311 research outputs found
Finite-size effects in dynamics of zero-range processes
The finite-size effects prominent in zero-range processes exhibiting a
condensation transition are studied by using continuous-time Monte Carlo
simulations. We observe that, well above the thermodynamic critical point, both
static and dynamic properties display fluid-like behavior up to a density
{\rho}c (L), which is the finite-size counterpart of the critical density
{\rho}c = {\rho}c (L \rightarrow \infty). We determine this density from the
cross-over behavior of the average size of the largest cluster. We then show
that several dynamical characteristics undergo a qualitative change at this
density. In particular, the size distribution of the largest cluster at the
moment of relocation, the persistence properties of the largest cluster and
correlations in its motion are studied.Comment: http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v82/i3/e03111
Opettajan keinoja kouluhyvinvoinnin edistämisessä
Tiivistelmä. Lapsi ja nuori viettää suuren osan ajastaan koulussa. Erinäiset lait, asiakirjat ja opetussuunnitelma velvoittaa koulua huolehtimaan oppilaiden kokonaisvaltaisesta hyvinvoinnista. Hyvinvoinnin tilaa ja siihen liittyviä tekijöitä on tutkittu paljon. Opettajien keinoja kouluhyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi ei kuitenkaan ole vielä juurikaan tutkittu. Konkreettisista keinoista hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi ei puhuta opetussuunnitelmassa eikä kokemukseni mukaan myöskään luokanopettajakoulutuksessa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää opettajien tutkimusperustaisia keinoja kouluhyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi. Opettaja on merkittävässä roolissa toteuttamassa koulun hyvinvointitehtävää. Myös tutkijoiden mielestä opettajien keinoihin tarvitaan lisää käytännön ohjeita.
Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä tarkastelen hyvinvoinnin yleisiä määritelmiä, kouluhyvinvoinnin käsitettä sekä koulun hyvinvointitehtävää. Näen tässä tutkielmassa hyvinvoinnin kokonaisvaltaisesti; fyysisen, psyykkisen ja sosiaalisen ulottuvuuden kautta. Tutkimus on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tuloksia on muodostettu sisällönanalyysin keinoin.
Aihe on ajankohtainen. Niin julkisessa keskustelussa kuin tutkimuksissakin ilmenee huoli lasten ja nuorten hyvinvoinnin tilasta. Tämä on huolestuttavaa, sillä hyvinvointi nuoruudessa edistää hyvinvointia aikuisuudessa. Covid-19-pandemia ja siitä seurannut ajoittainen etäopetus lisää myös osaltaan syytä pyrkiä tietoisesti edistämään lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointia.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että opettajilla on paljon keinoja oppilaiden kouluhyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi. Keinoja löytyi oppilaiden välisiin suhteisiin, luokka- ja kouluilmapiiriin, hyvinvointitaitoihin, opettajan ja oppilaan väliseen vuorovaikutukseen, kodin ja koulun yhteistyöhön, fyysiseen ympäristöön, osallisuuteen, työtapoihin sekä fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen liittyen. Opettaja voi hyödyntää tutkimuksen tuloksia suoraan käytännön työssä. Tulosten tarkempaan tarkasteluun tarvitaan kuitenkin edelleen uutta tutkimusta.
Tarkastelen hyvinvoinnin edistämisen keinoja koko peruskoulun tasolla. Tämä voi heikentää tutkimuksen luotettavuutta. Peruskoulu ikäryhmänä on hyvin laaja, ja todellisuudessa eri-ikäisille voi olla olennaisia eri hyvinvoinnin edistämisen keinot
Nesting Induced Peierls-type Instability for Compressed Li-CI16
Alkalies are considered to be simple metals at ambient conditions. However,
recently reported theoretical and experimental results have shown an unexpected
and intriguing correlation between complex structures and an enhanced
superconducting transition temperature in lithium under pressure. In this
article we analyze the pressure induced Fermi surface deformation in bcc
lithium, and its relation to the observed cI16 structure. According to our
calculations, the Fermi surface becomes increasingly anisotropic with pressure
and develops an extended nesting along the bcc [121] direction. This nesting
induces a phonon instability of both transverse modes at N, so that a
Peierls-type mechanism is proposed to explain the stability of Li-cI16.Comment: Proceedings of Fukuoka 2006 Conference on Novel Pressure-induced
Phenomena in Condensed Matter Systems. To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
2 pages and 3 figure
Ohjaussuhde ohjaajan toiminnan näkökulmasta erityisesti vertaisohjauksessa
Tiivistelmä. Kandidaatintutkielmamme tavoitteena on tarkastella ohjaussuhdetta ohjaajan näkökulmasta erityisesti vertaisohjauksessa. Pohdimme sitä, millaisena ohjaajan toiminta ohjaussuhteessa näyttäytyy vertaisohjauksessa ja millä tavoin se mahdollisesti poikkeaa perinteisen ohjauksen mallista, jossa ohjaaja on ohjaustyön asiantuntija. Työmme on toteutettu perinteisenä kirjallisuuskatsauksena parityönä. Aineisto on kerätty tekemällä tiedonhakuja suomalaisiin ja kansainvälisiin tietokantoihin, ja käytetyt tutkimusarikkelit ovat vertaisarvioituja.
Ohjaussuhteella on todettu olevan keskeinen rooli ohjauksen onnistumisen kannalta, jonka vuoksi sen ymmärtäminen ja tarkastelu on tärkeää. Ohjaussuhteen tarkastelumme pohjana toimii reflektiivinen ohjausorientaatio, joka perustuu systeemiseen näkemykseen ohjauksesta: ohjattava on aktiivinen subjekti ja ohjaaja on ennemminkin kanssakulkijan kuin neuvovan asiantuntijan roolissa. Näiden lähtökohtien pohjalta tarkastelimme siis ohjaajan toimintaa ohjaussuhteessa vertaisohjauksen kontekstissa sekä yleisellä tasolla että tarkemmin yhden vertaisohjauksen mallin, konsultatiivisen menetelmän, kautta. Konsultatiivinen menetelmä on Oulun kasvatuspsykologian klinikalla kehitetty ohjattuun roolityöskentelyyn perustuva pienryhmämenetelmä, joka perustuu vertaistuelle.
Tutkimusten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että ohjaussuhteeseen vaikuttavat useat ohjaajaan ja ohjattaviin liittyvät piirteet sekä toiminta ohjaustilanteessa. Ohjaussuhteen erityispiirteet vertaisohjauksessa liittyvät vertaisten väliseen tasavertaisuuteen, jonka myötä ohjaajan rooli ohjattavan elämään voi olla kokonaisvaltaisempi, ja hyvä ohjaussuhde voi muotoutua vertaisohjauksessa nopeammin kuin ohjauksessa, jossa ohjaaja on asiantuntija. Lisäksi ryhmässä toteutetun vertaisohjauksen ohjaussuhde on moninaisempi, sillä siinä on läsnä useita sosiaalisia suhteita. Konsultatiivisen menetelmän ansio on ohjaussuhteen näkyväksi tekemisessä: ohjausvuorovaikutusta havainnoidaan superviisorin ja havainnoitsijoiden toimesta jatkuvasti
Evaluation of the effect of donor weight on adipose stromal/stem cell characteristics by using weight-discordant monozygotic twin pairs
Background Adipose stromal/stem cells (ASCs) are promising candidates for future clinical applications. ASCs have regenerative capacity, low immunogenicity, and immunomodulatory ability. The success of future cell-based therapies depends on the appropriate selection of donors. Several factors, including age, sex, and body mass index (BMI), may influence ASC characteristics. Our aim was to investigate the effect of acquired weight on ASC characteristics under the same genetic background using ASCs derived from monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs. Methods ASCs were isolated from subcutaneous adipose tissue from five weight-discordant (WD, within-pair difference in BMI > 3 kg/m(2)) MZ twin pairs, with measured BMI and metabolic status. The ASC immunophenotype, proliferation and osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation capacity were studied. ASC immunogenicity, immunosuppression capacity and the expression of inflammation markers were investigated. ASC angiogenic potential was assessed in cocultures with endothelial cells. Results ASCs showed low immunogenicity, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation capacity independent of weight among all donors. ASCs showed a mesenchymal stem cell-like immunophenotype; however, the expression of CD146 was significantly higher in leaner WD twins than in heavier cotwins. ASCs from heavier twins from WD pairs showed significantly greater adipogenic differentiation capacity and higher expression of TNF and lower angiogenic potential compared with their leaner cotwins. ASCs showed immunosuppressive capacity in direct cocultures; however, heavier WD twins showed stronger immunosuppressive capacity than leaner cotwins. Conclusions Our genetically matched data suggest that a higher weight of the donor may have some effect on ASC characteristics, especially on angiogenic and adipogenic potential, which should be considered when ASCs are used clinically.Peer reviewe
A qualitative assessment of community acceptability and use of a locally developed children's book to increase shared reading and parent-child interactions in rural Zambia
INTRODUCTION: Early reading interventions hold promise for increasing language and literacy development in young children and improving caregiver-child interactions. To engage rural caregivers and young children in home reading, Zambian child psychologists and education specialists developed a culturally representative, local language children's book targeted at pre-grade 1 children. OBJECTIVES: We qualitatively assessed community acceptability and use of the book distributed to households with young children in two provinces of Zambia. METHODS: We conducted 15 focus group discussions (FGDs) with women (n=117) who received the "Zambian folktales adapted stories for young children" book. A codebook was created a priori, based on established themes in the guide; content analysis was conducted in Nvivo v12. Data were interpreted against the Theoretical Framework on Acceptability. FINDINGS: Respondents described wide acceptability of the children's book across multiple framework constructs. Respondents believed the book was culturally appropriate for its folktale structure and appreciated the morals and lessons provided by the stories. Respondents described using the book in multiple ways including reading in one-on-one or group settings, asking the child questions about the narrative or pictures, and providing additional commentary on the actions or figures in the pictures. Respondents believed the books were helping children grow their vocabulary and early literacy skills. The book's simple vocabulary facilitated use by less educated caregivers. The primary concern voiced was the ability of low literacy caregivers to utilize the book for reading. DISCUSSION: The children's book was widely considered acceptable by rural Zambian communities. It provided a platform for an additional method of caregiver-child interactions in these households for reading, dialogue, and oral storytelling. Shared reading experiences have potentially substantial benefits for the language development and emergent literacy of young children. Programs to develop and deliver culturally acceptable books to households with limited access should be considered by governments and funders
COVID-19 knowledge and prevention behaviors in rural Zambia: a qualitative application of the information-motivation-behavioral skills model
In early 2020, the Zambian Ministry of Health instituted prevention guidelines to limit spread of COVID-19. We assessed community knowledge, motivations, behavioral skills, and perceived community adherence to prevention behaviors (i.e., hand hygiene, mask wearing, social distancing, and limiting gatherings). Within a cluster-randomized controlled trial in four rural districts, in November 2020 and May 2021, we conducted in-depth interviews with health center staff (N = 19) and community-based volunteers (N = 34) and focus group discussions with community members (N = 281). A content analysis was conducted in Nvivo v12. Data were interpreted using the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model. Generally, respondents showed good knowledge of COVID-19 symptoms, spread, and high-risk activities, with some gaps. Prevention behavior performance was driven by personal and social factors. Respondents described institutional settings (e.g., clinics and church) having higher levels of perceived adherence due to stronger enforcement measures and clear leadership. Conversely, informal community settings (e.g., weddings, funerals, football matches) lacked similar social and leadership expectations for adherence and had lower perceived levels of adherence. These settings often involved higher emotions (excitement or grief), and many involved alcohol use, resulting in community members "forgetting" guidelines. Doubt about disease existence or need for precautions persisted among some community members and drove non-adherence more generally. Although COVID-19 information successfully penetrated these very remote rural communities, more targeted messaging may address persistent COVID-19 doubt and misinformation. Engaging local leaders in religious, civic, and traditional leadership positions could improve community behaviors without adding additional monitoring duties on an already overburdened, resource-limited health system
Trends in maternal mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic-evidence from Zambia
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased social and emotional stressors globally, increasing mental health concerns and the risk of psychiatric illness worldwide. To date, relatively little is known about the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable groups such as women and children in low-resourced settings who generally have limited access to mental health care. We explore two rounds of data collected as part of an ongoing trial of early childhood development to assess mental health distress among mothers of children under 5-years-old living in two rural areas of Zambia during the COVID-19 pandemic. We examined the prevalence of mental health distress among a cohort of 1105 mothers using the World Health Organization's Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in August 2019 and after the first two infection waves in October-November 2021. Our primary outcome was mental health distress, defined as SRQ-20 score above 7. We analyzed social, economic and family level characteristics as factors modifying to the COVID-19 induced changes in the mental health status. At baseline, 22.5% of women were in mental health distress. The odds of mental health distress among women increased marginally over the first two waves of the pandemic (aOR1.22, CI 0.99-1.49). Women under age 30, with lower educational background, with less than three children, and those living in Eastern Province (compared to Southern Province) of Zambia, were found to be at highest risk of mental health deterioration during the pandemic. Our findings suggest that the prevalence of mental health distress is high in this population and has further worsened during COVID-19 pandemic. Public health interventions targeting mothers' mental health in low resource settings may want to particularly focus on young mothers with limited educational attainment
Effects of Chronic Ethanol Treatment on Neocortex
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66043/1/j.1530-0277.1986.tb05133.x.pd
Effect of rye bread breakfasts on subjective hunger and satiety: a randomized controlled trial
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several studies report that dietary fibre from different sources promotes the feeling of satiety and suppresses hunger. However, results for cereal fibre from rye are essentially lacking. The aim of the present study was to investigate subjective appetite during 8 h after intake of iso-caloric rye bread breakfasts varying in rye dietary fibre composition and content.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was divided into two parts. The first part (n = 16) compared the satiating effect of iso-caloric bread breakfasts including different milling fractions of rye (bran, intermediate fraction (B4) and sifted flour). The second part (n = 16) investigated the dose-response effect of rye bran and intermediate rye fraction, each providing 5 or 8 g of dietary fibre per iso-caloric bread breakfast. Both study parts used a wheat bread breakfast as reference and a randomised, within-subject comparison design. Appetite (hunger, satiety and desire to eat) was rated regularly from just before breakfast at 08:00 until 16:00. Amount, type and timing of food and drink intake were standardised during the study period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Milling fractions study showed that each of the rye breakfasts resulted in a suppressed appetite during the time period before lunch (08:3012:00) compared with the wheat reference bread breakfast. At a comparison between the rye bread breakfasts the one with rye bran induced the strongest effect on satiety. In the afternoon the effect from all three rye bread breakfasts could still be seen as a decreased hunger and desire to eat compared to the wheat reference bread breakfast.</p> <p>In the Dose-response study both levels of rye bran and the lower level of intermediate rye fraction resulted in an increased satiety before lunch compared with the wheat reference bread breakfast. Neither the variation in composition between the milling fractions nor the different doses resulted in significant differences in any of the appetite ratings when compared with one another.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results show that rye bread can be used to decrease hunger feelings both before and after lunch when included in a breakfast meal. Rye bran induces a stronger effect on satiety than the other two rye fractions used when served in iso-caloric portions.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Trial registration number NCT00876785</p
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