26 research outputs found

    Jana Juhasova, MA, PhD

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    Tekst jest informacją biograficzną o Janie Juhasovej ze Słowacji.The text is the biographical information on Jana Juhasova from Slovakia

    Sprachbewusstheit und ihr Einsatz von Jugendlichen, die Deutsch als Tertiärsprache in der Slowakei lernen

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag erörtert die derzeit in der Fremdsprachenforschung stark betonte Bedeutung von bewusstem Lernen, insbesondere beim Erwerb der zweiten beziehungsweise der weiteren Fremdsprache. Im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit steht die Sprachbewusstheit beim Erwerb des Deutschen als Tertiärsprache sowie jene Rolle, die ihrem Einsatz von Schülern der neunten Klasse der neunjährigen Grundschule in der Slowakei zugeschrieben wird. Der empirische Teil thematisiert die aus der Befragung gewonnenen Daten zu lernindividuellen Faktoren beim L3-Lernen, zum Umgang jugendlicher Lernender mit ihrem (fremd-)sprachlichen Vorwissen sowie mit ihren sprachlernbezogenen Erfahrungen beim Erwerb des Deutschen als zweiter Fremdsprache und erarbeitet daraus Herausforderungen für die Praxis des DaF-Lernens und -Lehrens.The submitted article deals with the notion of language awareness which is especially accentuated as the means of second language acquisition. Language awareness becomes the centre of attention in terms of mastering German language as the third language and its role on the 9th grade of primary school in Slovakia. Empirical part is based on data obtained by questionnaire method provided by students. Students are explaining their relation towards second language learning as well as their experiences with L3 followed by deductions for further learning and practice of German as a foreign language.

    Modified small-scale batch procedure for isolation of dsRNA from Cryphonectria parasitica

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    Cytoplasmically-transmissible viral double-stranded RNAs of the genus Hypovirus cause reduced virulence (hypovirulence) in the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica. Biological control of this fungal disease is done by inoculating selected artificial hypovirulent strains of C. parasitica in the wounds of attacked chestnut trees and is followed by testing the transmissibility of dsRNA to C. parasitica isolates affecting these trees. Here we present a modified protocol of isolation and detection of dsRNA. The proposed procedure requires smaller amounts of fungal material for dsRNA detection and uses less reagents, thus resulting in appreciable cost savings.Les ARN double brin (ARNdb) viraux du genre Hypovirus à transmission cytoplasmique réduisent la virulence (hypovirulence) du Cryphonectria parasitica, le champignon responsable de la brûlure du châtaigner. La lutte biologique contre cette maladie fongique se fait par l'inoculation, dans des blessures de châtaigniers atteints, de souches choisies de C. parasitica artificiellement hypovirulentes, suivie de l'analyse de la transmissibilité des ARNdb aux isolats de C. parasitica qui affectent ces arbres. Nous présentons ici un protocole modifié d'isolement et de détection d'ARNdb. La procédure proposée requiert une plus petite quantité de matériel fongique pour la détection d'ARNdb et demande moins de réactifs; il en découle donc des économies appréciables

    Gender and regional disparities in income level perspectives in United States agriculture sector

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    Agriculture, as one of the most important sectors of the economy of many countries, has to deal with gender inequality, which is part of it, among other problems. For centuries, women have been excluded from this area, but nowadays, they have the opportunity to participate in agricultural activities to the same extent as men and achieve an adequate income. The success of women in US agriculture in the form of their income can be explained through the six indicators: age, family involvement, farm area, farming period, female operators, and partnership by applying the regression analysis. The coefficient of determination shows that the Heartland Region regression model has the highest statistical significance, explaining 51.03 % of the investigated data variability. The second position is kept very closely by the Upper Midwest Region with a value of 50.06 %; the next ones are the Delta Region with a value of 46.37 %, the Great Lakes Region with 44.44 %, and the Northwest Region with 43.24 %. All the regression models assigned to these regions are suitable for explaining. Surprisingly, there are cases where a mutual ratio of the regression coefficients of the same indicator for the two specific regions is twice as high or lower. It reveals there are deliberate regional disparities

    The Figurativeness of the Language of Mystical Experience

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    The scientific and technical achievements of the last decades have enabled man to achieve an unquestionable life comfort. Paradoxically, however, they also stand behind his existential struggles, where the need to slow down the pace and restore one’s own emotional and cognitive resources, revive communication models based on immediate contact, be authentic, creative, stronger, and so on breaks through the surface. One way of looking for a personal way of life and its meaning is through a religious, more precisely, spiritual experience. We consider the mystical experience to be the modality of the spiritual expression or, more precisely, its autonomous part. We see it as a descent of man into his own interior, so called the centre, in which he acquires a pouring knowledge of the nature of God. Although it is an individual and spontaneous experience, it is characterized by some universal features: imagery as a means of conveying the inexpressible content and as an archetypal basis of spiritual tradition. The publication focuses on the literary-artistic forms of the mystical experience as well as the literary forms of mystagogy, that is the interpretation of the mystical experience of the mystic. Through individual analytical-interpretative contributions based on the works of the mystics of the Western Christian tradition, we will try to enter into a specific image of ineffability modelled (the language of mystical unification) and reflexively stimulated (the language of mystagogy) by mystical experience. This is a complex subject confirmed by its basic attribute (inexpressibility at the language level) and by its thought-initiated tensions (for example, interior vs. exterior, authentic vs. ritual, profane vs. sacred, natural vs. supernatural)

    Protest Song and Its Potential in Interculturally Focused Lessons of German as a Foreign Language

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird das linguistische, das interkulturelle, politisch-ethische sowie das musikalische Potenzial von Protestsongs im Fremdsprachenunterricht vorgestellt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird auf die Möglichkeiten der Verwertung dieses Mediums bei der Sprachund Kulturvermittlung in Ausbildung zukünftiger Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache Lehrer gelegt. In der Hochschuledukation wurde anhand von Songs die kulturelle Entwicklung Deutschlands vom Wiederaufbau nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bis in die Gegenwart behandelt und mit der Entwicklung in der (Tschecho-)Slowakei in Vergleich gesetzt. Das präsentierte ein Semester lang dauernde Unterrichtsprojekt mit Protestsongs wurde an der Katholischen Universität in Ružomberok (Slowakei) im Laufe mehrerer Jahre im Rahmen des Seminars „Sprachpraktische Übungen und Landeskunde“ realisiert.The paper deals with the potential of protest songs focusing on the linguistic, intercultural, ethical an aesthetic dimension, as well as the multiple possibilities of their application in foreign language education, particularly in foreign language teaching in teacher training programmes at university level. The presented protest songs project was carried out at the Catholic University in Ružomberok (the Slovak Republic) in the course of several years, and took place during the classes of practical language. The songs analysed in the research project originated in the period starting with the reconstruction of Germany after the Second World War until the present. Class discussions included both similarities and differences in the light of German cultural and historical context as compared to the development trends in former Czechoslovakia and later Slovakia

    Pater Noster súčasného hrdinu literárnych textov

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    Pater Noster of Contemporary Hero of Literary Works If we perceive the six poetic texts (Klimáček, Kolenič, Urban, Puchala, Hochel, Janík) that are controversially referring to the Lord’s prayer (Pater noster), which were written at the turn of the 20th and 21st century, as a small sociological group with a statement concerning contemporary man, we’ll discover that in the interdisciplinary dialogue of literary science, sociology of religion and theology are meeting in several crucial axioms: 1. man spirituality is not being eliminated, but is searching for its new expression with the biggest accent on individuality and privacy, 2. transcendence is being connected more with the matter of intencionality as a deep relationship with God, other person and him self, than with the matter of morality, dogma and eschatology, for which language is contemporary man loosing his perceptivity. Theologians, responsive on era stigmas (Biser, Poláková, Reikerstorfer), looking for answers of church justness as an institutional society, emphasize identity dimension of religion. It is been connected with renaissance of the therapeutic aspect of Christianity and revival of the cult of suffering Christ as a practical appeal for intercultural and religion dialogue

    Príhodová, Edita: I sing because I love. The Life and Work od Janko Silan

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    Bod a škvrna. Od symbolistického kódu k hľadaniu nového jazyka spirituálnej poézie (1. časť) (The Point and the Blur. From the Symbolistic Code to the Search for the New Language of Spiritual Poetry)

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    Spiritual themes in the 20th century Slovak poetry were influenced first of all by the aesthetic code of symbolism with a small exception in the 1930s when it was influenced by H. Bremond’s conception of pure poetry. Only in contemporary spiritual poetry the power of the symbolist code is weakening, and aesthetic impulses of avant-gardes and poststructuralist tendencies become a more distinctive source of inspiration. Against the background of the interpretation of two poetic texts—Milan Rúfus: Vlastnoručný podpis, zb. Vážka, 1998 [The Handwritten Signature, coll. The Dragonfly], and Erik Jakub Groch: Sa, zb. Druhá naivita, 2005 [Self, coll. The Second Naïveté], the study focuses on important developmental impulses in literary thought, observing how in a certain period the power of one aesthetic code begins to weaken and leaves a space for a new one to succeed

    Sprachbewusstheit und ihr Einsatz von Jugendlichen, die Deutsch als Tertiärsprache in der Slowakei lernen

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag erörtert die derzeit in der Fremdsprachenforschung stark betonte Bedeutung von bewusstem Lernen, insbesondere beim Erwerb der zweiten beziehungsweise der weiteren Fremdsprache. Im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit steht die Sprachbewusstheit beim Erwerb des Deutschen als Tertiärsprache sowie jene Rolle, die ihrem Einsatz von Schülern der neunten Klasse der neunjährigen Grundschule in der Slowakei zugeschrieben wird. Der empirische Teil thematisiert die aus der Befragung gewonnenen Daten zu lernindividuellen Faktoren beim L3-Lernen, zum Umgang jugendlicher Lernender mit ihrem (fremd-)sprachlichen Vorwissen sowie mit ihren sprachlernbezogenen Erfahrungen beim Erwerb des Deutschen als zweiter Fremdsprache und erarbeitet daraus Herausforderungen für die Praxis des DaF-Lernens und -Lehrens. The submitted article deals with the notion of language awareness which is especially accentuated as the means of second language acquisition. Language awareness becomes the centre of attention in terms of mastering German language as the third language and its role on the 9th grade of primary school in Slovakia. Empirical part is based on data obtained by questionnaire method provided by students. Students are explaining their relation towards second language learning as well as their experiences with L3 followed by deductions for further learning and practice of German as a foreign language