1,680 research outputs found

    Polish local government debt refinance

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    O wyborze problematyki refinansowania zadłużenia samorządowego zadecydowało przeświadczenie o niedostatecznym ujmowaniu tego zagadnienia w literaturze przedmiotu, nierzadko jego bagatelizowaniu w odniesieniu do szczebla regionalnego i lokalnego oraz istnieniu pokaźnych luk na tym polu badawczym. Zasadniczym celem pracy jest usystematyzowanie informacji dotyczących refinansowania długu publicznego, w tym samorządowego, oraz zbadanie skali zjawiska w polskich gminach. Przedstawiono propozycje wzbogacenia mierników oceny kondycji finansowej samorządów o te dotyczące opisywanych zagadnień. Sprecyzowane cele mają więc charakter zarówno teoretyczny, jak i aplikacyjny. W pracy wskazano trudności, jakie związane są z pomiarem zadłużenia publicznego, przybliżono pojęcie refinansowania długu oraz odniesiono je do długu samorządowego. Zasygnalizowano zagadnienia związane z restrukturyzacją zadłużenia, myloną czasem z jego refinansowaniem. Zaprezentowano również dane dotyczące refinansowania polskich gmin w latach 2003-2015 oraz przedstawiono propozycje mierników omawianych zagadnień. Opracowanie kończy podsumowanie zawierające najważniejsze wnioski; zasygnalizowano również problemy wymagające dalszych badań.The choice of the subject of this paper: the refinancing of the local government debt, was determined by the conviction that this field of research has not yet been sufficiently explored. Literature downplays this issue at the regional and local level. Thus the main aim of this work is the systematisation of information on the refinancing of public debt, including local government debt, and examination of the scale of this phenomenon existing throughout Polish municipalities. Debt indicators have been proposed to be added to the array of tools used for assessing the financialcondition of local governments so that the objectives defined in the paper had both a theoretical as well as practical application. Problems and difficulties associated with the measurement of public debt have been identified, the concept of debt refinancing explained in more detail and a reference of a public debt to the local government debt has been made. Issues indicated in the article relate to debt restructuring and are sometimes confused with refinancing. The refinancing of Polish municipalities in the years 2003-2015 has been presented, followed by some proposals for measures applicable to the issues under discussion. The paper ends with a summary containing the main findings, and indicates issues that still require further research

    Crash risk estimation and assessment tool

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    Currently in Australia, there are no decision support tools for traffic and transport engineers to assess the crash risk potential of proposed road projects at design level. A selection of equivalent tools already exists for traffic performance assessment, e.g. aaSIDRA or VISSIM. The Urban Crash Risk Assessment Tool (UCRAT) was developed for VicRoads by ARRB Group to promote methodical identification of future crash risks arising from proposed road infrastructure, where safety cannot be evaluated based on past crash history. The tool will assist practitioners with key design decisions to arrive at the safest and the most cost -optimal design options. This paper details the development and application of UCRAT software. This professional tool may be used to calculate an expected mean number of casualty crashes for an intersection, a road link or defined road network consisting of a number of such elements. The mean number of crashes provides a measure of risk associated with the proposed functional design and allows evaluation of alternative options. The tool is based on historical data for existing road infrastructure in metropolitan Melbourne and takes into account the influence of key design features, traffic volumes, road function and the speed environment. Crash prediction modelling and risk assessment approaches were combined to develop its unique algorithms. The tool has application in such projects as road access proposals associated with land use developments, public transport integration projects and new road corridor upgrade proposals

    Debt as a factor of local development of reactivated local authorities

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    Zadłużenie, a więc najogólniej rzecz biorąc, zobowiązania podlegające zwrotowi, nierzadko w doniesieniach medialnych traktowane jest jako pojęcie o pejoratywnej konotacji i negatywny aspekt funkcjonowania samorządów, zarówno regionalnych, jak i lokalnych, to jednak ze względu na przeznaczenie, przede wszystkim na finansowanie przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych, w literaturze z zakresu prawa finansowego oraz ekonomii jest przedstawiane w zdecydowanie lepszym świetle. Jego występowanie w gospodarce finansowej jednostek samorządu terytorialnego (JST) nie stanowi przejawu nieprawidłowości występujących w procesie gospodarowania, a jest wręcz wyrazem prorozwojowej polityki władz lokalnych oraz regionalnych. Ograniczone zasoby finansowe samorządu spowodowały, że realizacja inwestycji, będących niezwykle ważnym stymulatorem rozwoju lokalnego, wymaga sięgania po zwrotne źródła finansowania. Obowiązujące regulacje prawne oraz możliwości pozyskiwania środków z funduszy Unii Europejskiej (UE) spowodowały, że dynamicznie rosnący w ostatnich latach dług JST służył przede wszystkim realizacji przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych, które przynajmniej w zamierzeniach mają służyć rozwojowi wspólnot lokalnych. Włączenie Polski w struktury zjednoczonej Europy spowodowało, że to właśnie samorządy stały się największym inwestorem publicznym, przyczyniając się tym samym do rozwoju nie tylko poszczególnych regionów, ale również całej gospodarki krajowej. Realizacja poszczególnych przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych budzi czasem zastrzeżenia i obawy, niemniej z samego założenia mają one służyć zarówno rozwojowi danych samorządów, jak również poprawie jakości życia ich mieszkańców. Mając na względzie te argumenty, zawarty w literaturze przedmiotu pozytywny obraz zadłużenia samorządowego jest uzasadniony. Istnieje jednak dość pokaźna luka w zakresie analizy aspektów negatywnych, jakie bez wątpienia występują. The currently binding legal regulations in Poland have created a situation in which the debt of local authorities that has been dynamically growing over the recent years is now an instrument which serves the execution of investments which, at least as intended, are to enhance the development of local communities. Upon Poland joining the structures of the European Union, it was the local governments which became the biggest public investor; thus contributing not only to the development of respective regions but also the domestic economy as a whole. Even though the repayable liabilities facilitate an increase in the speed of the development, their negative consequences can make the debt an obstacle to local development. Local development involves the execution of respective undertakings, most frequently investments. It is extremely important tomake the process of creating the local government comprehensive and to make it consider all the aspects of the operation of a given local government. The development of each local government should be sustainable and permanent, thanks to which the needs of today’s generation can be satisfied at no expense to the future generations

    Konstrukcja znamion typu rodzajowego przestępstwa wypadku komunikacyjnego – uwagi krytyczne

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    The article contains the overview of problems connected with interpretations of elements of offence described in art. 177 Polish Penal Code. The essence of the text shows the difficulties that are shaped on the practical side of circumstances in traffic. The theses which can be found in the text are shown through the opinions of Polish courts and doctrine. This article gives a cause to think over once again the sense of the elements of the offence in relation to the sense of features of other road transport offences


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    This paper is focused on hit batsmen in Major League Baseball from the 2008 season through August 20th of the 2013 season. More specifically, this paper examines the characteristics of retaliation pitches and attempts to determine the intent of the pitcher. The paper also takes into account moral hazard and cost-benefit analysis of hitting an opposing batsman. There has been a vast amount of literature in economics with regard to hit batsmen in Major League Baseball. However, very few of these papers have been able to evaluate economic theories in Major League Baseball using Pitchf/x data. Pitchf/x technology became fully implemented into all thirty Major League ballparks prior to the 2008 season. Pitchf/x provides us with intricate details of every pitch, which include velocity, movement, and pitch location. Using Pitchf/x data, this paper presents a very detailed statistical analysis with regard to hit batsmen under a variety of scenarios. A probit model is used to test for the probability of an intentional retaliation pitch based on a variety of predictor variables. The most important conclusion we are able to draw from the two regression models presented in this paper is that, holding all other factors constant, retaliation pitches that are fastballs increase the probability of being intentional by roughly 17%

    Symbol in translation

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    The subject for reflection in this paper is the translational challenge posed by the rendering of linguistic representations of national stereotypes, based on the example of the flower Edelweiss from the song Edelweiss which became a word-symbol for the inhabitants of the U.S.A. The translation of this stereotype created in the U.S.A., where the symbol of Edelweiss gained an added meaning, means that the translator of the English-German language pair is forced to explain the exo-cultural associations to those receivers who are enculturated in the country of this symbol’s origin.

    Transforming Sweatshops Begins with Sourcing: Best Practices in Apparel Purchasing (FLA Stakeholder Forum PowerPoint Presentation)

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide.  Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.FLA_Patricia_Jurewicz_PPT.pdf: 72 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    The Catalog Problem:Deep Learning Methods for Transforming Sets into Sequences of Clusters

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    The titular Catalog Problem refers to predicting a varying number of ordered clusters from sets of any cardinality. This task arises in many diverse areas, ranging from medical triage, through multi-channel signal analysis for petroleum exploration to product catalog structure prediction. This thesis focuses on the latter, which exemplifies a number of challenges inherent to ordered clustering. These include learning variable cluster constraints, exhibiting relational reasoning and managing combinatorial complexity. All of which present unique challenges for neural networks, combining elements of set representation, neural clustering and permutation learning.In order to approach the Catalog Problem, a curated dataset of over ten thousand real-world product catalogs consisting of more than one million product offers is provided. Additionally, a library for generating simpler, synthetic catalog structures is presented. These and other datasets form the foundation of the included work, allowing for a quantitative comparison of the proposed methods’ ability to address the underlying challenge. In particular, synthetic datasets enable the assessment of the models’ capacity to learn higher order compositional and structural rules.Two novel neural methods are proposed to tackle the Catalog Problem, a set encoding module designed to enhance the network’s ability to condition the prediction on the entirety of the input set, and a larger architecture for inferring an input- dependent number of diverse, ordered partitional clusters with an added cardinality prediction module. Both result in an improved performance on the presented datasets, with the latter being the only neural method fulfilling all requirements inherent to addressing the Catalog Problem

    A Milestone in Polish CISG Jurisprudence and Its Significance to the World Trade Community

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    This comment analyzes a case from the Polish Supreme Court that, because of its rigorous discussion of many fundamental matters and embodiment of the Court’s effort to make its decision within the framework of the Vienna Convention, serves as a great contribution to the global CISG jurisprudence

    Prajāpati is hungry. How can the concept of eating be used in philosophy?

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