24 research outputs found

    Impact of phosphorus fertilization and growing season on maize grain yield

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    Nedostatak fosfora je često jedan od limitirajućih faktora uspješne proizvodnje ratarskih kultura. Fosfatizacija je jedna od agromelioracijskih mjera kojom se u tlo unose veće količine fosfora i poboljšava plodnost tla. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinak vremenskih prilika i fosfatizacije tla na prinose zrna kukuruza na području općine Odžak (BiH, FBiH), tijekom 2011. i 2012. godine. Poljski pokus postavljen je na alkalnom tlu siromašnom pristupčnim fosforom u proljeće 2011. godine po slučajnom blok sustavu u četiri ponavljanja s pet tretmana: A) kontrola (osnovna gnojidba); B) A + 200 kg P2O5 ha-1; C) A + 400 kg P2O5 ha-1; D) A + 800 kg P2O5 ha-1; E) A + 1200 kg P2O5 ha-1. Vremenske prilike u obje, a naročito u 2012. godini, bile su izuzetno nepovoljne za uzgoj kukuruza. Statistička analiza nije pokazala opravdani učinak fosfatizacije na prinos zrna kukuruza niti u jednoj godini iako je zabilježeno slabo povećanje prinosa kukuruza u odnosu na kontrolu za 8% u 2011. godini, odnosno za 14% u 2012. godini. Sadržaj vlage u zrnu u berbi 2012. godine, bio je niži na tretmanima fosfatizacije. Također je i udio sterilnih biljaka u 2012. godini bio manji. Prinosi zrna u 2012. godini (prosjek 6,36 t ha-1) bili su gotovo za 45% niži u odnosu na prinose zrna u 2011. godini (prosjek 11,01 t ha-1). Takvi prinosi, kao i značajniji izostanak učinka fosfatizacije, posljedica su izrazite suše i visokih temperatura zraka tijekom uzgoja kukuruza.Low level of plant available phosphorus is often a limiting factor for achieving high crops yields. Phosphatization is one of the agro-ameliorative measures that could improve soil fertility and suitability for crops production. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of weather conditions and soil phosphatization on maize grain yields in the region of Odžak municipality (BiH, FBiH) during 2011 and 2012 growing season.The field trial was conducted on alkaline soil poor in plant available phosphorus in spring of 2011. Experimental design was randomized block with four replicates and five treatments as follows: A) control (basic fertilization); B) A + 200 kg P2O5 ha-1; C) A + 400 kg P2O5 ha-1; D) A + 800 kg P2O5 ha-1; E) A + 1200 kg P2O5 ha-1. Weather conditions in both years, especially in the 2012, were extremely unfavorable for maize growing. Statistical analysis didn't prove the phosphatization effect on yield in any year, although there was slightly increase in corn yield on phosphatization treatments compared to the control by 8% and 14 % in the 2011 and 2012, respectively. Grain moisture at harvest and sterile plants contributions in 2012 were lower on plots with increasing rates of phosphorus. Grain yields in 2012 (mean 6,36 t ha-1) were about 45% lower compared to grain yields in 2011 (mean 11,01 t ha-1). Such yields, as well as absence of significant phosphatization effect, are results of extreme drought and high air temperatures during maize growing

    Environmental conditions and yield of wheat and maize the area of Posavski canton (FBiH, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA)

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    Kukuruz i pšenica su najrasprostranjeniji usjevi u FBiH. Veliku ulogu u cjelokupnoj proizvodnji kukuruza i pšenice u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine ima Posavski kanton, iako je površinski najmanji kanton. Cilj ovoga rada je istražiti utjecaj vremenskih prilika, prvenstveno oborinski i temperaturni režim, na prinose kukuruza i pšenice u FBiH, naročito u Posavskom kantonu kroz desetogodišnje razdoblje od 2000. – 2009. godine. Prosječni prinos kukuruza bio je za 0,93 t/ha viši u Posavskom kantonu nego u FBiH, dok je prosječni prinos pšenice bio viši za 0,65 t/ha u kantonu nego u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine. Zapažene su velike značajne varijacije prinosa u pojedinim godinama. Prosječni prinosi kukuruza u Posavskom kantonu kretali su se od 3,72 t/ha do 6,06 t/ha, dok su se prosječni prinosi pšenice kretali od 2,15 t/ha do 4,63 t/ha. Za vrijeme sušnih i toplih godina uzgoja zabilježeni su najniži prinosi kukuruza, dok niži prinosi pšenice mogu biti posljedica kako suše i visokih temperatura tako i suviška vode.Maize and wheat are the most widespread field crops in FB&H. A great share of that production belongs to Posavina Canton, although it is the smallest one. The aim of this study was testing the impacts of weather conditions, primarily precipitation and air temperature regimes, on maize and wheat yields in FB&H and Posavina Canton during 2000-2009 decade period. Average maize yield was by 0.93 t ha-1 and wheat yield by 0.65 t ha-1 higher in Posavina Canton than in Federation. Considerable variation of grain yields among years is observed. Maize yield in Posavina Canton ranges from 3.72 to 6.06 t ha-1, while wheat yield fluctuated from 2.15 to 4.63 t ha-1 Crops yields were highly dependent on weather. In dry and warmer growing seasons the lowest maize yield was achieved, while wheat yield reducing, beside drought and too high temperatures, could be consequences of water surplus

    Influence of microbiological preparation and phosphorus fertilizer on yield, quality and germination of soybean and maize seed grown on acidic soils

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    Fosfor je drugi najpotrebniji makroelement za rast i razvoj biljaka, odmah poslije dušika. Fiksacija fosfora u tlu ponajviše ovisi o pH reakciji tla, sadržaju vlage u tlu, temperaturi te već prisutnim mineralima u tlu. Fosfor - topive bakterije, tj. phosphor solubilizing bacteria (PSB), posjeduju različite mehanizme pomoću kojih biljkama nepristupačne oblike fosfora mogu prevesti u biljci pristupačne oblike te tako utjecati na nepristupačne zalihe fosfora u tlu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ustanoviti učinak mikrobiološkog pripravka i gnojidbe fosforom na prinos, kvalitetu i klijavost sjemena soje i kukuruza na kiselim tlima. Odabrana su tri tipa tla sličnih pH vrijednosti, različitog sadržaja humusa i koncentracije lakopristupačnog fosfora. U sklopu terenskih istraživanja provedeni su dvogodišnji poljski pokusi te analize biljne tvari i tla. Kao mikrobiološki pripravak korišten je komercijalni pripravak Terra Condi tvrtke EmTehnologija d.o.o. iz Valpova u koji su dodane bakterije Pseudomonas putida (ATCC 12633), Pseudomonas rhizosphaere (DSM 16299) te Pseudomonas fluorescens (ATCC 13525) kao fosfor - topive bakterije. Utvrđeno je da su se bakterije roda Pseudomonas adaptirale u tlu svih lokaliteta. Kontrolna varijanta uz primjenu mikrobiološkog pripravka bilježila je veće prosječne prinose soje i kukuruza na svim lokalitetima u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu bez primjene mikrobiološkog pripravka. Količine mikrobiološki fiksiranog fosfora kretale su se od 23,34 do 88,88 kg ha-1. Također, utvrđena je vrlo jaka pozitivna korelacija (r = 0,89) između sadržaja fosfora u tlu (AL-metoda) te količine mikrobiološki fiksiranog fosfora na pojedinim varijantama te između sadržaja humusa u tlu i povećanja mikrobiološke fiksacije fosfora (r = 0,81). Prosječne vrijednosti klijavosti soje kretale su se od 91,9 do 93,4 %, a kukuruza od 92,6 do 93,8 %. Potrebna su dodatna i dugotrajnija istraživanja u poljskim uvjetima kako bi što preciznije utvrdili utjecaj mikrobiološkog pripravkaPhosphorus is the second most necessary macro-element for plant growth and development, just after nitrogen. Fixing of phosphorus in soils mostly depends on the pH value of soil, soil moisture, temperature and present soil minerals. Phosphorous solubilizing bacteria (PSB) have different mechanisms by which plant unavailable phosphorous forms can be transformed into available forms to plants, thus affecting phosphorus reserves in the soil. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of microbiological preparation and phosphorus fertilization on the yield, quality and germination of soybean and corn seeds groen on acidic soils. Three locations with soils of similar pH values, different content of humus and concentration of available phosphorus were selected. The researches included a two-year field experiment and analysis of plant material and soil. As a microbiological preparation, a commercial preparation named Terra Condi, producer EmTehnologija d.o.o. from Valpovo, to which bacteria Pseudomonas putida (ATCC 12633), Pseudomonas rhizosphaere (DSM 16299) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (ATCC 13525) were added as phosphorous solubilizing bacteria. It was found that the Pseudomonas strains adapted to the soil of all sites. The control treatment with microbiological preparation recorded higher average yields of soybean and corn at all sites compared to the control treatment without the use of the microbiological preparation. The average amounts of microbially fixed phosphorus ranged from 23.34 to 88.88 kg ha-1. Also, there ware found very significant positive correlation (r = 0.89) between the concentration of available phosphor (AL-method) and the amount of microbially-fixed phosphorus, as well as between the humus content in soil and the increase of microbially-fixed phosphorus (r = 0,81). The average values of soybean germination ranged from 91.9 to 93.4%, and corn from 92.6 to 93.8%. Additional and longer-lasting researches under field conditions are needed to better determine the effects of the microbiological preparation

    Response of soybean and barley to Fertdolomite application on acid soil

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    The stationary field experiment with the application of granulated dolomite (MgCO3 x CaCO3) enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (Fertdolomite: 24.0 % CaO + 16.0 % MgO + 3.0 % N + 2.5 % P2O5 + 3.0 % K2O) in rates 0, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 t ha-1 on standard fertilization was started on 13th November 2007 on the acid soil (pH in 1n KCl: 3.90). The trial was conducted by randomized block design in four replicates (basic plot 40 m2). Standard fertilization of trial was applied in the next years for crops in rotation. In this study the response of soybean (2010) and winter barley (2012/2013) was shown. The average grain yield of soybean was 4830 kg ha-1 with variation among the treatments ranging from 4341 to 5361 kg ha-1. At the rates 10 t ha-1 and 20 t ha-1 soybean yields were significant increased for 8% and 16%, respectively and additionally by 6% at the highest rate of fertolomite. Fertdolomite had a moderate positive effect on protein contents in grain, while oil content was independent on the treatments. The average grain yield of barley was quite low (3630 kg ha-1), mainly due to low ears density (average 493 per m2) which was affected by oversupplies of precipitation in winter period under less permeable soil conditions. Extreme variations of precipitation regime are in connection with climatic change. Due to the application of 10 and 20 t ha-1 of Fertdolomite, yields of barley were significantly increased by 20% and 34%,respectively. However, the rates of 40 t ha-1 showed a non-significant difference of the barley yield as compared to the control level. The ear densities were significantly increased by application ≥ 10 t ha-1 Fertdolomite rates. Improvement of soil status by liming, adequate fertilization and similar managements contribute to the alleviation of detrimental effects of soil limitations and recent climate change on field crop yields

    The Communities of the Nematodes, Bacteria, and Fungi and the Soil’s Organic Matter in an Agroforestry Ecosystem in Croatia

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    An above‐ground plant diversity affects a below-ground biodiversity. A soil fauna diversity is important for the ecosystems’ sustainability. It reflects both the abiotic conditions and the soil’s biotic activity. This study’s objective was to assess the effect of an agroforestry system on the nematode abundance and trophic group distribution and on the bacterial and fungal abundance in the soil, as well as to analyze the links between a nematode abundance, trophic group patterns, soil’s microbiological status and the organic matter. A field experiment was conducted during two years in three treatments and three sampling periods. The treatments were as follows: an agricultural crop (C), a permanent walnut plantation (W), and a permanent walnut plantation with an agricultural crop (C + W). The nematodes were extracted, counted, processed and mounted on slides and ultimately determined and assigned to the trophic groups. The bacteria and fungi were extracted from the soil, grown on the plates, and counted. Our findings suggest that the studied agroforestry system (C+W) has exerted a positive effect on the soil nematodes, bacteria, and fungi, manifested as the statistically highest abundance of bacteria and fungi, but also as the highest abundance of nematodes and of a diversity of the nematode genera. The highest content of the organic matter was detected in the treatment C + W in the first sampling and in the treatments C + W and W in the second sampling. We have concluded that the combination of an agricultural crop and a permanent plantation has a great potential for better ecosystem stability and sustainability regardless of some deviations in our results. We believe that further research is necessary because the different agroforestry ecosystems may have different impacts on the soil fauna

    Utjecaj benefitnih mikroorganizama na prinos i kvalitetu soje u uvjetima smanjene gnojidbe dušikom

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility to reduce the application of mineral nitrogen fertilizers through the application of beneficial microorganisms (genus Bradyrhizobium, Azotobacter, bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus spp., etc.). Research was conducted during 2013 and 2014 on Eutric brown soil. The experiment was set up in a split-block scheme with 12 different variants in 4 repetitions: two soybean cultivars were used; two different treatments of nitrogen fertilizers and three different treatments of microbiological preparation were applied. Analysed parameters were soybean grain yield (kg/ha) based on 13% moisture, protein content (%), oil content (%) and hectolitre mass (kg). Given that the climatic conditions in the second year of research were more favourable than in the first year of research, all the elements of research, including control variants, achieved better results in the second year of research. All variants treated with microbiological preparations, either by application in soil or by application in soil combined with foliar treatments, also achieved statistically significant differences compared to the control variants.U radu je istraživana mogućnost redukcije dušičnih gnojiva uz korištenje benefitnih mikroorganizama (rodovi Bradyrhizobium, Azotobacter, bacterija Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus spp., itd.), kao alternative dušičnim gnojivima. Istraživanja su provedena tijekom 2013. i 2014. godine na eutrično smeđem tlu. Pokus je postavljen prema split-blok shemi te sadrži 12 varijanti u 4 ponavljanja kako slijedi: dvije sorte soje, dvije varijante primjene mineralnoga dušičnoga gnojiva i tri varijante primjene mikrobiološkoga preparata. Elementi istraživanja bili su prinos zrna (kg/ha), preračunat po hektaru na osnovi 13% vode u zrnu; sadržaj proteina (%); sadržaj ulja (%) i hektolitarska masa (kg). S obzirom na to da su klimatske prilike u drugoj godini istraživanja bile povoljnije nego u prvoj istraživačkoj godini, svi elementi istraživanja, uključujući kontrolne varijante, druge godine istraživanja, postigli su bolje rezultate. Sve varijante tretirane mikrobiološkim preparatima, bilo aplikacijom u tlo ili aplikacijom u tlo uz folijarne tretmane, također su postigli statistički vrlo značajno bolje rezultate u odnosu na kontrolne varijante


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    Cilj je provedenoga istraživanja ispitati mogućnosti redukcije mineralnih dušičnih gnojiva primjenom slobodnih (Azotobacter chroococcum) i asocijativnih (Azospirillum brasilense) dušičnih bakterija u kulturi šećerne repe, uz zadržavanje visokih prinosa i kvalitete korijena. Uz povrće, najviše nitrata skupljaju vrste porodice Chenopodiaceae, kojoj pripada i šećerna repa. Dušik je prinosotvorni element, pa se u gnojidbi koristi u velikim količinama; međutim on je i najnestabilniji makroelement koji se ispire u dublje slojeve tla i vrlo često dolazi do eutrofikacije podzemnih voda. Brojne bolesti povezuju se s visokom količinom nitrata, nitrita i nitroznih spojeva podrijetlom iz hrane biljnoga izvora, vode i suhomesnatih proizvoda. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je moguće reducirati mineralnu gnojidbu dušikom primjenom nitrofiksirajućih bakterija, dapače s dobivanjem veće kvalitete istraživanih svojstava šećerne repe. Nitrofiksirajuće bakterije nastanile su rizosferu korijena i biljke su se mogle koristiti raspoloživim dušikom koji im u danome vegetacijskom periodu treba, što nije slučaj kod gnojidbe dušičnim gnojivima.The aim of this study was to examine the possibilities of reducing the mineral nitrogen fertilizers by applying the free‐living (Azotobacter chroococcum) and associative (Azospirillum brasilense) nitrifying bacteria in the sugar beet production, without a reduction in the yield and quality of the sugar beet root. Along with the vegetables, most nitrates are collected by the species of the family Chenopodiaceae, to which the sugar beet belongs. Nitrogen is one of the most vital elements in the achievement of high yields, so it is used in large quantities in fertilization. However, it is the most unstable macroelement that flushes into the deeper soil layers, and a groundwater eutrophication is caused very often. Numerous diseases are associated with the high amounts of nitrates, nitrites, and nitroso compounds, i.e., the nitrite and nitroso compounds originating from the foodstuffs having a plant origin, water, and the cured meat products. The results of the study have demonstrated that it is possible to reduce a mineral nitrogen fertilizer quantity by using the nitrogen‐fixing bacteria while even obtaining a higher quality of the studied parameters. The nitrogen‐fixing bacteria predominate in the rhizosphere, so the plants could use the amounts of nitrogen necessary in a given vegetation period, which is not the case upon a nitrogen fertilization

    Influence of microbiological preparation and phosphorus fertilizer on yield, quality and germination of soybean and maize seed grown on acidic soils

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    Fosfor je drugi najpotrebniji makroelement za rast i razvoj biljaka, odmah poslije dušika. Fiksacija fosfora u tlu ponajviše ovisi o pH reakciji tla, sadržaju vlage u tlu, temperaturi te već prisutnim mineralima u tlu. Fosfor - topive bakterije, tj. phosphor solubilizing bacteria (PSB), posjeduju različite mehanizme pomoću kojih biljkama nepristupačne oblike fosfora mogu prevesti u biljci pristupačne oblike te tako utjecati na nepristupačne zalihe fosfora u tlu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ustanoviti učinak mikrobiološkog pripravka i gnojidbe fosforom na prinos, kvalitetu i klijavost sjemena soje i kukuruza na kiselim tlima. Odabrana su tri tipa tla sličnih pH vrijednosti, različitog sadržaja humusa i koncentracije lakopristupačnog fosfora. U sklopu terenskih istraživanja provedeni su dvogodišnji poljski pokusi te analize biljne tvari i tla. Kao mikrobiološki pripravak korišten je komercijalni pripravak Terra Condi tvrtke EmTehnologija d.o.o. iz Valpova u koji su dodane bakterije Pseudomonas putida (ATCC 12633), Pseudomonas rhizosphaere (DSM 16299) te Pseudomonas fluorescens (ATCC 13525) kao fosfor - topive bakterije. Utvrđeno je da su se bakterije roda Pseudomonas adaptirale u tlu svih lokaliteta. Kontrolna varijanta uz primjenu mikrobiološkog pripravka bilježila je veće prosječne prinose soje i kukuruza na svim lokalitetima u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu bez primjene mikrobiološkog pripravka. Količine mikrobiološki fiksiranog fosfora kretale su se od 23,34 do 88,88 kg ha-1. Također, utvrđena je vrlo jaka pozitivna korelacija (r = 0,89) između sadržaja fosfora u tlu (AL-metoda) te količine mikrobiološki fiksiranog fosfora na pojedinim varijantama te između sadržaja humusa u tlu i povećanja mikrobiološke fiksacije fosfora (r = 0,81). Prosječne vrijednosti klijavosti soje kretale su se od 91,9 do 93,4 %, a kukuruza od 92,6 do 93,8 %. Potrebna su dodatna i dugotrajnija istraživanja u poljskim uvjetima kako bi što preciznije utvrdili utjecaj mikrobiološkog pripravkaPhosphorus is the second most necessary macro-element for plant growth and development, just after nitrogen. Fixing of phosphorus in soils mostly depends on the pH value of soil, soil moisture, temperature and present soil minerals. Phosphorous solubilizing bacteria (PSB) have different mechanisms by which plant unavailable phosphorous forms can be transformed into available forms to plants, thus affecting phosphorus reserves in the soil. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of microbiological preparation and phosphorus fertilization on the yield, quality and germination of soybean and corn seeds groen on acidic soils. Three locations with soils of similar pH values, different content of humus and concentration of available phosphorus were selected. The researches included a two-year field experiment and analysis of plant material and soil. As a microbiological preparation, a commercial preparation named Terra Condi, producer EmTehnologija d.o.o. from Valpovo, to which bacteria Pseudomonas putida (ATCC 12633), Pseudomonas rhizosphaere (DSM 16299) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (ATCC 13525) were added as phosphorous solubilizing bacteria. It was found that the Pseudomonas strains adapted to the soil of all sites. The control treatment with microbiological preparation recorded higher average yields of soybean and corn at all sites compared to the control treatment without the use of the microbiological preparation. The average amounts of microbially fixed phosphorus ranged from 23.34 to 88.88 kg ha-1. Also, there ware found very significant positive correlation (r = 0.89) between the concentration of available phosphor (AL-method) and the amount of microbially-fixed phosphorus, as well as between the humus content in soil and the increase of microbially-fixed phosphorus (r = 0,81). The average values of soybean germination ranged from 91.9 to 93.4%, and corn from 92.6 to 93.8%. Additional and longer-lasting researches under field conditions are needed to better determine the effects of the microbiological preparation

    Environmental conditions and yield of wheat and maize the area of Posavski canton (FBiH, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA)

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    Kukuruz i pšenica su najrasprostranjeniji usjevi u FBiH. Veliku ulogu u cjelokupnoj proizvodnji kukuruza i pšenice u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine ima Posavski kanton, iako je površinski najmanji kanton. Cilj ovoga rada je istražiti utjecaj vremenskih prilika, prvenstveno oborinski i temperaturni režim, na prinose kukuruza i pšenice u FBiH, naročito u Posavskom kantonu kroz desetogodišnje razdoblje od 2000. – 2009. godine. Prosječni prinos kukuruza bio je za 0,93 t/ha viši u Posavskom kantonu nego u FBiH, dok je prosječni prinos pšenice bio viši za 0,65 t/ha u kantonu nego u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine. Zapažene su velike značajne varijacije prinosa u pojedinim godinama. Prosječni prinosi kukuruza u Posavskom kantonu kretali su se od 3,72 t/ha do 6,06 t/ha, dok su se prosječni prinosi pšenice kretali od 2,15 t/ha do 4,63 t/ha. Za vrijeme sušnih i toplih godina uzgoja zabilježeni su najniži prinosi kukuruza, dok niži prinosi pšenice mogu biti posljedica kako suše i visokih temperatura tako i suviška vode.Maize and wheat are the most widespread field crops in FB&H. A great share of that production belongs to Posavina Canton, although it is the smallest one. The aim of this study was testing the impacts of weather conditions, primarily precipitation and air temperature regimes, on maize and wheat yields in FB&H and Posavina Canton during 2000-2009 decade period. Average maize yield was by 0.93 t ha-1 and wheat yield by 0.65 t ha-1 higher in Posavina Canton than in Federation. Considerable variation of grain yields among years is observed. Maize yield in Posavina Canton ranges from 3.72 to 6.06 t ha-1, while wheat yield fluctuated from 2.15 to 4.63 t ha-1 Crops yields were highly dependent on weather. In dry and warmer growing seasons the lowest maize yield was achieved, while wheat yield reducing, beside drought and too high temperatures, could be consequences of water surplus

    Environmental conditions and yield of wheat and maize the area of Posavski canton (FBiH, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA)

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    Kukuruz i pšenica su najrasprostranjeniji usjevi u FBiH. Veliku ulogu u cjelokupnoj proizvodnji kukuruza i pšenice u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine ima Posavski kanton, iako je površinski najmanji kanton. Cilj ovoga rada je istražiti utjecaj vremenskih prilika, prvenstveno oborinski i temperaturni režim, na prinose kukuruza i pšenice u FBiH, naročito u Posavskom kantonu kroz desetogodišnje razdoblje od 2000. – 2009. godine. Prosječni prinos kukuruza bio je za 0,93 t/ha viši u Posavskom kantonu nego u FBiH, dok je prosječni prinos pšenice bio viši za 0,65 t/ha u kantonu nego u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine. Zapažene su velike značajne varijacije prinosa u pojedinim godinama. Prosječni prinosi kukuruza u Posavskom kantonu kretali su se od 3,72 t/ha do 6,06 t/ha, dok su se prosječni prinosi pšenice kretali od 2,15 t/ha do 4,63 t/ha. Za vrijeme sušnih i toplih godina uzgoja zabilježeni su najniži prinosi kukuruza, dok niži prinosi pšenice mogu biti posljedica kako suše i visokih temperatura tako i suviška vode.Maize and wheat are the most widespread field crops in FB&H. A great share of that production belongs to Posavina Canton, although it is the smallest one. The aim of this study was testing the impacts of weather conditions, primarily precipitation and air temperature regimes, on maize and wheat yields in FB&H and Posavina Canton during 2000-2009 decade period. Average maize yield was by 0.93 t ha-1 and wheat yield by 0.65 t ha-1 higher in Posavina Canton than in Federation. Considerable variation of grain yields among years is observed. Maize yield in Posavina Canton ranges from 3.72 to 6.06 t ha-1, while wheat yield fluctuated from 2.15 to 4.63 t ha-1 Crops yields were highly dependent on weather. In dry and warmer growing seasons the lowest maize yield was achieved, while wheat yield reducing, beside drought and too high temperatures, could be consequences of water surplus