70 research outputs found

    iDAI.field 2: A Modern Approach to Distributed Fieldwork Documentation

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    An archaeological field research database that can be used for different projects poses an advanced technical problem. It does not only have to deal with different needs of a variety of disciplines and methods like excavation and survey but also be usable for architectural or object studies. Therefore, a generic data model is required that can deal with most circumstances while also trying to maintain standardization where possible. Another requirement is the ability to support distributed work and data entry in the field even in places with no internet coverage. This creates the need for a very robust synchronization between the clients and the server. As the use of GIS is still gaining importance in archaeological fieldwork, an additional focus lies on the integration of spatial data and descriptive documentation. This paper presents iDAI.field 2, the field research documentation system currently being developed by the German Archaeological Institute. This solution will be Open Source and relies heavily on web technologies. It makes use of CouchDB/PouchDB for data storage and synchronization. The cross-platform client application is realized with the Electron and Angular frameworks using TypeScript as the main programming language. The client also provides an open interface for import and export. This allows the integration of other fieldwork software like for example QGIS, iDIG and survey2gis into the toolchain

    Internet-based Self-Assessment after the Tsunami: lessons learned

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    BACKGROUND: In the aftermath of the Tsunami disaster in 2004, an online psychological self-assessment (ONSET) was developed and made available by the University of Zurich in order to provide an online screening instrument for Tsunami victims to test if they were traumatized and in need of mental health care. The objective of the study was to report the lessons learnt that were made using an Internet-based, self-screening instrument after a large-scale disaster and to discuss its outreach and usefulness. METHODS: Users of the online self-assessment decided after finishing the procedure whether their dataset could be used for quality control and scientific evaluation Their answers were stored anonymously only if they consented (which was the case in 88% of the sample), stratified analyses according to level of exposure were conducted. RESULTS: A total of 2,914 adult users gave their consent for analysis of the screenings. Almost three quarter of the sample filled out the ONSET questionnaire within the first four weeks. Forty-one percent of the users reported direct exposure to the Tsunami disaster. Users who were injured by the Tsunami and users who reported dead or injured family members showed the highest degree of PTSD symptoms. CONCLUSION: ONSET was used by a large number of subjects who thought to be affected by the catastrophe in order to help them decide if they needed to see a mental health professional. Furthermore, men more frequently accessed the instrument than women, indicating that Internet-based testing facilitates reaching out to a different group of people than "ordinary" public mental health strategies

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Die Relevanz eines kohĂ€renten forensischen Beurteilungs- und Behandlungsprozesses : Grenzen der allgemeinpsychiatrischen Diagnosesysteme ICD und DSM fĂŒr die forensische Fallkonzeption

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    Das Ziel einer therapeutischen Maßnahme bei StraftĂ€tern ist gemĂ€ĂŸ Gesetzesgrundlage die Reduktion der Gefahr erneuter „erheblicher rechtswidriger Taten“ (§§ 63 und 64 StGB, Deutschland) bzw. mit dem „Zustand des TĂ€ters in Zusammenhang stehender Taten“ (Art. 59 und 63 bzw. Art. 60 fĂŒr AbhĂ€ngigkeiten StGB, Schweiz). Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, ist ein kohĂ€renter Prozess notwendig, der die Fallkonzeption (inkl. Diagnostik und Hypothese zum Deliktmechanismus), Behandlungsplanung und -Behandlungsevaluation umfasst. Im Rahmen des ersten Schrittes muss herausgearbeitet werden, ob ĂŒberhaupt eine BehandlungsbedĂŒrftigkeit des StraftĂ€ters vorliegt. Diese ergibt sich aus dem Risiko fĂŒr erneute schwerwiegende Taten sowie aus den Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der damit zusammenhĂ€ngenden forensisch relevanten AuffĂ€lligkeiten des StraftĂ€ters. Aus einer breiten wissenschaftlichen Befundlage geht hervor, dass solch eine BehandlungsbedĂŒrftigkeit mitnichten nur im allgemeinpsychiatrischen Sinne psychisch Kranke und schon gar nicht ausschließlich schuldunfĂ€hige StraftĂ€ter aufweisen. Vielmehr können weitere deliktrelevante persönlichkeitsnahe Risikofaktoren, die einer wirksamen Behandlung grundsĂ€tzlich zugĂ€nglich sind, kausal im Zusammenhang mit Delinquenz und RĂŒckfĂ€lligkeit stehen. In der aktuellen Rechtsprechung in Deutschland und der Schweiz spiegelt sich diese Erkenntnis nicht wider. Im Gegenteil: Voraussetzung fĂŒr die Anordnung einer therapeutischen Maßnahme ist das Vorliegen einer „schweren psychischen Störung“ gemĂ€ĂŸ ICD/DSM und in Deutschland zusĂ€tzlich die verminderte SchuldfĂ€higkeit oder SchuldunfĂ€higkeit. Diese Eingrenzung blendet die BehandlungsbedĂŒrftigkeit eines bedeutsamen Teils der StraftĂ€terpopulation aus und untergrĂ€bt damit, was die Forensik zu leisten im Stande wĂ€re: differenziert deliktorientiert zu therapieren. Verfahren wie das Forensische Operationalisierte Therapie-Risiko-Evaluationssystem (FOTRES 3) können gegenĂŒber allgemeinpsychiatrischen Kriterienkatalogen einen inkrementellen Beitrag zur dafĂŒr notwendigen forensischen Diagnostik liefern. Erste empirische Befunde dazu werden im Artikel vorgestellt.publishe

    Bee phylogeny data

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    A combined file including an alignment of LW-rhodopsin of bees and an xml file which was used as input file for BEAST analyse

    Data from: Tracing horizontal Wolbachia movements among bees (Anthophila): a combined approach using multilocus sequence typing data and host phylogeny

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    The endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia enhances its spread via vertical transmission by generating reproductive effects in its hosts, most notably cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Additionally, frequent interspecific horizontal transfer is evident from a lack of phylogenetic congruence between Wolbachia and its hosts. The mechanisms of this lateral transfer are largely unclear. To identify potential pathways of Wolbachia movements, we performed multilocus sequence typing of Wolbachia strains from bees (Anthophila). Using a host phylogeny and ecological data, we tested various models of horizontal endosymbiont transmission. In general, Wolbachia strains seem to be randomly distributed among bee hosts. Kleptoparasite-host associations among bees as well as other ecological links could not be supported as sole basis for the spread of Wolbachia. However, cophylogenetic analyses and divergence time estimations suggest that Wolbachia may persist within a host lineage over considerable timescales and that strictly vertical transmission and subsequent random loss of infections across lineages may have had a greater impact on Wolbachia strain distribution than previously estimated. Although general conclusions about Wolbachia movements among arthropod hosts cannot be made, we present a framework by which precise assumptions about shared evolutionary histories of Wolbachia and a host taxon can be modelled and tested
