did not show a connection with GR. Our results indicate that the growth of nucleation mode particles in Hyytiälä is mainly limited by the concentrations of organic precursors

    Technical note : New particle formation event forecasts during PEGASOS-Zeppelin Northern mission 2013 in Hyytiala, Finland

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    New particle formation (NPF) occurs frequently in the global atmosphere. During recent years, detailed laboratory experiments combined with intensive field observations in different locations have provided insights into the vapours responsible for the initial formation of particles and their subsequent growth. In this regard, the importance of sulfuric acid, stabilizing bases such as ammonia and amines as well as extremely low volatile organics, have been proposed. The instrumentation to observe freshly formed aerosol particles has developed to a stage where the instruments can be implemented as part of airborne platforms, such as aircrafts or a Zeppelin-type airship. Flight measurements are technically more demanding and require a greater detail of planning than field studies at the ground level. The high cost of flight hours, limited time available during a single research flight for the measurements, and different instrument payloads in Zeppelin airship for various flight missions demanded an analysis tool that would forecast whether or not there is a good chance for an NPF event. Here we present a methodology to forecast NPF event probability at the SMEAR II site in Hyytiala, Finland. This methodology was used to optimize flight hours during the PEGASOS (Pan-European Gas Aerosol Climate Interaction Study)-Zeppelin Northern mission in May-June 2013. Based on the existing knowledge, we derived a method for estimating the nucleation probability that utilizes forecast air mass trajectories, weather forecasts, and air quality model predictions. With the forecast tool we were able to predict the occurrence of NPF events for the next day with more than 90% success rate (10 out of 11 NPF event days correctly predicted). To our knowledge, no similar forecasts of NPF occurrence have been developed for other sites. This method of forecasting NPF occurrence could be applied also at other locations, provided that long-term observations of conditions favouring particle formation are available.Peer reviewe

    Molecular identification of organic vapors driving atmospheric nanoparticle growth

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    Particles formed in the atmosphere via nucleation provide about half the number of atmospheric cloud condensation nuclei, but in many locations, this process is limited by the growth of the newly formed particles. That growth is often via condensation of organic vapors. Identification of these vapors and their sources is thus fundamental for simulating changes to aerosol-cloud interactions, which are one of the most uncertain aspects of anthropogenic climate forcing. Here we present direct molecular-level observations of a distribution of organic vapors in a forested environment that can explain simultaneously observed atmospheric nanoparticle growth from 3 to 50 nm. Furthermore, the volatility distribution of these vapors is sufficient to explain nanoparticle growth without invoking particle-phase processes. The agreement between observed mass growth, and the growth predicted from the observed mass of condensing vapors in a forested environment thus represents an important step forward in the characterization of atmospheric particle growth.Peer reviewe

    Obesity/insulin resistance rather than liver fat increases coagulation factor activities and expression in humans

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    Increased liver fat may be caused by insulin resistance and adipose tissue inflammation or by the common I148M variant in PNPLA3 at rs738409, which lacks both of these features. We hypothesised that obesity/insulin resistance rather than liver fat increases circulating coagulation factor activities. We measured plasma prothrombin time (PT, Owren method), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), activities of several coagulation factors, VWF:RCo and fibrinogen, and D-dimer concentration in 92 subjects divided into groups based on insulin sensitivity [insulin-resistant ('IR') versus insulin-sensitive ('IS')] and PNPLA3 genotype (PNPLA3(148MM/MI) vs PNPLA3(148II)). Liver fat content (H-1-MRS) was similarly increased in 'IR' (13 +/- 1%) and PNPLA3(148MM/MI) (12 +/- 2%) as compared to 'IS' (6 +/- 1%, pPeer reviewe