37 research outputs found

    Wastewater quality estimation through spectrophotometry-based statistical models

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    Local administrations are increasingly demanding real-time continuous monitoring of pollution in the sanitation system to improve and optimize its operation, to comply with EU environmental policies and to reach European Green Deal targets. The present work shows a full-scale Wastewater Treatment Plant field-sampling campaign to estimate COD, BOD5, TSS, P, TN and NO3-N in both influent and effluent, in the absence of pre-treatment or chemicals addition to the samples, resulting in a reduction of the duration and cost of analysis. Different regression models were developed to estimate the pollution load of sewage systems from the spectral response of wastewater samples measured at 380-700 nm through multivariate linear regressions and machine learning genetic algorithms. The tests carried out concluded that the models calculated by means of genetic algorithms can estimate the levels of five of the pollutants under study (COD, BOD5, TSS, TN and NO3-N), including both raw and treated wastewater, with an error rate below 4%. In the case of the multilinear regression models, these are limited to raw water and the estimate is limited to COD and TSS, with less than a 0.5% error rateThe authors wish to thank the financial support received from the Seneca Foundation of the Región de Murcia (Spain) through the program devoted to training novel researchers in areas of specific interest for the industry and with a high capacity to transfer the results of the research generated, entitled: “Subprograma Regional de Contratos de Formación de Personal Investigador en Universidades y OPIs” (Mod. B, Ref. 20320/FPI/17)

    Performing calibration of transmittance by single rgb-led within the visible spectrum

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    Spectrophotometry has proven to be an effective non-invasive technique for the characterization of the pollution load of sewer systems, enabling compliance with new environmental protection regulations. This type of equipment has costs and an energy consumption which make it difficult to place it inside a sewer network for real-time and massive monitoring. These shortcomings are mainly due to the use of incandescent lamps to generate the working spectrum as they often require the use of optical elements, such as diffraction gratings, to work. The search for viable alternatives to incandescent lamps is key to the development of portable equipment that is cheaper and with a lower consumption that can be used in different points of the sewer network. This research work achieved the following results in terms of the measured samples: First, the development a calibration procedure that enables the use of RGB-LED technology as a viable alternative to incandescent lamps, within the range of 510 to 645 nm, with high accuracy. Secondly, demonstration of a simple method to model the transmittance value of a specific wavelength without the need for optical elements, achieving a cost-effective equipment. Thirdly, it provides a simple method to obtain the transmittance based on the combination of RGB colors. Finally its viability is demonstrated for the spectral analysis of wastewater.The authors are grateful for the financial support received from the Seneca Foundation of the Región de Murcia (Spain) through the program devoted to training novel researchers in areas of specific interest for the industry and with a high capacity to transfer the results of the research generated, entitled: “Subprograma Regional de Contratos de Formación de Personal Investigador en Universidades y OPIs” (Mod. B, Ref. 20320/FPI/17)

    Implementing Early Warning Systems in WWTP. An investigation with cost-effective LED-VIS spectroscopy-based genetic algorithms

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    Measuring how the pollution load evolves in real time along sewer networks is key for proper management of water resources and protecting the environment. The technique of molecular spectroscopy for water characterization has increasingly widespread use, as it is a non-invasive technique that leads to the correlation of the physical-chemical conditions of wastewater with spectroscopic surrogates by a series of mathematical estimation models. In the present research work, different symbolic regression models obtained with evolutive genetic algorithms are evaluated for the estimation of chemical oxygen demand (COD); five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5); total suspended solids (TSS); total phosphorus (TP); and total nitrogen (TN), from the spectral response of samples measured between 380 and 700 nm and without the use of chemicals or pre-treatment. Around 650 wastewater samples were used in the campaign, from 43 different wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in which both, raw/influent and treated/effluent, were examined through 18 models composed of Classical Genetic Algorithm (CGA), the Age-Layered Population Structure (ALPS), and Offspring Selection (OS) by mean of HeuristicLab software, to make a comparison among them and to determine which models and wavelengths are most suitable for the correlation. Models are proposed considering both raw and treated samples together (15) and only with tertiary treated wastewater reclaimed for agriculture irrigation effluent (3). The Pearson correlation coefficients were in the range of 67–91% for the test data in the case of the combined models. The results conform the first steps for a real-time monitoring of WWTP.The author Daniel Carreres Prieto wishes to thank the financial support received from the Seneca Foundation of the Región de Murcia (Spain) through the program devoted to training novel researchers in areas of specific interest for the industry and with a high capacity to transfer the results of the research generated, entitled: “Subprograma Regional de Contratos de Formación de Personal Investigador en Universidades y OPIs” (Mod. B, Ref. 20320/FPI/17). The present research has been funded by the project MONITOCOES: New intelligent monitoring system for microorganisms and emerging contaminants in sewage networks. Reference: RTC2019-007115-5 by the Ministry of Science and Innovation - State Research Agency, within the RETOS COLABORACIÓN 2019 call, which supports cooperative projects between companies and research organizations, whose objective is to promote technological development, innovation and quality research. The authors wish to thank the help and availability received from the company Munuera Laboratories during the field campaign

    Development of a vertical pot for urban gardening

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    [SPA] El cambio climático es una realidad a la que hacer frente de manera urgente mediante el aumento de las infraestructuras verdes. Sin embargo, no en todos los espacios urbanos es posible implantar vegetación de modo convencional, lo que conlleva el uso de maceteros y contenedores. Uno de los inconvenientes que presentan los maceteros utilizados es la escasa capacidad para incorporar vegetación de grandes dimensiones y por otro lado la falta de automatización. Este trabajo aborda una fase preliminar en el desarrollo de una estructura verde urbana (contenedor inteligente o Smart Garden) autosuficiente que mejore la gestión hídrica y la apuesta por este tipo de sistemas en espacios urbanos y comerciales. [ENG] Climate change is a reality to be addressed urgently by increasing green infrastructure. However, it is not possible to implant vegetation in a conventional way in all urban spaces, which involves the use of pots and containers. One of the drawbacks of the pots used is the limited capacity to incorporate large vegetation and on the other hand the lack of automation. This work aims at a develop preliminary phase of a self-sufficient urban green structure (smart container or Smart Garden) that improves water management and the commitment to this type of systems in urban and commercial spaces.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias al apoyo financiero y técnico de la empresa Actúa Servicios y Medioambiente S.L

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema de control automático programable para aplicaciones de telemetría, telecontrol y posicionamiento vía satélite

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    [ESP] Existen diversas situaciones en las que se precisan de sistemas de control a fin automatizar determinados procesos o desempeñar tareas concretas. Por ello se plantea el diseño e implementación de un módulo hardware programable por medio de un Smartphone con posibilidad de ser configurado por el usuario conforme a sus necesidades de una manera simple y sin precisar de conocimientos en programación o automática. El sistema es fácilmente orientable a diversas tareas tales como domótica, control y seguridad, gestión de invernaderos, automóviles así como sistema de adquisición de datos y Tracker GPS (Google Earth) y labores relacionadas con las “Smart City”. [ENG] Several situations demand control systems to automate certain processes or perform specific tasks. Therefore, a Smartphone with option to be easily configured, according to the user’s needs, without requiring a deep knowledge of programming or automation, poses the design and implementation of a programmable hardware module. The system is easily adjustable to several tasks commonly performed in different industrial fields like automation, control and safety, management of greenhouses, automotive industry, and data acquisition system and GPS Tracker (Google Earth) and work related to the "Smart City".scuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (ETSIT), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica (ETSIA), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial (ETSII), Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura y Edificación (ETSAE), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos y de Ingeniería de Minas (ETSICCPIM), Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa (FCCE), Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo (PTFA), Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes y Extensión de la UPCT, Vicerrectorado de Investigación e Innovación de la UPCT, y Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización y Cooperación al Desarrollo de la UPCT

    A Sensor System for Detection of Hull Surface Defects

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    This paper presents a sensor system for detecting defects in ship hull surfaces. The sensor was developed to enable a robotic system to perform grit blasting operations on ship hulls. To achieve this, the proposed sensor system captures images with the help of a camera and processes them in real time using a new defect detection method based on thresholding techniques. What makes this method different is its efficiency in the automatic detection of defects from images recorded in variable lighting conditions. The sensor system was tested under real conditions at a Spanish shipyard, with excellent results

    Combinando Impresión 3D y electrónica como estrategia para mejorar la experiencia de aprendizaje

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    Today, 3D printing has become a technology that has created a new paradigm of learning communities, constituting a contemporary culture or subculture, colloquially known as "maker culture", which can be considered an extension of DIY (Do It Yourself) culture. It is a new culture based on technology and the use of tools that has been widely accepted in diverse fields such as medicine, architecture and handicraft. This article shows an experience of integration of learning of 3D printing with electronics within the curriculum of the Industrial Engineering degree, specialty in Mechanics. The methodology of Service Based Learning has been used for this purpose. A possible social need has been identified and, based on this need, the design of a solution by the students has been proposed. The selected example has been the development of a robotic hand capable of communicating through sign language. With this work the students have reinforced their knowledge of 3D modelling using the software Solid Works, as well as their knowledge of electronics, having to develop the control system for the motors of the hand's joints using a system based on the popular microcontroller Arduino.En la actualidad, la impresión 3D se ha convertido en una tecnología que ha creado un nuevo paradigma de comunidades de aprendizaje, constituyendo una cultura o subcultura contemporánea, denominada coloquialmente como “cultura maker”, la cual puede considerarse como una extensión de la cultura DIY (Do It Yourself o hágalo usted mismo). Se trata de una nueva cultura basada en la tecnología y en el uso de herramientas que ha tenido gran aceptación en campos diversos como la ingeniería, medicina, arquitectura y artesanía. El presente artículo muestra una experiencia de integración de aprendizaje de Impresión 3D con electrónica dentro del currículo de la titulación de Ingeniería Industrial, especialidad en Mecánica. Para ello se ha utilizado la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Servicio. Se ha localizado una posible necesidad social y, a partir de esta necesidad se ha propuesto el diseño de una solución por parte de los alumnos. El ejemplo seleccionado ha sido el desarrollo de una mano robótica capaz de comunicarse mediante el lenguaje de signos. Con este trabajo los alumnos han reforzado sus conocimientos de modelado 3D utilizando el software de modelado Solid Works, así como sus conocimientos de electrónica, teniendo que desarrollar el sistema de control de los motores de las articulaciones de la mano usando un sistema basado en el popular microcontrolador Arduino

    Metodología de evaluación del proceso de aprendizaje en clases prácticas

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    El equipo de innovación docente “Actividades para el seguimiento del aprendizaje” de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena está desarrollando un sistema de evaluación del proceso docente con la finalidad de determinar el grado de participación y aprendizaje de sus estudiantes en las sesiones prácticas de las asignaturas. El método tiene por objeto conocer el grado de implicación del alumnado en su aprendizaje, fomentar su participación activa en las clases prácticas, laboratorio, talleres, dibujo, entre otros, y facilitar al docente información del proceso de aprendizaje para efectuar futuras adaptaciones o modificaciones en las prácticas a proponer o realizar en cursos futuros, es un proceso iterativo. Para ello, al finalizar las prácticas el grupo de estudiantes contesta un cuestionario, cuyo resultado permitirá conocer la actitud del alumnado en las actividades docentes prácticas, la implicación de los alumnos en su proceso de aprendizaje y su grado de satisfacción en asignaturas de enseñanzas técnicas

    Instrucciones para planificar la actividad docente de una asignatura: la guía docente y la programación temporal

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    La planificación de detalle que realiza el profesorado de una determinada asignatura se recoge en dos documentos distintos: la guía docente y la programación temporal. La información incluida en ellos será de utilidad para los estudiantes que cursen la asignatura pero no solo para ellos, ya que se empleará también como base para la coordinación docente y en los procesos de revisión y seguimiento de los títulos. Este libro está concebido para servir de apoyo al profesorado a la hora de planificar su docencia y cumplimentar los dos documentos citados