Effect of Organization Structure on the Effectiveness of on Job Training Programs. A Survey of Public Service in Trans Nzoia County Government


The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of organisational structure on job training programs in the Public Service of Trans Nzoia County Government. The study adopted a theoretical framework that made use of two theories namely the Human Capital Theory which postulates that education is a form of investment in Human beings. The theory holds that employees invest in specific training to further their career path prospects. The other theory is Mclleland’s Need for Achievement theory. The study adopted descriptive survey with a target populationof 1300 employees from Trans Nzoia County Government. The study used stratified sampling technique to identify employees into their respective strata or departments. Thereafter each stratum was subjected to simple random sampling to get respective sample frame to participate in the study. A sample of 478employees was randomly selected; this number is made up of top, middle and lower level employees of Trans Nzoia County Government. The instrument of collecting data was questionnaire which was used to get both qualitative and quantitative data. The analysis of quantitative data was done to test hypothesis using a regression model. The results were significant to efficient administration of effectiveness of on job training programs in the County Government of Trans Nzoia and add a wealth of knowledge in the field of academia.The study results revealed that there was a significant relationship between organizational structure and effectiveness of on job training programs (p=0.000); The study concluded that on job training enables employees to know their work expectations and therefore tend to exhibit desired behavior at work place.The county government provides all the necessary resources required to undertake training of employees. Supervision of employees is undertaken by respective departmental managers during all the training programs undertaken in the county. The study recommended that the county government should train its employees well to enable them be aware of the organizational goals and can help achieve them within the organizations target projections. The county government should put in place management plans for the training programs to be undertaken on the employees in the county all the time. Keywords: Organisational Structure, Effectiveness Of  On-The Job Training

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