12 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum motivasi belajar, kesiapan belajar, dan hasil belajar siswa kelas X IIS di SMAN 5 Tambun Selatan Kabupaten Bekasi; untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar dengan mediasi kesiapan belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah masih banyaknya jumlah siswa yang memperoleh hasil belajar di bawah KKM. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 162 siswa dan diambil sampel jenuh sebesar 162 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei eksplanatori. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Path Analysis (Analisis Jalur) dengan menggunakan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) hasil belajar siswa sebagian besar berada pada kategori dibawah KKM (kriteria ketuntasan minimal), motivasi belajar berada pada kategori sedang dan kesiapan belajar berada pada kategori sedang; (2) motivasi belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap kesiapan belajar siswa; (3) motivasi belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar siswa; (4) motivasi belajar dan kesiapan belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar. This Research is intended to find out to the general picture of learning motivation, learning readiness, and learning outcomes of class X students of IIS at senior high school 5 Tambun Selatan Bekasi Regency; The Influence of Learning Motivation on the results of learning with Moderator Student Learning Readiness on Economic Lessons. The background of this study is that there are still a large number of students who obtain learning outcomes under the KKM. The population of this study was 162 students and saturated samples were taken for 162 students. The method used in this research is explanatory survey. The data analysis technique used is Path Analysis using SPSS. The results showed that: (1) student learning outcomes were mostly in the category under KKM (minimum completeness criteria), learning motivation was in the moderate category and learning readiness was in the medium category; (2) learning motivation has a positive effect on student learning readiness; 3) learning motivation has a positive effect on student learning outcomes; (4) learning motivation and learning readiness have a positive effect on learning outcomes

    The Collocation Analysis of Twilight New Moon Novel

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    Nowadays in globalization era, being able to communicate in a foreign language is of paramount importance due to its role in seeking for jobs and scholarships. Translation, belonging to English for Specific Purposes, is a challenging and interesting skill to be mastered. Because of i ts rel ati ve di f fi cul ti es, it needs serious attention and concentration. The core of translation is a transfer of a message without any words missing, especially the meaning. The translator shall then be careful in replacing the words from Source Language to the Target Language. In translation, some problems appear like the usage of collocation in the novel Twilight New Moon. The author mostly uses collocation in the novel. Meanwhile, the translator translates the novel not only using word by word method, but also modulation method and the context of sentence. The use of collocation in novel makes readers find it easy to understand its meaning and acquire its message


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    The purpose of this research is to understand and discuss about Speech Acts of the United Stated of America, Donald Trump. The speech will be discussed linguistically by the writer. In analyzing Trump’s speech, the writer will relate it to the speech acts belong to J. L.  Austin, those are: locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. The analysis that will be elaborated by the writer is about Austin’s types of speech acts contained in Donald Trump’s speech, and then the most and the least types used in Donald Trump’s speech, and also determining does perlocutionary is always exist in every Trump’s utterance. This research is using descriptive qualitative method. In this case, the writer found 10 utterances related to Donald Trump’s speech. In those utterances, there include 10 data of locutionary forces, 10 data of illocutionary forces, but only 2 data that show perlocutionary forces, because not all utterances conduct perlocutionary. Thus, every utterance can be linguistically analyzed, in order to see whether every speech always conduct perlocutionary forces or not

    Synchronization of RPS English for Broadcasting with Departments at University of Bina Sarana Informatika (Student Perception and Their Effect on Online Learning)

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    RPS (Rencana Pembelajaran Semester -- Semester Learning Plan) is a document contains the framework or outline of learning plan for one semester. The RPS is used by the lecturer and for students. It is as the guideline in learning activities in order to reach the expected outcome. As there is expected outcome, thus it is designed both for lecturer and students and also for the principal, of subject. The RPS can be viewed from students side by having perception test. This perception test will perform either the RPS is synchronous with the students substantial needs by their department. Through perception, students will have notion of something, synchronicity. This research aims at (1) presenting perception of students from Broadcasting Department at Bina Sarana Informatika University on the RPS for English for Broadcasting subject; (2) viewing the influence of RPS through online learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era. This research is conducted by giving a questionnaire to students. Then, it is discussed and analyzed either by qualitative or quantitative research. Students from broadcasting semester IV are taken as an example in this research. There are 35 students was taken questionnaire. The data analysis are using the form of Spearman hypothesis test. The result shows that (1) students perception on RPS synchronousity is Synchronous; (2) There is no influence of students' perceptions of synchronization to their department through online learning. The proof shows that the value of P = 0.124 (P > 0.05) and the value of r xy = 0.294, means the relationship between students' perceptions of synchronicity to their department is not significant or weak.RPS (Rencana Pembelajaran Semester) adalah dokumen yang memuat kerangka atau garis besar rencana pembelajaran selama satu semester. RPS digunakan oleh dosen dan untuk mahasiswa. Sebagai pedoman dalam kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapai hasil yang diharapkan. Karena ada hasil yang diharapkan, maka dirancang baik untuk dosen dan mahasiswa dan juga untuk kepala sekolah, mata pelajaran. RPS dapat dilihat dari sisi siswa dengan melakukan tes persepsi. Tes persepsi ini akan melakukan apakah RPS sinkron dengan kebutuhan substansial mahasiswa oleh jurusannya. Melalui persepsi, siswa akan memiliki pengertian tentang sesuatu, sinkronisitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) memaparkan persepsi mahasiswa jurusan Broadcasting Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika terhadap RPS mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris untuk Broadcasting; (2) melihat pengaruh RPS melalui pembelajaran online di era pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan angket kepada siswa. Kemudian dibahas dan dianalisis baik dengan penelitian kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Mahasiswa semester IV jurusan broadcasting dijadikan contoh dalam penelitian ini. Ada 35 siswa yang diambil angket. Analisis data menggunakan bentuk uji hipotesis Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) persepsi siswa terhadap synchronousity RPS adalah Synchronous; (2) Tidak ada pengaruh persepsi mahasiswa terhadap sinkronisasi jurusan melalui pembelajaran online. Bukti tersebut menunjukkan bahwa nilai P = 0,124 (P > 0,05) dan nilai r xy = 0,294, berarti hubungan antara persepsi mahasiswa tentang sinkronisitas terhadap jurusannya tidak signifikan atau lemah

    Mastering Compound Word for Teachers and Learners of English

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    -- This study focuses on compound word and its need to be mastered by teachers and English learners. There are new words coming up almost every day. Most of them are by combining of two different words, blending and many other morphological phenomena. It is commonly known as word-formation. The discussion covers on word-formation specifically on the types of compound word and its meaning. A new word is formed from the same or different word classes. This word formation must be mastered by the English teachers and also the learners of English. The Semantic theory is used just to study the meaning of the word not the sentence. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken from The Time of the Oath Album By Helloween. The results show that there are three types compound words found. Compound Noun is the most dominant followed by Adjective and Verb. The Endocentric Compound is the most productive compound in meaning

    Anorexia of the Main The Character in Movie Entitled “To The Bone”

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    The aim of this research is to figure out about the symptoms and the treatment of the Anorexia in the movie entitled “To the Bone”. The researcher chooses “To the Bone” movie because the movie provides Anorexia disorder that occurred in the main character, Ellen, as the main analysis of this theme movie. The object of this research is about movie entitled “To the Bone” due to this movie provides shown Anorexia appeared in the main character. The researcher applies descriptive qualitative method to analyze the “To the Bone” movie. The data are analyzed using the anorexia theory from Pamela I. Swain. The data as the results of this analysis are (1) There are six symptoms of Anorexia in the main character are always wear baggy clothes, weight less than 85 percent normal, downy hair grows in arms, extremely low-calorie diet, compulsive exercise, refuse for not eating; (2) The treatments of anorexia for the main character are refeeding and psychotherapy counseling that consists of family counseling, group counselling, and personal counselling.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang gejala dan penyembuhan dari Anorexia yang dialami oleh tokoh utama dalam film “To the Bone”.  Peneliti memilih film “To the Bone” karena film ini memperlihatkan gejala Anorekxia yang dilami oleh tokoh utama, Ellen, sebagai analisa utama di penelitian ini. Objek penelitian diambil dari film yang berjudul “To the Bone” yang dalam cerita ini dialami oleh tokoh utama, Ellen. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menganalisis film ini. Data dianalisa menggunakan teori Anorexia dari Pamela I. Swain. Hasil dari analisa yang diperoleh oleh peneliti yaitu: (1) terdapat enam gejala Anorexia yang dialami oleh tokoh utama yaitu  menggunakan baju yang longgar, berat badan kurang dari 85 persen normal, tumbuhnya bulu halus di lengan, diet esktra rendah kalori, olahraga berlebihan, dan menolak untuk makan; (2) Pengobatan Anorexia pada tokoh utama yaitu pemberian nutrisi dan konseling psikoterapi yang terdiri dari konseling keluarga, kelompok konseling, dan konseling personal

    Student’s Perception of TOEFL during Online Learning in Pandemic Outbreak

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    This research aims to investigate the students’ perceptions towards Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) during online learning of the pandemic outbreak in Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika. This research used qualitative descriptive method. The researchers gave several questions in the form of questionnaire through google form. Seventy students from different major and status (graduated and not graduated yet) in Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika were chosen as participants. The data were gathered through questionnaires. There were ten questionnaires regarding to students’ perception of the given policy to the participants; and three questionnaires regarding to improve TOEFL competence skill. The result shows that 70,4% of participants prefer to choose Computer Based Test, and 45,1% of participants study TOEFL mainly to have Scholarship. Related to the most difficult part of TOEFL test, there are 36,6% of participants percept Listening Comprehension. Furthermore, in improving TOEFL competence, 43,7% of participants mostly like to watching movie. It indicates that most of the participants considered TOEFL as an essential thing to scale their English proficiency test and as the difficult test in English Proficiency. Furthermore, from the findings, it can also be seen that the challenges and gains encountered by the students are varied

    Implementation Of DeLone And McLean Models To Measure The Success Of Online-Based Tutoring System

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    Online learning system or better known as tutoring "bimbel" online is one of the learning methods that are delivered electronically using a computer device or smartphone and connected to the internet. Online tutoring is designed to enable distance learning through the internet without having to come face-to-face with the teacher. Rumah Belajar is a learning portal prepared by the Ministry of Education and Culture containing more than 12,934 learning materials. This portal can be utilized by students as an alternative to getting learning materials, be it inside or outside school hours. This research uses DeLone and McLean success model which only uses variable information quality, system quality, service quality, and user satisfaction. From the results of questionnaire collection, as many as 100 respondents provided th e data information needed in this study. The data is processed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) application using AMOS22 application. It is expected that with this research can be obtained recommendations about the learning system or online learning guidance that is good and liked by many users

    The analysis of figurative language in Bohemian Rhapsody’s lyric by Queen

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    Background: Throughout the lyric, -from music- there must be emblazoning with the meaning within it. Purpose: This study is coincided in seeking out the use of figurative language’s content in Bohemian Rhapsody’s lyric by Queen. Design and methods: Whereupon, the qualitative approach with design of content analysis is used in this study. The researcher acts as the main instrument since analyzing it. The focus on this study shows twenty figurative languages usage in it. The entire data is analyzed through three stages; 1). Data reduction, 2). Data representation, 3). Conclusion. Results: The result of this study shows there are 20 kinds of figurative languages; they are; Alliteration (3 lines), assonance and consonance (1 line), Hyperbole (1 line), Imagery (2 lines), Internal rhyme (1 line), Irony (1 line), metaphor (2 lines), and Onomatopoeia (1 line) Personification (1 line), Repetition (1 line), Simile (1 line), and symbolism (two lines). The researcher concludes, the figurative language used by this lyric is to bring the meaning coming up with beautiful language

    A Comparative Analysis of C4.5 Classification Algorithm, NaĂŻve Bayes and Support Vector Machine Based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for Heart Disease Prediction

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    Heart disease is a general term for all of types of the disorders which is affects the heart. This research aims to compare several classification algorithms known as the C4.5 algorithm, NaĂŻve Bayes, and Support Vector Machine. The algorithm is about to optimize of the heart disease predicting by applying Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Based on the test results, the accuracy value of the C4.5 algorithm is about 74.12% and NaĂŻve Bayes algorithm accuracy value is about 85.26% and the last the Support Vector Machine algorithm is about 85.26%. From the three of algorithms above then continue to do an optimization by using Particle Swarm Optimization. The data is shown that NaĂŻve Bayes algorithm with Particle Swarm Optimization has the highest value based on accuracy value of 86.30%, AUC of 0.895 and precision of 87.01%, while the highest recall value is Support Vector Machine algorithm with Particle Swarm Optimization of 96.00%. Based on the results of the research has been done, the algorithm is expected can be applied as an alternative for problem solving, especially in predicting of the heart disease