7 research outputs found

    Preventing inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in adults

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    Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia is a serious clinical problem, which could lead to the development of serious complications that prolong hospital care and increase medical costs. Anesthesia, surgery and microclimate in the operating room contributes to impaired physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation and thus the development of hypothermia in the patient. Therefore, it is essential that personnel responsible for the safety of perioperative patient had knowledge of the principles of maintaining normothermia and applied in clinical practice

    Pneumonia as an impediment to treat patients in the early period after stroke

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    Introduction: Infections are a common complication in the treatment of acute stroke. Among them, most often pneumonia, which contributes to increased mortality from stroke, prolong hospitalization, difficulties in care, reduce functional performance improvement and increased cost of treatment. The aim of the work is less analysis of the causes and consequences of the development of pneumonia in the early period after stroke and identify predictors of pneumonia and the need to take preventive measures to prevent the development of disease. Summary: Pneumonia developing in the early period after stroke affects the final outcome and contributes to longer hospitalization, deterioration of clinical status of patients and the results of functional improvement. Current methods to prevent the development of lung zaplenia require the involvement of the entire therapeutic team, which involves a large investment of time and cost of therapy. Therefore, constantly sought are more effective methods of prevention and treatment of pneumonia among stroke patients

    Zanieczyszczenia mikotoksynami wybranych warzyw pochodz膮cych z upraw ekologicznych wojew贸dztwa lubelskiego

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    Surowce rolne, w tym r贸wnie偶 warzywa, pochodzenia ekologicznego ciesz膮 si臋 coraz wi臋kszym zainteresowaniem konsument贸w. Spowodowane jest to tym, 偶e postrzegane s膮 one jako zdrowsze, w por贸wnaniu do ich odpowiednik贸w uprawianych w systemie konwencjonalnym. Podstaw膮 zasad膮 rolnictwa ekologicznego jest zakaz stosowania pestycyd贸w oraz nawoz贸w sztucznych, co sprawia, 偶e warzywa pochodz膮ce z takiej uprawy s膮 bardziej nara偶one na rozw贸j na nich mikroorganizm贸w, w tym r贸wnie偶 grzyb贸w ple艣niowych wytwarzaj膮cych mikotoksyny. Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o okre艣lenie poziomu zanieczyszcze艅 mikotoksynami wybranych warzyw pochodz膮cych z gospodarstw ekologicznych oraz konwencjonalnych z terenu wojew贸dztwa lubelskiego. 艁膮cznie przeanalizowano pod k膮tem zawarto艣ci mikotoksyn 302 pr贸bki. Zawarto艣膰 mikotoksyn okre艣lono metod膮 immunoenzymatyczn膮 ELISA z wykorzystaniem test贸w RIDASCREEN庐. 呕adne z przebadanych warzyw ekologicznych, ani konwencjonalnych nie stwarza zagro偶enia dla bezpiecze艅stwa zdrowotnego cz艂owieka. Nie zanotowano istotnych r贸偶nic pomi臋dzy zawarto艣ci膮 mikotoksyn w warzywach pochodz膮cych z uprawy ekologicznej a konwencjonalnej

    Wyst臋powanie mikotoksyn w zbo偶ach pochodz膮cych z upraw ekologicznych z terenu wojew贸dztwa lubelskiego

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    Mikotoksyny s膮 to metabolity grzyb贸w ple艣niowych wytwarzane m.in. przez: Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium. Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o dokonanie oceny stopnia zanieczyszczenia mikotoksynami wybranych zb贸偶 (pszenica zwyczajna ozima, 偶yto ozime, j臋czmie艅 jary) uprawianych w systemie ekologicznym na terenie wojew贸dztwa lubelskiego. Do oceny stopnia zanieczyszczenia badanych zb贸偶 wybranymi mikotoksynami wykorzystano metod臋 immunoenzymatyczn膮 ELISA, z zastosowaniem test贸w RIDASCREEN庐. W 偶adnym z badanych przypadk贸w nie mia艂o miejsca przekroczenie dopuszczalnych limit贸w. Najbardziej zanieczyszczona aflatoksynami by艂a badana ekologiczna pszenica zwyczajna ozima. Natomiast w przypadku ochratoksyny A (OTA) oraz zearalenonu (ZEA) najwi臋ksz膮 jej zawarto艣膰 zanotowano w przypadku analizowanego ekologicznego 偶yta ozimego. Najwi臋ksze st臋偶enie mikotoksyny T-2, zanotowano w stosunku do ekologicznych ziaren j臋czmienia jarego

    KSK-74 : dual histamine H3 and Sigma-2 receptor ligand with anti-obesity potential

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    Many studies involving compounds that enhance histamine release, such as histamine H(3) receptor (H(3)R) antagonists, have shown efficacy in inhibiting weight gain, but none have passed clinical trials. As part of the search for H(3) receptor ligands that have additional properties, the aim of this study is to evaluate the activity in the reduction in weight gain in a rat model of excessive eating, as well as the impact on selected metabolic parameters, and the number and size of adipocytes of two new H(3)R antagonists, KSK-60 and KSK-74, which also exert a significant affinity at the sigma-2 receptor. Compounds KSK-60 and KSK-74 are homologues and the elongation of the distal part of the molecule resulted in an approximate two-fold reduction in affinity at H(3)R, but simultaneously an almost two-fold increase in affinity at the sigma-2 receptor. Animals fed palatable feed and receiving KSK-60 or KSK-74 both at 10 mg/kg b.w. gained significantly less weight than animals in the control obese group. Moreover, KSK-74 significantly compensated for metabolic disturbances that accompany obesity, such as an increase in plasma triglyceride, resistin, and leptin levels; improved glucose tolerance; and protected experimental animals against adipocyte hypertrophy. Furthermore, KSK-74 inhibited the development of inflammation in obesity-exposed adipose tissue. The in vivo pharmacological activity of the tested ligands appears to correlate with the affinity at the sigma-2 receptors; however, the explanation of this phenomenon requires further and extended research