4,021 research outputs found

    Wind loads analysis at the anchorages of the Talavera de la Reina cable stayed bridge

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    This paper describes wind tunnel tests performed on wind tunnel models of the Talavera de la Reina cable stayed bridge. The work describes the aeroelastic model construction and it is focused on the evaluation and analysis of the mean and peak wind loads at the tower foundation and the cable anchorages since these data can be very useful by the bridge manufacturer as a support for the bridge design. The work is part of a complete wind tunnel study carried out to analyze the aeroelastic stability of the bridge

    The autobiographical construction in non-formal education . Women who seek to deepen and understand its patterns constructed identity

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    El rol de investigadora-formadora con Historias de Vida en Educación, además de desarrollarlo en el contexto universitario desde hace más de diez años (Jurado Jiménez, 2014), desde hace tres años, lo ampliamos, a otros contextos fuera de la institución universitaria, re-creando un trabajo con grupos mujeres que, independiente de su formación inicial (amas de casa, maestras, camarera, médico, historiadora, etc.) han optado por hacer un trabajo de construcción autobiográfica (oral y escrita) desde una perspectiva de educación existencial y social (López Górriz, 2004, 2007a, 2007b y Jurado Jiménez, 2010 y 2014). Este trabajo se realiza a través de un Taller denominado "Historias de Vida", desarrollado en el Centro de Alto Rendimiento Intelectual "Tesla" situado en el sur de España (Sevilla), siendo un proceso formativo de construcción autobiográfica. A dicho taller asisten dos grupos de madres de alumnado, niños o niñas y jóvenes, que tienen edades comprendidas entre cuarenta y cincuenta años. En el Taller de Historias de Vida se pone en marcha una metodología de investigación-acción- formación, a través de la cual se apunta a la gestación de cambios importantes. Con este trabajo se pretende abrir una vía de construcción de alternativas formativas que ahonden en la esencia de la persona, en este caso como mujeres, ante procesos de desestructuración y re-estructuración singulares y sociales importantes. En el documento que presentamos a continuación, hemos recogido una parte de este trabajo para mostrar la importancia de esta modalidad de formación e investigación autobiográfica

    Timely-automatic procedure for estimating the endocardial limits of the left ventricle assessed echocardiographically in clinical practice

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    In this paper, we propose an analytical rapid method to estimate the endocardial borders of the left ventricular walls on echocardiographic images for prospective clinical integration. The procedure was created as a diagnostic support tool for the clinician and it is based on the use of the anisotropic generalized Hough transform. Its application is guided by a Gabor-like filtering for the approximate delimitation of the region of interest without the need for computing further anatomical characteristics. The algorithm is applying directly a deformable template on the predetermined filtered region and therefore it is responsive and straightforward implementable. For accuracy considerations, we have employed a support vector machine classifier to determine the confidence level of the automated marking. The clinical tests were performed at the Cardiology Clinic of the County Emergency Hospital Timisoara and they improved the physicians perception in more than 50% of the cases. The report is concluded with medical discussions.European Union (UE)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). Españ

    Generating Second Order (Co)homological Information within AT-Model Context

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    In this paper we design a new family of relations between (co)homology classes, working with coefficients in a field and starting from an AT-model (Algebraic Topological Model) AT(C) of a finite cell complex C These relations are induced by elementary relations of type “to be in the (co)boundary of” between cells. This high-order connectivity information is embedded into a graph-based representation model, called Second Order AT-Region-Incidence Graph (or AT-RIG) of C. This graph, having as nodes the different homology classes of C, is in turn, computed from two generalized abstract cell complexes, called primal and dual AT-segmentations of C. The respective cells of these two complexes are connected regions (set of cells) of the original cell complex C, which are specified by the integral operator of AT(C). In this work in progress, we successfully use this model (a) in experiments for discriminating topologically different 3D digital objects, having the same Euler characteristic and (b) in designing a parallel algorithm for computing potentially significant (co)homological information of 3D digital objects.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2016-81030-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-0

    Application of the EXtrapolated Efficiency Method (EXEM) to infer the gamma-cascade detection efficiency in the actinide region

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    The study of transfer-induced gamma-decay probabilities is very useful for understanding the surrogate-reaction method and, more generally, for constraining statistical-model calculations. One of the main difficulties in the measurement of gamma-decay probabilities is the determination of the gamma-cascade detection efficiency. In [Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 700, 59 (2013)] we developed the Extrapolated Efficiency Method (EXEM), a new method to measure this quantity. In this work, we have applied, for the first time, the EXEM to infer the gamma-cascade detection efficiency in the actinide region. In particular, we have considered the 238U(d,p)239U and 238U(3He,d)239Np reactions. We have performed Hauser-Feshbach calculations to interpret our results and to verify the hypothesis on which the EXEM is based. The determination of fission and gamma-decay probabilities of 239Np below the neutron separation energy allowed us to validate the EXEM

    Derechos humanos, familia y educación

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    El ser humano tiene un condicionamiento muy profundo: el de ser reconocido por alguien como otro ‘alguien’, es decir, el de ser amado. De ahí la necesidad imperiosa de nacer en el ámbito familiar capaz de llevar a cabo las funciones que la vida social necesita. Por razón de solidaridad –valoración del otro como otro yo de cuyo bien soy responsable en la medida en que puedo influirle–, los propios derechos y obligaciones están limitados por análogos derechos y obligaciones ajenos, y, por supuesto, por la propia naturaleza de derecho u obligación

    Characterizing Cautious Choice

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    The class of maximin actions in general decision problems is characterized.Maximin actions;Decision problems