2,593 research outputs found

    Lingua Franca Negotiations of Cultural Understandings to Build Friendships: Interrelating Intercultural Awareness and Pragmatic Strategies

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    In this pandemic and historic season marked by international tensions, we are reminded of the growing relevance of further understanding intercultural communication mediated through English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). The negotiation of understandings through ELF intercultural communication has been studied substantially since the focus of ELF research turned from the investigation of features to the underlying processes involved in meaning-making (Jenkins, 2015). In the present study, I critically engaged with previous theoretical constructs of pragmatic strategies (Mauranen, 2003a, 2006; Cogo, 2009; Kaur, 2009; Mauranen, 2012; Cogo and Dewey, 2012; Cogo and House, 2018) and a model of intercultural awareness (ICA) (Baker, 2011, 2015, 2018) to take a step forward and investigate how the interplay of those two aspects impacts the unfolding of Negotiations of cultural understandings in ELF talk (Zhu, 2015). Using Conversation Analysis complemented by ethnographic tools, I analysed the conversations of two Londoner multilingual faith-based communities of practice (Wenger, 1998). Those communities were part of the same broader church community and had building friendships as their main ‘enterprise’. The participants’ super-diverse (Vertovec, 2007, 2019) linguistic and linguacultural repertoires (Risager, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012) led them into the Negotiation of situated meanings, constituted by their understandings of those topics. I examined the unfolding (beginning, middle and ending) of the Negotiations and, among other things, adapted the ICA model to describe a wider range of communicative practices. The findings revealed relevant patterns in the displays of ICA that affected how complexly the topics were treated. It also indicated that some pragmatic strategies had specific functions in the displays and responses to particular ICA levels. This investigation of naturally occurring conversations offered further insights into the processes of pre-empting, fine-tuning, and resolving culture-based mis-/non-understandings, with the potential to inspire future research that will inform ELF-aware pedagogies

    Metodologia de análise das dinâmicas do uso e cobertura da terra: o caso do estado de Santa Catarina - Brasil entre 2000 e 2010

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    The aim of this paper is to examine land use and land cover changes and to relate it to the potential driving forces observed in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, during the period from 2000 to 2010. The methodology consists of identifying trends in land use and land cover changes; indicating possible explanatory factors by means of Principal Component Factor Analysis and elaborating a final typology, based on Cluster Analysis. Results point to the considerable expansion and increased intensity of agricultural activity as well as silviculture throughout the state and the loss of native vegetation, suggesting the need for protective actions and land use and cover regulations, particularly from an environmental perspective, to frame the development of intensive and mechanized agricultural activity.Este artigo objetiva verificar a dinâmica do uso e cobertura da terra e relacioná-la com potenciais forças motrizes dessa dinâmica no estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil, para o período de 2000 a 2010. A metodologia consiste na identificação de tendências na dinâmica de uso e cobertura da terra; apontar possíveis fatores explicativos com base na análise fatorial por componentes principais e na elaboração de uma tipologia final, baseada na análise de clusters. Como resultados, nota-se uma forte expansão e fortalecimento da atividade agropecuária e da silvicultura pelo estado, e perda da vegetação nativa, o que aponta para a necessidade de desenvolver medidas de proteção e de regulamentação da cobertura e uso da terra nomeadamente na vertente ambiental, enquadrando o desenvolvimento de uma atividade agropecuária intensiva e mecanizada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    36 Best Management Practices for Manaus-Amazon Urban Afforestation

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    In 2010, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics published a survey on urban afforestation in Brazil and Manaus city occupied the 4493rd place among the 5565 municipalities analyzed. Concerning the cities with more than 1 million habitants, Manaus was in the penultimate place, a frustrating result, since the city is the Amazon\u27 capital, surrounded by the largest rainforest in the World. On the other hand, the cities with the best performances were Goiânia, Campinas, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, and Curitiba. Given this context, the research aims to investigate the urban afforestation\u27s best management practices to propose suggestions for Manaus\u27 public managers. The data collection and analysis are based in the study "Urbanistic Characteristics of the Surroundings of the Domiciles", besides obtaining information and documents from articles and websites of the governments and partners of the best city investigated. After the intersection of information, 36 good urban management practices were cataloged and proposed to Manaus\u27 public managers

    WHICH ENGLISH PLEASES YOUR EAR? AN ATTITUDE STUDY ON ACCENTS IN TIMES OF ENGLISH AS A LINGUA FRANCA (Que inglês lhe soa agradável? Um estudo atitudinal sobre sotaques em tempo de Inglês como língua franca)

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    From the second half of the 20th century, English has become the most widely spoken language for international communication in the world. It connects people with varied lingua-cultures who otherwise would not be able to communicate, functioning as a global lingua franca. Since the majority of the speakers are non-native, we need to ask ourselves why there are so many people struggling to sound native-like in English. About the repercussions of an accent, Mcnamara (2001) states that we not only evaluate people by how they speak, we also evaluate their speech by our sociocultural connotations of the group they belong to. Reflecting on this issue, this is an attitude study on accents of English as lingua franca (ELF) interactions through the analyses of the answers to a questionnaire applied to students of English in Salvador (BA). The ponderations are based on paramount sociolinguistic themes like the “inherent value” granted to hegemonic varieties, as well as in the attempt understand the participants’ attitude toward accents of English in international settings. It aims, among other things, to raise the awareness of how much work still needs to be done to legitimize non-hegemonic Englishes

    Trajectory of a change in education: social drift of a population

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    [Resumo] A ideia de se poder tornar perene um novo saber, a possibilidade de consolidação de melhores condições para se viver, promovidas através de Educação Ambiental, justifica as ações desenvolvidas na área de influência do AHE Estreito. Em outras palavras, é a ideia de promover condições para manutenção de conquistas sociais, o que muito contribuiu para inspirar e definir a “trajetória de uma mudança”: um processo que nos propomos a co-promover ao longo de três momentos que se superpõem temporal, conceitual e operacionalmente.[Abstract] The idea of being able to make a new perennial namely the possibility of consolidation of a better place to live, promoted through environmental education, justifies the actions developed in the area of influence of the AHE Strait. In other words, the idea is to promote conditions for maintaining social achievements, which greatly helped to inspire and set the “trajectory of change”: a process that we propose to co-promote over three times overlapping temporal conceptually and operationally

    Museu Estadual do Carvão como local de aprendizagem : possibilidades pedagógicas

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    A educação tem por objetivo formar o indivíduo para a vida e, para isso, é essencial que em sua formação ele tenha contato e experiências com o mundo e sua cultura. Estas experiências permitem que ele se aproprie de culturas diversas e, também, reproduza a sua cultura e seus saberes, compreendendo melhor a si e aos outros. Este trabalho versa sobre a cultura, apropriação de patrimônio e formação integral e teve por objetivo compreender como os espaços culturais podem ser potenciais educativos para os processos de ensino e aprendizagem que ocorrem no contexto escolar. Para tal foi realizada uma uma pesquisa bibliográfica acerca de teorizações sobre conceito de museus e sobre o Museu Estadual do Carvão. Ainda, foi realizada uma pesquisação na qual foi elaborado um projeto, desenvolvido junto ao estágio de docência, propondo ações educativas a serem realizadas na escola que integrassem o museu e currículo escolar. O resultado desta pesquisa mostra a potencialidade das atividades em sala de aula que agregam os contextos históricos e culturais do espaço pesquisado e seus desdobramentos nos componentes curriculares.Education aims to train the individual for life and, for that, it is essential that in his training he has contact and experiences with the world and its culture. These experiences allow him to appropriate different cultures and also reproduce their culture and knowledge, better understanding himself and others. This work deals with culture, appropriation of heritage and integral formation and aimed to understand how cultural spaces can be educational potential for the teaching and learning processes that occur in the school context. For this, a bibliographic research was carried out on theorizations about the concept of museums and about the State Coal Museum. Still, a research was carried out in which a project was elaborated, developed along with the teaching internship, proposing educational actions to be carried out in the school that integrate the museum and school curriculum. The result of this research shows the potential of activities in the classroom that add the historical and cultural contexts of the researched space and its consequences in the curricular components

    Memória, Natureza e o Ensino da Educação Ambiental

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    Book Review Ely Bergo de Carvalho, Ensino de História e Educação Ambiental, 1a ed. (Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2021). 185p. ISBN-13 978-65-89011-34-7.Book Review Ely Bergo de Carvalho, Ensino de História e Educação Ambiental, 1a ed. (Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2021). 185p. ISBN-13 978-65-89011-34-7.Book Review Ely Bergo de Carvalho, Ensino de História e Educação Ambiental, 1a ed. (Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2021). 185p. ISBN-13 978-65-89011-34-7


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    À medida que a conscientização sobre o status do inglês como língua global se consolida entre professores e aprendizes, novos desafios começam a surgir na área de Ensino de Língua Inglesa (ELI). As variedades do chamado inglês padrão começam a ter sua supremacia questionada, e uma real aceitação do Inglês como Língua Franca (ILF) deve requerer uma enorme mudança psicológica (JENKINS, 2007), provocando uma possível dissolução do estado de esquizofrenia do professor em relação a que inglês seria o mais legítimo para se ensinar. Uma vez que a pesquisa sobre ILF progride de forma sólida, demonstrando que as implicações pedagógicas de seus achados precisam ser melhor exploradas, até mesmo aqueles professores sensíveis ao ILF se veem divididos entre as reais necessidades de comunicação de seus alunos e o atrelamento ao modelo do Inglês como Língua Nativa (ILN) como exemplo de um inglês ‘melhor’ (SEIDLHOFER, 2011). É nesse cenário que um breve estudo foi conduzido com professores em pré-serviço, no nível universitário, em Salvador, Bahia. O objetivo da investigação foi saber de que forma o conhecimento sobre o paradigma do ILF afeta a visão dos professores no tocante à própria língua e também suas práticas de sala de aula. Os insights fornecidos pelos respondentes revelaram o grande potencial que o ILF apresenta para redimensionar crenças e atitudes no tocante ao Ensino de Língua Inglesa (ELI) em tal contexto, e o quão seguros esses professores em formação se sentem em termos de compreensão do fato de que, uma vez que seu estudantes são estimulados a se tornarem verdadeiros falantes “linguajeiros” (languagers) no uso do ILF, eles (os professores) serão capazes de minimizar ou até eliminar os efeitos do dilema que tem alcançado o nível de uma quase esquizofrenia.

    Systematic review of the effects of coffee or its components on platelets and their regulators

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    Coffee includes some potentially bioactive components that can interfere with platelets, which can influence coagulation, despite generating controversy. The aim of this systematic review is to verify whether coffee or its components can influence platelet regulators and/or aggregation. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted on July 29, 2021, in PubMed, Scopus, andWeb of Science, using the followingmesh-terms: (caffeine)) OR (coffee)) AND (platelets). Eligibility criteria were: studies carried out in humans, referring to the effects of coffee consumption, or one of its components, on platelets or their regulators. We exclude in vitro or animal studies, reviews, editorials, and non-English written studies. From a total of 836 publications, 17 articles were included from which we extracted the relationship between coffee consumption and changes in blood platelets and performed a subjective assessment of bias. Results: Ten articles refer to the non-interference of coffee or its components with platelets, nine affirm results that support the increase in platelet aggregation, and eight articles observe the decrease in platelet aggregation when coffee is consumed. Some articles presented the lack of data regarding the sample collection location, age group, or classification as to the type of study, which is limiting. Conclusions: The heterogeneity of results makes it difficult to correctly interpret the possible interaction of coffee or its components with platelets or their regulators. For better interpretation, further studies on this topic should be carried out considering the individualization of coffee components, different platelet regulators, and the size of the sample used.The Centro de Investigac¸a˜o de Montanha (CIMO) received financial support from Fundac¸a˜o para Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) and from Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), under PT2020 program (UIDB/00690/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio