979 research outputs found

    Convergence of the expansion of the Laplace-Borel integral in perturbative QCD improved by conformal mapping

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    The optimal conformal mapping of the Borel plane was recently used to accelerate the convergence of the perturbation expansions in QCD. In this work we discuss the relevance of the method for the calculation of the Laplace-Borel integral expressing formally the QCD Green functions. We define an optimal expansion of the Laplace-Borel integral in the principal value prescription and establish conditions under which the expansion is convergent.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Statewide Dissemination and Implementation of Physical Activity Standards in Afterschool Programs: Two-Year Results

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    Background: In 2015, YMCA afterschool programs (ASPs) across South Carolina, USA pledged to achieve the YMCA physical activity standard calling for all children to accumulate 30 min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) while attending their ASPs. This study presents the final two-year outcomes from the dissemination and implementation efforts associated with achieving this MVPA standard. Methods: Twenty ASPs were sampled from all South Carolina YMCA-operated ASPs (N = 97) and visited at baseline (2015) and first (2016) and second year (2017) follow-up. All ASPs were provided training to increase MVPA during the program by extending the scheduled time for activity opportunities and modifying commonly played games to increase MVPA. The RE-AIM framework was used to evaluate the statewide intervention. Accelerometer-derived MVPA was the primary outcome. Intent-to-treat (ITT) models were conducted summer 2017. Programs were also classified, based on changes in MVPA from 2015 to 2016 and 2016–2017, into one of three categories: gain, maintain, or lost. Implementation, within the three groups, was evaluated via direct observation and document review. Results: Adoption during the first year was 45% of staff attending training, with this increasing to 67% of staff during the second year. ITT models indicated no increase in the odds of accumulating 30 min of MVPA after the first year for either boys (odds ratio [OR] 1.06, 95CI 0.86–1.31) or girls (OR 1.14, 95CI 0.87–1.50), whereas an increase in the odds was observed during the second year for boys (OR 1.31, 95CI 1.04–1.64) and girls (OR 1.50 95CI 1.01–1.80). Programs that lost MVPA (avg. − 5 to − 7.5 min/d MVPA) elected to modify their program in a greater number of non-supportive ways (e.g., reduce time for activity opportunities, less time spent outdoors), whereas ASPs that gained MVPA (avg. + 5.5 to + 10.1 min MVPA) elected to modify their program in more supportive ways. Conclusions: The statewide study demonstrated minimal improvements in overall MVPA. However, child MVPA was dramatically influenced by ASPs who elected to modify their daily program in more supportive than non-supportive ways, with no one program modifying their program consistently across the multi-year initiative. These findings have important implications for organizations seeking to achieve the MVPA standard

    Laboratory and tentative interstellar detection of trans-methyl formate using the publicly available Green Bank Telescope PRIMOS survey

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    The rotational spectrum of the higher-energy trans conformational isomer of methyl formate has been assigned for the first time using several pulsed-jet Fourier transform microwave spectrometers in the 6-60 GHz frequency range. This species has also been sought toward the Sagittarius B2(N) molecular cloud using the publicly available PRIMOS survey from the Green Bank Telescope. We detect seven absorption features in the survey that coincide with laboratory transitions of trans-methyl formate, from which we derive a column density of 3.1 (+2.6, -1.2) \times 10^13 cm-2 and a rotational temperature of 7.6 \pm 1.5 K. This excitation temperature is significantly lower than that of the more stable cis conformer in the same source but is consistent with that of other complex molecular species recently detected in Sgr B2(N). The difference in the rotational temperatures of the two conformers suggests that they have different spatial distributions in this source. As the abundance of trans-methyl formate is far higher than would be expected if the cis and trans conformers are in thermodynamic equilibrium, processes that could preferentially form trans-methyl formate in this region are discussed. We also discuss measurements that could be performed to make this detection more certain. This manuscript demonstrates how publicly available broadband radio astronomical surveys of chemically rich molecular clouds can be used in conjunction with laboratory rotational spectroscopy to search for new molecules in the interstellar medium.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    Electron Energy Partition across Interplanetary Shocks. III. Analysis

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    An analysis of model fit results of 15,210 electron velocity distribution functions (VDFs), observed within 2 hr of 52 interplanetary (IP) shocks by the Wind spacecraft near 1 au, is presented as the third and final part on electron VDFs near IP shocks. The core electrons and protons dominate in the magnitude and change in the partial-to-total thermal pressure ratio, with the core electrons often gaining as much or more than the protons. Only a moderate positive correlation is observed between the electron temperature and the kinetic energy change across the shock, while weaker, if any, correlations were found with any other macroscopic shock parameter. No VDF parameter correlated with the shock normal angle. The electron VDF evolves from a narrowly peaked core with flaring suprathermal tails in the upstream to either a slightly hotter core with steeper tails or much hotter flattop core with even steeper tails downstream of the weaker and strongest shocks, respectively. Both quasi-static and fluctuating fields are examined as possible mechanisms modifying the VDF, but neither is sufficient alone. For instance, flattop VDFs can be generated by nonlinear ion acoustic wave stochastic acceleration (i.e., inelastic collisions), while other work suggested they result from the combination of quasi-static and fluctuating fields. This three-part study shows that not only are these systems not thermodynamic in nature; even kinetic models may require modification to include things like inelastic collision operators to properly model electron VDF evolution across shocks or in the solar wind.Peer reviewe

    Electron Energy Partition across Interplanetary Shocks. II. Statistics

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    A statistical analysis of 15,210 electron velocity distribution function (VDF) fits, observed within +/- 2 hr of 52 interplanetary (IP) shocks by the Wind spacecraft near 1 au, is presented. This is the second in a three-part series on electron VDFs near IP shocks. The electron velocity moment statistics for the dense, low-energy core, tenuous, hot halo, and field-aligned beam/strahl are a statistically significant list of values illustrated with both histograms and tabular lists for reference and baselines in future work. Given the large statistics in this investigation, the beam/strahl fit results in the upstream are now the most comprehensive attempt to parameterize the beam/strahl electron velocity moments in the ambient solar wind. The median density, temperature, beta, and temperature anisotropy values for the core(halo)[beam/strahl] components, with subscripts ec(eh)[eb], of all fit results, respectively, are n(ec(h)[b]) similar to 11.3(0.36)[0.17] cm(-3), T-ec(h)[b],T-tot similar to 14.6(48.4)[40.2] eV, beta(ec(h)[b],tot) similar to 0.93(0.11)[0.05], and Alpha(ec(h)[b]) similar to 0.98(1.03)[0.93]. This work will also serve as a 1 au baseline and reference for missions like Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter.Peer reviewe

    Angular Diameters of the Hyades Giants Measured with the CHARA Array

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    We present angular diameters of the Hyades giants, gamma, delta^1, epsilon, and theta^1 Tau from interferometric measurements with the CHARA Array. Our errors in the limb-darkened angular diameters for these stars are all less than 2%, and in combination with additional observable quantities, we determine the effective temperatures, linear radii and absolute luminosities for each of these stars. Additionally, stellar masses are inferred from model isochrones to determine the surface gravities. These data show that a new calibration of effective temperatures with errors well under 100K is now possible from interferometric angular diameters of stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Depolarization of the cosmic microwave background by a primordial magnetic field and its effect upon temperature anisotropy

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    We estimate the depolarizing effect of a primordial magnetic field upon the cosmic microwave background radiation due to differential Faraday rotation across the last scattering surface. The degree of linear polarization of the CMB is significantly reduced at frequencies around and below 30 GHz (B∗/10−2Gauss)1/2(B_* /10^{-2}{\rm Gauss})^{1/2}, where B∗B_* is the value of the primordial field at recombination. The depolarizing mechanism reduces the damping of anisotropies due to photon diffusion on small angular scales. The l≈1000l\approx 1000 multipoles of the CMB temperature anisotropy correlation function in a standard cold dark matter cosmology increase by up to 7.5\% at frequencies where depolarization is significant.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Genetic Architecture of a Reinforced, Postmating, Reproductive Isolation Barrier between Neurospora Species Indicates Evolution via Natural Selection

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    A role for natural selection in reinforcing premating barriers is recognized, but selection for reinforcement of postmating barriers remains controversial. Organisms lacking evolvable premating barriers can theoretically reinforce postmating isolation, but only under restrictive conditions: parental investment in hybrid progeny must inhibit subsequent reproduction, and selected postmating barriers must restore parents' capacity to reproduce successfully. We show that reinforced postmating isolation markedly increases maternal fitness in the fungus Neurospora crassa, and we detect the evolutionary genetic signature of natural selection by quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of the reinforced barrier. Hybrid progeny of N. crassa and N. intermedia are highly inviable. Fertilization by local N. intermedia results in early abortion of hybrid fruitbodies, and we show that abortion is adaptive because only aborted maternal colonies remain fully receptive to future reproduction. In the first QTL analysis of postmating reinforcement in microbial eukaryotes, we identify 11 loci for abortive hybrid fruitbody development, including three major QTLs that together explain 30% of trait variance. One of the major QTLs and six QTLs of lesser effect are found on the mating-type determining chromosome of Neurospora. Several reinforcement QTLs are flanked by genetic markers showing either segregation distortion or non-random associations with alleles at other loci in a cross between N. crassa of different clades, suggesting that the loci also are associated with local effects on same-species reproduction. Statistical analysis of the allelic effects distribution for abortive hybrid fruitbody development indicates its evolution occurred under positive selection. Our results strongly support a role for natural selection in the evolution of reinforced postmating isolation in N. crassa

    Of shepherds, sheep and sheepdogs?: governing the adherent self through complementary and competing ‘pastorates’

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    Foucault’s concept of ‘pastoral power’ describes an important technique for constituting obedient subjects. Derived from his analysis of the Christian pastorate, he saw pastoral power as a prelude to contemporary technologies of governing ‘beyond the State’, where ‘experts’ shepherd self-governing subjects. However, the specific practices of modern pastorate have been little developed. This papers examines the relational practices of pastoral power associated with the government of medicine use within the English healthcare system. The study shows how multiple pastors align their complimentary and variegated practices to conduct behaviours, but also how pastors compete for legitimacy, and face resistance through the mobilisation of alternate discourses and the strategic exploitation of pastoral competition. The paper offers a dynamic view of the modern pastorate within the contemporary assemblages of power

    Electron Energy Partition across Interplanetary Shocks. I. Methodology and Data Product

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    Analyses of 15,314 electron velocity distribution functions (VDFs) within +/- 2 hr of 52 interplanetary (IP) shocks observed by the Wind spacecraft near 1 au are introduced. The electron VDFs are fit to the sum of three model functions for the cold dense core, hot tenuous halo, and field-aligned beam/strahl component. The best results were found by modeling the core as either a bi-kappa or a symmetric (or asymmetric) bi-self-similar VDF, while both the halo and beam/strahl components were best fit to bi-kappa VDF. This is the first statistical study to show that the core electron distribution is better fit to a self-similar VDF than a bi-Maxwellian under all conditions. The self-similar distribution deviation from a Maxwellian is a measure of inelasticity in particle scattering from waves and/or turbulence. The ranges of values defined by the lower and upper quartiles for the kappa exponents are k(ec) similar to 5.40-10.2 for the core, k(eh) similar to 3.58-5.34 for the halo, and k(eb) similar to 3.40-5.16 for the beam/strahl. The lower-to-upper quartile range of symmetric bi-self-similar core exponents is s(ec) similar to 2.00-2.04, and those of asymmetric bi-self-similar core exponents are p(ec) similar to 2.20-4.00 for the parallel exponent and q(ec) similar to 2.00-2.46 for the perpendicular exponent. The nuanced details of the fit procedure and description of resulting data product are also presented. The statistics and detailed analysis of the results are presented in Paper II and Paper III of this three-part study.Peer reviewe
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