1,537 research outputs found

    Inventory Games

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    AMS classifications: 90D12, 90B05.inventory management;information;cooperative games;proportional division

    Genomas y proteomas

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    Una lección como la que hoy tengo el placer de leer con motivo del acto inaugural del curso 2000-2001 tiene que tener forzosamente unas características algo diferentes de las lecciones que impartimos a lo largo del curso en las aulas de nuestra universidad. Ustedes provienen de campos del conocimiento muy diversos y no quisiera cansarles, sobretodo a la audiencia menos familiarizada con los conceptos de las ciencias naturales, con un tema de especialización bioquímica. La lección de hoy quiere tener un carácter general, aunque esto comporte tener que dejar algunos temas abiertos y que otros no se puedan profundizar como se haría en una clase convencional. A la hora de preparar esta lección, la intención por mi parte ha sido explicar de un modo sugerente y lo bastante amplio el mundo de la información genética, cuyo protagonista es el ADN, el ácido desoxiribonucleico

    One-against-many games

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    Application of the EXtrapolated Efficiency Method (EXEM) to infer the gamma-cascade detection efficiency in the actinide region

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    The study of transfer-induced gamma-decay probabilities is very useful for understanding the surrogate-reaction method and, more generally, for constraining statistical-model calculations. One of the main difficulties in the measurement of gamma-decay probabilities is the determination of the gamma-cascade detection efficiency. In [Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 700, 59 (2013)] we developed the Extrapolated Efficiency Method (EXEM), a new method to measure this quantity. In this work, we have applied, for the first time, the EXEM to infer the gamma-cascade detection efficiency in the actinide region. In particular, we have considered the 238U(d,p)239U and 238U(3He,d)239Np reactions. We have performed Hauser-Feshbach calculations to interpret our results and to verify the hypothesis on which the EXEM is based. The determination of fission and gamma-decay probabilities of 239Np below the neutron separation energy allowed us to validate the EXEM

    Characterizing Cautious Choice

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    The class of maximin actions in general decision problems is characterized.Maximin actions;Decision problems

    Transfers, Contracts and Strategic Games

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    This paper analyses the role of transfer payments and strategic con- tracting within two-person strategic form games with monetary pay- offs. First, it introduces the notion of transfer equilibrium as a strat- egy combination for which individual stability can be supported by allowing the possibility of transfers of the induced payoffs. Clearly, Nash equilibria are transfer equilibria, but under common regularity conditions the reverse is also true. This result typically does not hold for finite games without the possibility of randomisation, and transfer equilibria for this particular class are studied in some detail. The second part of the paper introduces, also within the setting of finite games, contracting on monetary transfers as an explicit strategic option, resulting in an associated two-stage contract game. In the first stage of the contract game each player has the option of proposing transfer schemes for an arbitrary collection of outcomes. Only if the players fully agree on the entire set of transfer proposals, the payoffs of the game to be played in the second stage are modified accordingly. The main results provide explicit characterisations of the sets of payoff vectors that are supported by Nash equilibrium and virtual subgame perfect equilibrium, respectively.monetary transfer scheme;transfer equilibrium;contract game;virtual subgame perfect equilibrium;Folk theorems

    Maximum likelihood equilibria of random games

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