16 research outputs found

    Bronzkori „kenyéridolok” a nagyrozvágyi telepről

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    Néhány újabb magyarországi lelet kapcsán ismét előtérbe kerültek azok a díszített agyagtárgyak, melyeket “Brotlaibidol"-ként vagy “oggetti enigmatici”-ként ismer a kutatás. A Nagyrozvágy-Pap-dombon 2005-2007 között feltárt bronzkori településen hat, agyagból, illetve kőből készült „kenyéridol’’ került elő. A település időrendi helyzetét - a faszénminták vizsgálata alapján - a 32I5±40 BP és az 1510-1440 BC adatok határozzák meg

    Optical properties of nano- and ultrananocrystalline diamond thin layers in UV and visible spectral range

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    The potential application of nano- and ultrananocrystalline diamond thin films in nanotechnology demands a detailed knowledge of the optical properties and their relation to the structure. By varying the atomic bonding structure and morphological properties of nanodiamond layers we have explored a relation between the structure and the spectral dependence of the refractive index and extinction coefficient in nanodiamond. For this purpose nanodiamond layers were prepared from CH4, H2 and Ar gas mixture in a chemical vapor deposition process with different Ar-content of the feed gas and self-bias of the substrate material. Optical parameters were determined by using a three-layer model in the evaluation of the spectral ellipsometric data. Surface topography was monitored and the average grain size was obtained from scanning electron microscopy images. Bonding characteristics of diamond and non-diamond phases were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy

    Alkalmazkodási stratégiák a vidék gazdaságában = Adaptational strategies in rural economy

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    A hároméves, különböző jellegű vidéki települések alkalmazkodási stratégiáinak feltérképezésére irányuló kutatásunk négy megyében zajlott: dolgoztunk munkanélküliség által erősen sújtott, perifériális helyzetben lévő mezőgazdasági-, valamint volt-ipari térségben, továbbá nagyvárosok vonzáskörzetében jobb helyzetben levő mezőgazdasági és vállalkozó faluban is. Négy településen (Szatmárcseke, Borsodnádasd, Derecske és Tarján) mélyfúrás jellegű kutatás zajlott; nagyszámban készültek interjúk, Borsodnádasdon és Szatmárcsekén egyetemi diákok segítségével kérdőíves felmérés is zajlott. Mikrotérségi szintű vizsgálat folyt Derecske környékén (5 település) és a szatmári Tiszaháton (13 település). Az OTKA kutatás keretében összesen 858 kérdőív, 180 db. interjú készült, ami mellett térségi és helyi statisztikákat, és egyéb forrásokat is gyűjtöttünk. Emellett az Alapítvány 2007-ben Kétvölgyön a résztvevőkutatók számára műhelyvitát rendezett, majd a Magyar Művelődési Intézettel közösen decemberben konferenciát szervezett "Fiatal kutatók Márkus István nyomdokain: falukutatók Borsodnádasdon" címmel, amin a kutatók mellett a Debreceni Egyetem és az ELTE is képviseltették magát. A három év alatt az öt kutató 22 konferencia előadást tartott a témában, 8 tanulmányt publikált, további 4 a jelenleg Borsodnádasdról készülő kötetben jelenik meg 2008-ban. A résztvevő kutatók mindegyike doktorjelölt, és dolgozatához felhasználja az OTKA kutatás eredményeit. | The three years long research was executed in four counties: we have worked in peripheral agricultural and collapsed industrial villages, which were distressed very much by unemployment. Besides we have done research also in agricultural and 'entrepreneur' areas near to bigger cities, which are in better situation. There were deep research and many interviews were made in four settlements (Szatmárcseke, Borsodnádasd, Derecske, Tarján); in Borsodnádasd and Szatmárcseke there were quantitative surveys too which were carried out with university students. In five settlements (around Derecske) and in the Szatmár Tiszahát (10 villages) there were micro-regional researches. During the OTKA project we have made 858 questionnaires and 210 interviews, besides regional and local statistics and other information were collected. In 2007 the Foundation organized a workshop for the participant researchers in Kétvölgy and in December with the Hungarian Culture Institute organized a conference with the title of "Young researchers in the wake of Márkus István: researchers in Borsodnádasd" when out of the researchers the Debrecen University and ELTE were also represented themselves. During the three years the five participant researchers had 22 presentations on the subject, 8 studies were published and 4 are under edition in a book of Borsodnádasd. Being the participant researchers Ph.D candidates, writing their thesis they will use the OTKA results

    Vatta–Testhalom – Részekből egész

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    Dolgozatunkban Vatta-Testhalom, Vatta-Dobogó (Vatta 1. lh.) és Vatta-Telek-oldal dűlő (Vatta 3. lh.) lelőhelyek topográfiai, településszerkezeti és tájhasználati elemzésére vállalkozunk (1. kép). A lelőhely kutatása hosszú gyökerekre nyúlik vissza, mégis egy félreértelmezett információ alapján elpusztultként tekintett rá a kutatás. A Mátrai Erőmű Bükkábrányi Bánya munkálatai során szükségessé vált leletmentések és egy szerencsés talajviszonyok mellett történt légifelvétel sorozat, illetve a BORBAS projekt szisztematikus dél-borsodi felmérő munkája teljesen új megvilágításba helyezte a bronzkori lelőhelyről rendelkezésre álló eddigi ismereteinket. Ezt foglalja össze a publikáció

    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes identify nuanced dietary changes from the Bronze and Iron Ages on the Great Hungarian Plain

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    The Great Hungarian Plain (GHP) served as a geographic funnel for population mobility throughout prehistory. Genomic and isotopic research demonstrates non-linear genetic turnover and technological shifts between the Copper and Iron Ages of the GHP, which influenced the dietary strategies of numerous cultures that intermixed and overlapped through time. Given the complexities of these prehistoric cultural and demographic processes, this study aims to identify and elucidate diachronic and culture-specific dietary signatures. We report on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios from 74 individuals from nineteen sites in the GHP dating to a ~ 3000-year time span between the Early Bronze and Early Iron Ages. The samples broadly indicate a terrestrial C 3 diet with nuanced differences amongst populations and through time, suggesting exogenous influences that manifested in subsistence strategies. Slightly elevated δ 15 N values for Bronze Age samples imply higher reliance on protein than in the Iron Age. Interestingly, the Füzesabony have carbon values typical of C 4 vegetation indicating millet consumption, or that of a grain with comparable δ 13 C ratios, which corroborates evidence from outside the GHP for its early cultivation during the Middle Bronze Age. Finally, our results also suggest locally diverse subsistence economies for GHP Scythians

    Gyermekkori Langerhans-sejtes histiocytosissal szerzett magyarországi tapasztalataink

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    BACKGROUND: Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) in children is relatively rare, and the long-term analysis of therapy results has not been done yet in Hungary. PURPOSE: In this review we summarise the incidence, clinical features, prognostic risk factors and treatment results of children's LCH in Hungary, using data from the National Childhood Cancer Registry in Hungary in a 20-year period between 1981 and 2000. RESULTS: From January 1981 to December 2000, 111 children under 18 years of age were newly diagnosed with LCH in Hungary. The male-female ratio was 1.36:1, the mean age: 4 years 11 months. The minimal and median follow-up time was 3.48 years and 10.98 years respectively. 38 children had single-system disease, while in 73 cases we found systemic dissemination already at the time of diagnosis. Twenty-two patients were treated only by local surgery, 7 by surgery with local irradiation and 5 children received only local irradiation. In two cases remission was obtained with local steroid administration. 75 patient received chemotherapy. During the twenty years 14 children died, 9 due to the progression of the disease. Sixteen of the 111 patients had relapse with a mean of 2.16+/-1.29 years after the first diagnosis. Three patients with relapse got chemotherapy generally used in lymphoma and remission was achieved. The overall survival of all patients (n=111) was 88.3+/-3.1% at 5 years and 87.3+/-3.2% at 10 and 20 years. CONCLUSION: Childhood LCH is a well treatable disease and the survival rate is high. Even disseminated diseases have a quite good prognosis in childhood

    An integrative skeletal and paleogenomic analysis of stature variation suggests relatively reduced health for early european farmers

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    Human culture, biology, and health were shaped dramatically by the onset of agriculture ∼12,000 y B.P. This shift is hypothesized to have resulted in increased individual fitness and population growth as evidenced by archaeological and population genomic data alongside a decline in physiological health as inferred from skeletal remains. Here, we consider osteological and ancient DNA data from the same prehistoric individuals to study human stature variation as a proxy for health across a transition to agriculture. Specifically, we compared “predicted” genetic contributions to height from paleogenomic data and “achieved” adult osteological height estimated from long bone measurements for 167 individuals across Europe spanning the Upper Paleolithic to Iron Age (∼38,000 to 2,400 B.P.). We found that individuals from the Neolithic were shorter than expected (given their individual polygenic height scores) by an average of −3.82 cm relative to individuals from the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic (P = 0.040) and −2.21 cm shorter relative to post-Neolithic individuals (P = 0.068), with osteological vs. expected stature steadily increasing across the Copper (+1.95 cm relative to the Neolithic), Bronze (+2.70 cm), and Iron (+3.27 cm) Ages. These results were attenuated when we additionally accounted for genome-wide genetic ancestry variation: for example, with Neolithic individuals −2.82 cm shorter than expected on average relative to pre-Neolithic individuals (P = 0.120). We also incorporated observations of paleopathological indicators of nonspecific stress that can persist from childhood to adulthood in skeletal remains into our model. Overall, our work highlights the potential of integrating disparate datasets to explore proxies of health in prehistory.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A gyermekkori Hodgkin-lymphoma kezeleési eredményei Magyarországon

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    Lymphomas are the third most frequent malignancies in childhood. The Hungarian Pediatric Oncology Group was founded in 1971, and since then the same chemotherapeutic protocols have been used in the whole country. In this study we analyzed the data of childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma in Hungary in the last 11 years (1988-1998). We also compared our results with the international (German) data. The incidence of Hodgkin's lymphoma (0-15 years) was 7.1/1,000,000 child/year (the same for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was 7.5/1,000,000/year); 5.5% of all pediatric malignancies in Hungary). The patients were treated according to the German DAL-HD-82 and 90 protocols. The therapy consisted of 2-6 cytostatic blocks, depending on the stage, followed by involved field irradiation. The overall survival was 94.7+/-2.0% at 5 years and 91.9+/-2.7% at 10 years. These results are very similar to the German data: 94% at 5 years and 93% at 10 years. The good results are due to the well organised network and the uniformed treatment. The results may be ameliorated by using autologous bone marrow transplantation

    Donor-cell myelodysplastic syndrome developing 13 years after marrow grafting for aplastic anemia

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    Donor-cell–derived hematopoietic malignancy is a rare event after bone marrow transplantation. Most cases in the literature occurred within the first year. We present a rare case of a female patient who had a bone marrow transplant for severe aplastic anemia (SAA) at the age of two and a half years from her human leukocyte antigen–identical brother. She developed a myelodysplastic syndrome (refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia) 12 years later. Initially, the malignant clone was of recipient origin, but within several months, progression to a clinically more aggressive refractory anemia with excess blasts (RAEB) was accompanied by the outgrowth of a new clone of donor origin. In this report we provide evidence proving that the patient's final malignant clone arose in donor cells: cytogenetic analysis of the marrow showed a male karyotype and a t(3;21)(q26;q21) in all 62 metaphases analyzed. Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that all identifiable cells contained the Y chromosome. We conclude that donor-cell–derived hematopoietic malignancy after bone marrow transplantation can occur even after many years. We believe that the 13 years that elapsed between the transplant and the development of RAEB in our case represent the longest latency period in the literature