25 research outputs found

    Wheat Stem Rust Back in Europe: Diversity, Prevalence and Impact on Host Resistance

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the re-emergence of a previously important crop pathogen in Europe, Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici, causing wheat stem rust. The pathogen has been insignificant in Europe for more than 60 years, but since 2016 it has caused epidemics on both durum wheat and bread wheat in local areas in southern Europe, and additional outbreaks in Central- and West Europe. The prevalence of three distinct genotypes/races in many areas, Clade III-B (TTRTF), Clade IV-B (TKTTF) and Clade IV-F (TKKTF), suggested clonal reproduction and evolution by mutation within these. None of these genetic groups and races, which likely originated from exotic incursions, were detected in Europe prior to 2016. A fourth genetic group, Clade VIII, detected in Germany (2013), was observed in several years in Central- and East Europe. Tests of representative European wheat varieties with prevalent races revealed high level of susceptibility. In contrast, high diversity with respect to virulence and Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers were detected in local populations on cereals and grasses in proximity to Berberis species in Spain and Sweden, indicating that the alternate host may return as functional component of the epidemiology of wheat stem rust in Europe. A geographically distant population from Omsk and Novosibirsk in western Siberia (Russia) also revealed high genetic diversity, but clearly different from current European populations. The presence of Sr31-virulence in multiple and highly diverse races in local populations in Spain and Siberia stress that virulence may emerge independently when large geographical areas and time spans are considered and that Sr31-virulence is not unique to Ug99. All isolates of the Spanish populations, collected from wheat, rye and grass species, were succesfully recovered on wheat, which underline the plasticity of host barriers within P. graminis. The study demonstrated successful alignment of two genotyping approaches and race phenotyping methodologies employed by different laboratories, which also allowed us to line up with previous European and international studies of wheat stem rust. Our results suggest new initiatives within disease surveillance, epidemiological research and resistance breeding to meet current and future challenges by wheat stem rust in Europe and beyond.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aegilops sharonensis genome-assisted identification of stem rust resistance gene Sr62

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    The wild relatives and progenitors of wheat have been widely used as sources of disease resistance (R) genes. Molecular identification and characterization of these R genes facilitates their manipulation and tracking in breeding programmes. Here, we develop a reference-quality genome assembly of the wild diploid wheat relative Aegilops sharonensis and use positional mapping, mutagenesis, RNA-Seq and transgenesis to identify the stem rust resistance gene Sr62, which has also been transferred to common wheat. This gene encodes a tandem kinase, homologues of which exist across multiple taxa in the plant kingdom. Stable Sr62 transgenic wheat lines show high levels of resistance against diverse isolates of the stem rust pathogen, highlighting the utility of Sr62 for deployment as part of a polygenic stack to maximize the durability of stem rust resistance

    Potential for re-emergence of wheat stem rust in the United Kingdom

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    Wheat stem rust, a devastating disease of wheat and barley caused by the fungal pathogen Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, was largely eradicated in Western Europe during the mid-to-late twentieth century. However, isolated outbreaks have occurred in recent years. Here we investigate whether a lack of resistance in modern European varieties, increased presence of its alternate host barberry and changes in climatic conditions could be facilitating its resurgence. We report the first wheat stem rust occurrence in the United Kingdom in nearly 60 years, with only 20% of UK wheat varieties resistant to this strain. Climate changes over the past 25 years also suggest increasingly conducive conditions for infection. Furthermore, we document the first occurrence in decades of P. graminis on barberry in the UK. Our data illustrate that wheat stem rust does occur in the UK and, when climatic conditions are conducive, could severely harm wheat and barley production.</p

    Recombination in the wheat stem rust pathogen mediated by an indigenous barberry species in Spain

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    The comeback of wheat stem rust in Europe, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, and the prevalence of the alternate (sexual) host in local areas have recently regained attention as a potential threat to European wheat production. The aim of this study was to investigate a potential epidemiological link between the aecia found on an indigenous barberry species and stem rust infections on nearby cereals and grasses. Aecial infections collected from Berberis vulgaris subsp. seroi were inoculated on a panel of susceptible genotypes of major cereal crop species. In total, 67 stem rust progeny isolates were recovered from wheat (51), barley (7), and rye (9), but none from oat, indicating the potential of barberry derived isolates to infect multiple cereals. Molecular genotyping of the progeny isolates and 20 cereal and grass stem rust samples collected at the same locations and year, revealed a clear genetic relatedness between the progeny isolated from barberry and the stem rust infections found on nearby cereal and grass hosts. Analysis of Molecular Variance indicated that variation between the stem rust populations accounted for only 1%. A Principal Components Analysis using the 62 detected multilocus genotypes also demonstrated a low degree of genetic variation among isolates belonging to the two stem rust populations. Lastly, pairwise comparisons based on fixation index (Fst), Nei’s genetic distances and number of effective migrants (Nm) revealed low genetic differentiation and high genetic exchange between the two populations. Our results demonstrated a direct epidemiological link and functionality of an indigenous barberry species as the sexual host of P. graminis in Spain, a factor that should be considered when designing future strategies to prevent stem rust in Europe and beyond.The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This research was supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (Grant Number OPP1133199, Delivering Genetic Gain in Wheat (DGGW), the European Commission, Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020-Sustainable Food Security (Grant number 773311-2, RustWatch), Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain (Project PID2020-118650RR-C31).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fungal communities including plant pathogens in near surface air are similar across northwestern Europe

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    Information on the diversity of fungal spores in air is limited, and also the content of airborne spores of fungal plant pathogens is understudied. In the present study, a total of 152 air samples were taken from rooftops at urban settings in Slagelse, DK, Wageningen NL, and Rothamsted, UK together with 41 samples from above oilseed rape fields in Rothamsted. Samples were taken during 10-day periods in spring and autumn, each sample representing 1 day of sampling. The fungal content of samples was analyzed by metabarcoding of the fungal internal transcribed sequence 1 (ITS1) and by qPCR for specific fungi. The metabarcoding results demonstrated that season had significant effects on airborne fungal communities. In contrast, location did not have strong effects on the communities, even though locations were separated by up to 900 km. Also, a number of plant pathogens had strikingly similar patterns of abundance at the three locations. Rooftop samples were more diverse than samples taken above fields, probably reflecting greater mixing of air from a range of microenvironments for the rooftop sites. Pathogens that were known to be present in the crop were also found in air samples taken above the field. This paper is one of the first detailed studies of fungal composition in air with the focus on plant pathogens and shows that it is possible to detect a range of pathogens in rooftop air samplers using metabarcoding

    Effect of pre-crop and weather conditions on infection of heads of spring wheat with Fusarium fungi and content of mycotoxins in grain

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    Badano wpływ przedplonu na nasilenie fuzariozy kłosów oraz zawartość mikotoksyn fuzaryjnych w ziarnie pszenicy jarej. Przedplon stanowiła kukurydza na ziarno oraz rzepak ozimy. W latach, w których wystąpiły warunki sprzyjające rozwojowi fuzariozy kłosów stwierdzono zwiększone nasilenie choroby na kłosach pszenicy wysianej po kukurydzy. Ziarno z tych stanowisk zawierało więcej DNA Fusarium oraz mikotoksyn fuzaryjnych w porównaniu do ziarna ze stanowiska po rzepaku. Dominującym sprawcą fuzariozy kłosów był gatunek F. graminearum. Rozwój choroby na kłosach pszenicy oraz stężenie mikotoksyn w ziarnie były bardzo silnie uzależnione od warunków pogodowych. Opady oraz wilgotność względna powietrza w okresie kłoszenia i kwitnienia miała decydujący wpływ na wyniki uzyskane w ciągu 3 lat badań.Effect of pre-crop on severity of Fusarium head blight (FHB) and content of mycotoxins in grain of spring wheat was studied. Pre-crops were grain maize and winter rapeseed. In years, when conditions were favorable for FHB development, an increased severity of wheat head infections was observed on stands sown after grain maize. Wheat grain samples from these stands contained more Fusarium DNA and Fusarium mycotoxins comparing with grain from stands sown after rapeseed. Dominant species causing FHB was F. graminearum. Disease development on wheat heads and mycotoxin concentration in grain strongly depended on weather conditions. Rainfall and relative humidity during heading and anthesis had the strongest effect on results obtained during three years of study

    Distribution of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici races and virulence in wheat growing regions of Kenya from 1970 to 2014

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    Stripe rust, caused by the fungal pathogen Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a major threat to wheat (Triticum spp.) production worldwide. The objective of this study was to determine the virulence of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici races prevalent in the main wheat growing regions of Kenya, which includes Mt. Kenya, Eastern Kenya, and the Rift Valley (Central, Southern, and Northern Rift). Fifty P. striiformis f. sp. tritici isolates collected from 1970 to 1992 and from 2009 to 2014 were virulence phenotyped with stripe rust differential sets, and 45 isolates were genotyped with sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers to differentiate the isolates and identify aggressive strains PstS1 and PstS2. Virulence corresponding to stripe rust resistance genes Yr1, Yr2, Yr3, Yr6, Yr7, Yr8, Yr9, Yr17, Yr25, and Yr27 and the seedling resistance in genotype Avocet S were detected. Ten races were detected in the P. striiformis f. sp. tritici samples obtained from 1970 to 1992, and three additional races were detected from 2009 to 2014, with a single race being detected in both periods. The SCAR markers detected both Pst1 and Pst2 strains in the collection. Increasing P. striiformis f. sp. tritici virulence was found in the Kenyan P. striiformis f. sp. tritici population, and different P. striiformis f. sp. tritici race groups were found to dominate different wheat growing regions. Moreover, recent P. striiformis f. sp. tritici races in East Africa indicated possible migration of some race groups into Kenya from other regions. This study is important in elucidating P. striiformis f. sp. tritici evolution and virulence diversity and useful in breeding wheat cultivars with effective resistance to stripe rust

    Yellow Rust Epidemics Worldwide Were Caused by Pathogen Races from Divergent Genetic Lineages

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    We investigated whether the recent worldwide epidemics of wheat yellow rust were driven by races of few clonal lineage(s) or populations of divergent races. Race phenotyping of 887 genetically diverse Puccinia striiformis isolates sampled in 35 countries during 2009–2015 revealed that these epidemics were often driven by races from few but highly divergent genetic lineages. PstS1 was predominant in North America; PstS2 in West Asia and North Africa; and both PstS1 and PstS2 in East Africa. PstS4 was prevalent in Northern Europe on triticale; PstS5 and PstS9 were prevalent in Central Asia; whereas PstS6 was prevalent in epidemics in East Africa. PstS7, PstS8 and PstS10 represented three genetic lineages prevalent in Europe. Races from other lineages were in low frequencies. Virulence to Yr9 and Yr27 was common in epidemics in Africa and Asia, while virulence to Yr17 and Yr32 were prevalent in Europe, corresponding to widely deployed resistance genes. The highest diversity was observed in South Asian populations, where frequent recombination has been reported, and no particular race was predominant in this area. The results are discussed in light of the role of invasions in shaping pathogen population across geographical regions. The results emphasized the lack of predictability of emergence of new races with high epidemic potential, which stresses the need for additional investments in population biology and surveillance activities of pathogens on global food crops, and assessments of disease vulnerability of host varieties prior to their deployment at larger scales