27 research outputs found

    Tempo et mode de l'Ă©volution des populations cavernicoles de l'espĂšce Astyanax mexicanus

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    The fish Astyanax mexicanus is a particularly suitable model for evolutionary biology studies. Indeed, in this species there are several subterranean populations which live in the total and permanent darkness of cave. These cavefish are well adapted to the life in this inhospitable environment and they show several differences with their surface conspecific such as depigmentation, eye loss and behavioral changes. A major unresolved issue is about the relative role of surface fish standing genetic variation and de novo mutations appeared in cavefish populations after their settlement in caves in their phenotypic evolution. In order to examine this issue, accurate estimations of population ages are very important because many new mutations cannot appear and fix in a recent population. In this thesis we aimed to estimate the age of the PachĂłn cave population which is considered as one of the oldest and most isolated populations. We developed a new method which is based on measures of the distribution of single nucleotide polymorphism within each population and between populations. Our results, as well as reanalyses of published data about mitochondrial haplotypes and microsatellite loci polymorphism suggest that cavefish populations are much more recent than previously thought (several thousand years and not several hundred thousand years). The consequences of a fast tempo of evolution on the mode of evolution of cavefish are also discussed.Le poisson Astyanax mexicanus est un modĂšle particuliĂšrement intĂ©ressant pour l'Ă©tude de l'Ă©volution. En effet, dans cette espĂšce de poissons d'eau douce, il existe des populations vivant de façon pĂ©renne dans des grottes. Dans cet environnement, l'obscuritĂ© est totale et permanente et les ressources en nourriture souvent faibles. Les poissons cavernicoles se sont adaptĂ©s Ă  la vie souterraine et ils prĂ©sentent de nombreuses modifications phĂ©notypiques comme la dĂ©pigmentation, la perte des yeux, l’augmentation du nombre et de la taille d’organes sensoriels non-visuels et plusieurs changements du comportement. Un des problĂšmes majeurs est de savoir si ces modifications phĂ©notypiques sont dues Ă  des mutations prĂ©existantes Ă  la colonisation de l'environnement cavernicole ou si elles sont apparues aprĂšs. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, connaĂźtre l'Ăąge des populations est un facteur important car dans une population rĂ©cente, il n'y aura probablement pas eu suffisamment de temps pour l'apparition de beaucoup de mutations et leur fixation. L'objet de cette thĂšse est donc l'estimation de l'Ăąge d'une population, celle de la grotte PachĂłn qui est souvent considĂ©rĂ©e comme Ă©tant une des plus anciennes et une des plus isolĂ©es. Au cours de ces travaux de thĂšse, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une nouvelle mĂ©thode de datation qui repose d’une part sur la caractĂ©risation du polymorphisme nuclĂ©otidique Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de chaque population et entre populations, et d’autre part la comparaison de ces donnĂ©es avec des simulations de l’évolution du polymorphisme. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus, ainsi que la rĂ©analyse de donnĂ©es sur le polymorphisme d’haplotypes mitochondriaux et de loci microsatellites prĂ©cĂ©demment publiĂ©es, suggĂšrent que les populations cavernicoles seraient bien plus rĂ©centes qu’habituellement indiquĂ© dans la littĂ©rature (quelques milliers d’annĂ©es, et non plusieurs centaines de milliers d’annĂ©es). Les consĂ©quences d’un tempo rapide d’évolution sur le mode d’évolution de ces poissons cavernicoles ont aussi Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©es

    Tempo and mode of the Astyanax mexicanus cavefish evolution

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    Le poisson Astyanax mexicanus est un modĂšle particuliĂšrement intĂ©ressant pour l'Ă©tude de l'Ă©volution. En effet, dans cette espĂšce de poissons d'eau douce, il existe des populations vivant de façon pĂ©renne dans des grottes. Dans cet environnement, l'obscuritĂ© est totale et permanente et les ressources en nourriture souvent faibles. Les poissons cavernicoles se sont adaptĂ©s Ă  la vie souterraine et ils prĂ©sentent de nombreuses modifications phĂ©notypiques comme la dĂ©pigmentation, la perte des yeux, l’augmentation du nombre et de la taille d’organes sensoriels non-visuels et plusieurs changements du comportement. Un des problĂšmes majeurs est de savoir si ces modifications phĂ©notypiques sont dues Ă  des mutations prĂ©existantes Ă  la colonisation de l'environnement cavernicole ou si elles sont apparues aprĂšs. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, connaĂźtre l'Ăąge des populations est un facteur important car dans une population rĂ©cente, il n'y aura probablement pas eu suffisamment de temps pour l'apparition de beaucoup de mutations et leur fixation. L'objet de cette thĂšse est donc l'estimation de l'Ăąge d'une population, celle de la grotte PachĂłn qui est souvent considĂ©rĂ©e comme Ă©tant une des plus anciennes et une des plus isolĂ©es. Au cours de ces travaux de thĂšse, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une nouvelle mĂ©thode de datation qui repose d’une part sur la caractĂ©risation du polymorphisme nuclĂ©otidique Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de chaque population et entre populations, et d’autre part la comparaison de ces donnĂ©es avec des simulations de l’évolution du polymorphisme. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus, ainsi que la rĂ©analyse de donnĂ©es sur le polymorphisme d’haplotypes mitochondriaux et de loci microsatellites prĂ©cĂ©demment publiĂ©es, suggĂšrent que les populations cavernicoles seraient bien plus rĂ©centes qu’habituellement indiquĂ© dans la littĂ©rature (quelques milliers d’annĂ©es, et non plusieurs centaines de milliers d’annĂ©es). Les consĂ©quences d’un tempo rapide d’évolution sur le mode d’évolution de ces poissons cavernicoles ont aussi Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©es.The fish Astyanax mexicanus is a particularly suitable model for evolutionary biology studies. Indeed, in this species there are several subterranean populations which live in the total and permanent darkness of cave. These cavefish are well adapted to the life in this inhospitable environment and they show several differences with their surface conspecific such as depigmentation, eye loss and behavioral changes. A major unresolved issue is about the relative role of surface fish standing genetic variation and de novo mutations appeared in cavefish populations after their settlement in caves in their phenotypic evolution. In order to examine this issue, accurate estimations of population ages are very important because many new mutations cannot appear and fix in a recent population. In this thesis we aimed to estimate the age of the PachĂłn cave population which is considered as one of the oldest and most isolated populations. We developed a new method which is based on measures of the distribution of single nucleotide polymorphism within each population and between populations. Our results, as well as reanalyses of published data about mitochondrial haplotypes and microsatellite loci polymorphism suggest that cavefish populations are much more recent than previously thought (several thousand years and not several hundred thousand years). The consequences of a fast tempo of evolution on the mode of evolution of cavefish are also discussed

    L’apophĂ©nie d’ENCODE ou Pangloss examine le gĂ©nome humain

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    En septembre 2012, les principaux rĂ©sultats du projet ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) furent publiĂ©s sous la forme de 30 articles, dont une grande partie dans les deux plus prestigieuses revues scientifiques gĂ©nĂ©ralistes Nature et Science. Ce projet, qui avait mobilisĂ© des centaines de chercheurs et des centaines de millions de dollars, avait permis de renverser un des paradigmes les mieux Ă©tablis portant sur l’évolution des gĂ©nomes : notre gĂ©nome ne compterait pas 80 % d’ADN « poubelle » mais il serait au contraire Ă  80 % utile. Il ne restait plus qu’à savoir Ă  quoi ! Dans le microcosme de la biologie Ă©volutive, il y eut quelques rĂ©actions amusĂ©es, voire agacĂ©es, face Ă  cette revitalisation d’un adaptationnisme naĂŻf. Des rĂ©futations argumentĂ©es furent publiĂ©es, mais qui ne pouvaient rivaliser avec la publicitĂ© faite Ă  ENCODE. En 2014, une nouvelle sĂ©rie d’articles prĂ©sentaient les avancĂ©es rĂ©centes du projet. Étonnamment, on n’y trouvait plus aucune trace de l’extraordinaire dĂ©couverte de 2012, sans que cette « disparition » d’un rĂ©sultat majeur ne soit commentĂ©e. Une forme de rĂ©tractation par omission sans doute. Mais le mal Ă©tait fait, l’affirmation « 80 % d’ADN utile » d’ENCODE est dĂ©sormais intĂ©grĂ©e par de nombreux biologistes comme le nouveau cadre d’étude des gĂ©nomes, ou pour le moins comme une hypothĂšse alternative valable. Il nous semble donc indispensable de rappeler quelques concepts gĂ©nĂ©raux qui expliquent l’architecture et le fonctionnement des gĂ©nomes, concepts qui, Ă  ce jour, n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© rĂ©futĂ©s et qui permettent d’éviter l’écueil que reprĂ©sente l’approche panglossienne d’ENCODE

    Evidence for late Pleistocene origin of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish

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    Cavefish populations belonging to the Mexican tetra species Astyanax mexicanus are outstanding models to study the tempo and mode of adaptation to a radical environmental change. They are currently assigned to two main groups, the so-called “old” and “new” lineages, which would have populated several caves independently and at different times. However, we do not have yet accurate estimations of the time frames of evolution of these populations.We reanalyzed the geographic distribution of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA polymorphisms and we found that these data do not support the existence of two cavefish lineages. Using IMa2, a program that allows dating population divergence in addition to demographic parameters, we found that microsatellite polymorphism strongly supports a very recent origin of cave populations (\u3c 20,000 years). We identified a large number of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in transcript sequences of pools of embryos (Pool-seq) belonging to Pachón cave population and a surface population from Texas. Based on summary statistics that can be computed with this SNP data set together with simulations of evolution of SNP polymorphisms in two recently isolated populations, we looked for sets of demographic parameters that allow the computation of summary statistics with simulated populations that are similar to the ones with the sampled populations. In most simulations for which we could find a good fit between the summary statistics of observed and simulated data, the best fit occurred when the divergence between simulated populations was less than 30,000 years.Although it is often assumed that some cave populations have a very ancient origin, a recent origin of these populations is strongly supported by our analyses of independent sets of nuclear DNA polymorphism. Moreover, the observation of two divergent haplogroups of mitochondrial and nuclear genes with different geographic distributions support a recent admixture of two divergent surface populations, before the isolation of cave populat

    Evidence for late Pleistocene origin of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish

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    Cavefish populations belonging to the Mexican tetra species Astyanax mexicanus are outstanding models to study the tempo and mode of adaptation to a radical environmental change. They are currently assigned to two main groups, the so-called “old” and “new” lineages, which would have populated several caves independently and at different times. However, we do not have yet accurate estimations of the time frames of evolution of these populations.We reanalyzed the geographic distribution of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA polymorphisms and we found that these data do not support the existence of two cavefish lineages. Using IMa2, a program that allows dating population divergence in addition to demographic parameters, we found that microsatellite polymorphism strongly supports a very recent origin of cave populations (\u3c 20,000 years). We identified a large number of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in transcript sequences of pools of embryos (Pool-seq) belonging to Pachón cave population and a surface population from Texas. Based on summary statistics that can be computed with this SNP data set together with simulations of evolution of SNP polymorphisms in two recently isolated populations, we looked for sets of demographic parameters that allow the computation of summary statistics with simulated populations that are similar to the ones with the sampled populations. In most simulations for which we could find a good fit between the summary statistics of observed and simulated data, the best fit occurred when the divergence between simulated populations was less than 30,000 years.Although it is often assumed that some cave populations have a very ancient origin, a recent origin of these populations is strongly supported by our analyses of independent sets of nuclear DNA polymorphism. Moreover, the observation of two divergent haplogroups of mitochondrial and nuclear genes with different geographic distributions support a recent admixture of two divergent surface populations, before the isolation of cave populat

    A new cave locality for Astyanax cavefish in Sierra de El Abra, Mexico

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    International audienceThe characiform fish Astyanax mexicanus comes in two forms, a surface-dwelling morph which lives in the rivers of North and Central America and a blind, depigmented cave-dwelling morph which inhabits caves in Mexico. In recent years, this species has arguably become among the most influential model system for the study of evolutionary development and genomics in cave biology. While recent articles have analysed in great detail Astyanax genetics, development, physiology, phylogeny and behaviour, there have been comparatively few recent studies concerning its ecology and in particular its biogeography. Mitchell et al. (1977) reported the species inhabiting 29 caves in the Sierra de El Abra region. Despite the elapsing of over 40 years and the latest surge of interest in the model, not a single new cave locality had been described for the species. We describe here a new and 30 th cave locality, Chiquitita Cave, inhabited by troglomorphic A. mexicanus. Their morphology, eye histology, 16S rRNA DNA sequence, and smelling capabilities are analysed. This cave represents the southernmost extension for the cave morph's habitat within the Sierra de El Abra. Its name, Chiquitita Cave (Tiny Cave), was chosen in reference to a potential hydrologic connection to "Chica Cave" (small cave), which is among the most studied populations of Astyanax

    Diversity of olfactory responses and skills in Astyanax mexicanus cavefish populations inhabiting different caves

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    International audienceAnimals in many phyla are adapted to and thrive in the constant darkness of subterranean environments. To do so, cave animals have presumably evolved mechano- and chemosensory compensations to the loss of vision, as is the case for the blind characiform cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. Here, we systematically assessed the olfactory capacities of cavefish and surface fish of this species in the lab as well as in the wild, in five different caves in northeastern Mexico, using an olfactory setup specially developed to test and record olfactory responses during fieldwork. Overall cavefish showed lower (i.e., better) olfactory detection thresholds than surface fish. However, wild adult cavefish from the PachĂłn, Sabinos, Tinaja, Chica and SubterrĂĄneo caves showed highly variable responses to the three different odorant molecules they were exposed to. PachĂłn and SubterrĂĄneo cavefish showed the highest olfactory capacities, and Chica cavefish showed no response to the odors presented. We discuss these data with regard to the environmental conditions in which these different cavefish populations live. Our experiments in natural settings document the diversity of cave environments inhabited by a single species of cavefish, A. mexicanus, and highlight the complexity of the plastic and genetic mechanisms that underlie cave adaptation

    Ten simple rules for switching from face-to-face to remote conference: An opportunity to estimate the reduction in GHG emissions

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    International audienceIn 2020, the world faced the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SAU : Pleasenotetha ARS-CoV-2) pandemic that drastically altered people's lives. Since then, many countries have been forced to suspend public gatherings, leading to many conference cancellations, postponements, or reorganizations. Switching from a face-to-face to a remote conference became inevitable and the ultimate solution to sustain scientific exchanges at the national and the international levels. The same year, as a committee, we were in charge of organizing the major French annual conference that covers all computational biology areas: The "Journé es Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathé matiques" (JOBIM). Despite the health crisis, we succeeded in changing the conference format from face to face to remote in a very short amount of time. Here, we propose 10 simple rules based on this experience to modify a conference format in an optimized and cost-effective way. In addition to the suggested rules, we decided to emphasize an unexpected benefit of this situation: a significant reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to travel for scientific conference attendance. We believe that even once the SARS-CoV-2 crisis is over, we collectively will have an opportunity to think about the way we approach such scientific events over the longer term

    La fable de l'Ă©chalote

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    International audienceDes forĂȘts et ocĂ©ans saccagĂ©s, des matiĂšres premiĂšres de plus en plus rares, une Ă©nergie de plus en plus onĂ©reuse : notre modĂšle de consommation est Ă  bout de souffle. Il est urgent de rĂ©flĂ©chir Ă  la façon dont nous allons ĂȘtre obligĂ©s de le refonder pour faire face aux contraintes environnementales et Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© de rĂ©partir plus Ă©quitablement les ressources. Nous sommes tous conscients qu’il va nous falloir faire des choix radicaux pour changer notre modĂšle de consommation, et donc notre mode de vie. C’est une condition non nĂ©gociable pour construire des relations plus apaisĂ©es, plus harmonieuses et plus signifiantes avec les autres et avec nous-mĂȘmes. Mais sommes-nous pour autant prĂȘts Ă  le faire