65 research outputs found
Phytochemical screening, cytotoxicity and acute toxicity of Annona vepretorum Mart (Annonaceae) leaf extracts
Purpose: To investigate the phytochemistry, cytotoxicity and acute toxicity of leaf extracts from Annona vepretorum.Methods: The crude extracts were obtained by maceration with hexane and methanol. The crude methanol extract was suspended in a 3:7 (v/v) mixture of methanol (MeOH) and water (H2O) and partitioned with hexane, chloroform (CHCl3) and ethyl acetate (AcOEt) in ascending order of polarity to obtain the respective extracts. In the investigation of phytochemical profile, the extracts were evaluated on thin layer chromatography (TLC) plates of silica gel. Cytotoxicity was tested using 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) (MTS) assays against tumor cell lines, viz,HCT-116 (colon), SF-295 (brain), HL-60 (leukemic) and Sarcoma-180. Acute toxicity study was performed by administration of a single oral dose of 2 g/kg body weight of the extracts to mice and the animals were observed for 14 days.Results: Phytochemical screening results showed that A. vepretorum extracts contain alkaloids, flavonoids and terpenes. Methanol and chloroform extracts exhibited high cytotoxic activity against HCT-116, HL-60 and Sarcoma-180. Moreover, the extracts displayed low toxicity in mice, as no deaths and pronounced toxic effects were observed.Conclusion: A. vepretorum contains a variety of secondary metabolites which may confer on this species high cytotoxic activity. In addition, the oral administration of the extracts produced low toxicity in mice.Keywords: Annonaceae, Annona vepretorum, Phytochemistry, Tumor cell lines, Acute toxicit
Presenteeism in hospital nurses
This quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional research aimed to determine the estimated productivity of health-related limitations at work in 129 nurses working in direct care delivery to critical and potentially critical patients. Instruments were applied for socio-demographic and functional characterization and for the evaluation of presenteeism (Work Limitations Questionnaire). Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software was used for data analysis. In this study, 75% of nurses obtained a lost productivity index of up to 4.84%. The physical demand domain represented the major limitation for these professionals (25%). Presenteeism was directly correlated to health care, occurrence and number of absences, and indirectly related to work time at the unit. It was concluded that organizational or individual factors influence individuals' productivity, in view of the circumstances involving care delivery to critical and potentially critical patients.Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal con el objetivo de determinar la productividad supuesta de las limitaciones en el trabajo relacionadas con la salud de 129 enfermeros que asisten a pacientes críticos y potencialmente críticos. Se utilizó un instrumento para la caracterización sociodemográfica y funcional y para la evaluación de la presencia. Se realizó un análisis estadístico de los datos con el software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. En este estudio, 75 % de los enfermeros obtuvieron un índice de productividad perdida de hasta 4,84%. La demanda física fue el dominio que presentó mayor limitación (25%). La presencia se relacionó directamente a: realización de tratamiento de salud, ocurrencia y número de faltas, e indirectamente al tiempo en la unidad. Se concluye que existe influencia de factores organizacionales o individuales en la productividad del individuo frente a las circunstancias que involucran la asistencia al paciente crítico y potencialmente crítico.Este é um estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal com o objetivo de determinar a produtividade estimada das limitações no trabalho, relacionadas à saúde, em 129 enfermeiros atuantes na assistência direta a pacientes críticos e potencialmente críticos. Utilizou-se instrumento para caracterização sociodemográfica e funcional e para a avaliação do presenteísmo (questionário de limitações no trabalho). Procedeu-se à análise estatística dos dados com o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Neste estudo, 75% dos enfermeiros obtiveram índice de produtividade perdida de até 4,84%. A demanda física foi o domínio que representou maior limitação para esses profissionais (25%). O presenteísmo correlacionou-se diretamente à realização de tratamento de saúde, ocorrência e número de faltas, e indiretamente ao tempo de trabalho na unidade. Conclui-se que existe influência de fatores organizacionais ou individuais na produtividade do indivíduo, frente às circunstâncias que envolvem a assistência ao paciente crítico e potencialmente crítico
Disfagia orofaríngea neurogênica: análise de protocolos de videofluoroscopia brasileiros e norte-americanos
Resumo: Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar e comparar o uso de protocolos brasileiros e norte-americanos para videofluoroscopia da deglutição em pacientes com histórico de acidente vascular encefálico. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica de artigos brasileiros e norte-americanos. Foram selecionados artigos com descrição de procedimentos para videofluoroscopia da deglutição em sujeitos que sofreram acidente vascular encefálico, publicados entre 2003 e 2013. Os procedimentos descritos para realização de videofluoroscopias foram analisados de forma quantitativa e qualitativa. Consideraram-se as variáveis: posicionamento para o exame, consistências e quantidades de oferta de bolo, tipos de utensílios e utilização de protocolos Foram encontrados 16 artigos que atenderam aos critérios supracitados, sendo nove (56,25%) norte-americanos e sete (43,75%) brasileiros. Observou-se que quatro dos estudos nacionais (57,14%) não relatam as quantidades oferecidas, enquanto todos os artigos norte-americanos detalharam as quantidades, que variaram entre 2 e 15 mL; os tipos de alimento e suas consistências foram detalhadas em todos os estudos nacionais e norte-americanos, porém os nacionais o fizeram de forma genérica, sem identificação dos alimentos. Quanto à posição do paciente durante o exame, 57,14% dos artigos nacionais não relataram e todos os artigos norte-americanos o fizeram. Os utensílios para oferta do bolo são citados em 55,55% dos artigos norte-americanos e em apenas 14,28 % dos nacionais. Quanto à utilização de protocolos para avaliação 33% dos estudos norte-americanos não os citam, comparados aos 71,42% dos nacionais. Observou-se a necessidade de padronização dos procedimentos e terminologias utilizadas na videofluoroscopia da deglutição, de modo a facilitar a intercompreensão e reprodutibilidade dos estudos
Multidisciplinary Scientific Cruises for Environmental Characterization in the Santos Basin – Methods and Sampling Design
The Santos Basin (SB) is the main petroliferous basin in the Brazilian continental margin and one of the most studied marine areas in Brazil. However, historical data suggest that new efforts should be carried out to acquire quantitative biological data, especially in the deep sea, to establish the baseline of essential ocean variables in different ecosystems for future monitoring programs. The Brazilian energy company Petrobras planned and executed 24 oceanographic cruises over a period of 2 years to assess the benthic (SANSED cruise) and pelagic (SANAGU cruise) systems of the SB (356 days at sea in 2019 and 2021/2022). These efforts were part of the Santos Project, which comprised a comprehensive environmental study aimed at investigating benthic and pelagic variables to characterize ecology, biogeochemistry, thermohaline properties of water masses, and ocean circulation patterns, geomorphology, and sedimentology, as well as organic and inorganic chemistry. Here we present the detailed sampling designs and the field methods employed on board, during the SB scientific cruises. All sampling protocols were based on standardized approaches. For the benthos analyses, triplicate sediment samples were performed using a GOMEX-type box corer (0.25 m²) or a large modified Van Veen grab (0.75 m²) at 100 stations ranging from 25 to 2400 m depth. At each station, 25 geochemical and physico-chemical parameters were analyzed in addition to micro-, meio-, and macrofauna and living foraminifera samples. For the pelagic system, 60 stations were selected to investigate the plankton community, ranging in size from pico- to macroplankton, through vertical, horizontal, and oblique net hauls (20, 200, and 500 μm mesh size), as well as 25 biogeochemical parameters collected with an aid of a CTD-rosette sampler. Part of this scientific information also serves the Regional Environmental Characterization Project (PCR-BS) in support of Petrobras’ Santos Basin drilling licensing process led by the Brazilian Environmental Agency – IBAMA. This project contributes to the sustainable development of the SB, in line with the guidelines of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
Single Dose Novel Salmonella Vaccine Enhances Resistance against Visceralizing L. major and L. donovani Infection in Susceptible BALB/c Mice
Visceral leishmaniasis is a major neglected tropical disease, with an estimated 500,000 new cases and more than 50,000 deaths attributable to this disease every year. Drug therapy is available but costly and resistance against several drug classes has evolved. Despite all efforts, no commercial, let alone affordable, vaccine is available to date. Thus, the development of cost effective, needle-independent vaccines is a high priority. Here, we have continued efforts to develop live vaccine carriers based on recombinant Salmonella. We used an in silico approach to select novel Leishmania parasite antigens from proteomic data sets, with selection criteria based on protein abundance, conservation across Leishmania species and low homology to host species. Five chosen antigens were differentially expressed on the surface or in the cytosol of Salmonella typhimurium SL3261. A two-step procedure was developed to select optimal Salmonella vaccine strains for each antigen, based on bacterial fitness and antigen expression levels. We show that vaccine strains of Salmonella expressing the novel Leishmania antigens LinJ08.1190 and LinJ23.0410 significantly reduced visceralisation of L. major and enhanced systemic resistance against L. donovani in susceptible BALB/c mice. The results show that Salmonella are valid vaccine carriers for inducing resistance against visceral leishmaniasis but that their use may not be suitable for all antigens
Whole-scalp EEG mapping of somatosensory evoked potentials in macaque monkeys
High-density scalp EEG recordings are widely used to study whole-brain neuronal networks in humans non-invasively. Here, we validate EEG mapping of somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) in macaque monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) for the long-term investigation of large-scale neuronal networks and their reorganisation after lesions requiring a craniotomy. SSEPs were acquired from 33 scalp electrodes in five adult anaesthetized animals after electrical median or tibial nerve stimulation. SSEP scalp potential maps were identified by cluster analysis and identified in individual recordings. A distributed, linear inverse solution was used to estimate the intracortical sources of the scalp potentials. SSEPs were characterised by a sequence of components with unique scalp topographies. Source analysis confirmed that median nerve SSEP component maps were in accordance with the somatotopic organisation of the sensorimotor cortex. Most importantly, SSEP recordings were stable both intra- and interindividually. We aim to apply this method to the study of recovery and reorganisation of large-scale neuronal networks following a focal cortical lesion requiring a craniotomy. As a prerequisite, the present study demonstrated that a 300-mm2 unilateral craniotomy over the sensorimotor cortex necessary to induce a cortical lesion, followed by bone flap repositioning, suture and gap plugging with calcium phosphate cement, did not induce major distortions of the SSEPs. In conclusion, SSEPs can be successfully and reproducibly recorded from high-density EEG caps in macaque monkeys before and after a craniotomy, opening new possibilities for the long-term follow-up of the cortical reorganisation of large-scale networks in macaque monkeys after a cortical lesion
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