95 research outputs found

    A Feminist Struggle? South African HIV Activism as Feminist Politics

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    This paper is a feminist reading of HIV activism in South Africa, of a social movement that does not describe itself as a women’s movement: it advocates both women’s and men’s, trans, hetero- and homosexual peoples’ rights for adequate health care and antiretroviral medication. Like many others, Chandra Talpade Mohanty suggests that today’s powerful feminism is found in anti-globalization movements that do not necessarily call themselves feminist. These critiques maintain that the theory, critique and activism of grass-root women across the globe, for example around anti-globalization, should also inform academic feminist discussions. This article studies discourses on HIV in Africa by contrasting the politics of the Treatment Action Campaign, a South African activist movement, with social science research literature on HIV in Africa. The contextual and political dimension of the illness is a central feature in activist discourses, a feature that can be described as inherently feminist. The representations of HIV/AIDS in Africa and the policies these imply are strikingly different in the activist and academic discourses. We argue that activists’ political orientation and the consequent anti-individualism are key dividing features that lead the activist and research discourses down divergent paths. In contrast, HIV research inhabits a de-politicized and individualizing tendency

    Streaming Video Games: Copyright Infringement or Protected Speech?

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    Streaming video games, that is, live broadcasting playing video games on the internet, is incredibly popular. Millions tune into twitch.tv daily to watch eSport tournaments, their favourite streamer, and chat with other viewers. But all is not rosy in the world of streaming games. Recently, some game developers have aggressively exercised their copyright to, firstly, claim part of the streamers’ revenue, and secondly, control the context in which their game is shown. The article analyzes whether game developers have, and should have, such rights under EU copyright law. Reaching the conclusion that video game streams infringe the game developer’s right to communicate their works to the public, I argue that freedom of expression can and should be used to rein in their rights in certain cases. Subjecting the lawfulness of streams to game developers’ good will risks stifling the expressions of streamers. The streamers, their audience, and even the copyright holders, would be worse off for it

    Acta zoologica Fennica 93

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    Beyond Agency and Victimization : Re-reading Women’s Embodied Experiences.

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    We explore a range of projections that, we argue, are increasingly characterising much applied research on and popular representations of HIV/AIDS, gender and embodiment in Africa. Showing how the image of the victim is being challenged by a growing emphasis on agency, we identify continuities between these approaches. It is argued that both the insistence on victimisation and the celebration of agency naturalise neo-liberal ideas about the autonomous individual. Our paper reflects on our work on the South African Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), focusing on how we have confronted issues such as research design, reflexivity, methodology and ethics. We also show how TAC activists have redefined entrenched ideas about agency and victimisation. In developing a language and politics of activism that radically unsettles conventional understandings of embodied acts in the context of the HIV epidemic, TAC raises challenges for research, writing and media representations of embodiment and social marginalisation in African contexts.Peer reviewe

    Acta zoologica Fennica 91

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    Mötesfrihetens fredlighetskrav i ljuset av de grundlÀggande och mÀnskliga rÀttigheterna

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    Mötesfriheten Àr en av de grundlÀggande friheterna och en av hörnstenarna i ett demokratiskt samhÀlle. Den grundlagsenliga mötesfriheten skyddar rÀtten till allmÀnna sammankomster, det vill sÀga rÀtten att komma samman för ett specifikt syfte, framför allt för att uttrycka och utbyta Äsikter. I sÄvÀl internationella mÀnniskorÀttsfördrag som i grundlagen Àr sammankomstens fredlighet en förutsÀttning för skyddet av mötesfriheten. En icke-fredlig sammankomst Ätnjuter inte skydd av mötesfriheten. Avgörandet om en sammankomst Àr fredlig eller inte Àr dÀrför ett avgörande med lÄngtgÄende juridiska följder. Avhandlingen strÀvar efter att med samhÀllsjuridisk och rÀttsdogmatisk metod undersöka begreppet fredlighet som förutsÀttning för skyddet av mötesfriheten. Avhandlingen tar stÀllning till syftet med ett sÄdant krav och huruvida det Àr i enlighet med de nationella begrÀnsningsgrunderna för grundlÀggande rÀttigheter och dÄ i synnerhet godtagbarhets- och proportionalitetskravet. Dessutom presenteras myndigheternas positiva och negativa skyldigheter i förhÄllande till mötesfriheten och deras roll i bedömningen av fredligheten. DÀrefter diskuteras pÄ mer konkret nivÄ definitionen av begreppet fredlighet utgÄende frÄn rÀttspraxis frÄn framför allt Europeiska domstolen för de mÀnskliga rÀttigheterna. Vilka handlingar har i rÀttspraxis ansetts fredliga och vilka inte och pÄ vilka grunder? UtgÄende frÄn observationerna tar avhandlingen stÀllning till huruvida definitionen av begreppet fredlighet Àr tillrÀckligt förutsÀgbar och tydlig. Fenomenet civil olydnad och dess relation till fredlighetsbegreppet behandlas under en skild rubrik. Syftet hÀr Àr att undersöka förhÄllandet mellan en sammankomsts lagstridighet och icke-fredlighet
