816 research outputs found

    Third Order Differential Subordination for Analytic Functions Involving Convolution Operator

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    في هذا البحث, من خلال استخدام المؤثر المعمم الجديد تم الحصول بعض نتائج التابعية التفاضلية من الدرجة الثالثة ونتائج التابعية التفاضلية العليا  للدوال التحليلية .كذلك تم تقديم بعض نظريات من نوع الساندوج .       In the present paper, by making use of the new generalized operator, some results of third order differential subordination and differential superordination consequence for analytic functions are obtained. Also, some sandwich-type theorems are presented

    Some Subclasses of Univalent and Bi-Univalent Functions Related to K-Fibonacci Numbers and Modified Sigmoid Function

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    يهتم هذا البحث بفئات فرعية معينة من الدوال احادية التكافؤ وثنائية التكافؤ فيما يتعلق بمنحنيات تشبه الصدفة المرتبطة بأرقام فيبوناتشي k تتضمن دالة التنشيط السيني المعدلة θ(t)=2/(1+e^(-t) ) ,t ≥0في قرص الوحدة|z|<1. تقديرات المعاملات الاولية |c_2 | , |c_3 | تم التحقق من عدم المساواة Fekete-Szego ̈ ومحدد هانكل الثاني للدوال في فئاتنا.              This paper is interested in certain  subclasses of univalent and bi-univalent functions concerning  to shell- like curves connected with k-Fibonacci numbers involving modified Sigmoid activation function θ(t)=2/(1+e^(-t) ) ,t ≥0 in unit disk |z|<1 . For estimating of the initial coefficients |c_2 | , |c_3 |, Fekete-Szego ̈ inequality and the  second Hankel determinant have been investigated for the functions in our classes.

    Influence of Brand Management on Rivalry for Consumers in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry

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    Business companies in the world today regardless of the industry invest in Brand management in order to win consumer loyalty to their brands. This way the companies become relevant in business by increasing their market share and revenue in form of profits. The purpose of the study was to establish the Influence of Brand Management on Rivalry in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry. The objectives of the study were: - to establish factors that affect consumers purchasing behavior and find out how the consumers benefit from the rivalry. The research designs used was descriptive survey designs. The target population consisted of 289,380 inhabitants of Eldoret municipality. The study sample consisted of 399 inhabitants of Eldoret Municipality who were selected using simple random sampling technique. From the research findings, the study established that there is rivalry between the mobile telecommunication providers on major brands including internet connectivity, mobile money transfer, short message service and voice call services. Consumers benefit as a result of reduced product prices, quality services, and fast internet connections. Several factors that affected purchasing behavior were income and employment levels. The study concluded that employment and income were the main factors that motivate and affect the purchasing behavior of consumers. The study also concluded that consumers benefit from rivalry resulting from good brand management by mobile telecommunication operators. Key words:  purchasing behavior, brand management, rivalry, telecommunication industry, Eldore

    Morphological and biochemical variations in Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb. from mountains of Pakistan

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    Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb. (Elaeagnacea) is a native multipurpose plant from Himalayan regions of Pakistan. Its flowers and fruit are rich in vitamins, flavonoides, essential oil, lycopene and other bioactive compounds. Five populations of Elaeagnus umbellata from variable microenvironments of District Poonch were compared in terms of morphology and biochemistry using conventional and biochemical techniques. In spite of significant variability in morphological characteristics and vitamin C, seed oil and leaf chlorophyll content, Elaeagnus umbellata has great potential as a raw material for pharmaceutical industries, soil stabilization, reclamation, and for economic activities to the disadvantageous communities of the mountainous regions of Pakistan

    HIV, HBS and HCV in Dump Site Workers of Erbil Governorate

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    This research targeted eighty-nine males working in Kany Qrzhala, dumpsite. Age and gender comparable apparently healthy subjects were selected as healthy controls, and both of the groups were obliged to fill the study's questionnaire. Further, venous blood samples were collected from each individual for serum collection. The accumulated sera reserved for the sero-prevalence for antibodies tests of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Hepatitis C Virus, (HIV), (HBS), (HCV) respectively. The automated immunoassay analyzer Cobas E411 facilitated the conducting of the mentioned tests. The serum concentration of HIV and HBS antibodies of dumpsite workers revealed a significant increase when compared to the healthy group, while the HCV antibody serum concentration presented no significant alteration when comparing dumpsite workers to the healthy controls. The antibodies presence in the sera that belonged to workers is an indicator of exposure to the viruses due to unsanitary health conditions. This may pose a public health risk to the workers themselves, in addition to the people they are in contact with, including their families

    Anti-Toxoplasma, Anti-rubella, and Anti-cytomegalovirus Antibodies in Dumpsite Workers of Erbil Governorate

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    The present study aimed to detect the presence of anti-Toxoplasma, anti-rubella, and anti-cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibodies in the sera of dumpsite workers of Erbil Governorate. Eighty nine male dumpsite (Kany Qrzhala, Erbil Governorate) workers were included in this study. Serum was obtained for the detection of anti-Toxoplasma, anti-rubella, and anti-CMV antibodies using an automated cobas e411 immunoassay analyzer. No anti-Toxoplasma IgM antibodies were detected in any of the workers’ sera, while (25.84%) showed a positive result for anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies. All workers’ sera had no anti-rubella IgM and IgG2 antibodies, while (62.92%) of them revealed the presence of IgG1 in their sera. Anti-CMV IgM was found in (2.25%) of the sera, while (13.50%) of the sera revealed the presence of anti-CMV IgG antibodies

    Praziquantel coverage in schools and communities targeted for the elimination of urogenital schistosomiasis in Zanzibar: a cross-sectional survey

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    © 2015 Knopp et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. The attached file is the published version of the article

    Application of MobileNets Convolutional Neural Network Model in Detecting Tomato Late Blight Disease

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    Late blight (LB) disease causes significant annual losses in tomato production. Early identification of this disease is crucial in halting its severity. This study aimed to leverage the strength of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in automated prediction of tomato LB. Through transfer learning, the MobileNetV3 model was trained on high-quality, well-labeled images from Kaggle datasets. The trained model was tested on different images of healthy and infected leaves taken from different real-world locations in Mbeya, Arusha, and Morogoro. Test results demonstrated the model's success in identifying LB disease, with an accuracy of 81% and a precision of 76%. The trained model has the potential to be integrated into an offline mobile app for real-time use, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of LB disease detection in tomato production. Similar methods could also be applied to detect other tomato infections. Keywords:  MobileNets; convolutional neural networks; plant diseases detection; image classification; transfer learnin

    Effect of Organization Structure on the Effectiveness of on Job Training Programs. A Survey of Public Service in Trans Nzoia County Government

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of organisational structure on job training programs in the Public Service of Trans Nzoia County Government. The study adopted a theoretical framework that made use of two theories namely the Human Capital Theory which postulates that education is a form of investment in Human beings. The theory holds that employees invest in specific training to further their career path prospects. The other theory is Mclleland’s Need for Achievement theory. The study adopted descriptive survey with a target populationof 1300 employees from Trans Nzoia County Government. The study used stratified sampling technique to identify employees into their respective strata or departments. Thereafter each stratum was subjected to simple random sampling to get respective sample frame to participate in the study. A sample of 478employees was randomly selected; this number is made up of top, middle and lower level employees of Trans Nzoia County Government. The instrument of collecting data was questionnaire which was used to get both qualitative and quantitative data. The analysis of quantitative data was done to test hypothesis using a regression model. The results were significant to efficient administration of effectiveness of on job training programs in the County Government of Trans Nzoia and add a wealth of knowledge in the field of academia.The study results revealed that there was a significant relationship between organizational structure and effectiveness of on job training programs (p=0.000); The study concluded that on job training enables employees to know their work expectations and therefore tend to exhibit desired behavior at work place.The county government provides all the necessary resources required to undertake training of employees. Supervision of employees is undertaken by respective departmental managers during all the training programs undertaken in the county. The study recommended that the county government should train its employees well to enable them be aware of the organizational goals and can help achieve them within the organizations target projections. The county government should put in place management plans for the training programs to be undertaken on the employees in the county all the time. Keywords: Organisational Structure, Effectiveness Of  On-The Job Training