80 research outputs found

    Active reflectors: possible solutions based on reflectarrays and Fresnel reflectors

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    An overview about some of the recent Spanish developments on active reflectors is presented. In the first part, a novel beamsteering active reflectarray is deeply studied. It is based on implementing in each elementary radiator an IQ modulator structure, in which amplitude and phase control of the scattered field is achieved. Finally, a special effort is made in offering solutions to overcome the active antenna integration problems. In the second part, the active concept is firstly extended to Fresnel reflectors. Thanks to the development of a proper simulator, this special structure can be easily analysed. This simulator allows the study of performance of this kind of reflectors and, applying evolutionary algorithms, to find optimal configurations of reflector in accordance with the given specifications for the conformal radiation pattern

    El comportamiento emocional del consumidor en destinos turísticos: una visión post-pandemia en Mazamitla, Jalisco

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    Human beings transform their thinking into actions guided mainly by emotional behavior, this fact fully applies in a world where changes have been radically present, especially after the great COVID-19 pandemic; Thus, tourist destinations such as Mazamitla, Jalisco, can benefit from a new paradigm that is more sustainable and profitable than what existed before.Los seres humanos transforman su pensamiento en acciones guiadas principalmente por el comportamiento emocional, éste hecho aplica completamente en un mundo donde los cambios se han hecho presentes de manera radical, sobre todo posterior a la gran pandemia de COVID-19; así entonces, los destinos turísticos como Mazamitla, Jalisco, pueden verse beneficiados de un nuevo paradigma que sea más sostenible y rentable que lo que existía antes

    Efecto del tratamiento preoperatorio con estatinas sobre los resultados de la cirugía coronaria

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    IntroducciónEl uso de estatinas se asocia a una reducción de accidentes coronarios en prevención primaria y secundaria y después de angioplastia primaria.ObjetivoInvestigar si el empleo de estatinas en pacientes sometidos a cirugía de revascularización coronaria (CRC) se asocia a beneficio clínico.MétodosSe incluyeron 102 pacientes consecutivos con enfermedad coronaria para CRC electiva y aislada. En el momento de la inclusión se registró el tratamiento preoperatorio y las variables clínicas basales. En el seguimiento se registró la aparición de muerte de origen cardíaco e infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM) en los primeros 30 días.ResultadosRecibían estatinas 61 pacientes (60%) frente a 41 (40%) que no las recibían. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre ambas poblaciones respecto a las características basales. A los 30 días se produjo una muerte cardíaca (1,6%) en el grupo que recibió estatinas, frente a cinco (12,2%) en el grupo que no las recibían (p=0,02), el IAM ocurrió en cuatro (6,6%) frente a 8 (19,5%) (p=0,04) y el resultado compuesto de muerte cardíaca o IAM ocurrió en cinco (8,2%) frente a 10 (24,4%) (p=0,02). En un modelo multivariado, el tratamiento preoperatorio con estatinas se mantuvo como un factor independiente de predicción (p=0,01; odds ratio [OR]: 3,6) de la aparición de muerte de causa cardíaca o IAM durante los primeros 30 días después de la intervención.ConclusiónEl tratamiento previo con estatinas se asocia de forma significativa e independiente a un menor riesgo de IAM o muerte de origen cardíaco en pacientes sometidos a CRC.IntroductionStatin treatment diminishes adverse cardiac events both in primary and secondary prevention and also after percutaneous coronary intervention.ObjectiveTo study if preoperative statin treatment is associated with any clinical advantage after coronary artery surgery.MethodsWe enrolled 102 consecutive patients with coronary artery disease, scheduled for elective coronary artery surgery. Combined procedures were excluded. Preoperative treatment and the clinical baseline characteristics were recorded in all patients at inclusion. Cardiac death and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were recorded during the first 30 days.ResultsSixty one patients (60%) were on preoperative statin treatment vs. 41 (40%) who were not. There were no differences at baseline level between both groups. There was one cardiac death at 30 days (1.6%) in the statin-treatment group vs. five deaths (12.2%) in the nostatin group (p=0.02). Acute myocardial infarction presented in four (6.6%) vs. eight (19.5%) (p=0.04). The primary combined cardiac endpoint made of cardiac death or AMI occurred in five (8.2%) vs. 10 (24.4%) (p=0.02). In a multivariate model, preoperative statin treatment remained an independent predictor (p=0.01; odds ratio [OR] 3.6) of cardiac death or AMI during the first 30 days after surgery.ConclusionPreoperative statin-treatment was significative and independently associated with less risk of AMI or cardiath death in patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting

    Experiencia inicial con la prótesis de despliegue rápido en posición aórtica Edwards Intuity

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    ResumenObjetivoDisponemos de una nueva clase de prótesis aórticas de despliegue rápido para tratamiento quirúrgico de la estenosis aórtica. Permitirían disminuir los tiempos quirúrgicos y facilitarían la cirugía mínimamente invasiva. Presentamos nuestra experiencia inicial con la válvula Edwards Intuity en el contexto del estudio multicéntrico Foundation.Pacientes y métodosEntre septiembre de 2012 y febrero de 2014 se implantaron 25 prótesis aórticas Edwards Intuity en 26 pacientes (77±4,3años; 52% varones). Veinticuatro (96%) fueron reemplazo valvular aislado, y 9 pacientes (36%) tuvieron abordaje mínimamente invasivo. Los pacientes fueron estudiados al alta, a los 3meses y al año de la intervención.ResultadosHubo éxito en el implante en el 96,2% de los pacientes (25/26). No hubo mortalidad hospitalaria. Seguimiento medio de 11±5,4meses, supervivencia acumulada del 96%. Un paciente falleció a los 11meses por un ictus isquémico. El tiempo medio de pinzamiento aórtico fue de 38,2±10,1min y el tiempo medio de circulación extracorpórea, de 62,4±11,1min. A los 3meses, el área valvular efectiva media fue de 1,70±0,42cm2. El 91% de los pacientes (23/25) estaban en grado funcionali en el seguimiento.ConclusionesEl implante de la válvula Edwards Intuity para el tratamiento de la estenosis aórtica ha sido factible, seguro y eficaz. Los tiempos de isquemia miocárdica y de circulación extracorpórea parecen reducirse en comparación con la cirugía valvular aórtica habitual. El comportamiento hemodinámico inicial de la prótesis Edwards Intuity es excelente.AbstractObjectiveA new class of rapid deployment prostheses is now available for surgical treatment of aortic stenosis. These prostheses offer the possibility of reducing the duration of cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic clamping times, and facilitate the use of minimally invasive surgery. We present our initial experience with the Edwards Intuity valve in the context of a multicentre Foundation study.Patients and methodsBetween September 2012 and February 2014, 25 Edwards Intuity valves were implanted in 26 patients (77±4.3years; 52% male). Twenty-four (96%) were isolated aortic valve replacement; a minimally invasive approach was used on 9 patients (36%). Patients were studied at discharge, three months, and one year after surgery.ResultsImplantation success rate was 96.2% (25/26). There was no hospital mortality. Mean follow-up of 11±5.54months, cumulative survival of 96%. One patient died eleven months after surgery due to ischaemic stroke. The mean aortic clamping time was 38.2±10.1minutes, and the mean cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time was 62.4±11.1minutes. In the echocardiography at 3months, the mean effective valve area was 1.70±0.42cm2, and 91% of patients (23/25) were in functional classi NYHA at follow-up.ConclusionsThe implantation of the Edwards Intuity valve for surgical treatment of aortic stenosis has shown to be feasible, safe and effective. Times of myocardial ischaemia and extracorporeal circulation appear to be reduced compared with normal aortic valve surgery. The initial haemodynamic performance of the Edwards Intuity prosthesis is excellent

    Ecuaciones de referencia de la capacidad aeróbica máxima ciclo-ergoespirometría para la población española adulta

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    [EN] Background: Frequently used reference values for clinical exercise testing have been derived from non-random samples and some with poorly defined maximal criteria. Our objective was to obtain population based reference values for peak oxygen uptake ( ̇VO2 ) and work rate (WR) for cardiopulmonary exercise testing in a representative sample of Caucasian Spanish men and women. Methods: 182 men and women, 20–85 years old, were included and exercised on cycle-ergometer to exhaustion. ( ̇VO2 ) and WR were measured. The equations obtained from this sample were validated in an independent cohort of 69 individuals, randomly sampled form the same population. Then a final equation merging the two cohorts (=251) was produced. Results: Height, sex and age resulted predictive of both ̇VO2 peak and WR. Weight and physical activity added very little to the accuracy to the equations. The formulas ̇VO2 peak = 0.017 · height (cm) − 0.023 · age (years) + 0.864 · sex (female = 0/male = 1) ± 179 l min−1 , and peak WR = 1.345 · height (cm) − 2.074 · age (years) + 76.54 · sex (female = 0/male = 1) ± 21.2 W were the best compromise between accuracy and parsimony. Conclusions: This study provides new and accurate ̇VO2 peak and WR rate reference values for individuals of European Spanish descent[ES] Antecedentes: Los valores de referencia utilizados con frecuencia para las pruebas de esfuerzo clínicas derivan de muestras no aleatorias y los criterios máximos para algunos de ellos están mal definidos. Nuestro objetivo fue obtener valores de referencia basados en la población general para el consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO 2 ) y la carga de trabajo (CT) para las pruebas de ejercicio cardiopulmonar a partir de una muestra representativa de varones y mujeres caucásicos españoles. Métodos: Se incluyeron 182 varones y mujeres, de entre 20 y 85 a ̃nos, que realizaron ejercicio en el cicloergómetro hasta el agotamiento. Se midieron el VO 2 y la CT. Las ecuaciones obtenidas de esta muestra se validaron en una cohorte independiente de 69 individuos, seleccionados aleatoriamente de la misma población. A continuación, se creó una ecuación final que fusionó las dos cohortes (n = 251). Resultados: La altura, el sexo y la edad resultaron predictivos tanto del ̇VO2 máximo como de la CT. El peso y la actividad física contribuyeron muy poco a la precisión de las ecuaciones. Las fórmulas ̇VO2 máximo = 0,017 × altura (cm) − 0,023 × edad (a ̃nos) + 0,864 × sexo (mujer = 0/varón = 1) ± 179 L × min−1 ; y CT máxima = 1,345 × altura (cm) − 2,074 × edad (a ̃nos) + 76,54 × sexo (mujer = 0/varón = 1) ± 21,2 W fueron el mejor equilibrio entre precisión y parsimonia. Conclusiones: Este estudio proporciona valores de referencia del ̇VO 2 máximo y la CT nuevos y precisos para personas de ascendencia espa ̃nola europea.This study was supported by a SEPAR (Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica/Spanish society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery) grant and NEUMOMADRD (Sociedad Madrileña de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica/Madrilenian Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery) research award

    Specific NOTCH1 antibody targets DLL4-induced proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis in NOTCH1-mutated CLL cells

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    Targeting Notch signaling has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), particularly in NOTCH1-mutated patients. We provide first evidence that the Notch ligand DLL4 is a potent stimulator of Notch signaling in NOTCH1-mutated CLL cells while increases cell proliferation. Importantly, DLL4 is expressed in histiocytes from the lymph node, both in NOTCH1-mutated and -unmutated cases. We also show that the DLL4-induced activation of the Notch signaling pathway can be efficiently blocked with the specific anti-Notch1 antibody OMP-52M51. Accordingly, OMP-52M51 also reverses Notch-induced MYC, CCND1, and NPM1 gene expression as well as cell proliferation in NOTCH1-mutated CLL cells. In addition, DLL4 stimulation triggers the expression of protumor target genes, such as CXCR4, NRARP, and VEGFA, together with an increase in cell migration and angiogenesis. All these events can be antagonized by OMP-52M51. Collectively, our results emphasize the role of DLL4 stimulation in NOTCH1-mutated CLL and confirm the specific therapeutic targeting of Notch1 as a promising approach for this group of poor prognosis CLL patients

    Novel potential predictive markers of sunitinib outcomes in long-term responders versus primary refractory patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Background: several potential predictive markers of efficacy of targeted agents in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) have been identified. Interindividual heterogeneity warrants further investigation. Patients and methods: multicenter, observational, retrospective study in patients with clear-cell mRCC treated with sunitinib. Patients were classified in two groups: long-term responders (LR) (progression-free survival (PFS)≥22 months and at least stable disease), and primary refractory (PR) (progressive disease within 3-months of sunitinib onset). Objectives were to compare baseline clinical factors in both populations and to correlate tumor expression of selected signaling pathways components with sunitinib PFS. Results: 123 patients were analyzed (97 LR, 26 PR). In the LR cohort, overall response rate was 79% and median duration of best response was 30 months. Median PFS and overall survival were 43.2 (95% confidence intervals[CI]:37.2-49.3) and 63.5 months (95%CI:55.1-71.9), respectively. At baseline PR patients had a significantly lower proportion of nephrectomies, higher lactate dehydrogenase and platelets levels, lower hemoglobin, shorter time to and higher presence of metastases, and increased Fuhrman grade. Higher levels of HEYL, HEY and HES1 were observed in LR, although only HEYL discriminated populations significantly (AUC[ROC]=0.704; cut-off=34.85). Increased levels of hsa-miR-27b, hsa-miR-23b and hsa-miR-628-5p were also associated with prolonged survival. No statistical significant associations between hsa-miR-23b or hsa-miR-27b and the expression of c-Met were found. Conclusions: certain mRCC patients treated with sunitinib achieve extremely long-term responses. Favorable baseline hematology values and longer time to metastasis may predict longer PFS. HEYL, hsa-miR-27b, hsa-miR-23b and hsa-miR-628-5p could be potentially used as biomarkers of sunitinib response