2,422 research outputs found

    Sea Ranch y el Wood Power: una reivindicación de la cultura underdog

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    Sustituida por otros materiales surgidos de los sofisticados procesos de investigación que se llevaron a cabo en los Estados Unidos de posguerra, la madera se convierte, en el Sea Ranch, en la materia prima perfecta para indagar en un nuevo lenguaje. A la conexión que su procedencia renovable establece con el planteamiento proyectual, se añade la apuesta por lo matérico como respuesta a necesidades contemporáneas que sólo los nuevos sistemas parecen suplir. Lejos de actitudes estereotipadas o la defensa no argumentada de sus bondades, la madera se transforma en un vehículo de formalización de lo cotidiano a través de sucesivas transformaciones que multiplican su significado sin obviar la contemporaneidad del lenguaje

    Supergraphics. Sea Ranch and the proto-Pop authenticity

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    [EN] The end of the works of the Condominium I in 1965 supposes the conclusion of a Californian model of domesticity that goes a step further in its relation with the inhabitant through a last process of non tangible transformation of the space. To do this, Charles Moore, accompanied by William Turnbull and making his own home a training camp, goes in search of the authentic; an immersion in the perceptual possibilities provided by the pictorial, de-scaled or encrypted modification of spaces capable of being reread in surprising codes. The groundbreaking approach to the later Supergraphics takes shape at the facilities of the Moonraker Recreation Center thanks to the multidisciplinary collaboration of Lawrence Halprin and Barbara Stauffacher. There is a unique language and plastic daring here in a strange limbo, prior to the pictorial explosion of the posterous years that form a delicate and astonishing balance, definitely proto-Pop.[ES] El fin de las obras del Condominio I en 1965 supone la conclusión de un modelo de domesticidad californiana que da un paso más en su relación con el habitante a través de un último proceso de transformación no tangible del espacio. Para ello, Charles Moore, acompañado de William Turnbull y haciendo de su propia vivienda un campo de entrenamiento, se adentra en la búsqueda de lo auténtico; una inmersión en las posibilidades perceptivas proporcionadas por la modificación pictórica, desescalada o cifrada, de espacios capaces de ser releídos en claves sorprendentes.La pionera aproximación a los posteriormente denominados Supergraphics, toma forma en las instalaciones del Moonraker Recreation Center gracias a la multidisciplinar colaboración de Lawrence Halprin y Barbara Stauffacher. Conviven aquí lenguaje único y atrevimiento plástico en un limbo extraño, previo al estallido pictórico de los años posteriores que dan forma a un delicado y asombroso equilibrio, definitivamente proto-Pop.Juanes Juanes, B. (2018). Supergraphics. Sea Ranch y la autenticidad Proto-Pop. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 23(33):190-201. doi:10.4995/ega.2018.7880SWORD1902012333JENCKS, Charles. The Language of Post-modern Architecture. New York: Rizzoli, 1977.BACHELARD, Gastón. La poética del espacio. México D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1965.DIAMONSTEIN-SPIELVOGEL, Barbaralee, and I. M PEI. American Architecture Now. New York: Rizzoli, 1980.LITTLEJOHN, David. Architect: the Life and Work of Charles W. Moore. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1984.MCMORROUGH, John. "Blowing the lid off paint", en Hunch 11: Rethinkinh Representation, ed. Penelope Dean,MOORE, Charles Willard y otros. The Sea Ranch, California, 1966. Tokyo: A.D.A. Edita, 1971.MOORE, Charles Willard y otros. The Sea Ranch Condominium and Athletic Club 1 & 2, Sea Ranch, California, 1963-69. Tokyo: A.D.A. Edita, 1976.MOORE, Charles Willard, and Kevin P KEIM. You Have to Pay for the Public Life : Selected Essays of Charles W. Moore. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001.OTERO-PAILOS, Jorge. Architecture's Historical Turn : Phenomenology and the Rise of the Postmodern. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010. https://doi.org/10.5749/minnesota/9780816666034.001.0001McMorrough, John. "Blowing the lid off paint," en Hunch 11: Rethinking Representationn, ed. PenelopeDean, 64-75. Rotterdam: Episode Publisers, 2007RaySmith, Charles. "Bathhouse Graphics", Progressive Architecture, Marzo, 1967, 156-161.RaySmith, Charles. "The Freeway comes Indoors", Progressive Architecture, Octubre, 1967, 164-168.RaySmith, Charles. "The Permissiveness of Supermannerism", Progressive Architecture, Octubre, 1967, 169-173.RaySmith, Charles. "Supergraphichs", Progressive Architecture, Noviembre, 1967, 132-137

    Self-organization of network dynamics into local quantized states

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    Self-organization and pattern formation in network-organized systems emerges from the collective activation and interaction of many interconnected units. A striking feature of these non-equilibrium structures is that they are often localized and robust: only a small subset of the nodes, or cell assembly, is activated. Understanding the role of cell assemblies as basic functional units in neural networks and socio-technical systems emerges as a fundamental challenge in network theory. A key open question is how these elementary building blocks emerge, and how they operate, linking structure and function in complex networks. Here we show that a network analogue of the Swift-Hohenberg continuum model---a minimal-ingredients model of nodal activation and interaction within a complex network---is able to produce a complex suite of localized patterns. Hence, the spontaneous formation of robust operational cell assemblies in complex networks can be explained as the result of self-organization, even in the absence of synaptic reinforcements. Our results show that these self-organized, local structures can provide robust functional units to understand natural and socio-technical network-organized processes.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Artaud y el teatro de la crueldad

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    New designs of peptidic and polymeric vectors for protein and gene delivery

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    The expansion of new therapeutic technologies is limited by the effective, selective and controlled transport and release of the corresponding biomolecules to the different tissues, cells and organelles. Therefore, there is a need to develop conceptually new strategies to transport and deliver proteins or nucleic acids inside cells. In this regard, in this PhD thesis, we present the development of novel cell-penetrating peptides and polymeric platforms based on amphipathic scaffolds, which are decorated with functional reactive moieties for enhaced specificity and tunability using dynamic covalent bonds such as alkoxyamines or hydraones. These new vectors were employed in the delivery of proteins, such as lectins and Cas 9 for CRISPR technology, and challenging nucleic acids such as mRNA, following a fully supramolecular strategy

    High-impedance superconducting resonator for the dispersive readout of a nanomechanical qubit

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    Màster Oficial de Ciència i Tecnologia Quàntiques / Quantum Science and Technology, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2021-2022. Tutors: Christoffer Møller, Adrian BachtoldMechanical resonators are good candidates for processing quantum information. In particular, the development of a nanomechanical qubit with a larger coherence time than other solid-state qubit architectures can pave the way towards the creation of novel quantum devices. To access the qubit state, we design and characterize a high-impedance superconducting resonator in a separate chip with a resonant frequency of 2-9 GHz and internal quality factors of Qi ≥ 103 , including the losses added by the use of wirebonds. This type of resonator can be used to couple to other hybrid systems that are not compatible with conventional fabrication of superconducting circuits

    Generation of human neural tube organoids within a microfluidic device

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    The spinal cord has a modular structure where spinal neurons with the same function occupy the same stereotypical position [1]. This spatial segregation emerges during the early development of the spinal cord, when the neural tube, the embryonic precursor of the central nervous system, patterns in both dorsal-ventral (DV) and anterior-posterior (AP) axis, induced by concentration gradients of morphogens such as sonic hedgehog (Shh) [2]. The patterning of the embryonic spinal cord is a complex process that is being studied by numerous research groups [1][3]–[9]. However, we still lack an in-vitro model capable of recapitulating completely and simultaneously the DV and AP patterning, which would be a key to study the human embryonic spinal cord development. One of the projects of the Laboratory of Bioengineering and Morphogenesis (LBM) of the KU Leuven is to develop this model taking advantage of two technologies: organoids culture and microfluidic devices. On one side, organoid technology is a promising tool for this purpose because it allows recapitulating key features of development, such as tissuespecific cell types and its 3D architecture [10]. Moreover, it permits the study of humanspecific features in contrast to animal models. On the other side, microfluidic technology allows the generation of high-resolution antiparallel concentration gradients [11] that can mimic the in-vivo morphogen gradients involved in the spinal cord patterning [5]. Also, by using 3D printing, its fabrication process becomes flexible, low-cost and simple [11]. In the LBM, it has already been designed a microfluidic device that recreates the Shh morphogen gradient that induces the ventral neural progenitor domains of the embryonic spinal cord, by using smoothened agonist. In this thesis, I biologically characterize the device. To achieve it, firstly, I culture human neural tube organoids within the microfluidic device following an adapted well-established protocol of the LBM [12]. Secondly, I evaluate its health by comparing them with hNTOs cultured in a plate, as a control. During the evaluation, I identify problems related to the timing of the protocol, the design of the microfluidic device, the sterilization process, among others. Finally, I optimize both the protocol and the microfluidic device, and I improve the development and health of the organoids, apart from the robustness and reliability of the in-vitro model. Moreover, I propose which would be the next steps to keep working on its development.Outgoin

    Dispositivos optoelectrónicos basados en TMDs

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Física. Curso académico 2020-2021.[ENRecent advances in atomically thin two-dimensional materials have led to a variety of new technologies in the fields of nanoelectronics, photonics and opto-electronics. In particular, the family of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) is been extensively studied. The study of devices based on monolayers of these materials is of fundamental interest due to their atomically thin nature.][ES]El estudio de materiales bidimensionales está en boga en los últimos tiempos dadas las características de éstos, que los hacen útiles para futuras aplicaciones muy prometedoras en el campo de la nanoelectrónica, la fotónica y la optoelectrónica. En concreto, está siendo extensamente estudiada la familia de los dicalcogenuros de metales de transición (TMDs – de sus siglas en inglés). El delgado espesor de las monocapas hace que el estudio de dispositivos fabricados con ellas sea de un interés fundamental
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