511 research outputs found

    Alteration to a Suburban House (Dan Graham, 1987)

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    Para el artista Dan Graham (Urbana, Illinois, 1942), hablar de arte y arquitectura es referirse a un contexto social, político y económico. Esta posición culmina en 1978 con la escultura Alteration to a Suburban House, donde propone una nueva domesticidad con la actualización del código social-arquitectónico propio del suburbio californiano. ABSTRACT:Dan Graham (Urbana, USA, 1942) understands Art and Architecture as a social, political and economic context. The model Alteration to a Suburban House (1978) is the culmination of a long reflection on the American houses in which, Graham proposes a new domesticity through the use of the social-architecture code. TEXTO EN EUSKER

    Referencias pictóricas en la génesis de Terceras Naturalezas. La arquitectura de Amid.cero9

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    Durante la última década se ha producido un incremento progresivo de arquitecturas basadas en la incorporación de la naturaleza al espacio construido. Este acercamiento hace pertinente una revisión del término Terza Natura y del imaginario pictórico del que se acompaña. El trabajo de la oficina Amid.cero9, precursor de esa reciente reconsideración, es el caso de estudio con el que ahondar en la conceptualización de unas arquitecturas que se vinculan al medio natural como condición primordial. Más en detalle, a través de la Fundación Giner de los Ríos (2015) y con el análisis de la actuación desde el emplazamiento al detalle constructivo, se estudian las herramientas proyectuales empleadas, tanto a nivel discursivo como técnico, que muestran unas referencias específicas del mundo del arte y la tecnología, capaces de engendrar y alimentar el proyecto en todas las fases de diseño

    La lluita contra la LEC i la LOMQE

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    Ensenyament públic a Catalunya, un futur incert

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) in oncology

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    The issue is focused on Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), which is a minimally invasive therapeutic modality approved for treatment of several types of cancer and non-oncological disorders. PDT is being used in dermatology for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma, BCC, and Bowen disease, BD) and precancerous lesions (actinic keratosis, AKs), among other tumors such as: head and neck cancer and bladder and gynaecological neoplasms. PDT can also be used for cancer diagnosis by means of theragnosis (a term arising from the combination of diagnostic tests and therapy), a promising technique based on targeted fluorescent imaging and PDT. Photofrin and aminolevulinic acid and its ester derivatives are the main compounds used in clinical trials although newer photosensitizers (PSs) and delivery tools are being evaluated. This Special Issue on Cancers includes original articles on photochemical mechanisms, new PSs and delivery tools, cellular and tissue targets, cellular response (cell death or survival), vascular damage and immune response. We hope all the articles published in this Special Issue can help to improve this therapeutic cancer modality

    Biomarkers of basal cell carcinoma resistance to methyl-aminolevulinate photodynamic therapy

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Background Methyl-aminolevulinate photodynamic therapy (MAL-PDT) is an excellent option for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma (BCC). However, up to 25% of cases are resistant to this treatment modality. Objective The aim of this study was to identify potential biomarkers of BCC response to MAL-PDT. Material and methods Clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical (p53, Ki-67, CD-31, COX2, β-catenin, EGFR, and survivin) variables were analyzed in a retrospective study of consecutive BCC patients treated with MAL-PDT at the San Jorge Hospital, Huesca, Spain between January 2006 and December 2015. To deepen on these markers, the effects on p53 and cyclin D1 expression, in vitro response to MAL-PDT of 2 murine BCC cell lines (ASZ and BSZ), was also evaluated. Results The retrospective study examined the response to MAL-PDT of 390 BCCs from 182 patients. The overall clinical response rate was 82.8%, with a mean follow-up time of 35.96 months (SD = 23.46). Immunohistochemistry revealed positive p53 in 84.6% of responders but only 15.4% of nonresponsive tumors (p = 0.011). Tumors with increased peripheral palisading of basal cell islands to immunostaining β-catenin responded poorly to PDT (p = 0.01). In line with our findings in patients, in vitro studies revealed a better response to PDT in the p53-positive ASZ cell line than the p53-negative BSZ cell line (p<0.01). Multivariate analysis revealed that the following variables were significantly associated with response to PDT: age, nBCC, presence of peritumoral inflammatory infiltrate, and p53 immunopositivity. Patients with positive p53 immunostaining were 68.54 times more likely to achieve cure than p53-negative patients (CI95% 2.94–159.8) Conclusion Our finding suggest that certain clinicopathological and immunohistochemical variables, particularly p53 expression, may serve as indicators of BCC response to MAL-PDT, and thus facilitate the selection of patients who are most likely to benefit from this therapyThis project received support from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Fondos Feder Europeos, MINECO (FIS PI15/00974). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Editorial: Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy: A New Paradigm in the Fight Against Infections

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    According to a 2019 report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur in the U.S. each year, and more than 35, 000 people die as a result. This special issue is focused on Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), which is a new strategy to fight against infections. PDT is mostly used in the treatment of cancer, and non-melanoma skin cancer is the most widely recognized indication. A photosensitizer that is activated by visible light in the presence of oxygen can generate reactive oxygen species resulting in the death of the microorganisms, without damaging the surrounding tissue. This innovative way of destroying microbial pathogens has many advantages compared with the conventional antimicrobials and antibiotics used so far. It has a broad spectrum of action, being able to kill or inactivate bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa..

    Dual Role of Subphthalocyanine Dyes for Optical Imaging and Therapy of Cancer

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    This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: van de Winckel, E., Mascaraque, M., Zamarrón, A., Juarranz de la Fuente, Á., Torres, T., & de la Escosura, A. (2018). Dual role of subphthalocyanine dyes for optical imaging and therapy of cancer. Advanced Functional Materials, 28(24), 1705938., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201705938. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley-VCH Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingThe family of subphthalocyanine (SubPc) macrocycles represents an interesting class of nonplanar aromatic dyes with promising features for energy conversion and optoelectronics. The use of SubPcs in biomedical research is, on the contrary, clearly underexplored, despite their documented high fluorescence and singlet oxygen quantum yields. Herein, for the first time it is shown that the interaction of these chromophores with light can also be useful for theranostic applications, which in the case of SubPcs comprise optical imaging and photodynamic therapy (PDT). In particular, the article evaluates, through a complete in vitro study, the dual-role capacity of a novel series of SubPcs as fluorescent probes and PDT agents, where the macrocycle axial substitution determines their biological activity. The 2D and 3D imaging of various cancer cell lines (i.e., HeLa, SCC-13, and A431) has revealed, for example, different subcellular localization of the studied photosensitizers (PS), depending on the axial substituent they bear. These results also show excellent photocytotoxicities, which are affected by the PS localization. With the best dual-role PS, preliminary in vivo studies have demonstrated their therapeutic potential. Overall, the present paper sets the bases for an unprecedented biomedical use of these well-known optoelectronic materials.E.v.d.W. and M.M. contributed equally to this work. The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Program FP7‐PEOPLE‐2012‐ITN under REA grant agreement No. GA 316975. AdlE holds a Ramón y Cajal contract from the Spanish Ministry of Economy (MINECO). This work was supported by EU (CosmoPHOS‐nano, FP7‐NMP‐2012‐6, 310337‐2; GLOBASOL, FP7‐ENERGY‐2012‐J, 309194‐2), the Spanish MINECO (CTQ‐2014‐52869‐P (TT) and CTQ‐2014‐53673‐P (AdlE)), CAM (FOTOCARBON, S2013/MIT‐2841), grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, MINECO and Feder Funds (PI15/00974) and by S2010/BMD‐2359 from Comunidad de Madrid

    Arquitectura y programa social: el Pabellón de Barcelona (1929-actualidad)

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    This article studies the Barcelona Pavilion designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in collaboration with Lilly Reich as an assembly of actors, experiences, and resources silenced, and develops it through a series of art and architecture installations. Among the interventions that manifest new interpretations of the past and present history of the building, the performance Casa Palestra (1986) by Rem Koolhaas, the photography Morning Cleaning by Jeff Wall (1999) or the installation Phantom (2012) by Andrés Jaque stand out. These works underline the more social condition of the Pavilion and provide a way to discuss and update this emblem of the modern movement. The apparent inability of this building to respond to the contemporary functional demands also concerns other examples of 20th century architecture such as the Neue Nationalgalerie or the Lemke House, also works by Mies van der Rohe. Studying and discussing these dissonances serves as a platform for the review of built architecture and the consolidation of alternative mechanisms of architectural thought and innovation.Este artículo estudia el Pabellón de Barcelona diseñado por Ludwig Mies van der Rohe en colaboración con Lilly Reich como un ensamblaje de actores, experiencias y recursos silenciados y lo hace a través de una serie de instalaciones de arte y arquitectura. Entre las intervenciones que manifiestan nuevas interpretaciones acerca de la historia pasada y presente del edificio destacan la performance Casa Palestra (1986) de Rem Koolhaas, la fotografía Morning Cleaning (1999) de Jeff Wall y la instalación Phantom (2012) de Andrés Jaque. Dichos trabajos subrayan la condición más social del Pabellón y proporcionan una vía de discusión y actualización de este emblema del movimiento moderno. La aparente incapacidad de esta construcción para responder a las exigencias funcionales contemporáneas atañe igualmente a otros ejemplos de la arquitectura del siglo XX como la Neue Nationalgalerie o la Lemke House, también obras de Mies van der Rohe. Estudiar y debatir estas discordancias sirve como lugar de trabajo para la revisión de la arquitectura construida y la consolidación de unas corrientes de pensamiento e innovación arquitectónica alternativas

    Third Natures in the genesis of Architecture. The Francisco Giner de los Ríos Foundation (Amid.cero9, 2015)

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    La idea de Terceras Naturalezas fundamenta la estrategia con la que el estudio de arquitectura Amid.cero9 proyecta la ampliación de la Fundación Francisco Giner de los Ríos en Madrid en 2015. El edificio cuenta con un jardín interior como centro neurálgico de actividad escolar, en torno al cual se disponen las aulas y una medianería de espacios servidores. Para generar esa disposición se invierte el orden habitual en la formalización del proyecto de arquitectura. El jardín no es aquello que resulta de fijar la volumetría del edificio, sino lo que se dibuja en primer lugar y marca pautas compositivas y constructivas para el resto. El empleo de las Terceras Naturalezas inaugura en el jardín un entorno físico situado a medio camino entre categorías existentes: de un lado, aquella que nace por sí misma sin manipulación externa, de otro, la alterada por el hombre bajo fines prácticos. Las herramientas de trabajo asociadas a la nueva naturaleza, tanto a nivel discursivo como técnico, plantean unas referencias específicas de la cultura, el arte y la ciencia. Desde la multiplicidad de lenguajes, Amid trabaja como agente tecno-social: combina todos los ingredientes del proyecto en una nueva forma holística de ensamblaje, que abarca desde códigos de programación hasta oficios y técnicas artesanales de trabajo. La Fundación Francisco Giner de los Ríos, a modo de fantasía pictórica y por lo aprendido de la diversidad disciplinar, da forma a una nueva entidad: unas Terceras Naturalezas que de forma progresiva ocultan la artificialidad de la arquitectura a favor de la materialización de su experiencia.The Amid.cero9 architectural office sets out the Third Natures strategy to design the extension of the Francisco Giner de los Rios Foundation in Madrid in 2015. The project has an interior garden as the hub of school activity. The classrooms and the server spaces are arranged around the open space. In order to generate this scheme, the usual order of the definition of the project is reversed. The garden is not the consequence of fixing the volume of the building, but rather it is drawn in the first place to define the form and constructive guidelines of the rest of the building. The use of the Third Natures creates an environment characterized by two existing categories: firstly, the nature that is born by itself without any alteration, secondly, the one that is modified by the human being for practical means. The new nature’s design tools derive from some cultural, artistic, and technological references. By the multiplicity of languages, Amid works as a techno-social agent: they combine all the ingredients of the project into a new holistic form, from programming codes to crafts and craft techniques. The Francisco Giner de los Rios Foundation creates a new entity by the assemblage of art and technology: a Third Nature that progressively conceals the artificiality of architecture in favor of materializing the experience