15 research outputs found

    Sensing and Adaptation to Low pH Mediated by Inducible Amino Acid Decarboxylases in Salmonella

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    During the course of infection, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium must successively survive the harsh acid stress of the stomach and multiply into a mild acidic compartment within macrophages. Inducible amino acid decarboxylases are known to promote adaptation to acidic environments. Three low pH inducible amino acid decarboxylases were annotated in the genome of S. Typhimurium, AdiA, CadA and SpeF, which are specific for arginine, lysine and ornithine, respectively. In this study, we characterized and compared the contributions of those enzymes in response to acidic challenges. Individual mutants as well as a strain deleted for the three genes were tested for their ability (i) to survive an extreme acid shock, (ii) to grow at mild acidic pH and (iii) to infect the mouse animal model. We showed that the lysine decarboxylase CadA had the broadest range of activity since it both had the capacity to promote survival at pH 2.3 and growth at pH 4.5. The arginine decarboxylase AdiA was the most performant in protecting S. Typhimurium from a shock at pH 2.3 and the ornithine decarboxylase SpeF conferred the best growth advantage under anaerobiosis conditions at pH 4.5. We developed a GFP-based gene reporter to monitor the pH of the environment as perceived by S. Typhimurium. Results showed that activities of the lysine and ornithine decarboxylases at mild acidic pH did modify the local surrounding of S. Typhimurium both in culture medium and in macrophages. Finally, we tested the contribution of decarboxylases to virulence and found that these enzymes were dispensable for S. Typhimurium virulence during systemic infection. In the light of this result, we examined the genomes of Salmonella spp. normally responsible of systemic infection and observed that the genes encoding these enzymes were not well conserved, supporting the idea that these enzymes may be not required during systemic infection

    The genome of the water strider Gerris buenoi reveals expansions of gene repertoires associated with adaptations to life on the water.

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    BACKGROUND: Having conquered water surfaces worldwide, the semi-aquatic bugs occupy ponds, streams, lakes, mangroves, and even open oceans. The diversity of this group has inspired a range of scientific studies from ecology and evolution to developmental genetics and hydrodynamics of fluid locomotion. However, the lack of a representative water strider genome hinders our ability to more thoroughly investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the processes of adaptation and diversification within this group. RESULTS: Here we report the sequencing and manual annotation of the Gerris buenoi (G. buenoi) genome; the first water strider genome to be sequenced thus far. The size of the G. buenoi genome is approximately 1,000 Mb, and this sequencing effort has recovered 20,949 predicted protein-coding genes. Manual annotation uncovered a number of local (tandem and proximal) gene duplications and expansions of gene families known for their importance in a variety of processes associated with morphological and physiological adaptations to a water surface lifestyle. These expansions may affect key processes associated with growth, vision, desiccation resistance, detoxification, olfaction and epigenetic regulation. Strikingly, the G. buenoi genome contains three insulin receptors, suggesting key changes in the rewiring and function of the insulin pathway. Other genomic changes affecting with opsin genes may be associated with wavelength sensitivity shifts in opsins, which is likely to be key in facilitating specific adaptations in vision for diverse water habitats. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that local gene duplications might have played an important role during the evolution of water striders. Along with these findings, the sequencing of the G. buenoi genome now provides us the opportunity to pursue exciting research opportunities to further understand the genomic underpinnings of traits associated with the extreme body plan and life history of water striders

    A first update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19

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    Redundant Hydrogen Peroxide Scavengers Contribute to Salmonella Virulence and Oxidative Stress Resistance▿ †

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is an intracellular pathogen that can survive and replicate within macrophages. One of the host defense mechanisms that Salmonella encounters during infection is the production of reactive oxygen species by the phagocyte NADPH oxidase. Among them, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can diffuse across bacterial membranes and damage biomolecules. Genome analysis allowed us to identify five genes encoding H2O2 degrading enzymes: three catalases (KatE, KatG, and KatN) and two alkyl hydroperoxide reductases (AhpC and TsaA). Inactivation of the five cognate structural genes yielded the HpxF− mutant, which exhibited a high sensitivity to exogenous H2O2 and a severe survival defect within macrophages. When the phagocyte NADPH oxidase was inhibited, its proliferation index increased 3.7-fold. Moreover, the overexpression of katG or tsaA in the HpxF− background was sufficient to confer a proliferation index similar to that of the wild type in macrophages and a resistance to millimolar H2O2 in rich medium. The HpxF− mutant also showed an attenuated virulence in a mouse model. These data indicate that Salmonella catalases and alkyl hydroperoxide reductases are required to degrade H2O2 and contribute to the virulence. This enzymatic redundancy highlights the evolutionary strategies developed by bacterial pathogens to survive within hostile environments

    Characterization of a (p)ppApp Synthetase Belonging to a New Family of Polymorphic Toxin Associated with Temperate Phages

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    Polymorphic toxins (PTs) are a broad family of toxins involved in interbacterial competition and pathogenesis. PTs are modular proteins that are comprised of a conserved N-terminal domain responsible for its transport, and a variable C-terminal domain bearing toxic activity. Although the mode of transport has yet to be elucidated, a new family of putative PTs containing an N-terminal MuF domain, resembling the Mu coliphage F protein, was identified in prophage genetic elements. The C-terminal toxin domains of these MuF PTs are predicted to bear nuclease, metallopeptidase, ADP-ribosyl transferase and RelA_-SpoT activities. In this study, we characterized the MuF-RelA_SpoT toxin associated with the temperate phage of Streptococcus pneumoniae SPNA45. We show that the RelA_SpoT domain has (p)ppApp synthetase activity, which is bactericidal under our experimental conditions. We further determine that the two genes located downstream encode two immunity proteins, one binding to and inactivating the toxin and the other detoxifying the cell via a pppApp hydrolase activity. Finally, based on protein sequence alignments, we propose a signature for (p)ppApp synthetases that distinguishes them from (p)ppGpp synthetases

    Characterization of the transcriptional fusion P<i>asr</i>::<i>gfp</i> in acidified M9 medium.

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    <p>Fluorescence produced by WT pP<i>asr</i>::<i>gfp</i> was monitored with a fluorometer and expressed proportionally to the bacterial population (GFP/OD<sub>600</sub>). <b>A</b>. WT pP<i>asr</i>::<i>gfp</i> was grown overnight in M9 medium complemented with 0.1% casamino acids, 0.2% glucose pH 7.2, diluted 1/50 and grown in the same medium adjusted to the desired pH with HCl. <b>B</b>. Bacteria were prepared as in A and grown in M9 medium adjusted to pH 4.5 or left at pH 7.2 with addition of different stresses: amino acids, magnesium or iron starvations (a.a.<sub>-less</sub>, Mg<sup>2+</sup><sub>-less</sub> and Fe<sup>2+</sup><sub>-less</sub>, respectively), oxidative stress (hydrogen peroxide : H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) and antimicrobial peptide (polymixin B : PB). <b>C</b>. WT pP<i>asr</i>::<i>gfp</i> and Δ<i>adiA</i>Δ<i>cadA</i>Δ<i>speF</i> pP<i>asr</i>::<i>gfp</i> were grown overnight in the same medium as in A, diluted 1/50 and grown in the same medium containing, when indicated, 5 mM L-lysine and 5 mM L-ornithine and adjusted to pH 4.5. Cultures were performed in anoxic conditions.</p

    List of primers.

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    <p>Capital letters correspond to <i>S.</i> Typhimurium chromosomal sequence. Restriction endonuclease sites are underlined.</p

    Response of the P<i>asr</i>::<i>gfp</i> transcriptional fusion during macrophage infection.

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    <p>WT pP<i>asr</i>::<i>gfp</i> was used to infect RAW264.7 macrophages. At various times post-infection (pi) host cells were lysed, bacteria were fixed with paraformaldehyde and collected. Fluorescence produced by intracellular WT pP<i>asr</i>::<i>gfp</i> 1, 5 and 8 hours post-infection was analyzed by flow cytometry (A). The same analysis was performed when host cells were treated with 100 nM bafilomycin A1, which inhibits SCV acidification (B). Typical graphs representative of several experiments are shown.</p