23 research outputs found

    Initial and sustained brain responses to contextual conditioned anxiety in humans

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    AbstractContextual fear conditioning takes place if the occurrence of threat cannot be predicted by specific cues. As a consequence the context becomes the best predictor of the threat and later induces anxiety (sustained fear response). Previous studies suggest that both the amygdala and the hippocampus are crucial for contextual fear conditioning. First, we wanted to further elucidate the neuronal correlates of long-lasting contextual threat within a highly ecologically setting created in virtual reality (VR). Second, we wanted to distinguish between initial and sustained components of the anxiety response to a threatening situation. Twenty-four participants were guided through two virtual offices for 30s each. They received unpredictable electric stimuli (unconditioned stimulus, US) in one office (anxiety context, CXT+), but never in the second office (safety context, CXT−). Successful contextual fear conditioning was indexed by higher anxiety and enhanced US-expectancy ratings for CXT+ versus CXT−. Initial neural activity was assessed by modeling the onsets of both contexts, and sustained neural activity by considering the entire context duration (contrasts: CXT+ > CXT−). Amygdala and hippocampus revealed sustained activity. Initial and sustained activities were found in the middle temporal gyrus, and primary motor cortex (M1). Additional initial activity was obvious in orbitofrontal (OFC), dorsomedial (dmPFC), and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC). These results suggest that entering a threatening context initially induces conditioned fear reactions (M1), recall of contingency awareness (dlPFC), and explicit threat appraisal (dmPFC, OFC). While remaining in the threatening context might involve anxiety-like conditioned responses (amygdala, M1) and the generation of a spatial map to predict where and when a threatening event may occur (hippocampus). We conclude that in humans initial versus sustained anxiety responses triggered by a threat associated context are associated with distinguishable brain activation patterns involving a fear network and a “contingency-cognitive” network, respectively

    Focal mechanisms and size distribution of earthquakes beneath the Krafla central volcano, NE Iceland

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    Seismicity was monitored beneath the Krafla central volcano, NE Iceland, between 2009 and 2012 during a period of volcanic quiescence, when most earthquakes occurred within the shallow geothermal field. The highest concentration of earthquakes is located close to the rock-melt transition zone as the Iceland Deep Drilling Project-1 (IDDP-1) wellbore suggests and decays quickly at greater depths. We recorded multiple swarms of microearthquakes, which coincide often with periods of changes in geothermal field operations, and found that about one third of the total number of earthquakes are repeating events. The event size distribution, evaluated within the central caldera, indicates average crustal values with b = 0.79 ± 0.04. No significant spatial b value contrasts are resolved within the geothermal field nor in the vicinity of the drilled melt. Besides the seismicity analysis, focal mechanisms are calculated for 342 events. Most of these short-period events have source radiation patterns consistent with double-couple (DC) mechanisms. A few events are attributed to non-shear-faulting mechanisms with geothermal fluids likely playing an important role in their source processes. Diverse faulting styles are inferred from DC events, but normal faulting prevails in the central caldera. The best fitting compressional and tensional axes of DC mechanisms are interpreted in terms of the principal stress or deformation rate orientations across the plate boundary rift. Maximum compressive stress directions are near-vertically aligned in different study volumes, as expected in an extensional tectonic setting. Beneath the natural geothermal fields, the least compressive stress axis is found to align with the regional spreading direction. In the main geothermal field both horizontal stresses appear to have similar magnitudes causing a diversity of focal mechanisms.We thank Julian Drew for the use of his CMM algorithm and Jon Tarasewicz for acquiring the bulk of the field data. Seismometers were borrowed from SEIS-UK under loan 891, with additional data from SIL network stations operated by the Icelandic Meteorological Office. The data will be stored at IRIS (www.iris.edu) and accessible from there. The Natural Environment Research Council UK funded the fieldwork. Landsvirkjun supported the field campaigns and provided borehole information. We thank two anonymous reviewers for critically reading this paper. J.S. also thanks Y. Kamer and S. Hiemer for discussing parts of their b value method. Data were mainly processed using the ObsPy package and visualized using Matplotlib and Generic Mapping Tools. Cambridge University Department of Earth Sciences contribution number ESC.3672. J.S. was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation

    ENIGMA-anxiety working group : Rationale for and organization of large-scale neuroimaging studies of anxiety disorders

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    Altres ajuts: Anxiety Disorders Research Network European College of Neuropsychopharmacology; Claude Leon Postdoctoral Fellowship; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, 44541416-TRR58); EU7th Frame Work Marie Curie Actions International Staff Exchange Scheme grant 'European and South African Research Network in Anxiety Disorders' (EUSARNAD); Geestkracht programme of the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw, 10-000-1002); Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) program within the National Institute of Mental Health under the Intramural Research Program (NIMH-IRP, MH002781); National Institute of Mental Health under the Intramural Research Program (NIMH-IRP, ZIA-MH-002782); SA Medical Research Council; U.S. National Institutes of Health grants (P01 AG026572, P01 AG055367, P41 EB015922, R01 AG060610, R56 AG058854, RF1 AG051710, U54 EB020403).Anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and disabling but seem particularly tractable to investigation with translational neuroscience methodologies. Neuroimaging has informed our understanding of the neurobiology of anxiety disorders, but research has been limited by small sample sizes and low statistical power, as well as heterogenous imaging methodology. The ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group has brought together researchers from around the world, in a harmonized and coordinated effort to address these challenges and generate more robust and reproducible findings. This paper elaborates on the concepts and methods informing the work of the working group to date, and describes the initial approach of the four subgroups studying generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobia. At present, the ENIGMA-Anxiety database contains information about more than 100 unique samples, from 16 countries and 59 institutes. Future directions include examining additional imaging modalities, integrating imaging and genetic data, and collaborating with other ENIGMA working groups. The ENIGMA consortium creates synergy at the intersection of global mental health and clinical neuroscience, and the ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group extends the promise of this approach to neuroimaging research on anxiety disorders

    Aufrechterhaltende Faktoren von angstbezogenen Zusammenhangsverschätzungen

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    Biased cognitive processes are very likely involved in the maintenance of fears and anxiety. One of such cognitive processes is the perceived relationship between fear-relevant stimuli and aversive consequences. If this relationship is perceived although objective contingencies have been random, it is called an (a posteriori) illusory correlation. If this relationship is overestimated before objective contingencies are experienced, it is called an (a priori) expectancy bias. Previous investigations showed that fear-relevant illusory correlations exist, but very few is known about how and why this cognitive bias develops. In the present dissertation thesis, a model is proposed based on a review of the literature on fear-relevant illusory correlations. This model describes how psychological factors might have an influence on fear and illusory correlations. Several critical implications of the model were tested in four experiments. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that people do not only overestimate the proportion of aversive consequences (startle sounds) following emotionally negative stimuli (pictures of mutilations) relative to neutral stimuli (pictures of household objects), but also following highly arousing positive stimuli (pictures of erotic scenes), because arousal might be an important determinant of illusory correlations. The result was a significant expectancy bias for negative stimuli and a much smaller expectancy bias for positive stimuli. Unexpectedly, expectancy bias was restricted to women. An a posteriori illusory correlation was not found overall, but only in those participants who perceived the aversive consequences following negative stimuli as particularly aversive. Experiment 2 tested the same hypothesis as experiment 1 using a paradigm that evoked distinct basic emotions (pictures inducing fear, anger, disgust or happiness). Only negative emotions resulted in illusory correlations with aversive outcomes (startle sounds), especially the emotions of fear and disgust. As in experiment 1, the extent of these illusory correlations was correlated with the perceived aversiveness of aversive outcomes. Moreover, only women overestimated the proportion of aversive outcomes during pictures that evoked fear, anger or disgust. Experiment 3 used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to measure biased brain activity in female spider phobics during an illusory correlation paradigm. Both spider phobics and healthy controls expected more aversive outcomes (painful electrical shocks) following pictures of spiders than following neutral control stimuli (pictures of mushrooms). Spider phobics but not healthy controls overestimated the proportion of aversive outcomes following pictures of spiders in a trial-by-trial memory task. This a posteriori illusory correlation was correlated with enhanced shock aversiveness and activity in primary sensory-motor cortex in phobic participants. Moreover, spider phobics’ brain activity in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was elevated in response to spider images. This activity also predicted the extent of the illusory correlation, which supports the theory that executive and attentional resources play an important role in the maintenance of illusory correlations. Experiment 4 tested the hypothesis that the enhanced aversiveness of some outcomes would be sufficient to causally induce an illusory correlation. Neutral images (colored geometric figures) were paired with differently aversive outcomes (three startle sounds varying in intensity). Participants developed an illusory correlation between those images, which predicted the most aversive sound and this sound, which means that this association was overestimated relative to the other associations. The extent of the illusory correlation was positively correlated with participants’ self-reported anxiety. The results imply that the previously found relationship between illusory correlations and outcome aversiveness might reflect a causal impact of outcome aversiveness or salience on illusory correlations. In sum, the conducted experiments indicate that illusory correlations between fear-relevant stimuli and aversive consequences might persist – among other factors - because of an enhanced aversiveness or salience of aversive consequences following feared stimuli. This assumption is based on correlational findings, a neural measure of outcome perception and a causal influence of outcome aversiveness on illusory correlations. Implications of these findings were integrated into a model of fear-relevant illusory correlations and potential implications are discussed. Future investigations should further elucidate the role of executive functions and gender effects. Moreover, the trial-by-trial assessment of illusory correlations is recommended to increase reliability of the concept. From a clinical perspective, the down-regulation of aversive experiences and the allocation of attention to non-aversive experiences might help to cure anxiety and cognitive bias.Verzerrte kognitive Prozesse sind sehr wahrscheinlich an der Aufrechterhaltung von Furcht und Angst beteiligt. Ein solcher kognitiver Prozess ist der wahrgenommene Zusammenhang zwischen Reizen, vor denen bereits Angst besteht und unangenehmen Konsequenzen. Wenn so ein Zusammenhang wahrgenommen wird, obwohl die objektiven Kontingenzen zufällig sind, spricht man von einer illusorischen Korrelation (a posteriori). Wenn so ein Zusammenhang überschätzt wird, bevor objektive Kontingenzen erlebt werden, spricht man von einer Erwartungsverzerrung (a priori). Frühere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass angstrelevante illusorische Korrelationen existieren, aber bisher ist nur wenig darüber bekannt, wie und warum diese entstehen. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird ein Modell vorgeschlagen, dass auf bisherigen Erkenntnissen zu angstrelevanten illusorischen Korrelationen beruht. Das Modell beschreibt, welche psychologischen Faktoren die Entstehung von Angst und illusorischen Korrelationen begünstigen könnten. Mehrere Implikationen dieses Modells wurden in vier Experimenten getestet. Experiment 1 überprüfte die Hypothese, dass Menschen nicht nur die Häufigkeit unangenehmer Konsequenzen (Schreckgeräusche) nach emotional negativen Reizen (Bilder von Verletzungen) überschätzen, verglichen mit neutralen Reizen (Bilder von Haushaltsgegenständen), sondern auch nach sehr aufregenden positiven Reizen (Bilder von erotischen Szenen), weil die allgemeine Erregung einen Einfluss auf illusorische Korrelationen haben sollte. Das Ergebnis war eine signifikante Erwartungsverzerrung bei negativen Reizen und eine sehr viel kleinere Erwartungsverzerrung bei positiven Reizen. Unerwarteter Weise waren Erwartungsverzerrungen auf Frauen beschränkt. Eine illusorische Korrelation (a posteriori) konnte im Allgemeinen nicht festgestellt werden, sondern lediglich bei solchen Probanden, die die unangenehmen Konsequenzen nach negativen Reizen als besonders unangenehm empfanden. Experiment 2 überprüfte die gleiche Hypothese wie Experiment 1 anhand einer Versuchsanordnung, die verschiedene Basisemotionen hervorrufen sollte (durch Bilder, die Angst, Ärger, Ekel oder Freude induzierten). Nur negative Emotionen führten zu illusorischen Korrelationen (a posteriori) mit unangenehmen Ereignissen (Schreckgeräusche), insbesondere die Emotionen Angst und Ekel. Wie auch in Experiment 1 korrelierte das Ausmaß der illusorischen Korrelation mit der wahrgenommenen Unangenehmheit der unangenehmen Ereignisse bei der entsprechenden Bildkategorie. Darüber hinaus überschätzten nur Frauen den Anteil negativer Ereignisse bei Bildern, die Angst, Ekel, oder Ärger hervorriefen. Experiment 3 verwendete funktionelle Magnetresonanztomografie (fMRT), um verzerrte Gehirnaktivität bei Spinnenphobikerinnen während eines Versuchs zu illusorischen Korrelationen zu messen. Sowohl Spinnenphobikerinnen als auch gesunde Kontrollprobandinnen erwarteten mehr unangenehme Konsequenzen (schmerzhafte elektrische Reize) bei Bildern von Spinnen als bei neutralen Kontrollreizen (Bilder von Pilzen). Spinnenphobikerinnen, aber nicht gesunde Kontrollprobandinnen überschätzten jedoch im Nachhinein den Anteil unangenehmer Konsequenzen bei Bildern von Spinnen in einer Trial-by-Trial Gedächtnisaufgabe. Diese illusorische Korrelation (a posteriori) korrelierte mit der erhöhten Unangenehmheit der elektrischen Reize und mit Aktivierung im primären senso-motorischen Kortex der phobischen Teilnehmerinnen. Darüber hinaus wiesen Spinnenphobikerinnen in Reaktion auf die Bilder von Spinnen eine erhöhte Aktivierung im linken dorsolateralen präfrontalen Kortex auf. Diese Aktivität sagte auch das Ausmaß der illusorischen Korrelation vorher, was die These unterstützt, dass exekutive und Aufmerksamkeitsressourcen eine wichtige Rolle in der Aufrechterhaltung illusorischer Korrelationen spielen. Experiment 4 überprüfte die Hypothese, dass die erhöhte Unangenehmheit mancher Konsequenzen hinreichend sein würde, um kausal eine illusorische Korrelation hervorzurufen. Neutrale Bilder (geometrische Figuren in drei verschiedenen Farben) wurden mit unterschiedlich unangenehmen Konsequenzen gepaart (Schreckgeräusche in drei verschiedenen Intensitäten). Bei den Probanden entwickelte sich eine illusorische Korrelation mit der Farbe, die das unangenehmste Geräusch voraussagte und diesem Geräusch, das heißt, der Zusammenhang wurde im Vergleich zu den anderen Zusammenhängen überschätzt. Das Ausmaß der illusorischen Korrelation korrelierte positiv mit der Ängstlichkeit der Teilnehmer. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass der bisher gefundene Zusammenhang zwischen illusorischen Korrelationen und der Unangenehmheit der unangenehmen Konsequenzen auf einen kausalen Einfluss der Unangenehmheit oder Salienz der Konsequenzen auf illusorische Korrelationen zurückgehen könnte. Zusammengefasst zeigten die durchgeführten Experimente, dass illusorische Korrelationen zwischen angstrelevanten Reizen und unangenehmen Konsequenzen – neben anderen Einflussfaktoren – aufgrund einer erhöhten Unangenehmheit oder Salienz unangenehmer Konsequenzen bei gefürchteten Reizen bestehen könnten. Diese Annahme basiert auf korrelativen Ergebnissen, einem neuralen Maß der Konsequenzverarbeitung und dem gefundenen kausalen Einfluss der Unangenehmheit unangenehmer Konsequenzen auf illusorische Korrelationen. Implikationen dieser Befunde werden in ein Modell zu angstrelevanten illusorischen Korrelationen integriert und diskutiert. Zukünftige Studien sollten die Rolle exekutiver Funktionen und Geschlechtsunterschiede genauer untersuchen. Es empfiehlt sich dabei, illusorische Korrelationen Trial-by-Trial zu erfassen, um die Reliabilität des Konzepts zu erhöhen. Aus klinischer Sicht könnten die Beruhigung unangenehmer Erfahrungen und die Aufmerksamkeitsallokation auf nicht-unangenehme Erfahrungen helfen, Ängste und kognitive Verzerrungen zu vermindern

    Reappraising fear: is up-regulation more efficient than down-regulation?

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    Catastrophizing thoughts may contribute to the development of anxiety, but functional emotion regulation may help to improve treatment. No study so far directly compared up- and down-regulation of fear by cognitive reappraisal. Here, healthy individuals took part in a cued fear experiment, in which multiple pictures of faces were paired twice with an unpleasant scream or presented as safety stimuli. Participants (N = 47) were asked (within-subjects) to down-regulate, to up-regulate and to maintain their natural emotional response. Valence and arousal ratings indicated successful up- and down-regulation of the emotional experience, while heart rate and pupil dilation increased during up-regulation, but showed no reduction in down-regulation. State and trait anxiety correlated with evaluations of safety but not threat stimuli, which supports the role of deficient safety learning in anxiety. Reappraisal did not modulate this effect. In conclusion, this study reveals evidence for up-regulation effects in fear, which might be even more efficient than down-regulation on a physiological level and highlights the importance of catastrophizing thoughts for the maintenance of fear and anxiety

    Wahnsinns Sprache! Eine qualitative Untersuchung zur kommunikativen Darstellung von Wahn im Gespräch

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    Hintergrund Über Wahn zu sprechen gilt allgemein als schwierig, ist aber wesentlich in der psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutischen Behandlung und für den Recovery-Prozess. Material und Methoden Ausgehend von der Annahme, dass trotz aller Schwierigkeiten vielfältige Ressourcen für die kommunikative Darstellung von Wahn bestehen und kompetent genutzt werden, präsentieren wir in diesem Artikel die gesprächsanalytische Untersuchung zweier narrativer Interviews, in denen über Wahnerfahrungen gesprochen wird. Der Fokus unserer Untersuchung liegt dabei auf dem Wie des Erzählens, weiterhin beachten wir insbesondere die kommunikative Interaktion. Ergebnisse Wir zeigen, dass die beiden Sprecher:innen durch Pausen, Abbrüche und Reformulierungen, durch Aushandlung des sog. „common ground“ und durch die Verwendung metaphorischer Ausdrücke vielfältige Aspekte des Wahnerlebens vermitteln. Dabei geht das, was sie auf diese Art zum Ausdruck bringen, weit über das, was sie inhaltlich beschreiben, hinaus. Diskussion Diese beispielhaft herausgearbeiteten kommunikativen Strategien können eine Hilfestellung für andere sein, sich der Herausforderung, über Wahn zu sprechen, leichter zu stellen – nicht im Sinne normativer Empfehlungen, sondern im Sinne von Anregung, Sichtbarmachen von Ressourcen und Ermutigung. = Background Communicating about delusions is generally considered a challenging task. Material and methods Assuming that there are nevertheless a variety of communicative resources competently employed to meet this challenge, the authors present a conversation analytic study of two narrative interviews in which people talk about their experience of delusions. Results It is shown that through pauses, breaks, reformulations, negotiations of the so-called common ground and the use of metaphoric speech, they succeed in conveying many aspects of the experience of delusions that cannot simply be described in terms of content. Conclusions These examples of communicative strategies can be a resource for others and encourage mental health professionals and users alike to engage in conversations on delusions

    Anxious anticipation and pain: the influence of instructed vs conditioned threat on pain

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    Negative emotions such as anxiety enhance pain perception. However, certain threat characteristics are discussed to have different or even divergent effects on pain (hypoalgesia vs hyperalgesia). In order to investigate the neurobiological basis of different threats, we compared the impact of conditioned threat (CT) vs instructed threat (IT) on pain using fMRI. In two groups, participants underwent either Pavlovian threat conditioning or an instructed threat procedure. Afterwards, in an identical test phase participants watched the same visual cues from the previous phase indicating potential threat or safety, and received painful thermal stimulation. In the test phase, pain ratings were increased in both groups under threat. Group comparisons show elevated responses in amygdala and hippocampus for pain under threat in the CT group, and higher activation of the mid-cingulate gyrus (MCC) in the IT group. Psychophysiological interaction analyses in CT demonstrated elevated connectivity of the amygdala and the insula for the comparison of pain under threat vs safety. In IT, the same comparison revealed elevated functional connectivity of the MCC and the insula. The results suggest a similar pain augmenting effect of CT and IT, which, however, seems to rely on different networks mediating the impact of threat on pain