459 research outputs found

    The Effects of Card Playing on Cognition

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    The present study aimed to examine the potential effects of card playing and socialization on cognition. Participants completed a battery of cognitive tests in order to obtain a baseline of cognitive function. Each participant was randomized to one of three training paradigms: group socialization, group card playing, and individual card playing. The socialization group met once a week for an hour for eight weeks and discussed topics of their choice. The card playing groups played Hearts either in a group or on the computer for one hour a week for eight weeks. After eight weeks of their training, participants completed post-testing which consisted of the same battery of cognitive tests in order to measure changes in cognition from pre- to post-testing. The results revealed that participants who were exposed to socialization during training demonstrated the most significant improvements on the cognitive tests. Groups that only received the card playing intervention demonstrated little change. Greatest improvement was seen for those tests that indexed verbal information processing, such as the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test language domain, the California Verbal Learning Test, and the Excluded Letter Fluency test

    Ist Bibliothek 2.0 überhaupt noch relevant? – Eine Einleitung in das Handbuch

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    Mit diesem Buch möchten wir einen Überblick der aktuellen Diskussion zum Thema Bibliothek 2.0 geben und den Stand der tatsächlichen Umsetzung der Web 2.0-Ansätze in deutschsprachigen Bibliotheken beleuchten. An dieser Stelle ist die Frage erlaubt, warum es zu einer Zeit, in der es bereits die ersten "Web 3.0"- Konferenzen gibt, eines Handbuches der Bibliothek 2.0 noch bedarf. Und warum es überhaupt ein deutschsprachiges Handbuch zur Bibliothek 2.0 braucht, wo es doch bereits verschiedenste Publikationen zu diesem Thema aus anderen Ländern, insbesondere des angloamerikanischen Raums gibt. Ist dazu nicht bereits alles gesagt

    Können wir heute ahnen, was morgen funktioniert?

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    Wie richten sich Bibliotheken auf eine ungewisse Zukunft ein? Gibt es Unterschiede zu diesem Thema bei ÖB/WB? Wie funktionieren Nutzer? Was ist wesentlich an der Dienstleistung einer Bibliothek? Wie wird in Bibliotheken mit Innovation umgegangen? Wird es in Zukunft noch einheitliche Bibliotheksmodelle geben

    Covariant gauge-natural conservation laws

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    When a gauge-natural invariant variational principle is assigned, to determine {\em canonical} covariant conservation laws, the vertical part of gauge-natural lifts of infinitesimal principal automorphisms -- defining infinitesimal variations of sections of gauge-natural bundles -- must satisfy generalized Jacobi equations for the gauge-natural invariant Lagrangian. {\em Vice versa} all vertical parts of gauge-natural lifts of infinitesimal principal automorphisms which are in the kernel of generalized Jacobi morphisms are generators of canonical covariant currents and superpotentials. In particular, only a few gauge-natural lifts can be considered as {\em canonical} generators of covariant gauge-natural physical charges.Comment: 16 pages; presented at XXXVI Symposium on Math. Phys., Torun 09/06-12/06/04; the last paragraph of Section 3 has been reformulated, in particular a mistake in the equation governing the vertical part of gauge-natural lifts with respect to prolongations of principal connections (appearing e.g. in the vertical superpotential) has been correcte

    Cyst Features and Risk of Malignancy in Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas: Imaging and Pathology

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    Background: Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) display diverse macroscopic, histological, and immunohistochemical characteristics with typical morphological appearance in magnetic resonance imaging. Depending on those, IPMNs may show progression into invasive carcinomas with variable frequency. Overall, IPMN-associated invasive carcinomas are found in about 30% of all IPMNs, revealing phenotpyes comparable with conventional ductal adenocarcinomas or mucinous (colloid) carcinomas of the pancreas. In Sendai-negative side-branch IPMNs, however, the annual risk of the development of invasive cancer is 2%; thus, risk stratification with regard to imaging and preoperative biomarkers and cytology is mandatory. Methods and Results: The present study addresses the radiological and interventional preoperative measures including histological features to determine the risk of malignancy and the prognosis of IPMNs. Conclusion: While preoperative imaging largely relies on the detection of macroscopic features of IPMNs, which are associated with a divergent risk of malignant behavior, in resected specimens the determination of the grade of dysplasia and the detection of an invasive component are the most important features to estimate the prognosis of IPMNs

    Mindmapping for one-person librarians

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    Mindmapping wird kurz als Methode des Strukturierens und Visualisierens von Ideen und Themen behandelt, danach werden freie Softwareprogramme für das Online-Mindmapping vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe man für sich oder gemeinsam Mindmaps erstellen kann. Schließlich wird der Einsatz der Methode in der Bibliotheksarbeit geschildert, u.a. als Tool für die Erstellung von Konzeptionen, für das Zeitmanagement und für das Visualisieren.Mindmapping is shortly described as a method to structure and to visualize ideas and topics. Then several free software programmes for online-mindmapping are presented, which can help to organize for himself or to collaborate. The next part covers the use of this software in the library management, for example as concept help, as time management tool or as mean to visualize topics

    On Superpotentials and Charge Algebras of Gauge Theories

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    We propose a new "Hamiltonian inspired" covariant formula to define (without harmful ambiguities) the superpotential and the physical charges associated to a gauge symmetry. The criterion requires the variation of the Noether current not to contain any derivative terms in \partial_{\mu}\delta \f. The examples of Yang-Mills (in its first order formulation) and 3-dimensional Chern-Simons theories are revisited and the corresponding charge algebras (with their central extensions in the Chern-Simons case) are computed in a straightforward way. We then generalize the previous results to any (2n+1)-dimensional non-abelian Chern-Simons theory for a particular choice of boundary conditions. We compute explicitly the superpotential associated to the non-abelian gauge symmetry which is nothing but the Chern-Simons Lagrangian in (2n-1) dimensions. The corresponding charge algebra is also computed. However, no associated central charge is found for n2n \geq 2. Finally, we treat the abelian p-form Chern-Simons theory in a similar way.Comment: 32 pages, LaTex. The proposal is restricted to first order theories. An appendix is added. Some references are adde