973 research outputs found

    Dynamics and control of the satellite power system

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    An investigation of the dynamics and control problems specifically related to the Satellite Power System (SPS), to assess performance of selected control concepts, and to identify and initiate development of advanced control technology that would enhance feasibility and performance of the SPS system was made. The initial stages of the study are reported

    A comparative overview of modal testing and system identification for control of structures

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    A comparative overview is presented of the disciplines of modal testing used in structural engineering and system identification used in control theory. A list of representative references from both areas is given, and the basic methods are described briefly. Recent progress on the interaction of modal testing and control disciplines is discussed. It is concluded that combined efforts of researchers in both disciplines are required for unification of modal testing and system identification methods for control of flexible structures

    Dynamic analysis of the GEOS satellite

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    The assumed modes method is used to investigate the stability of the GEOS satellite. The system is discretized by representing the continuous displacement by finite series of space-dependent admissible functions multiplied by time-dependent generalized coordinates. The spatial dependence is eliminated by integration over the elastic domains, so that the testing functional reduces to a testing function. The sign properties of the testing function are then tested and the equilibrium defined as nontrivial. In considering the stability of small motions about nontrivial equilibrium, it is shown that if the analysis performed by ignoring the motion of the mass center indicates stability, then the system remains stable if the motion of the mass center is included

    Mathematical correlation of modal parameter identification methods via system realization theory

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    A unified approach is introduced using system realization theory to derive and correlate modal parameter identification methods for flexible structures. Several different time-domain and frequency-domain methods are analyzed and treated. A basic mathematical foundation is presented which provides insight into the field of modal parameter identification for comparison and evaluation. The relation among various existing methods is established and discussed. This report serves as a starting point to stimulate additional research towards the unification of the many possible approaches for modal parameter identification

    Metastable states of a ferromagnet on random thin graphs

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    We calculate the mean number of metastable states of an Ising ferromagnet on random thin graphs of fixed connectivity c. We find, as for mean field spin glasses that this mean increases exponentially with the number of sites, and is the same as that calculated for the +/- J spin glass on the same graphs. An annealed calculation of the number <N_{MS}(E)> of metastable states of energy E is carried out. For small c, an analytic result is obtained. The result is compared with the one obtained for spin glasses in order to discuss the role played by loops on thin graphs and hence the effect of real frustration on the distribution of metastable states.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Penyempurnaan Teknik Penyadapan Resin Pinus Dengan Metode Kuakan

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    Penyadapan resin pinus yang berlebihan berupa ukuran kuakan yang terlalu lebar dan dalam serta menggunakan stimulansia anorganik menyebabkan pohon menjadi rusak dan mudah tumbang. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi kerusakan pohon dan meningkatkan produksi resin pinus adalah dengan memodifikasi teknik penyadapan. Modifikasi teknik penyadapan dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan aspek ekonomi, ekologi, sosial dan teknis. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi lebar dan jumlah kuakan per pohon yang paling optimal, jenis stimulansia organik yang tepat, serta menganalisis biaya dari modifikasi teknik penyadapan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik penyadapan berupa perbedaan jumlah kuakan per pohon dan lebar sadapan memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap produksi resin. Akan tetapi, perbedaan jenis stimulansia organik dan interaksinya dengan jumlah serta ukuran kuakan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap produksi resin yang dihasilkan. Selain itu, modifikasi teknik penyadapan dan stimulansia berpengaruh terhadap biaya dan pendapatan dari pihak pengelola

    Recent Enhancements to the Development of CFD-Based Aeroelastic Reduced-Order Models

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    Recent enhancements to the development of CFD-based unsteady aerodynamic and aeroelastic reduced-order models (ROMs) are presented. These enhancements include the simultaneous application of structural modes as CFD input, static aeroelastic analysis using a ROM, and matched-point solutions using a ROM. The simultaneous application of structural modes as CFD input enables the computation of the unsteady aerodynamic state-space matrices with a single CFD execution, independent of the number of structural modes. The responses obtained from a simultaneous excitation of the CFD-based unsteady aerodynamic system are processed using system identification techniques in order to generate an unsteady aerodynamic state-space ROM. Once the unsteady aerodynamic state-space ROM is generated, a method for computing the static aeroelastic response using this unsteady aerodynamic ROM and a state-space model of the structure, is presented. Finally, a method is presented that enables the computation of matchedpoint solutions using a single ROM that is applicable over a range of dynamic pressures and velocities for a given Mach number. These enhancements represent a significant advancement of unsteady aerodynamic and aeroelastic ROM technology

    spl(2,1) dynamical supersymmetry and suppression of ferromagnetism in flat band double-exchange models

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    The low energy spectrum of the ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model on a N-site complete graph extended with on-site repulsion is obtained from the underlying spl(2,1) algebra properties in the strong coupling limit. The ferromagnetic ground state is realized for 1 and N+1 electrons only. We identify the large density of states to be responsible for the suppression of the ferromagnetic state and argue that a similar situation is encountered in the Kagome, pyrochlore, and other lattices with flat bands in their one-particle density of states.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Quasiparticle dynamics and phonon softening in FeSe superconductors

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    Quasiparticle dynamics of FeSe single crystals revealed by dual-color transient reflectivity measurements ({\Delta}R/R) provides unprecedented information on Fe-based superconductors. The amplitude of fast component in {\Delta}R/R clearly tells a competing scenario between spin fluctuations and superconductivity. Together with the transport measurements, the relaxation time analysis further exhibits anomalous changes at 90 K and 230 K. The former manifests a structure phase transition as well as the associated phonon softening. The latter suggests a previously overlooked phase transition or crossover in FeSe. The electron-phonon coupling constant {\lambda} is found to be 0.16, identical to the value of theoretical calculations. Such a small {\lambda} demonstrates an unconventional origin of superconductivity in FeSe.Comment: Final published version; 5 pages; 4 figure
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