2,510 research outputs found

    An out-of-core method for GPU image mapping on large 3D scenarios of the real world

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    [Abstract] Image mapping on 3D huge scenarios of the real world is one of the most fundamental and computational expensive processes for the integration of multi-source sensing data. Recent studies focused on the observation and characterization of Earth have been enhanced by the proliferation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and sensors able to capture massive datasets with a high spatial resolution. Despite the advances in manufacturing new cameras and versatile platforms, only a few methods have been developed to characterize the study area by fusing heterogeneous data such as thermal, multispectral or hyperspectral images with high-resolution 3D models. The main reason for this lack of solutions is the challenge to integrate multi-scale datasets and high computational efforts required for image mapping on dense and complex geometric models. In this paper, we propose an efficient pipeline for multi-source image mapping on huge 3D scenarios. Our GPU-based solution significantly reduces the run time and allows us to generate enriched 3D models on-site. The proposed method is out-of-core and it uses available resources of the GPU’s machine to perform two main tasks: (i) image mapping and (ii) occlusion testing. We deploy highly-optimized GPU-kernels for image mapping and detection of self-hidden geometry in the 3D model, as well as a GPU-based parallelization to manage the 3D model considering several spatial partitions according to the GPU capabilities. Our method has been tested on 3D scenarios with different point cloud densities (66M, 271M, 542M) and two sets of multispectral images collected by two drone flights. We focus on launching the proposed method on three platforms: (i) System on a Chip (SoC), (ii) a user-grade laptop and (iii) a PC. The results demonstrate the method’s capabilities in terms of performance and versatility to be computed by commodity hardware. Thus, taking advantage of GPUs, this method opens the door for embedded and edge computing devices for 3D image mapping on large-scale scenarios in near real-time.This work has been partially supported through the research projects TIN2017-84968-R, PID2019-104184RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF funds “A way of doing Europe”, as well as by ED431C 2021/30, ED431F 2021/11 funded by Xunta de Galicia and 1381202 by Junta de AndalucíaXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/30Xunta de Galicia; ED431F 2021/11Junta de Andalucía; 138120

    Toxicity of methoprene as assessed by the use of a model microorganism

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    Methoprene is an insect juvenile growth hormone mimic, commonly used as a pesticide. Although widely used for the control of several pests, toxic effects on organisms of different phyla have been reported. These events triggered studies to clarify the mechanisms of toxicity of this insecticide putatively involved in ecological issues. Here we show the effect of methoprene on the normal cell growth and viability of a strain of the thermophilic eubacterium Bacillus stearothermophilus, previously used as a model for toxicological evaluation of other environment pollutants. Respiration studies were also carried out attempting to identify a putative target for the cytotoxic action of methoprene. Cell growth was affected and a decrease of the number of viable cells was observed as a result of the addition of methoprene to the growth medium, an effect reverted by the presence of Ca2+. Methoprene also inhibited the redox flow of B. stearothermophilus protoplasts before the cytochrome oxidase segment, an effect further studied by individually assessing the enzymatic activities of the respiratory complexes. This study suggests that methoprene membrane interaction and perturbation of cell bioenergetics may underlie the mechanism of toxicity of this compound in non-target organisms.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TCP-4GSJXGW-4/1/788f9fd7d4f3a4f1ae5d498a5674dcc

    Comparative study of tributyltin toxicity on two bacteria of the genus Bacillus

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    Tributyltin is a potent biocide mainly used in marine antifouling paints. Owing to its widespread distribution in coast areas and its high toxicity to aquatic organisms, the use of this compound is generally restricted and under government regulation. Despite of that, it persists in the aquatic environment. Organotins used in industry have also been detected in terrestrial environments. The persistence and high lipophilicity explain bioaccumulation. The role of bacteria in recycling organic matter prompted us to study the interaction of tributyltin with two ubiquitous bacilli, B. stearothermophilus and B. subtilis, proposed as biological indicators of pollutants with ecological impact. These bacteria have been used as suitable models for the study of toxicity mechanisms of unselective lipophilic compounds (e.g., DDT and endosulfan). Drug effects on growth parameters, oxygen consumption and membrane organization were assessed. Bacteria growth in a liquid complex medium was disturbed by concentrations of TBT as low as 25 nM (8 [mu]g L-1), close to the concentration in polluted environments. The respiratory activity is affected by TBT in both microorganisms. Membrane organization, assessed by fluorescence polarization of two fluidity probes, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) and a propionic acid derivative (DPH-PA), was also perturbed by the xenobiotic. Alterations on growth, oxygen consumption and physical properties of membrane lipids are stronger in B. stearothermophilus as compared to B. subtilis. A putative relationship between growth inhibition and respiratory activity impairment induced by TBT and its effects on the physical behaviour of bacterial membrane lipids is suggested.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TCP-4GSJR3R-9/1/18e0ee5c8ce4e887466d84b850ad8ec

    Critical Repetition Rates for Perceptual Segregation of Time-Varying Auditory, Visual and Vibrotactile Stimulation

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    What sound quality has led to exclude infrasound from sound in the conventional hearing range? We examined whether temporal segregation of pressure pulses is a distinctive property and evaluated this perceptual limit via an adaptive psychophysical procedure for pure tones and carriers of different envelopes. Further, to examine across-domain similarity and individual covariation of this limit, here called the critical segregation rate (CSR), it was also measured for various periodic visual and vibrotactile stimuli. Results showed that sequential auditory or vibrotactile stimuli separated by at least ~80‒90 ms (~11‒12-Hz repetition rates), will be perceived as perceptually segregated from one another. While this limit did not statistically differ between these two modalities, it was significantly lower than the ~150 ms necessary to perceptually segregate successive visual stimuli. For the three sensory modalities, stimulus periodicity was the main factor determining the CSR, which apparently reflects neural recovery times of the different sensory systems. Among all experimental conditions, significant within- and across-modality individual CSR correlations were observed, despite the visual CSR (mean: 6.8 Hz) being significantly lower than that of both other modalities. The auditory CSR was found to be significantly lower than the frequency above which sinusoids start to elicit a tonal quality (19 Hz; recently published for the same subjects). Returning to our initial question, the latter suggests that the cessation of tonal quality — not the segregation of pressure fluctuations — is the perceptual quality that has led to exclude infrasound (sound with frequencies < 20 Hz) from the conventional hearing range

    Experience applying language processing techniques to develop educational software that allow active learning methodologies by advising students

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    This paper is focused on those systems that allow students to build their own knowledge by providing them with feedback regarding their actions while performing a problem based learning activity or while making changes to problem statements, so that a higher order thinking skill can be achieved. This feedback is the consequence of an automatic assessment. Particularly, we propose a method that makes use of Language Processor techniques for developing these kinds of systems. This method could be applied in subjects in which problem statements and solutions can be formalized by mean of a formal language and the problems can be solved in an algorithmic way. The method has been used to develop a number of tools that are partially described in this paper. Thus, we show that our approach is applicable in addressing the development of the aforementioned systems. One of these tools (a virtual laboratory for language processing) has been in use for several years in order to support home assignments. The data collected for these years are presented and analyzed in this paper. The results of the analysis confirm that this tool is effective in facilitating the achievement of learning outcomes

    Atypical Western Mediterranean deep water formation during winter 2005

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    The meteorological conditions in winter 2005, with anomalously low precipitation and unusual persistency of northerlies over the NW Mediterranean, caused a large extension both in time and space of deep convection processes. As a consequence, where convection typically gives rise to the Western Intermediate Waters (WIW) a New Western Mediterranean Deep Water (N-WMDW) was produced, slightly denser (+0.01kg m−3), warmer (+0.05ºC) and saltier (+0.03) than the usual WMDW. Moreover, near the continental slope, a cascading of colder and even denser water was found (-0.1ºC and +0.025 kg m−3), formed over the shelf (C-WMDW). In both cases it appears the high surface salinity as a responsible for the excess of density. The origin of this higher surface salinity is discusse

    Rapeseed oil-rich diet alters in vitro menadione and nimesulide hepatic mitochondrial toxicity

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    Diet-induced changes in the lipid composition of mitochondrial membranes have been shown to influence physiological processes. However, the modulation effect of diet on mitochondrially-active drugs has not yet received the deserved attention. Our hypothesis is that modulation of membrane dynamics by diet impacts drug-effects on liver mitochondrial functioning. In a previous work, we have shown that a diet rich in rapeseed oil altered mitochondrial membrane composition and bioenergetics in Wistar rats. In the present work, we investigated the influence of the modified diet on hepatic mitochondrial activity of two drugs, menadione and nimesulide, and FCCP, a classic protonophore, was used for comparison. The results showed that the effects of menadione and nimesulide were less severe on liver mitochondria for rats fed the modified diet than on rats fed the control diet. A specific effect on complex I seemed to be involved in drug-induced mitochondria dysfunction. Liver mitochondria from the modified diet group were more susceptible to nimesulide effects on MPT induction. The present work demonstrates that diet manipulation aimed at modifying mitochondrial membrane properties alters the toxicity of mitochondria active agents. This work highlights that diet may potentiate mitochondrial pharmacologic effects or increase drug-induced liabilities.The project was supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) with FEDER/COMPETE/National Budget funds (research grants PTDC/QUI-QUI/101409/2008 to P.J.O., PTDC/QUI-BIQ/103001/2008 to A.S.J. and PEst-C/SAU/LA0001/ 2013-2014 to the CNC). J.P.M. and A.M.S acknowledge FCT for Ph.D. grants SFRH/BD/37626/2007 and PTDC/AGR-ALI/108326/ 2008 respectively

    Study of biochemical substrate and role of metalloproteinases in fascia transversalis from hernial processes

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    The aim of this study was to examine the fascia transversalis (FT) from patients with direct and indirect hernia in an attempt to identify possible differences between each type of hernia. FT samples were obtained from 36 patients presenting inguinal hernia (23 indirect hernia and 13 direct hernia) who underwent surgery. We have analysed the ultrastructure of the fascia surrounding the hernial lesions, the proline and lysine hydroxylation in the tissue, the type I-type III collagen ratio and the presence of metalloproteinases. We have not detected ultrastructural differences in the collagen fibrils from FT in direct and indirect hernias. However, the interfibrillar matrix was more abundant in direct hernias, showing abundant electron-dense particles. No differences in proline hydroxylation were observed between each type of hernia. A small decrease in lysine hydroxylation was detected in patients with direct hernia. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) showed no statistically significant differences in the type I-type III collagen absorbance ratios. Immunohistochemistry revealed no differences in the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1. FT from patients presenting direct hernia showed a very strong staining vs. metalloproteinase-2 when compared with that observed in indirect hernia