10 research outputs found

    Electrocoagulation of whey acids: anode and cathode materials, electroactive area and polarization curves

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    Anode (Al and Fe) and cathode (graphite and Ti/RuO2) materials have been tested for electrocoagulation (EC) and purification of the acid whey. The electroactive areas (EA) of electrodes were calculated by the double layer capacitance method. Experiments were performed by cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry and polarization experiments. Among cathodic materials, the Ti/RuO2 electrode showed higher EA (2167 cm2) than graphite (1560 cm2). The Fe anode was found more stable than Al with greater charge transfer carried out in less time. Correlation of these results with those obtained during preliminary tests confirmed high removals (79 %) in 8 h. For the Al electrode, 24 h were required to achieve efficiency of 49 %


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    Se revisaron los archivos del Laboratorio Estatal de Salud Pública (LESPN) para realizar un análisis de lo ocurrido en el brote de la enfermedad del dengue durante todo el año 2007 en el área metropolitana de la Cd. de Monterrey N. L. Se clasificaron los criaderos, para las muestras positivas de Ae. aegypti en: diversos chicos, diversos grandes, botes y cubeta 20 L., menores de 200 L., tambos 200 L, mayores de 200 L., piletas y cisternas, plantas acuáticas, aire lavado y llantas, se observa la frecuencia y su productividad larval de cada uno de ellos. De las 3106 (89.66% del total) muestras positivas para Ae. eagypti, se determinaron 11575 (96.20%) de larvas. De los análisis de Virología se separan los casos positivos a la prueba serológica de ELISA, se dividieron por tipo de dengue (Clásico y Hemorrágico), grupos de edad y genero, además, se consideró la fecha de inicio de la sintomatología como una variable más a observar. De un total de 11045 muestras de suero procesadas para la determinación de dengue, 2829 (25.61%) resultaron positivas a la prueba de ELISA, Se determinaron 2341 (82.75%) del tipo de dengue clásico y 488 (17.25%) del hemorrágico. En las mujeres se presentaron 1610 (56.91%) de los casos, mientras que en los hombres fueron 1219 (43.08%), el grupo de edad más afectado fue el de 11-20 años. Los municipios que más casos presentaron fueron: Monterrey 889 (31.42%), Apodaca 757 (26.76%), San Nicolás de los Garza 568 (20.08%) y Escobedo 348 (12.30%) sumando un total de 2562 (90.56%) de los casos. Mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS v15, se realizaron tablas cruzadas para determinar las frecuencias del número de larvas de Aedes aegypti y recipientes por mes de muestreo. También se aplicó el mismo procedimiento para los casos de dengue (clásico y hemorrágico) respecto al mes de inicio de la sintomatología, género y edad de los pacientes. Abstract The State Public Health Laboratory (LESPN) files were revised to analyze the outbreak of dengue during 2007 in Monterrey, N. L. the metropolitan area Ae. aegypti breeding sites were classified to identify positive samples in different containers: small, large boats and 20 L bucket, less than 200 L, 200 L drums, over 200 L, sinks and tanks, aquatic plants, coolers and tires to determine the frequency and larval productivity of each of them. From 3106 (89.66%) positive samples for Ae. eagypti, were determinate 11 575 (96.20%) of larvae. According to the virology analysis, the positive cases were separated by the ELISA serological test, there were divided by type of classic dengue fever (DF) or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), age group and gender, also was considered the date of onset of symptoms as a variable to analyze. From a total of 11,045 serum samples processed for dengue detection, 2829 (25.61%) were positives. There were determined 2341 (82.75%) of classical dengue and 488 (17.25%) from the hemorrhagic. Most cases occurred in women 1610 (56.91%), while 1219 cases (43.08%) occurred in men, the age group most affected was from 11 to 20 old. The highest occurrence in Monterrey was 889 (31.42%), followed by Apodaca 757 (26.76%), San Nicolas de los Garza 568 (20.08%) and Escobedo 348 (12.30%) for a total of 2562 (90.56 %) cases. Using SPSS v15, cross tables were conducted to determine the frequencies number of larvae ofAe. aegypti and containers per month of sampling. Also the same procedure was applied for cases of dengue (DF anf DHF) referring month of symptoms onset, gender and age of the patients. Palabras Clave: Aedes aegypti, Dengue, Monterrey, México

    Electrodissolution aluminum electrode during an electrocoagulation acid whey

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    Electrodissolution of aluminum in solutions containing chloride or sulfate ions during electrocoagulation acid whey, has been the objective of this work. The alkaline pH increases the rate of dissolution by several orders of magnitude. The electrolytic medium (Cl- or SO42-) does not seem to significantly influence the dissolution of aluminum, but increase the charge density, which helps in the electrochemical process. The results are related to the nature of aluminum hydroxide species formed during anodic dissolution. In acidic and neutral conditions, OH-ions from the cathode do not fully participate in the formation of neutral species of aluminum hydroxide and excess OH-ions increases the pH of the medium. In contrast, the pH decreases in highly alkaline conditions attributed to the consumption of large amounts of OH- ions to form an anionic species such as Al(OH)4- and Al(OH)52-, and other polymeric species of aluminun

    Electrodissolution aluminum electrode during an electrocoagulation acid whey

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    La electrodisolución de aluminio en soluciones conteniendo ione s cloruros o sulfatos durante el proceso de electrocoagulación del lactosuero ácido, ha sido el objetivo de este trabajo. Los pH alcalinos aumentan la velocidad de disolución en varios órdenes de magnitud. El me dio electrolítico (Cl - o SO 4 2- ) no parece influir significativamente en la disolución de alum inio, pero aumentan la densidad de carga, que ayuda en el proce so electroquímico. Los resultados están relacionados con la natura leza de las especies de hidróxidos de aluminio formados durante la disolución anódica. En condiciones ácidas y neutras, los iones OH - del cátodo no participan completamente en la formación de espe cies neutras de hidróxido de aluminio y el exceso de iones OH - aumenta el pH del medio. En contraste, el pH disminuye en cond iciones altamente alcalinas atribuido al consumo de grandes cantidades de iones OH - para formar especies aniónicas, tales como Al(OH) 4 - y Al(OH) 5 2- y otras especies oligoméricas de aluminio

    Nutritional composition of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. 1758 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larvae in palm trees of the Mezquital Valley, Hidalgo, Mexico: Nutritional composition of larvae of Rhynchophorus palmarum

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    ABSTRACT Objective: In this research, the nutritional composition of larvae of the beetle Rhynchophorus palmarum L. 1758 (Coleóptera: Curculionidae) in palm trees of the Mezquital Valley, Hidalgo, Mexico was determined. Design / methodology / approach: In January 2020, 250 grams of Rhynchophorus palmarum larvae were collected from damaged Phoenix canariensis palms at the Francisco I. Madero Polytechnic University, located in Tepatepec, Hidalgo, Mexico. They were placed in a plastic bottle and placed in a freezer for their conservation and transfer to the Department of Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, to evaluate the nutritional content by means of a chemical analysis. proximal. Results: The larvae of R. palmarum in their proximal composition, had a protein content on a dry basis of 25.52% and on a wet basis 9.04%, ethereal extract 19.77%, dry matter 35.74%, humidity 64.26%, ash 0.70%, fiber crude 1.64%, nitrogen free extract 4.58%, calcium 0.20%, phosphorus 0.31%. Limitations of the study / implications: In the literature review it was found that there are no investigations of this insect as human food for Mexico. Findings / conclusions: It is concluded that these larvae can be exploited for human and livestock nutrition as a protein and energy supplement, even to enrich and prepare conventional food for society. Keywords: worm, beetle, protein, food, entomophagy.Objective: To determinate the nutritional composition of larvae of the Rhynchophorus palmarum L. 1758 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) beetle in palm trees of the Mezquital Valley, Hidalgo, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: In January 2020, 250g of South American Palm Weevil (Rhynchophorus palmarum) larvae were collected from damaged Canary Island date palms (Phoenix canariensis). The larvae were gathered at the Universidad Politécnica de Francisco I. Madero, located in Tepatepec, Hidalgo, Mexico. They were placed in a plastic jar and later in a freezer for conservation and transportation to the Departamento de Nutrición Animal y Bioquímica, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, where their nutritional composition was evaluated by proximate chemical analysis. Results: In their proximate composition, the larvae of R. palmarum presented a protein concentration of 25.52% (dry basis) and of 9.04% (wet basis), ether extract of 19.77%, dry matter of 35.74%, humidity of 64.26%, ashes of 0.70%, crude fiber of 1.64%, nitrogen-free extract of 4.58%, calcium of 0.20%, and phosphorus of 0.31%. Study Limitations/Implications: No previous research about the use of this insect as human food in Mexico was found. Findings/Conclusions: We conclude that these larvae can be exploited for human and livestock food (as a protein and energy supplement) and even to enrich and prepare conventional foods for society

    Productive performance and egg physical characteristics of Tufted Creole and Marans hens: Productive performance and egg physical characteristics of Tufted Creole and Marans hens

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    Objective: The present study was conducted to evaluate the productive performance and egg physical characteristics of two backyard-type breeds of birds. Design/methodology/approach: Tufted Creole Hens (TCH; 13 hens and a rooster) and Marans (13 hens and a rooster), were used in this study. Live body weight, feed intake, egg production, egg weight, egg length and egg width were measured weekly during eight weeks. Collected data were analyzed using a two-way analysis of variance, the main factors were breed, week and their interaction. Results: Marans hens were heavier and had higher feed intake than the TCH (P<0.05). The egg of the TCH was smaller (P <0.05) in weight and length with respect to that of Marans hens. TCH produced more eggs than the Marans hens (P <0.05). The week factor was significant (P <0.05) for body weight, feed intake and egg length. Limitations on study/implications: Further studies should be carried out to design a feeding program that would allow both breeds to express their full productive potential and maximize the return on investment in backyard production systems in Mexico. Findings/conclusions: Marans hens are a heavier breed due to their greater live body weight and feed intake with respect to TCH. The TCH are lighter birds but with a higher egg production when compared to the Marans.Objective: The present study was conducted to evaluate the productive performance and the egg physical characteristics of two backyard-type breeds of birds.Design/methodology/approach: Tufted Creole (13 hens and a rooster) and Marans (13 hens and a rooster) hens were used in this study. Live body weight, feed intake, egg production, egg weight, egg length and egg width were measuredweekly for eight weeks. Collected data were analyzed using a two-way variance analysis; the main factors were breed, week, and their interaction.Results: Marans hens were heavier and had higher feed intake than Tufted Creole (TCH) (P<0.05). The TCH egg was smaller (P<0.05) in weight and length with respect to that of Marans hens. TCH produced more eggs than Marans hens (P<0.05). The week factor was significant (P<0.05) for body weight, feed intake and egg length.Study limitations/implications: Further studies should be carried out to design a feeding program that would allow both breeds to express their full productive potential and maximize the return on investment in backyard production systems in Mexico.Findings/conclusions: Marans hens are a heavier breed due to their greater live body weight and feed intake with respect to TCH. TCH are lighter birds but with a higher egg production when compared to Marans

    Acumulación de arsénico en el cultivo de habas (Vicia faba)

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    La presencia de arsénico en aguas y suelos de Zimapán, en el estado de Hidalgo, México, causa que los cultivos de haba presenten concentraciones apreciables de dicho elemento. Los suelos evaluados presentaron texturas, conductividad, contenidos de N y de arsénico diferentes, pero resultados similares en pH, potencial redox, y contenido de materia orgánica. La elevada bioacumulación de arsénico en estos suelos fue directamente proporcional al tiempo de exposición. Las concentraciones de arsénico acumuladas más altas se obtuvieron en la raíz, el tallo, y las hojas, respectivamente. Concentraciones de 4 mg l-1, fueron letales para el cultivo; el fenómeno se apreció a partir de la etapa III de desarrollo, con la aparición de daños en las raíces y un fuerte efecto en la floración, que inhibió la formación de vainas

    Nutritional value of larvae and pupae of silkworm (Bombyx mori) (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae).

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    The objective of this study was to compare the nutritional quality of larvae and pupae of the silkworm (Bombyx mori). A proximal analysis was performed on: energy (kcal/kg), minerals (%), protein (%), and in vitro digestibility of larvae and pupae of Bombyx mori on wet and dry bases. One hundred (100) larvae and 100 pupae produced under laboratory conditions in July and August 2013 were used. Analysis was performed one month after collection in the laboratory of the Department of Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. According to statistical analysis, on dry bases, the pupae showed higher energy (4231.89 kcal/kg), mineral (6.25%), protein (64.31%), and fat extract (20.63%) content; as compared with larval energy (4115.79 kcal/kg), mineral (5.02%), protein (62.60%), and fat extract (12.90%) content. Silkworm larvae and pupae are ingredients for the production of cattle rations and the preparation of conventional foods that are rich in protein, fat, and minerals

    Valor nutritivo de larvas y pupas de gusano de seda (Bombyx mori) (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae)

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    The objective of this study was to compare the nutritional quality of larvae and pupae of the silkworm (Bombyx mori). A proximal analysis was performed on: energy (kcal/kg), minerals (%), protein (%), and in vitro digestibility of larvae and pupae of Bombyx mori on wet and dry bases. One hundred (100) larvae and 100 pupae produced under laboratory conditions in July and August 2013 were used. Analysis was performed one month after collection in the laboratory of the Department of Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. According to statistical analysis, on dry bases, the pupae showed higher energy (4231.89 kcal/kg), mineral (6.25%), protein (64.31%), and fat extract (20.63%) content; as compared with larval energy (4115.79 kcal/kg), mineral (5.02%), protein (62.60%), and fat extract (12.90%) content. Silkworm larvae and pupae are ingredients for the production of cattle rations and the preparation of conventional foods that are rich in protein, fat, and minerals.El objetivo de la presente investigación fue comparar la calidad nutricional de larvas y pupas de gusano de seda (Bombyx mori). Se realizó el análisis proximal: energía (kcal/kg), minerales (%), proteína (%) y digestibilidad in vitro en larvas y pupas de B. mori en base seca y base húmeda. Se utilizaron 100 larvas y 100 pupas producidas en julio y agosto de 2013 en el laboratorio del Departamento de Nutrición Animal y Bioquímica de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. El análisis se realizó un mes después de la colecta. En base seca, de acuerdo a los análisis estadísticos, las pupas mostraron el mayor contenido en energía (4231,89 kcal/kg), minerales (6,25%), proteína (64,31%) y en extracto etéreo (20,63%), comparativamente en las larvas se cuantificaron energía (4115,79 kcal/kg), minerales (5,02%), proteína (62,60%) y extracto etéreo (16,43%). Se concluye que las larvas y pupas del gusano de seda pueden ser consideradas como un ingrediente rico en proteínas, grasas y minerales para la elaboración de raciones para humanos y ganado

    Evaluación del desarrollo de pollitas araucanas (Gallus inauris Castelló) Y MARANS (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) : EVALUACIÓN DEL DESARROLLO DE POLLITAS ARAUCANAS Y MARANS

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    Objetive: The present investigation was carried out with the objective of evaluating the development of Araucanas (Gallus inauris Castelló) and Marans (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) pullets. Design/methodology/approach: Eight week old pullets were used distributed in two groups: Araucanas (n=10) and Marans (n=10), were fed with pelleted feed that covered their nutritional requirements. Food consumption was recorded daily, the following variables: live weight, tarsal length, tibia length, and height were evaluated weekly. Results: The results indicated that there were no significant differences in feed intake, live weight, height, length of the tibia and tarsal length in both breeds. Limitations on study/implications: in the literature review, little information was found that describes the development of Araucanas and Marans pullets. Findings/conclusions: In conclusion the Araucanas and Marans pullets has similarly developed until 25 weeks of age.Objetivo: Evaluar el desarrollo de pollitas Araucanas (Gallus inauris Castelló) y Marans (Gallus gallus domesticus L.). Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se utilizaron pollitas de ocho semanas de edad distribuidas en dos grupos: raza Araucanas (n=10) y raza Marans (n=10), se suministró alimento peletizado que cubrió las necesidades de las aves. Diariamente se registró el consumo de alimento. Las siguientes variables: peso vivo, longitud del tarso, longitud de la tibia, y altura se evaluaron semanalmente. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que no hubo diferencias significativas en el consumo de alimento, peso vivo, altura, longitud de la tibia y longitud del tarso en ambas razas. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: en la revisión de literatura se encontró poca información que describa el desarrollo de pollitas Araucanas y Marans con fines de comparación. Hallazgos/conclusiones: las pollitas Araucanas y Marans se desarrollan de forma similar hasta las 25 semanas de edad