187 research outputs found

    Anti-CD20 therapy in multiple sclerosis : clinical and paraclinical outcomes

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    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system and the most common non-traumatic cause of neurological disability in young adults. Rituximab is a B-cell depleting drug targeting the CD20 epitope on B-cells, which drive inflammation in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis by acting as antigen-presenting cells to activate T-cell responses against central nervous system autoantigens. Despite not being formally approved for this disease, rituximab is SwedenÂŽs most common multiple sclerosis disease-modifying treatment. The objective of this thesis was to through observational studies increase the knowledge base for the risk-benefit of rituximab in multiple sclerosis by determining clinical and paraclinical outcomes, in comparison with drugs approved for this disease, in real-world cohorts. Study I is a multicentre retrospective study of 241 relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients switching from interferon-ÎČ or glatiramer acetate to rituximab, natalizumab or fingolimod due to breakthrough disease. Our results indicate a superior efficacy with rituximab and natalizumab compared to fingolimod, a similar tolerability profile between treatments, but a significantly higher overall drug persistence with rituximab. Study II is a single-centre retrospective study of all 808 relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients ever treated with rituximab at Karolinska. Data on reason for therapy stop, new therapies and clinical and radiological outcomes after rituximab termination were recorded. Rituximab was stopped in 92 (11%) cases, with 7 (< 1%) of all patients doing so due to lack of efficacy. Pregnancy plans and adverse events were the most frequent reasons for stopping therapy and disease activity remained low regardless if a new disease-modifying drug was started or not. The cross-sectional Study III surveyed frequency of anti-drug antibodies and their potential impact on efficacy and safety outcomes in 339 rituximab treated multiple sclerosis patients. Presence of anti-drug antibodies was high; 37% and 26% in patients with relapsing-remitting and progressive disease, respectively. High anti-drug antibody titres were associated with incomplete B-cell depletion, but not with reduced clinical effectiveness or tolerability. Study IV is a retrospective study comparing rates of regional atrophy and T1-weighted lesion volume accumulation on magnetic resonance imaging in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients starting rituximab (n = 15) or interferon-ÎČ (n = 67) as initial treatment. The rituximab group had lower rate of T1-weighted lesion volume accumulation, but higher volume loss in some brain regions compared to interferon-ÎČ, possibly due to pseudoatrophy. The results add to a growing body of evidence suggesting equal or better effectiveness and tolerability of rituximab compared to commonly used drugs in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Furthermore, rituximab interruption is not associated with a rebound effect and anti-drug antibodies, while frequent, do not seemingly impact on therapeutic effect or tolerability. Lastly, rituximab is associated with slower brain lesion volume accumulation compared to a first-line treatment. The finding of a higher rate of regional brain volume loss with rituximab treatment, however, warrants further studies conducted over longer time periods

    Smittskydd vid veterinÀr fÀltverksamhet i hÀststall

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    Smittsamma sjukdomar orsakar lidande för drabbade individer och kan ge stora ekonomiska konsekvenser, dĂ€rför har ett aktivt smittskyddsarbete fördelar bĂ„de ur ett djurvĂ€lfĂ€rdsperspektiv och ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Tre av de viktigaste endemiska hĂ€stsjukdomarna i Sverige Ă€r hĂ€stinfluensa, ekvint herpesvirus-1 och kvarka. Alla tre sjukdomarna ger symptom i övre luftvĂ€garna och ett smittsamt nosflöde. Sjukdomarna sprids direkt frĂ„n hĂ€st till hĂ€st och indirekt via kontaminering av omgivning och personer som hanterar sjuka hĂ€star. ÅtgĂ€rder för att förhindra indirekt smittspridning verkar sĂ€llsynta i svenska hĂ€ststall, endast ett fĂ„tal stall erbjuder besökare möjlighet att tvĂ€tta hĂ€nderna med varmt vatten och tvĂ„l. HĂ€star som flyttas mellan olika stall i samband med försĂ€ljning, avel, trĂ€ning och tĂ€vling Ă€r den största risken för att smittsamma sjukdomar ska spridas. MĂ€nniskor som rör sig mellan stall, till exempel veterinĂ€rer, Ă€r ocksĂ„ en riskfaktor men det finns Ă„tgĂ€rder för smittskydd som minskar risken. KlĂ€dbyte mellan besök pĂ„ olika stall eller skyddsklĂ€der, skobad vid stallets entrĂ© eller lĂ„nestövlar Ă€r Ă„tgĂ€rder som visat sig förebygga att ett stall blir infekterat. Vidare Ă€r handtvĂ€tt med varmt vatten och tvĂ„l effektivt för att avlĂ€gsna bĂ„de bakterier och virus frĂ„n hĂ€nder, vissa studier visar Ă€ven att handdesinfektion fungerar lika bra och ibland bĂ€ttre pĂ„ nĂ€mnda smittĂ€mnen. MĂ„nga veterinĂ€rer uppger att de utför ett antal Ă„tgĂ€rder av vikt för smittskyddet mellan besök pĂ„ olika gĂ„rdar. Det finns dock studier som visar att det Ă€r svĂ„rt att fĂ„ mĂ€nniskor att efterleva smittskyddsregler och att mĂ„nga mĂ€nniskor ocksĂ„ har en felaktig uppfattning om huruvida de har följt reglerna eller inte. Den psykosociala aspekten Ă€r en stor utmaning nĂ€r det kommer till smittskydd. Hur stor roll veterinĂ€rens smittskydd och hygien har vid spridning av smittĂ€mnen kan diskuteras. MĂ„nga stall besöks av flertalet privatpersoner varje dag och stallets egna smittskyddsĂ„tgĂ€rder Ă€r mest troligt av större betydelse Ă€n den enskilda veterinĂ€rens. HĂ€stĂ€gare verkar dock ha stort förtroende för sin veterinĂ€r nĂ€r det gĂ€ller smittskyddsĂ„tgĂ€rder och veterinĂ€ren kan minska risken för smittspridning inte endast genom att sjĂ€lv följa hygienrutiner utan Ă€ven genom att ge adekvat information till hĂ€stĂ€gare.Contagious diseases causes suffering for the affected individuals and may result in large economic consequences. Hence, an active approach for disease control and prevention has advantages both from an animal welfare perspective and an economic perspective. Three of the most important endemic diseases among horses in Sweden are equine influenza, equine herpesvirus-1 and strangles. All three diseases cause symptoms in the upper respiratory tract and a contagious nasal shedding. They spread directly from horse to horse and indirectly via contamination of the environment and people who are handling affected horses. Actions to prevent indirect contamination seem rare in Swedish stables, only a few stables offer facilities for washing their hands with warm water and soap. Horses that are moved between different stables in relation to selling, breeding, training and competing constitute the greatest risk for the spread of contagious diseases. People that are moving between stables, for example veterinarians, also constitute a risk but there are preventive measures which limit the risk. Changing clothes between visits to different stables or using protective clothing, footbath at the entrance of the stable or providing boots for visitors are measures which haves proven useful in preventing a stable from infection. Moreover, washing hands in warm water and soap is effective in order to remove both bacteria and virus from hands. Some studies indicate that hand disinfection might be as effective or sometimes even more effective against the viruses and bacteria mentioned. Many veterinarians state that they undertake a number of preventative measures between their visits to different farms. However, some studies show that it is difficult to make people follow biosecurity rules and many people have an inaccurate perception regarding whether or not they follow the rules. How important the veterinarian’s biosecurity and hygiene are for the spread of infectious agents can be discussed. Many stables are visited by numbers of different persons during one day and the stables’ own routines for biosecurity are probably more important than what the individual veterinarian does. However horse owners seem to have a high confidence in their own veterinarian according to biosecurity measures and the veterinarian may hence contribute to the infection control not only by following good routines for hygiene but also by giving adequate information to horse owners

    Svenska och norska hÀstar med mugg och rasp

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    Mugg och rasp Ă€r ett vanligt förekommande hudproblem pĂ„ hĂ€st. Det Ă€r snarare ett syndrom Ă€n en sjukdom dĂ„ benĂ€mningen mugg och rasp beskriver lesioner pĂ„ hĂ€stens distala ben. PĂ„ engelska gĂ„r syndromet oftast under namnet ”Pastern dermatitis” men fler benĂ€mningar kan förekomma. Lesionerna kan bl.a. visa sig i form av krustor, sĂ„r och svullnader. Den drabbade hĂ€sten kan bli halt och lesionerna kan leda till kroniska besvĂ€r. Det finns flera olika underliggande orsaker finns till att mugg och rasp uppstĂ„r, bl.a. omnĂ€mns Chorioptes bovis, Trombicula alfreddugesi, fotosensibilitet och vaskulit i litteraturen. 2017 inledde Statens veterinĂ€rmedicinska anstalt och Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet tillsammans med Norges veterinĂ€rinstitut ett forskningsprojekt finansierat av Stiftelsen hĂ€stforskning. MĂ„let med projektet Ă€r att hitta bĂ€ttre diagnostik och behandling för mugg och rasp. En del av projektet bestĂ„r av en enkĂ€t som nĂ„tt svenska och norska hĂ€stĂ€gare och det Ă€r denna enkĂ€t som detta arbete handlar om. FrĂ„gor som stĂ€lls Ă€r bland annat: Vilka symtom Ă€r vanliga? Vilka ben drabbas? Spelar mĂ€ngden hovskĂ€gg nĂ„gon roll för hur sjukdomsbilden ser ut? MĂ„lsĂ€ttningen med detta arbete Ă€r att kartlĂ€gga symtombild och sjukdomsförlopp vid mugg och rasp hos nordiska hĂ€star. Resultatet av detta arbete bekrĂ€ftar det som stĂ„r beskrivet i litteraturen om att bakben verkar drabbas oftare Ă€n framben. HĂ€star fĂ„r samma typ av symtom oavsett hur mycket behĂ„ring de har pĂ„ benen. De absolut vanligaste symtomen Ă€r krustor följt av sĂ„r, smĂ€rta, svullnad, klĂ„da och hudvalkar. Det Ă€r vanligt förekommande med kroniska och/eller Ă„terkommande besvĂ€r. Blött/lerigt vĂ€der Ă€r en försvĂ„rande omstĂ€ndighet oavsett vilken typ av behĂ„ring hĂ€sten har. Ett intressant resultat Ă€r att hĂ€star med tunnare behĂ„ring i högre utstrĂ€ckning drabbas sommartid medan en del hĂ€star med kraftigare behĂ„ring snarare drabbas vintertid. Detta kan indikera att beroende pĂ„ typ av behĂ„ring Ă€r hĂ€sten mer eller mindre mottaglig för de olika underliggande orsakerna till mugg och rasp. Bland de hĂ€star som i högre grad insjuknar pĂ„ vintern finns en stor representation av rasen nordsvensk brukshĂ€st och dölehĂ€st. Detta skulle kunna tyda pĂ„ att det finns en genetisk faktor som gör dessa hĂ€star mer mottagliga för underliggande orsaker som Ă€r vanligare vintertid, t.ex. benskabb.Pastern dermatitis is a regularly occurring skin-problem in horses that affects the distal limbs. The syndrome is also named greasy heel, cracked heel, scratches, mud fever, verrucous pododermatitis and grapes. Crusts, wounds and swellings are typical symptoms. Lameness is not an uncommon complication and the problems can get chronic. There are several underlying reasons for pastern dermatitis described in the litterature, for example Chorioptes bovis, Trombicula alfreduggesi, photosensitivity and vasculitis. In 2017 a joint research project between National veterinary institute of Sweden, Swedish university of veterinary sciences and the Norwegian veterinary institute, financed by The Swedish-Norwegian Fund for Equine Research was launched. The project’s goal is to identify better diagnostic tools and treatments for pastern dermatitis. The project partly consists of a survey addressed to horse owners in Sweden and Norway. The survey includes questions concerning any eventual skin problems in the distal limbs of the horse, what limbs are affected and what time of the year these problems occur. This thesis will study the answers of the survey. Questions asked will be: What symptoms are common? Which legs are more often affected? Does it matter whether the horse is feathered or non-feathered for how pastern dermatitis will occur? The aim with this thesis is to map the symptoms and the disease course for pastern dermatitis in Swedish and Norwegian horses. The result of this thesis confirms what is earlier described in the literature, the hindlimbs are more frequently affected than the forelimbs. The symptoms seem to be the same whether the horse have feathered legs or not. The most common symptoms are crusts followed by wounds, pain, swelling, pruritus and thickened skin. It is common with chronic and/or reoccurring problems. Wet and muddy weather seems to make the problems worse for all types of horses. An interesting finding is that non-feathered horses have more problems during summer while some feathered horses have more problems during winter. This could indicate that pastern dermatitis can be caused through different pathogenesis depending on what type of coat the horse has. Among those horses that are more disposed during winter there is a large proportion of Nordsvensk brukshĂ€st and DölehĂ€st. This could indicate that there is some genetic factor that makes these horses more adoptive for the underlaying causes that are more common during the winter, for example Chorioptes bovis

    Outbreak of Puumala Virus Infection, Sweden

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    An unexpected and large outbreak of Puumala virus infection in Sweden resulted in 313 nephropathia epidemica patients/100,000 persons in VĂ€sterbotten County during 2007. An increase in the rodent population, milder weather, and less snow cover probably contributed to the outbreak

    First Human Isolate of Hantavirus (Andes virus) in the Americas

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    We isolated Andes virus (formal name: Andes virus [ANDV], a species in the genus Hantavirus), from serum of an asymptomatic 10-year-old Chilean boy who died 6 days later of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). The serum was obtained 12 days after his grandmother died from HPS and 2 days before he became febrile. No hantavirus immunoglobulin (Ig) G or IgM antibodies were detected in the serum sample. After three blind passages, ANDV antigens were detected in Vero E6 cells by immunofluorescence assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and ANDV RNA was detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. A fragment of the virus genome showed 96.2% nucleotide identity with that of prototype ANDV. To our knowledge, this is the first isolation of any agent of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome from a human and the first such isolation of hantavirus before symptoms of that syndrome or HPS began

    Human Hantavirus Infections, Sweden

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    The prevalent human hantavirus disease in Sweden is nephropathia epidemica, which is caused by Puumala virus and shed by infected bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus). To evaluate temporal and spatial patterns of this disease, we studied 2,468 reported cases from a highly disease-endemic region in northern Sweden. We found that, in particular, middle-aged men living in rural dwellings near coastal areas were overrepresented. The case-patients were most often infected in late autumn, when engaged in activities near or within manmade rodent refuges. Of 862 case-patients confident about the site of virus exposure, 50% were concentrated within 5% of the study area. The incidence of nephropathia epidemica was significantly correlated with bank vole numbers within monitored rodent populations in part of the region. Understanding this relationship may help forestall future human hantavirus outbreaks

    Demographic Factors Associated with Hantavirus Infection in Bank Voles (Clethrionomys glareolus)

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    The bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) is the natural reservoir of Puumala virus (PUUV), a species in the genus Hantavirus. PUUV is the etiologic agent of nephropathia epidemica, a mild form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Factors that influence hantavirus transmission within host populations are not well understood. We evaluated a number of factors influencing on the association of increased PUUV infection in bank voles captured in a region in northern Sweden endemic for the virus. Logistic regression showed four factors that together correctly predicted 80% of the model outcome: age, body mass index, population phase during sampling (increase, peak, or decline/low), and gender. This analysis highlights the importance of population demography in the successful circulation of hantavirus. The chance of infection was greatest during the peak of the population cycle, implying that the likelihood of exposure to hantavirus increases with increasing population density

    Background radiation and individual dosimetry in the costal area of Tamil Nadu, India.

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    South coast of India is known as the high-level background radiation area (HBRA) mainly due to beach sands that contain natural radionuclides as components of the mineral monazite. The rich deposit of monazite is unevenly distributed along the coastal belt of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. An HBRA site that laid in 2×7 m along the sea was found in the beach of Chinnavillai, Tamil Nadu, where the maximum ambient dose equivalent reached as high as 162.7 mSv y(-1). From the sands collected at the HBRA spot, the high-purity germanium semi-conductor detector identified six nuclides of thorium series, four nuclides of uranium series and two nuclides belonging to actinium series. The highest radioactivity observed was 43.7 Bq g(-1) of Th-228. The individual dose of five inhabitants in Chinnavillai, as measured by the radiophotoluminescence glass dosimetry system, demonstrated the average dose of 7.17 mSv y(-1) ranging from 2.79 to 14.17 mSv y(-1)

    Human immunoglobulin G levels of viruses and associated glioma risk

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    Few consistent etiological factors have been identified for primary brain tumors. Inverse associations to asthma and low levels of varicella-zoster virus, immunoglobulin (Ig) levels in prevalent cases have indicted a role for the immune system in the development of glioma. Because samples from prevalent cases of glioma could be influenced by treatments such as steroids and chemotherapy, we investigated pre-diagnostic samples from three large Scandinavian cohorts. To test the hypothesis that immune response levels to these viruses are associated etiologically with glioma risk, we investigated pre-diagnostic immunoglobulin levels for cytomegalovirus (CMV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), adenovirus (Ad), and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) including the nuclear antigen (EBNA1) using plasma samples from 197 cases of adult glioma and 394 controls collected from population-based cohorts in Sweden and Denmark. Low VZV IgG levels were marginally significantly more common in glioma cases than the controls (odds ratio (OR) = 0.68, 95% CI 0.41–1.13) for the fourth compared with the first quartile (p = 0.06 for trend). These results were more prominent when analyzing cases with blood sampling at least 2 years before diagnosis (OR = 0.63, 95% CI 0.37–1.08) (p = 0.03). No association with glioma risk was observed for CMV, EBV, and adenovirus
