265 research outputs found

    Overcoming the data crisis in biodiversity conservation

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    How can we track population trends when monitoring data are sparse? Population declines can go undetected, despite ongoing threats. For example, only one of every 200 harvested species are monitored. This gap leads to uncertainty about the seriousness of declines and hampers effective conservation. Collecting more data is important, but we can also make better use of existing information. Prior knowledge of physiology, life history, and community ecology can be used to inform population models. Additionally, in multispecies models, information can be shared among taxa based on phylogenetic, spatial, or temporal proximity. By exploiting generalities across species that share evolutionary or ecological characteristics within Bayesian hierarchical models, we can fill crucial gaps in the assessment of species’ status with unparalleled quantitative rigor

    Aplicación Web para la Gestión de Incidencias en el Ámbito Hotelero

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    [ES] En este trabajo se crea una aplicación web para la gestión de incidencias en el ámbito hotelero. La estrategia que se usa es la de un servidor con la base de datos, otro que alberga toda la lógica y una interfaz de usuario basada en web para facilitar la creación de interfaces para escritorio y para móvil. Se utiliza una arquitectura basada en capas, en la que cada una de ellas separa físicamente la parte de persistencia, la lógica y la interfaz. A su vez, la segunda de ellas se distribuye de manera lógica en capa de servicios, de lógica de negocio y de acceso a datos. La solución se implementa a través de la tecnología de Microsoft .NET para la parte del servidor, la de Angular para la parte de la interfaz web y para MySql para la base de datos.[CA] En aquest treball es crea una aplicación web per a la gestió d’incidències en l’àmbit hoteler. L’estratègia que s’empra és la d’un servidor amb la base de dades, un altre que alberga tota la lògica i una interfície d’usuari basada en web per a facilitar la creació d’interfícies per a escriptori i per a móvil. S’utilitza una arquitectura basada en capes, en la que cadascuna d’elles separa físicament la part de persistència, la lògica i la interfície. Al seu torn, la segona d’aquestes es distribueix de manera lògica en capa de servicis, de lògica de negoci i d’accés a dades. La solució s’implementa a través de la tecnología de Microsoft .NET per a la part del servidor, la d’Angular per a la part de la interfície web i MySql per a la base de dades[EN] In this assignment, a web application is created to manage incidents in the hotel business. The strategy used is one server with the database, another that hosts all the logic and a web-based user interface to facilitate the creations of interfaces for desktop and mobile. A layer-based architecture is used, in which each of them are physically separated in the persistent part, the logic and the interface. In turn, the second of them is distributed logically in the service layer, business logic and data access. The solution is implemented through Microsoft .NET technology for the server, Angular for the part of the web interface and MySql for the database.Jordá Pérez, J. (2019). Aplicación Web para la Gestión de Incidencias en el Ámbito Hotelero. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/125642TFG

    The Conservation and Management of Tunas and Their Relatives: Setting Life History Research Priorities

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    Scombrids (tunas, bonitos, Spanish mackerels and mackerels) support important fisheries in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters around the world, being one of the most economically- and socially-important marine species globally. Their sustainable exploitation, management and conservation depend on accurate life history information for the development of quantitative fisheries stock assessments, and in the fishery data-poor situations for the identification of vulnerable species. Here, we assemble life history traits (maximum size, growth, longevity, maturity, fecundity, spawning duration and spawning interval) for the 51 species of scombrids globally. WJRC.G.4-Maritime affair

    Global population trajectories, life history strategies and vulnerability to fishing of scombrid species : implications for conservation and management

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    [Abstract] Fishing is the primary threat to marine species and ecosystems, but the details of the extent of overfishing remains fragmentary. Here, I provide new insights upon the global impacts of fishing on scombrids, which includes 51 species of tunas, Spanish mackerels, bonitos and mackerels, and advance our ability to identify, a priori, the characteristics of species that render them most vulnerable to overfishing. First, through a global meta-analysis of adult biomass trends, I show that scombrid populations have declined, on average, by 60% over the last half century. The decline in the total adult biomass is lower (52%) as it is buffered by a few larger sustainably fished populations. Second, I identify major gaps in biological knowledge and prioritize life history research needs, especially for the coastal scombrids. Then, I examine the diversity in their life histories, and reveal that most life history variation in scombrids can be simplified to three dimensions (governed by size, speed of life and reproductive schedule). Finally, I show that those scombrid populations with slowest life histories have experienced the largest declines in biomass and have a higher probability of being overfished. The speed of life traits - growth rate and longevity - are the best life history indicators of vulnerability to fishing. My thesis can be considered as a case-study in the importance of accounting for the varying life history strategies of species when planning conservation and management strategies.[Resumen] La pesca es la principal amenaza para las especies y ecosistemas marinos; sin embargo, la escala y el alcance de estos impactos siguen siendo inciertos. Esta tesis aporta nuevos conocimientos sobre los impactos globales de la pesca en las especies de escómbridos (51 especies de atunes, petos, bonitos y caballas), y avanza en nuestra capacidad para identificar a priori qué especies son más vulnerables a la sobrepesca. En primer lugar, un meta-análisis global de las tendencias en la biomasa de adultos muestra que las poblaciones de escómbridos han disminuido, en promedio, un 60% durante el último medio siglo. La disminución de la biomasa total de adultos es menor (52%), ya que está mitigada por las poblaciones más abundantes y mejor gestionadas. En segundo lugar, se identifican carencias y falta de datos biológicos para las 51 especies de escómbridos y se establecen prioridades en investigación para las especies que más lo necesitan. En tercer lugar, se examina la diversidad en las historias de vida en escómbridos, y se muestra que la mayor parte de la variación puede simplificarse en tres dimensiones (gobernadas por el tamaño máximo corporal, la velocidad de la vida y el calendario reproductivo). Por último, se muestra que las poblaciones de escómbridos con historias de vida más lentas han experimentado los mayores descensos en biomasa y tienen una mayor probabilidad de ser objeto de sobrepesca. La parámetros biológicos con unidades de medida de tiempo - la tasa de crecimiento y la longevidad - son los mejores indicadores de la vulnerabilidad de las especies a la pesca. Esta tesis se centra en los escómbridos como caso de estudio para resaltar la importancia de las distintas estrategias de vida de las especies a la hora de planificar estrategias de conservación y gestión.[Resumo] A pesca é a principal ameaza para as especies e ecosistemas mariños; con todo, a escala e o alcance destes impactos seguen sendo incertos. Esta tese aporta novos coñecementos sobre os impactos globais da pesca nas especies de escómbridos (51 especies de atúns, petos, bonitos e xardas), e avanza na nosa capacidade para identificar a priori qué especies son máis vulnerables á sobrepesca. En primeiro lugar, unha meta-análise global das tendencias na biomasa de adultos mostra que as poboacións de escómbridos diminuíron, en promedio, un 60% durante o último medio século. A diminución da biomasa total de adultos é menor (52%), xa que está mitigada polas poboacións máis abundantes e mellor xestionadas. En segundo lugar, identifícanse carencias e falta de datos biolóxicos para as 51 especies de escómbridos, e establécense prioridades en investigación para as especies que máis o necesitan. En terceiro lugar, examínase a diversidade nas historias de vida dos escómbridos, e móstrase que a maior parte da variación pode simplificarse en tres dimensións (gobernadas polo tamaño máximo corporal, a velocidade da vida e o calendario reprodutivo). Para rematar, móstrase que as poboacións de escómbridos con historias de vida máis lentas experimentaron os maiores descensos en biomasa, e teñen unha maior probabilidade de ser obxecto de sobrepesca. Os parámetros biolóxicos con unidades de medida de tempo - a taxa de crecemento e a lonxevidade - son os mellores indicadores da vulnerabilidade das especies á pesca. Esta tese resalta a importancia das estratexias de vida das especies para planificar estratexias de conservación e xestión

    Implementación de un sistema de acceso seguro a web con JEE

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    [ES] En este proyecto se realizará un estado del arte al respecto de las tecnologías de securización del acceso web. Además, se deberá implementar utilizando el framework Java Enterprise Edition, un ejemplo de aplicación web en la que el usuario pueda: - Registrarse por vez primera para dar de alta la dupla usuario-contraseña. - Acceder a la aplicación a partir de la dupla usuario-contraseña, si ya ha sido registrado anteriormente como usuario. El acceso a la aplicación debe ser seguro (la información se envía cifrada). Además, el diseño de la base de datos permitirá que las contraseñas se almacenen de forma cifrada. Este TFG comprenderá las fases de: - estado del arte de sistema de acceso seguro a aplicaciones web - Implementación en JEE.[EN] This project will go through the state of art of securitization technologies of web access. Furthermore, an example of web application must be implemented. In this application the user will be able to: - Register a user-password dupla for the first time. - Access to the application using that user-password dupla, if it has been previously registered as user. The access must be secure (information is sended encrypted). Also, the database design will allow the passwords to be stored with their encryption. This project will include the phases of: - State of art of the secure access system to web applications. - Implementation in JEEBlasco Jordá, JF. (2018). Implementación de un sistema de acceso seguro a web con JEE. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/101499TFG


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    Crop residues are often an important source of insects, mites and phytopathogenic agents avoiding their presence in the fi eld. Nevertheless, the process of composting in the soil by means of biofumigation and biosolarization can help to control these agents depending of some factors as temperature, time of treatment, implicated microorganisms and the kind of soil. This research deals about the use of biofumigation and biosolarization for the control of Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) under controlled conditions in pots and 3 different doses of infected vegetal material with the virus were used. Cocopeat slabs infected with the virus were used, too. These growbags had been used during one year and the virus was detected on the remained roots. Both pots and growbags were placed in open or shut plastic bags and were treated at different temperatures during different periods of time. The treatment at 25 ºC was considered as biofumigation and the treatment at 45 ºC was considered as biosolarization. Since 4 weeks of treatment at 45 ºC was suffi cient to control ToMV in pots, biosolarization was more effective than biofumigation. 6 weeks of treatment at 25 ºC were necessary to control the virus. In growbags, 5 weeks of treatment at 45 ºC were not suffi cient to control the virus, but the percentage of infected plants was reduced and a greater development and premature fl owering period were observed. Biofumigation and biosolarization can be considered as alternative techniques for the use of Methyl Bromide for the control of phytopathogenic agents.Los restos de cosechas son a menudo portadores de insectos, ácaros y agentes de fi topatógenos, desaconsejando su presencia en campo. Sin embargo el proceso de compostaje en el interior del suelo mediante los procesos de biofumigación y biosolarización, favorecen el control de estos agentes en función de la temperatura, tiempo, microorganismos implicados, plantas empleadas y características del suelo. Este trabajo determinó, en condiciones controladas, la efi cacia de la biofumigación y biosolarización en el control del virus del mosaico del tomate en macetas empleando 3 dosis de material vegetal infectado con el virus y en mangas de fi bra de coco de un año de uso donde quedaban restos de raíces del cultivo anterior infectadas con el virus. Tanto las macetas como las mangas de fibra de coco fueron sometidas a diferentes tratamientos de embolsado, no embolsado y tiempo de tratamiento. Se consideró biofumigación al tratamiento con 25 ºC y biosolarización al tratamiento con 45 ºC. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la eficacia de la biosolarización en el control del virus en macetas sobre la biofumigación; ya que tan solo 4 semanas de tratamiento fueron sufi cientes frente a las 6 semanas necesarias en la biofumigación. En las mangas de fibra de coco la biosolarización durante 5 semanas resultó ineficaz para el control del virus, pero se redujo el porcentaje de plantas infectadas y se observó un mayor desarrollo vegetativo y el adelanto en su fl oración. La biofumigación y biosolarización pueden ser consideradas como técnicas alternativas al uso del Bromuro de metilo en el control de agentes fitopatógenos

    Accelerating multi-channel filtering of audio signal on ARM processors

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    The researchers from Universitat Jaume I are supported by the CICYT projects TIN2014-53495-R and TIN2011-23283 of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER. The authors from the Universitat Politècnica de València are supported by projects TEC2015-67387-C4-1-R and PROMETEOII/2014/003. This work was also supported from the European Union FEDER (CAPAP-H5 network TIN2014-53522-REDT)

    The persistence of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in the human diet during the Lower Magdalenian in northern Spain: Insights from El Cierro cave (Asturias, Spain)

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    he dominance of red deer in Magdalenian records in Cantabrian Spain is a well-studied issue. Given the great accumulations of this species in those deposits, researchers have offered diverse interpretations of the phenomenon, related to ecology, orography or ethology. However, fewer papers carry out comparative intra-site analysis, which is able to document the existence of changes or continuities in the subsistence strategies at an archaeological site. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the archaeozoological analysis of Levels F and G in El Cierro cave (Asturias, Spain), both of them dated during Greenland Stadial 2, in the Lower Magdalenian (15,460 ± 75 and 15,580 ± 75 BP, respectively). Similar percentages of mammals have been documented in the two levels, as well as the same meat and fat consumption and processing strategies. Thus, this paper intends to determine how much energy red deer supplied to the diet of the humans that inhabited El Cierro, in comparison with other hunted and consumed fauna during the Lower Magdalenian. This study highlights the continuity of exploitation patterns of faunal resources in El Cierro cave during the Lower Magdalenian. This continuity is specifically seen in red deer, since the geographic characteristics of the Sella Valley, the abundance of the biotype, and the economic profitability of this species made it the main resource of animal origin for the hunter-gatherers at that site.This research was undertaken in the context of the Spanish projects HAR2014-51830-P funded by the Programa Nacional de Humanidades in the R&D Plan of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and HAR2017-82557-P, funded by the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and PhD scholarship Junta de Castilla y León and Fondo Social Europeo (R. Portero)

    Low precision matrix multiplication for efficient deep learning in NVIDIA Carmel processors

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    [EN] We introduce a high performance, multi-threaded realization of the gemm kernel for the ARMv8.2 architecture that operates with 16-bit (half precision)/queryKindly check and confirm whether the corresponding author is correctly identified. floating point operands. Our code is especially designed for efficient machine learning inference (and to a certain extent, also training) with deep neural networks. The results on the NVIDIA Carmel multicore processor, which implements the ARMv8.2 architecture, show considerable performance gains for the gemm kernel, close to the theoretical peak acceleration that could be expected when moving from 32-bit arithmetic/data to 16-bit. Combined with the type of convolution operator arising in convolutional neural networks, the speed-ups are more modest though still relevant.This work was supported by projects TIN2017-82972-R and RTI2018-093684-B-I00 from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, project S2018/TCS-4423 of the Comunidad de Madrid, project PR65/19-22445 of the UCM, and project Prometeo/2019/109 of the Generalitat Valenciana.San Juan-Sebastian, P.; Rodríguez-Sánchez, R.; Igual, FD.; Alonso-Jordá, P.; Quintana-Ortí, ES. (2021). Low precision matrix multiplication for efficient deep learning in NVIDIA Carmel processors. The Journal of Supercomputing. 77(10):11257-11269. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-021-03636-41125711269771

    Generalization of the K-SVD algorithm for minimization of ß-divergence

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    [EN] In this paper, we propose, describe, and test a modification of the K-SVD algorithm. Given a set of training data, the proposed algorithm computes an overcomplete dictionary by minimizing the ß-divergence () between the data and its representation as linear combinations of atoms of the dictionary, under strict sparsity restrictions. For the special case , the proposed algorithm minimizes the Frobenius norm and, therefore, for the proposed algorithm is equivalent to the original K-SVD algorithm. We describe the modifications needed and discuss the possible shortcomings of the new algorithm. The algorithm is tested with random matrices and with an example based on speech separation.This work has been partially supported by the EU together with the Spanish Government through TEC2015-67387-C4-1-R (MINECO/FEDER) and by Programa de FPU del Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte FPU13/03828 (Spain).García Mollá, VM.; San Juan-Sebastian, P.; Virtanen, T.; Vidal Maciá, AM.; Alonso-Jordá, P. (2019). Generalization of the K-SVD algorithm for minimization of ß-divergence. Digital Signal Processing. 92:47-53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsp.2019.05.001S47539