310 research outputs found

    Drinking pattern and socio-cultural aspects on immune response: an overview.

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    Physical activity, exercise and low-grade systemic inflammation.

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    The tracking of dietary intakes of children and adolescents in Sweden over six years: the European Youth Heart Study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The stability of dietary habits through various life-stages is not well understood. A better understanding of the tracking of diet over time could have implications for health promotion as well as for the planning of nutritional epidemiology studies. We examined the stability of dietary intakes of children and adolescents over six years.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>As part of the European Youth Heart Study, in 1998-9, a 24-h dietary recall was performed on over one thousand 9- and 15-year-olds in Sweden. In 2004-5, 40% returned to the follow-up study. These 452 subjects (273 15- and 179 21-year-olds) were assigned to age- and gender-specific tertiles of intakes of food groups, energy, selected nutrients and energy density (low, mid and high) at each time point. The agreement between the classification of subjects into tertiles at both time points was examined using Cohen's weighted κ and other stability coefficients. We included a dropout analysis and considered the effect that energy mis-reporting might have on our results.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fair tracking was seen between childhood and adolescence for the milk, fil and yoghurt food group (κ = 0.30), and between adolescence and young adulthood for fruit (κ = 0.24). Slight tracking was observed for most other food groups and fair to slight tracking for all nutrients studied. Only membership of the high milk, fil and yoghurt tertile could be predicted from membership at baseline, in children. Excluding potential energy mis-reporters did not affect the results.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Despite the long time between data collections, and the method of dietary data collection used, evidence for slight tracking was observed for most food groups and nutrients over these six years.</p

    Sources of Saturated Fat and Sucrose in the Diets of Swedish Children and Adolescents in the European Youth Heart Study: Strategies For Improving Intakes

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    To compare macronutrient intakes of Swedish children and adolescents to population goals; to identify the major sources of energy, fat, saturated fat and sucrose; and to simulate the effect adherence to current food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) would have on saturated fat and sucrose intakes. Cross-sectional study. From 24 h recall data, food groups contributing most to energy, fat, saturated fat and sucrose were identified. Based on the prevailing consumption of foods mentioned in the FBDG, we simulated five scenarios: changes in milk and yoghurt; cheese; energy-dense, nutrient-dilute foods; soft drinks; and burger and sausage consumption. Stockholm and Örebro (Sweden) in 1998-1999. Children (n 551, 9·6 years) and adolescents (n 569, 15·5 years) participating in the European Youth Heart Study. Intakes of saturated fat and sucrose exceeded population goals in all age and gender subgroups. Compliance to the goal for saturated fat was lower in children, particularly boys. Compliance to the sucrose goal was lower among adolescents. The major sources of energy, fat, saturated fat and sucrose in the diet reflect not only the traditional Swedish diet but also the influence of energy-dense, nutrient-dilute foods. The simulations suggest that a combination of FBDG is required to bring both saturated fat and sucrose intakes in line with recommendations. Widespread adherence to a combination of FBDG could theoretically bring mean intakes in line with population goals. The effect on overall nutrient intakes as well as consumer acceptance of such changes needs to be considered

    Differences in the prevalence of diagnosis of overweight-obesity in Spanish children according to the diagnostic criteria set used

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    Objective: To examine relevant differences in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children aged 2-15 years according to different sets of criteria (Orbegozo Foundation, International Obesity Task Force and World Health Organization), and how their use affects the trends in obesity recorded for both sexes between 1995 and 2011 in Spain. Method: Cross-sectional study, a population between 2 and 15 years. Three diagnosis criteria of overweight and obesity were be used. Results: The boys according to the three criteria, showed higher values of overweight and obesity compared to the girls. The lowest levels of overweight and obesity were observed using the Orbegozo tables. Discussion: The prevalence of overweight and obesity varies significantly according to the criteria used to define overweight and obesity. The percentiles of the Foundation Orbegozo gave the lowest estimates and the standards of growth of the World Health Organization were higher

    Economic Beliefs and Party Preference

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    VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Nutrición. ¿Nutrición basada en la videncia o en la evidencia

    Accelerometer-Measured Physical Activity, Inactivity, and Related Factors in Family Caregivers of Patients with Terminal Cancer

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    The physical activity (PA) and inactivity of family caregivers of cancer patients were investigated and related to burden and quality of life through a cross-sectional multicentre study. A total of 75 caregivers were recruited from June 2020 to March 2021. The levels of PA and inactivity were estimated with a wrist accelerometer, 24 h a day, for 7 consecutive days. The Quality of Life Family Version, the Caregiver Strain Index, the total duration of care, the average number of hours spent in care, and the assistance received were registered. Our results showed that moderate-to-vigorous PA was 96.40 ± 46.93 min/day, with 90.7% of participants performing more than 150 min/week of physical activity, and this was significantly associated with age (r = −0.237). Daily inactivity was 665.78 ± 94.92 min, and inactivity for 20–30 min was significantly associated with caregiver burden (r = 0.232) and quality of life (r = −0.322). Compliance with the World Health Organization recommendations was significantly associated with a lower quality of life (r = −0.269). The strength of these associations was limited (r ~0.2). In conclusion, the PA performed by most caregivers met the established recommendations, although older caregivers (>65 years old) performed lower moderate-to-vigorous PA than younger ones. In addition, the mean inactive time was high (11 h/day), showing slight relationships with the burden and quality of life of caregiversExternal funding for this study involving research, development, and innovation (R + D + I) in biomedical and health sciences in Andalusia was obtained from the Regional Health Ministry of “Junta de Andalucia”, under Project AP-0225-2019. This work was partially funded by Junta de Andalucia and ERDF with the project “UMA20-FEDERJA-154” of financial support for R + D + I projects in the ERDF-Andalusia Operational Programme 2014–2020 (Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020). J.C.-P. is supported by a predoctoral grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educación), grant number FPU19/02326. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Treatment of obesity in children and adolescents. How nutrition can work?

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    Overweight appears when persistent positive energy imbalances occur for long periods of time. Knowledge of dietary risk factors during childhood and adolescence is needed in order to design preventive measures against the increase in the prevalence of obesity and its consequences but is, however, largely missing. Longitudinal studies in children have not found clear causal associations between energy intake or diet composition and overweight development. Research has been ongoing to develop effective intervention studies for obese children but it is not clear which intervention is the most effective in assisting overweight/obese children to improve body composition without affecting growth rates. The objective of this article is to review the available knowledge on dietary risk factors for the development of childhood obesity, to discuss different dietary treatment strategies, and to propose an evidence-based approach to treat obese adolescents

    Género e influencia de factores socioeconómicos sobre la obesidad en España

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    Análisis realizado a partir de la recientemente publicada Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2017. Los datos son originales e inéditos.Introducción. La obesidad es un problema de salud pública. Algunos determinantes socioeconómicos pueden influir sobre la obesidad. Es necesario evaluar si afectan igualmente a hombres y mujeres. Metodología. Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2017 (10.031 hombres y 11.393 mujeres con 18 o más años). Variables dependientes: sobrepeso (IMC>=25 Kg/m2); obesidad (IMC>=30 Kg/m2). Variables independientes: nivel de educación, clase social e ingresos mensuales por persona y hogar. Se calcularon prevalencias de sobrepeso y obesidad por sexo y grupos de edad. Se evaluó el efecto de las variables independientes mediante modelos de regresión logística. Se evaluó la asociación entre sobrepeso, obesidad, y salud autopercibida mediante modelos de regresión logística. Todos los análisis se realizaron por separado para hombres y mujeres. Resultados. Prevalencia de sobrepeso: 56,5% (48,7 % en mujeres; 65,2 % en hombres). Prevalencia de obesidad: 18,2 % (17,5 % en mujeres; 18,9 % en hombres). En los hombres no se encontró asociación entre clase social y sobrepeso u obesidad; los ingresos mensuales menores de 600 € se asociaron con obesidad. En las mujeres, las asociaciones entre las tres variables socioeconómicas y sobrepeso y obesidad resultaron estadísticamente significativas. La OR de salud autopercibida mala era 1,42 entre personas con sobrepeso (1,16 en hombres; 1,64 en mujeres), y 1,69 entre personas con obesidad (1,49 en hombres; 1,91 en mujeres). Todas las OR resultaron estadísticamente significativas. Conclusiones. La influencia de factores socioeconómicos sobre sobrepeso y obesidad no es igual en hombres y mujeres. Es necesario tener en cuenta el género a la hora de planificar actuaciones contra la obesidad.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Mejora de hábitos saludables en universitarios del Grado de Enfermería a través del aprendizaje colaborativo y las TIC

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    El grupo de investigación “Salud Pública-Estilos de Vida, Metodología Enfermera y Cuidados en el Entorno Comunitario” de la Universidad Complutense, Facultad de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología, siguiendo con su línea de investigación sobre hábitos saludables en la población española, ha diseñado un proyecto de innovación docente con objetivos similares y que abarque otra vertiente diferente pero a la vez complementaria. A través de un aprendizaje colaborativo, en el que se fomenten habilidades sociales y académicas, se intenta conseguir una interacción de calidad entre los estudiantes y el profesorado para generar conocimiento colectivo útil a la comunidad estudiantil. El aprendizaje colaborativo pone en práctica una serie de competencias que permiten obtener un gran beneficio al desarrollar competencias emocionales y sociales así como la autonomía, la responsabilidad y el propio autocontrol en el aprendizaje. Consiste en una forma de organización de pequeños grupos de trabajo dado por alumnos que desean desempeñar una labor en conjunto. La responsabilidad en el aprendizaje es cosa del grupo que desempeña el trabajo propuesto y no tanto en el profesorado. Asimismo el uso y desarrollo de herramientas que permiten el “m-learning” en cualquier momento y desde cualquier espacio geográfico permite estar en contacto continuo alumnos y profesorado. Herramientas orientadas a la creación de videos de corta duración o infografías serán fundamentales en el aprendizaje colaborativo, en la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades relacionadas con los hábitos saludables y las nuevas tecnologías. Durante los meses de enero a mayo de 2020, los estudiantes del curso seleccionado elaboraron infografías a través de las cuales fomentarán los hábitos saludables descritos en este documento. Hicieron uso de mailings masivos al resto de alumnos/as del Grado correspondiente. Tras finalizar se administró un cuestionario para valorar la efectividad de la actividad y la calidad de la misma