Influence of Brand Management on Rivalry for Consumers in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry


Business companies in the world today regardless of the industry invest in Brand management in order to win consumer loyalty to their brands. This way the companies become relevant in business by increasing their market share and revenue in form of profits. The purpose of the study was to establish the Influence of Brand Management on Rivalry in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry. The objectives of the study were: - to establish factors that affect consumers purchasing behavior and find out how the consumers benefit from the rivalry. The research designs used was descriptive survey designs. The target population consisted of 289,380 inhabitants of Eldoret municipality. The study sample consisted of 399 inhabitants of Eldoret Municipality who were selected using simple random sampling technique. From the research findings, the study established that there is rivalry between the mobile telecommunication providers on major brands including internet connectivity, mobile money transfer, short message service and voice call services. Consumers benefit as a result of reduced product prices, quality services, and fast internet connections. Several factors that affected purchasing behavior were income and employment levels. The study concluded that employment and income were the main factors that motivate and affect the purchasing behavior of consumers. The study also concluded that consumers benefit from rivalry resulting from good brand management by mobile telecommunication operators. Key words:  purchasing behavior, brand management, rivalry, telecommunication industry, Eldore

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