136 research outputs found

    High accuracy handheld mapping system for fast helicopter deployment

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    This paper presents a self-contained, light and flexible mapping system that can be quickly deployed into inaccessible areas. Although designed to measure wind-transported snow volumes and the snow avalanche runoff over and experimental site, the system is suitable to any large-scale 3-D terrain mapping

    Vers une meilleure intégration des aspects environnementaux dans la planification de la mobilité par les autorités locales

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    Le transport contribue Ă  diffĂ©rents problĂšmes environnementaux comme la dĂ©gradation de la qualitĂ© de l’air et le changement climatique. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces dĂ©fis, les technologies peuvent Ă©voluer et les usagers peuvent changer leurs comportements de mobilitĂ©. Les pouvoirs publics ont aussi une responsabilitĂ© car, Ă  leur Ă©chelle, ils dĂ©finissent des stratĂ©gies qui influencent l’offre et les pratiques. La question de recherche soulevĂ©e par ce travail est : comment amĂ©liorer l’intĂ©gration des aspects environnementaux dans la planification de la mobilitĂ© par les autoritĂ©s locales ? « AutoritĂ© locale » renvoie aux autoritĂ©s organisatrices de la mobilitĂ© (AOM) qui organisent la mobilitĂ© au niveau local en France. Leur pĂ©rimĂštre est celui des Ă©tablissements publics de coopĂ©ration intercommunale (EPCI), c’est-Ă -dire, les mĂ©tropoles, communautĂ©s urbaines, communautĂ©s d'agglomĂ©ration (CA) et communautĂ©s de communes


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    Low cost mapping using UAV technology is becoming a trendy topic. Many systems exist where a simple camera can be deployed to take images, generally georeferenced with a GPS chip and MEMS attitude sensors.<br> The step from using those images as information picture to photogrammetric products with geo-reference, such as digital terrain model (DTM) or orthophotos is not so big. New development in the field of image correlation allow matching rapidly and accurately images together, build a relative orientation of an image block, extract a DTM and produce orthoimage through a web server.<br>The following paper focuses on the photogrammetric performance of an ultra light UAV equipped with a compact 12Mpix camera combined with online data processes provided by Pix4D.<br> First, the step of image orientation is studied with the camera calibration step, thus the DTM extraction will be compared with conventional results from conventional photogrammetric software, new generation technique of pixel correlation and with reference data issued from high density laser scanning. The quality of orthoimage is presented in terms of quality and geometric accuracy

    Integrating environmental issues into the design of mobility plans: Insights from French practices

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    Local authorities have a strategic role in mitigating the environmental impacts of the transport sector. However, they struggle to integrate environmental issues into their decision-making processes, especially planning. In the European context of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan approach and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs), this paper scrutinises three French localities to determine the current best practices and limitations for designing mobility plans and integrating environmental issues. Several limitations are identified: (1) limited expertise in defining and characterising actions and objectives, which complexifies plans' design, understanding, and monitoring; (2) a lack of a framework to conduct long-term quantitative environmental assessments and to use the results to influence decision effectively; and (3) monitoring processes are barely described in the documents, and the planning horizon where objectives are defined is not in sync with the indicators’ mandatory evaluation period. This French case study thus reveals that European planning practices must be further analysed and improved to deal with the rising environmental concerns, e.g. through an operational framework to design mobility plans with effective integration of environmental issues

    An Eye for Landscapes - Rapid Aerial Mapping with Handheld Sensors

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    This portable system offers fast deployment with no recalibration and maps both vertical and horizontal features while maintaning optimal flight parameters. The geo-referenced image and 3D point-cloud data can be processed into digital terrain models, digital surface models, and automatically derived 3D city models

    Estudio técnico de las pinturas murales de Germolles: la contribución de las técnicas de imagen

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    [EN] The ChĂąteau de Germolles is one of the rare palace in France dating from the 14th century. The noble floor is decorated with wall paintings that are a unique example of courtly love spirit that infused the princely courts of the time. After being concealed sometime in the 19th century, the paintings were rediscovered and uncovered in the middle of the 20th century and partly restored at the end of the 1990s. No scientific documentation accompanied these interventions and important questions, such as the level of authenticity of the mural decorations and the original painting technique(s) used in the medieval times remained unanswered. The combined scientific and financial supports of COSCH Cost Action and DRAC-Burgundy enabled to study Germolles’ wall paintings using some of the most innovative imaging and analytical techniques and to address some of the questions raised. The study provided significant information on the material used in the medieval times and on the conservation condition of the paintings. The data collected is vast and varied and exposed the owners of the property to the challenges of data management.[ES] El castillo de Germolles es uno de los raros palacios principescos en Francia que data del siglo XIV. La planta noble estĂĄ decorada con pinturas murales que son un ejemplo Ășnico del amor cortĂ©s, ese espĂ­ritu que se divulgĂł en las cortes de la Ă©poca.Ocultadas desde el fin del siglo XIX, las pinturas fueron descubiertas en la mitad del siglo XXy fueron parcialmente restauradas al finalde la dĂ©cada de 1990. No hay documentaciĂłn cientĂ­fica queacompañelas intervenciones, y cuestiones importantesse quedaronsin repuesta, en particular el nivel de autenticidad de las decoraciones de las paredes, asĂ­ como lastĂ©cnicaspictĂłricasutilizadasen laĂ©poca medieval. El apoyo cientĂ­fico y econĂłmico de la AcciĂłn Cost COSCH y de la DRAC de Borgoña permitiĂł elestudio delas pinturas murales de Germolles con algunas de las tĂ©cnicas de imagen y analĂ­ticasmĂĄs innovadoras, con tal de responder a algunas de las cuestiones planteadas. El estudio proporcionĂł informaciĂłnrelevante en lo que se refiere al material utilizado durante la Edad Mediay sobreel estado de conservaciĂłn de las pinturas. La toma de datos es ampliay variada, y expuso a los dueños de la propiedad al desafĂ­o de la gestiĂłn de datos.This project would not have been possible without the financial support by DRAC-Burgundy and the COST Action TD1201: Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage (COSCH) (www.cosch.info) which the authors wish to sincerely thank.Degrigny, C.; PiquĂ©, F.; Papiashvili, N.; Guery, J.; Mansouri, A.; Le GoĂŻc, G.; Detalle, V.... (2016). Technical study of Germolles’ wall paintings: the input of imaging technique. Virtual Archaeology Review. 7(15):1-8. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2016.5831SWORD18715Giovannoni, S., Matteini, M., & Moles, A. (1990). Studies and developments concerning the problem of altered lead pigments in wall painting. Studies in Conservation, 35(1), 21-25. doi:10.1179/sic.1990.35.1.21Manuel, A., Gattet, E., De Luca, L., & Veron, P. (2013). An approach for precise 2D/3D semantic annotation of spatially-oriented images for in situ visualization applications. 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage). doi:10.1109/digitalheritage.2013.6743752Wefers, S., Reich, T., Tietz, B. and Boochs, F. 2016. SIVT – Processing, Viewing, and Analysis of 3D Scans of the Porthole Slab and Slab B2 of ZĂŒschen I. In: S. Campana, R. Sopigno, G. Carpentiero and M. Cirillo, eds, CAA2015. Keep the Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods In Archaeology. Oxford : Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, pp. 1067-1080

    Approche archĂ©ologique et environnementale des premiers peuplements alpins autour du col du Petit-Saint-Bernard (Savoie, vallĂ©e d’Aoste) : un bilan d’étape

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    De 2003 Ă  2007, une Ă©tude archĂ©ologique et sĂ©dimentaire a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur les versants du col du Petit-Saint-Bernard (2188 m, Alpes occidentales), par de grandes sĂ©ries de sondages manuels effectuĂ©s dans des contextes sĂ©lectionnĂ©s. Les avantages et les inconvĂ©nients de cette mĂ©thode sont exposĂ©s et discutĂ©s. Ce travail a permis d’identifier, interstratifiĂ©s dans les remplissages holocĂšnes, des sols bruns fersiallitiques sur les versants et des sols hydromorphes en altitude. Les rĂ©partitions chronologique et altitudinale des dĂ©couvertes archĂ©ologiques sont analysĂ©es, puis comparĂ©es Ă  une compilation des connaissances prĂ©existantes dans les vallĂ©es alpines du Beaufortin, de la Maurienne et de la Tarentaise. Les analyses palĂ©o-environnementales et archĂ©ologiques en cours sont prĂ©sentĂ©es.An archaeological and sedimentary study was realized on the hillsides of the Petit-Saint-Bernard pass (2188 m, western Alps), from 2003 to 2007. It consisted of great series of manual boreholes in selected contexts. The efficiency of this method is discussed. This work allowed identifying brown fersiallitics soils in hillsides and hyrdromorphic soils in the heights, interstratified in the Holocene fillings. The chronological and altitudinal distributions of the findings are analysed and compared to previous data from Beaufortin, Maurienne and Tarentaise. An additional project of palaeo-environmental and archaeological analyses is presented

    La lasergrammétrie aéroportée, approches théoriques, concepts, méthodes

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    Since about 10 years, airborne laser scanning (ALS) entered as a classical way of acquiring 3D data of our environment. This paper presents the theoretical aspects of this mapping technique through the components (LiDAR, scanning devices, and direct georeferencing sensors) and its error sources. The performance of such system, such as the mapping accuracy or the data density, is treated. The huge amount of data generated by ALS technique requires a specific post-processing to provide usable dataset for the users. The acquisition and processing phases, from trajectory processing to final product, are described. Finally, few practical experiences of oblique data acquired with a helicopter-based LiDAR system in mountain areas, illustrate the potential of this mapping technique.Depuis une dizaine d'années, la lasergrammétrie ou LiDAR aéroporté est une technique reconnue et quasi classique pour détermi ner la topographie de notre environnement. L 'article suivant aborde d 'abord les aspects théoriques de cette technique au travers de ses composants (LiDAR, techniques de balayage, technique de géoréférencement direct) et de leurs sources d 'erreurs. Les aspects liés à la performance du systÚme, telles que la précision et la densité des informations, sont présentés. Les grandes quantités de données acquises par cette technique nécessitent un traitement spécifique pour les rendre utilisables. Les phases d 'acquisition et de traitement, du calcul de trajectoire au produit final, sont décrites. Finalement, quelques exemples pratiques de relevés héliportés obliques en terrain montagneux viennent illustrer les capacités de cette technologie.Vallet Julien. La lasergrammétrie aéroportée, approches théoriques, concepts, méthodes. In: Collection EDYTEM. Cahiers de géographie, numéro 12, 2011. Images et modÚles 3D en milieux naturels. pp. 29-40
