102 research outputs found

    Speech therapy students’ attitudes to the use of ICTs in speech therapy practice

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    The article presents research results on the possibility of using ICTs in a speech therapist’s practice. The results of the study show that students have changed their view of the place of ICTs in speech therapy. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed their attitudes towards ICTs. For them, this crisis has become an opportunity for the development of their own skills to use ICTs in their future professional work

    The effect of light on the level of acetylcholine in seedlings of the wild-type and phytochrome mutants of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

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    Applying the method of pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography (PYR-GC) the content of endogenous acetylcholine (ACh) was investigated in the extracts obtained from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Seven-day-old seedlings of wild type (WT) and phytochrome mutants au (aurea), hp (high pigment), fri (far-red light insensitive) and tri (temporarily red light insensitive) were studied. In the analyzed material the presence of choline and acetylcholine was discovered. The highest content of ACh (381 mmole/g of fresh weight) was found in tomato cotyledons, whereas the lowest amount (162 nmole/g of fresh weight) in roots. The level of ACh in the plants grown under the continuous light was higher than in etiolated ones. However, no considerable differences in the concentrations of ACh in au and tri seedlings grown under the continuous light and in darkness were observed. The irradiation of etiolated seedlings of wild type with red light was accompanied by the increase of endogenous level of ACh. The pulse of far-red light applied directly after red light reversed this stimulating effect. A similar effect of both light wavelengths on the content of ACh was also found in the case of the tri mutant. On the other hand, in the case offi-i mutant, pulse of red light caused the drop in the content of ACh, whereas far-red applied after red light caused visible increase in the level of the investigated substance. In tissues of au mutant no effect of red and far-red lights on the concentration of ACh was established

    Acetylcholinesterase activity in Lycopersicon esculentum and its phytochrome mutants

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    Using the radiometric method, the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE, E.C. was studied in seedlings of wild type (WT) and of phytochrome mutants of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). The activity of this enzyme was inhibited by an excess of substrate and by two well-known inhibitors of animal AChE, eserine and neostigmine. The activity of AChE was found in all etiolated organs as well as in light-grown seedlings. Under both conditions, the highest level of the enzyme activity was detected in cotyledons and the lowest one in root tissue. The enzyme activity was phytochrome-controlled. In WT etiolated seedlings red (R) light decreased AChE activity, whereas far red (FR) light abolished the red light effect. Furthermore, in light-grownWTseedlings the level of the enzyme activity was about twice higher than in etiolated plants. However, in the aurea phytochrome mutant of tomato, deficient in biosynthesis of a phytochrome chromophore, light had no effect on theAChE activity. In case of hp, fri and tri mutant seedlings, R and FR affected theAChE activity in a different way. Based on our results, we suggest that the type I of phytochrome is involved in the regulation of AChE activity. The type II of this photoreceptor influences the rate of the AChE synthesis de novo

    Act of request in Portuguese as a Foreign Language student’s book Português XXI 1

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    Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu omówienie aspektów pragmatycznego funkcjonowania języka portugalskiego, a mianowicie aktu prośby, w podręczniku do nauki języka portugalskiego jako obcego Português XXI 1. Na podstawie zebranego korpusu przyjrzymy się, jakie strategie grzecznościowe aktu prośby zostały użyte w omawianym podręczniku. Przedstawimy propozycję ćwiczeń sugerujących bardziej funkcjonalne formy aktu prośby.The starting point is the statement that in teaching a foreign language, the primary aim is to develop the pragmatic and communicative competence which, among others, signifies the ability to construct correct utterances that are adequate for the situation, as well as for other participants of social interaction. The present article aims at discussing the aspects of pragmatic functioning of the Portuguese language, that is the act of request in Portuguese as a Foreign Language student’s book Português XXI 1. On the basis of the gathered corpus, we will observe which politeness strategies of the act of request were used in the student’s book discussed. At the end of our considerations, we will propose some exercises which suggest more productive pragmatic [email protected] Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin, Wydział HumanistycznyAustin J. L., How to Do Things with Words, Oxford 1962.Cross-cultural pragmatics: Requests and apologies, S. Blum-Kulka, J. House, G. Kasper (red.), Norwood 1989.Brown P., Levinson S.C., Politeness. Some Universals in Language Usage, Cambridge 1987.Cunha C., Cintra L., Nova gramática do português contemporâneo, Lizbona 1984.Grzegorczykowa R., Wstęp do językoznawstwa, Warszawa 2008.Gutierres A., Relevância da pragmática e da teoria dos atos de fala para o ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira: tratamento dado a greetings em materiais didáticos, „The Especialist” 2008, v. 9, s. 187–209.Ferreira S.M.C., Português Língua de Herança em contexto plurilingue na Finlândia: aspetos de aquisição/aprendizagem da competência pragmática e expressão da delicadeza. Tese de mestrado, Lizbona 2016.Kerbrat-Orecchioni C., Os atos de linguagem no discurso, Niteró 2005.Marcjanik M., Polska grzeczność językowa, Kielce 1997–2000.Grzeczność nasza i obca, M. Marcjanik (red.), Warszawa 2005.O’Keeffe A., Clancy B., Adolphs S., Introducing Pragmatics in Use, London 2011.Ożóg K., Zwroty grzecznościowe współczesnej polszczyzny mówionej, „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego” 1990, CMXIII, nr 98.Searle J., Speech Acts. An Essay of the Philosophy of Language, Cambridge 1969.Tavares A., Português XXI 1, Lisboa 2012.http://observalinguaportuguesa.org/graficos-o-estatuto-da-lp-no-mundo/, [online], dostęp: 5.08.2017.2124725

    Plant signalling peptides

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    Biochemical and genetic studies have identified peptides that play crucial roles in plant growth and development, including defence mechanisms in response to wounding by pests, the control of cell division and expansion, and pollen self-incompatibility. The first two signalling peptides to be described in plants were tomato systemin and phytosulfokine (PSK). There is also biochemical evidence that natriuretic peptide-like molecules, immunologically-relatedt o those found in animals,m ay exist in plants. Another example of signalling peptide is ENOD40, a product of a gene, which became active early in the root nodulation process following Rhizobium infection of legumes. Other predicted bioactive peptides or oligopeptides have been identified by means of genetic, rather then biochemical methods. The Arabidopsis CLAVATA3 protein is required for the correct organization of the shoot apical meristem and the pollen S determinant S-locus cysteine-rich protein (SCR also called S-locus protein 11, SP11). The plant signalling peptides discovered so far are involved in various processes and play an important role in communication between cells or organs, respectively. This review will focus on these peptides and their role in intercellular signalling

    Europejskie ramy kompetencji cyfrowych nauczycieli – kluczowe obszary badania poziomu umiejętności i ich implikacje

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    Digital competences are considered a particularly important component of key competences of modern people. The documents of the European Parliament and the respective Polish Teacher Training Standards indicate the need for educators to acquire computer and information technology competences that can be used in their work, professional development, and personal development. The importance of those competences in everyday life has increased dramatically due to the current pandemic of COVID-19, with distance learning becoming the only form of education available. The need to acquire or improve digital skills has also increased. This paper discusses the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) and a self-assessment tool designed based on this framework. With the universality and practical applicability of the tool, it can become an inspiration for lifelong improvement of digital competences both in organized forms and as self-learning activities

    W poszukiwaniu modelu wczesnoszkolnej edukacji zdalnej w dobie pandemii. Z doświadczeń nauczycieli

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    Distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic became a necessity that neither teachers nor other participants in the process were prepared for. It was necessary to reframe the education model from “transferring and checking knowledge” to “teaching relations”. The experiences of practitioners attempting to educate young learners using the Internet are the subject of the explorations presented in this paper. Interviews with six early childhood education teachers indicated some significant components that reveal a new model of distance education aimed at the youngest age group. The base layer of this model is the relations between the teacher and students with their families, and peer group relations. Over this base layer is cooperation and building the internal power of the participants, complemented with the topmost component of remote teaching. In the statements of the respondents, distance education of young pupils implies setting goals and rules, appreciation and motivation, learning together and from mistakes, and involving the whole educational environment in the process. The picture of distance education of young pupils provided by the teachers indicates that it is possible in crisis situations but requires attention, good communication, and care for the physical and psychological well-being of the participants in the process.Kształcenie zdalne w czasie pandemii COVID-19 stało się koniecznością, do której nie byli przygotowani ani nauczyciele, ani pozostali uczestnicy tego procesu. W nowych realiach tradycyjna dydaktyka okazała się nieskuteczna. Konieczna była zmiana modelu kształcenia z „dydaktyki przekazu i sprawdzania” na „dydaktykę relacji”. Doświadczenia praktyków próbujących w sposób innowacyjny podejmować kształcenie małych uczniów z wykorzystaniem Internetu są przedmiotem badań zaprezentowanych w opracowaniu. Wywiady z sześcioma nauczycielkami edukacji wczesnoszkolnej wskazują na pewne znaczące składniki, które konstruują nowy model pracy zdalnej skierowanej do najmłodszej grupy wiekowej uczniów. Podstawą tego modelu są relacje między nauczycielem a uczniami i ich rodzinami oraz relacje w grupie rówieśniczej. Nad nimi nadbudowana jest współpraca i budowanie wewnętrznej siły uczestników, a na szczycie znajduje się dydaktyka zdalna. Edukacja zdalna małych dzieci w wypowiedziach badanych zakłada ustalenie celów i zasad, docenianie i motywowanie, uczenie się wspólne i na błędach oraz włączanie w ten proces całego środowiska wychowawczego. Skonstruowany przez nauczycielki obraz edukacji zdalnej małych uczniów wskazuje, że w sytuacjach kryzysowych jest ona możliwa, ale wymaga uważności i dobrej komunikacji oraz troski o dobrostan fizyczny i psychiczny uczestników tego procesu

    Carotenoid-membrane interactions in liposomes : effect of dipolar, monopolar, and nonpolar carotenoids

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-labeling methods were used to study the effects of carotenoids on the physical properties of saturated phosphatidylcholine (PC) membranes to evaluate the contribution of the terminal hydroxyl groups of xanthophyll molecules to the carotenoid-membrane interaction. Effects of the dipolar, terminally dihydroxylated carotenoid lutein on membrane phase transition, fluidity, order, and polarity were compared with those of monopolar (β-cryptoxanthin) and nonpolar (β-carotene) carotenoids. These effects were monitored at the membrane center as a function of the amount of the carotenoid added to the sample and as a function of temperature for fluid-phase membranes. PC membranes with different thickness (from 12 to 22 carbons in alkyl chains) were used. Carotenoids shifted to lower temperatures and broadened the main phase transition of PC membranes. They decreased the membrane fluidity and increased the order of alkyl chains. Carotenoids also increased the hydrophobicity of the membrane interior. These effects were the strongest for lutein, significantly weaker for β-cryptoxanthin, and negligible for β-carotene. They decreased with the increase of the membrane thickness. Presented results suggest that anchoring of carotenoid molecules at the opposite membrane surfaces by polar hydroxyl groups is significant in enhancing their effects on membrane properties. This manuscript also shows the ability of EPR spin-labeling methods to monitor different membrane properties that can be applied in biotechnological studies with the use of liposomes

    Family Coding Game. On the Role of Parents in Developing Children’s Interests and Predispositions

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    The aim of the article is to present the activities of parents related to the recognition and development of interests and IT abilities of 5–12 year old children. The research was conducted among 31 parents who actively help to develop programming interests of young children. The research problems focus on issues related to: family characteristics, the family’s motivation for engaging in coding / programming games, the organization of coding activities, the ways of improving parents’ programming competences and their opinions about the effects of these activities. The conducted research demonstrates that parents notice the importance and benefits of such activities for the development of interests and programming skills, as well as other non-IT skills.Celem artykułu jest prezentacja badań opisujących działania rodziców związane z rozwijaniem zainteresowań i predyspozycji dzieci w wieku 5–12 lat w zakresie programowania. Badania przeprowadzono wśród rodziców, którzy podejmują działania na rzecz rozwijania zainteresowań programistycznych małych dzieci. Problemy badawcze koncentrują się wokół zagadnień dotyczących: motywów rodzinnych zabaw w kodowanie/programowanie, organizacji zabawy w kodowanie, sposobów doskonalenia kompetencji programistycznych rodziców i opinii rodziców na temat efektów tych zabaw. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że rodzice dostrzegają znaczenie i korzyści z podejmowanych przez siebie działań na rzecz rozwoju zainteresowań i umiejętności programistycznych, a także innych, wybranych umiejętności pozainformatycznych

    Study on the thermal properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) in the presence of collagen

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    Crystallization of poly(vinyl alkohol) (PVA) in the presence of 1%, 3% and 5% of collagen has been studied by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). PVA samples containing 1%, 3% and 5% of collagen after melting were crystallized with different cooling rate. The melting temperature of poly(vinyl alcohol) PVA in the presence of 1%, 3% and 5% of collagen is little big bigger than that for pure PVA. Small amount of collagen in PVA increases melting temperature probably due to hydrogen bonding between PVA and collagen. Collagen contains several side groups capable to form hydrogen bonds with OH group of PVA. The amount of crystallinity in PVA containing 1%, 3% and 5% of collagen is little big smaller than for pure PVA. Small amount of collagen in PVA causes disorder between polymer chains of polymer and leads to decrease of crystallinity. Crystallization process occurs slower in PVA containing small amount of collagen than for pure melt PVA