91 research outputs found

    The significance of greenery in the structure of old Kazimierz district in Kraków

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    The significance of greenery in the structure of old Kazimierz district in Krakó

    Fundusz Inwestycji Samorządowych FIZAN szansą na finansowanie inwestycji samorządowych?

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    One of the main challenges of Local Government Units is their high debts and large capital needs to finance investments in the Local Government Units in the new financial perspective for 2014-2020. Created in 2015 Fundusz Inwestycji Samorządowych FIZAN provides an opportunity for a partial solution this problem especially due to the organization of this fund. The aim of the article was to evaluate the possibility of financial support of investments in LGUs by the new Fundusz Inwestycji Samorządowych FIZAN

    Infrastructure investments and development of local governments

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    W artykule podjęte zostało zagadnienie znaczenia inwestycji w infrastrukturę dla rozwoju samorządów lokalnych województwa zachodniopomorskiego z uwzględnieniem przykładów powiatów miast: Szczecin, Koszalin oraz Świnoujście w latach 2004-2012. Realizacja tematu została przeprowadzona w czterech podrozdziałach poprzedzonych wstępem, zawierającym cel główny rozważań. Całość zakończono podsumowaniem, w którym zaproponowano zestaw mierników, diagnozujących kluczowe elementy infrastruktury, oddziałujące na rozwój miast na prawach powiatu. W pierwszym podrozdziale scharakteryzowano znaczenie infrastruktury dla samorządu lokalnego; w tym celu przyjęto własną definicję infrastruktury, jej rodzaje oraz funkcje w ujęciu makro-, mikro- i mezoekonomicznym. W drugim podrozdziale przeanalizowano nakłady inwestycyjne w badanych JST. Podrozdział trzeci poświęcono natomiast analizie nakładów inwestycyjnych w podstawowych działach infrastruktury JST w powiatach miast: Szczecin, Koszalin i Świnoujście. Część badawcza, zawarta w podrozdziale czwartym, koncentruje się na analizie mierników, którymi można wyrazić rozwój samorządów lokalnych pod wpływem inwestycji infrastrukturalnych.The author examines the importance of infrastructure investments for the development of local governments, as exemplified by Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship from 2004 to 2012. The paper consists of an introduction and four chapters, followed by a summary. The first chapter presents the importance of infrastructure for local governments and offers the author's own definition of infrastructure, its types and functions from the macro-, meso- and microeconomic perspectives. The second and the third chapters, analyse infra investments made by local governments of Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship. The fourth chapter contains the key part of the research – an analysis of the measures which reflect the development of local governments as influenced by infrastructure investments.Julia Klimek – Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomiki Usług, Katedra Finansów PublicznyMarta Szaja – Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomiki Usług, Katedra Finansów PublicznyBiniecki J., Szczupak B., Strategia rozwoju lokalnego, [w:] Zarządzanie strategiczne rozwojem lokalnym i regionalnym, A. Klasik, F. Kuźnik (red.), Akademia Ekonomiczna w Katowicach, Katowice 2001.Brzozowska K., Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne w Europie, Wydawnictwo CeDeWu, Warszawa 2010.Gray S., What Is Infrastructure, [w:] Investing in Infrastructure: A Comprehensive Intelligence Source on Infrastructure Funds, Investment Techniques and Financing Challenges in the World’s Diverse Markets, C. Lutyens (ed.), PEI Media Limited, London 2009.Grigg N. S., Infrastructure Finance: The Business of Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future, Wiley Finance, New Jersey 2010.Janowska H., Strategie finansowania gminnych inwestycji infrastrukturalnych w Polsce, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin 2002.Kozłowski W., Zarządzanie gminnymi inwestycjami infrastrukturalnymi, Difin, Warszawa 2012.Myna A., Modele rozwoju lokalnej infrastruktury technicznej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Lublin 2012.Ogólna charakterystyka województwa, [w:] Strategia Rozwoju Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego do 2020, Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego, Szczecin 2005-2012.Parysek J. J., Podstawy gospodarki lokalnej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań 1997.Wachowska J. A., Luka infrastrukturalna inwestycji publicznych w Polsce, [w:] Wzrost i rozwój potencjału Europy – inwestycje w innowacyjną i konkurencyjną gospodarkę regionów, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, nr 794, Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług, nr 108, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Szczecin 2013.Weber B., Alfen H. W., Infrastructure as an Asset Class. Investment Strategies, Project Finance and PPP, Wiley Finance, Chippenham 2010.Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej, Regionalna Izba Obrachunkowa w Szczecinie, http://www.szczecin.rio.gov.pl/, data dostępu 03.04.2014 r.GUS, Bank Danych Lokalnych, http://stat.gov.pl/bdl/, data dostępu 03.04.2014 r.Komisja Europejska, Europa 2020, http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_pl.htm, data dostępu 04.05.2014 r.629

    The past, present and future of clinical legal education in Poland

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    This paper was written by four lecturers, who are employed at different universities located in Poland's two largest Cities: Warsaw and Cracow. Two of these universities are financed by the government and the other two are financed from students' fees. Our paper critically examines the history of clinical legal education in Poland. It also assesses the economic, legal and social background to the differences and similarities between clinical legal education and legal practice. Furthermore, the paper explains how learning outcomes have led to law clinics becoming a pedagogical and professional treasure trove for individual clinical students and the wider law faculty. The results of this research will demonstrate the invaluable role of learning outcomes to clinical education and professional development. Therefore, the paper will suggest that the methodology of clinical legal education can be employed as a model for Polish higher education

    Challenges for the representation of morphology in ontology lexicons

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    Recent years have experienced a growing trend in the publication of language resources as Linguistic Linked Data (LLD) to enhance their discovery, reuse and the interoperability of tools that consume language data. To this aim, the OntoLex-lemon model has emerged as a de facto standard to represent lexical data on the Web. However, traditional dictionaries contain a considerable amount of morphological information which is not straightforwardly representable as LLD within the current model. In order to fill this gap a new Morphology Module of OntoLex-lemon is currently being developed. This paper presents the results of this model as on-going work as well as the underlying challenges that emerged during the module development. Based on the MMoOn Core ontology, it aims to account for a wide range of morphological information, ranging from endings to derive whole paradigms to the decomposition and generation of lexical entries which is in compliance to other OntoLex-lemon modules and facilitates the encoding of complex morphological data in ontology lexicons

    Comparative and Typological Approaches to Slavic Languages

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    Comparative and Typological Approaches to Slavic Languages Editorial of the volume.   Porównawcze i typologiczne podejścia do języków słowiańskich Artykuł wstępny do tomu

    Managing the relationship of the organization through traditional correspondence : analysis of personalized envelopes

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    PURPOSE: The paper addresses the unexplored topic of traditional correspondence personalization and its potential impact in creating firm relationships with stakeholders of the organization. It provides interesting conclusions and many practical tips when designing and managing traditional correspondence with stakeholders, taking into account several profiles of correspondence recipients.APPROACH/METHODOLOGY/DESIGN: The study was conducted using a qualitative method – the focused group interview technique. Data was selected based on socio-demographic characteristics, as well as features distinguishing customers, which were key independent variables for the cognition process. The stage of selection of participants in focus group interviews was preceded by a personal questionnaire to select research units (persons) who met the assumptions of the research sample. The analysis of the collected empirical material was carried out based on open coding, allowing for the emergence of homogeneous theoretical categories.FINDINGS: Designing envelopes could be challenging due to several factors determining their positive perception among populations. The basic determinants in the perception of traditional correspondence include its size, shape, colour, and graphic design. Based on the research, one of many factors in creating a competitive advantage in the traditional correspondence market is personalized double-sided envelope printing.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This paper is rich not only in several findings and quite bold, unambiguous indications for the design of envelopes but also contains many interesting hypothetical conclusions that require confirmation in further research processes, also using a quantitative approach. This is undoubted – mainly due to the exploratory nature of this research and development project – an extremely interesting empirical material that requires further, in-depth analysis to optimize business processes and obtain the most effective solution. Being convinced of the effectiveness and high quality of the methodological workshop of social sciences, the use of such analyses and expert opinions may contribute to the implementation of the most suitable solution to the current and future needs of a given business entity.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The results of this research contributed to creating lasting relationships between an academic research unit and a business entity by supporting the decision-making process regarding strategic development in the form of infrastructural investment. The exercised solutions contributed to managing the relationship of the company through traditional correspondence.peer-reviewe

    Emocje i motywacja w prawie. Wybrane aspekty

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    Z wprowadzenia:"Zainteresowanie osiągnięciami współczesnej psychologii oraz naukami kognitywnymi nie jest nowością w teorii prawa. Powstało oraz powstaje wiele koncepcji teoretycznoprawnych opartych na wynikach nauk empirycznych. Bardziej sceptyczne podejście do nauk empirycznych panuje w praktyce i dogmatyce prawniczej. Wśród dogmatyków i praktyków prawa badania z tego zakresu są w najlepszym wypadku traktowane jako interesujące – lecz mało przydatne w prawie – ciekawostki. Być może sceptyków wykorzystania osiągnięć nauk empirycznych, w szczególności psychologii i nauk kognitywnych, nie da się przekonać, ale warto chociaż spróbować podważyć – przynajmniej częściowo – ich przekonania."(...)Publikacja powstała w ramach realizacji projektu badawczego finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki pt.: „Motywacyjna podstawa prawa. Współczesna interpretacja teorii Leona Petrażyckiego” (2019/33/B/HS5/01521

    COVID‐19: Recovery from Chemosensory Dysfunction. A Multicentre study on Smell and Taste

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    Objective/Hypothesis With the COVID-19 pandemic, chemosensory dysfunction are among the most prevalent symptoms. Most reports are subjective evaluations, which have been suggested to be unreliable. The objective is to test chemosensory dysfunction and recovery based on extensive psychophysical tests in COVID-19 during the course of the disease. Study Design Prospective cohort study. Methods A total of 111 patients from four centers participated in the study. All tested positive for SARS-COV-2 with RT-PCR. They were tested within 3 days of diagnosis and 28 to 169 days after infection. Testing included extensive olfactory testing with the Sniffin' Sticks test for threshold, discrimination and identification abilities, and with the Taste Sprays and Taste Strips for gustatory function for quasi-threshold and taste identification abilities. Results There was a significant difference in olfactory function during and after infection. During infection 21% were anosmic, 49% hyposmic, and 30% normosmic. After infection only 1% were anosmic, 26% hyposmic, and 73% normosmic. For gustatory function, there was a difference for all taste qualities, but significantly in sour, bitter, and total score. Twenty-six percent had gustatory dysfunction during infection and 6.5% had gustatory dysfunction after infection. Combining all tests 22% had combined olfactory and gustatory dysfunction during infection. After infection no patients had combined dysfunction. Conclusions Chemosensory dysfunction is very common in COVID-19, either as isolated smell or taste dysfunction or a combined dysfunction. Most people regain their chemosensory function within the first 28 days, but a quarter of the patients show persisting dysfunction, which should be referred to specialist smell and taste clinics for rehabilitation of chemosensory function. Level of Evidence 3 Laryngoscope, 202