939 research outputs found

    La web corporativa en las empresas biotecnológicas de los Parques Tecnológicos de Andalucía (2013). Una propuesta de análisis de prácticas de comunicación a través de plataformas online

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    As demonstrated frequently in numerous studies, Spanish SMEs own web often offers the digital space as a mere ‘window’, a barely interactive exhibition which presents a conventional exposition of products and services. This research assumes that such an approach persists in the case of biotechnology companies websites. For the sites in this sector, we find lack of interactivity to their own public, and also to the public that make the rest of society: for these, even with specific interests in biotech content, would require a informative type communication. The sample chosen the make up companies based on technology parks in Andalusia.Como se ha demostrado en numerosos estudios, las pymes españolas con web propia suelen plantear ese espacio digital como un simple escaparate donde mostrar productos y servicios, un lugar escasamente interactivo dirigido a clientes y proveedores. Esta investigación parte de la base de que tal planteamiento persiste en el caso de las empresas biotecnológicas. En las webs de este sector encontramos falta de interactividad hacia sus públicos propios, y también hacia el resto de la sociedad: para éstos sería necesaria una comunicación de tipo divulgativo. La muestra elegida la conforman las empresas asentadas en parques tecnológicos andaluces

    Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, divulgación científica y pymes biotecnológicas. Una propuesta de punto de partida. 

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    The reason most frequently adduced by SMEs to avoid the implementation of CSR programs is their shortage of material resources. In this paper we propose the possibility that biotech SMEs supply the RSC with something they’ve got in abundance, that is, knowledge. Popular science thus becomes the focus of these programs, an affordable resource that can benefit them, and not only in reputation. Our study focuses on 32 SMEs settled in four Technology Parks in Andalusia

    La web corporativa en las empresas biotecnológicas de los Parques Tecnológicos de Andalucía (2013). Una propuesta de análisis de prácticas de comunicación a través de plataformas online

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    Como se ha demostrado en numerosos estudios, las pymes españolas con web propia suelen plantear ese espacio digital como un simple escaparate donde mostrar productos y servicios, un lugar escasamente interactivo dirigido a clientes y proveedores. Esta investigación parte de la base de que tal planteamiento persiste en el caso de las empresas biotecnológicas. En las webs de este sector encontramos falta de interactividad hacia sus públicos propios, y también hacia el resto de la sociedad: para éstos sería necesaria una comunicación de tipo divulgativo. La muestra elegida la conforman las empresas asentadas en parques tecnológicos andaluces

    Analysis of Uterine Blood Flow in Breeding Sows through the Estrus and Early Diestrus, and after Artificial Insemination

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    This study aimed to determine uterine blood flow indices by transabdominal Doppler ultrasound in sows (n = 18) under different conditions: (i) sows after estrus detection (day 0, D0); (ii) sows 2 h after artificial insemination (AI), performed 24 h after detection of estrus (day 1, D1); (iii) sows in early diestrus (day 5, D5). Moreover, three different types of seminal doses were used for AI depending on the ejaculate fraction included (F1: doses containing only the rich fraction of the ejaculate; F2: F1 + the transition fraction between rich and poor fractions; F3: F2 and poor fraction). The statistical analysis revealed significant differences in some indices regarding the period of analysis (D0, D1, and D5). Diastolic velocity and mean velocity showed lower values at D5 in comparison with D0 and D1 (p 0.05). Neither insemination per se nor the type of ejaculate fraction used immediately modified the uterine vascularity, but some indices are affected by the stage of the estrus cycle (estrus vs. early diestrus).This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-106380RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)

    Empresas biotecnológicas y divulgación de la ciencia. El caso de las pymes biotecnológicas asentadas en parques biotecnológicos de Andalucía

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    Biotech companies cannot ignore the social interest they arouse in this age of knowledge; this interest raises expectations and fears, and meeting the demand created is not only the responsibility of government agencies. To analyse the situation this paper focuses on 32 SMEs based in four Technology Parks in Andalusia. We use a variety of methods to examine their presence in the local newspapers in their respective provinces; what areas their websites cover and find the opinion of their managers on various aspects of their communications. The results revealed an absence of dialogue between society and these firms. It might be necessary for SMEs to integrate disclosure mechanisms within their communication strategies and their CSR; however, their executives did not repudiate the public as an audience, but have not found the tools to bridge this gap.Las empresas biotecnológicas no pueden desestimar que el interés social por esa franja de conocimiento es muy alto, genera expectativas y recelos, y cubrir esa demanda no solo compete a los organismos públicos. Para comprobar cuál es su realidad enfocamos en este trabajo a las 32 pymes asentadas en cuatro parques tecnológicos de Andalucía. Utilizamos metodologías variadas para comprobar cómo es su presencia en los periódicos locales de referencia en sus respectivas provincias; qué ámbitos cubren sus sitios web y cuál es la opinión de sus gestores sobre diferentes aspectos de su comunicación. Los resultados nos llevan a concluir que no existe diálogo entre la sociedad y estas empresas, paso ineludible para que las pymes integren mecanismos de divulgación como elementos de su comunicación y de su RSC; sin embargo, sus ejecutivos no repudian a la ciudadanía como público, si bien no han localizado las herramientas que solucionen tal desconexión

    Microwave-assisted solution synthesis, microwave sintering and magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite

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    [EN] A simple, soft, and fast microwave-assisted hydrothermal method was used for the preparation of nanocrystalline cobalt ferrite powders from commercially-available Fe(NO3)(3)center dot 9H(2)O, Co(NO3)(2)center dot 6H(2)O, ammonium hydroxide, and tetrapropylammonium hydroxide (TPAH). The synthesis was conducted in a sealed-vessel microwave reactor specifically designed for synthetic applications, and the resulting products were characterized by XRD, FE-SEM, TEM, and HR-TEM. After a systematic study of the influence of the microwave variables (temperature, reaction time and nature of the bases), highly crystalline CoFe2O4 nanoparticles with a high uniformity in morphology and size, were directly obtained by heating at 130 degrees C for 20 min using the base TPAH. Dense ceramics of cobalt ferrite were prepared by non-conventional, microwave sintering of synthesized nanopowders at temperatures of 850-900 degrees C. The magnetic properties of both the nanopowders and the sintered specimens were determined in order to establish their feasibility as a permanent magnet.This work has been carried out with financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and CSIC through the Projects MAT2015-67586-C3-R and NANOMIND, respectively. A. Borrell acknowledges MINECO for a Juan de la Cierva contract (IJCI-2014-19839).Fariñas, JC.; Moreno, R.; Pérez, A.; García, MA.; García-Hernández, M.; Salvador Moya, MD.; Borrell Tomás, MA. (2018). Microwave-assisted solution synthesis, microwave sintering and magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 38(5):2360-2368. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2017.12.052S2360236838


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    Resumen Uno de los principales retos a los que se enfrenta el sector de servicios, es el de brindar servicios de calidad. Sin embargo, la gran mayoría de organizaciones carece de esta capacidad al no tener conocimiento de los factores que realmente influyen para que su servicio sea considerado de calidad. El sector salud no es la excepción, ya que busca ofrecer un mejor servicio a sus usuarios. Una herramienta que permite identificar, evaluar e indicar cuáles de estos factores son relevantes para que las necesidades de los usuarios sean atendidas de manera satisfactoria, así como estimar el efecto y las relaciones que existen entre múltiples variables de manera cuantificable son las ecuaciones estructurales. Este documento pretende desarrollar un tutorial o metodología que permita desarrollar un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales en cualquier organización del sector salud, con el cual se podrá conocer y mejorar la calidad servicio que provee dicha organización. Palabras clave: Calidad del servicio, ecuaciones estructurales, sector salud, tutorial. Abstract One of the main challenges facing the service sector is to provide quality services. However, the vast majority of organizations lack this capacity as they do not have knowledge of the factors that really influence their service to be considered quality. The health sector is no exception, as it seeks to offer a better service to its users. A tool that allows identifying, evaluating and indicating which of these factors are relevant so that the needs of users are satisfactorily met, as well as estimating the effect and the relationships that exist between multiple variables in a quantifiable way are structural equations. This document aims to develop a tutorial or methodology that allows the development of a model of structural equations in any organization in the health sector, with which it will be possible to know and improve the quality of service that said organization provides. Keywords: Health sector, quality of service, structural equations, tutorial

    Comunicación corporativa-RSC-Divulgación científica. Propuesta de “triángulo virtuoso” para las empresas biotecnológicas.

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    Este artículo presenta la viabilidad de articular la comunicación corporativa de las empresas biotecnológicas en torno a un ejercicio básico: nutrir su Responsabilidad Social Corporativa con actuaciones de divulgación científica. Tales intervenciones contribuirían, no solo a mejorar el conocimiento científico de la sociedad y a que sus opiniones sobre los ámbitos de aplicación de la biotecnología estén fundados, sino también, a dialogar sobre estos y otros asuntos con la ciudadanía, en especial la más cercana. Pero tal implementación precisaría, en primer lugar, que la empresa perciba a sus vecinos como público de interés. De ahí que esta investigación parta del análisis de la comunicación externa de este tipo de empresas. Nuestra muestra la constituyen las 32 pymes biotecnológicas asentadas en cuatro parques tecnológicos de Andalucía. Los resultados de ese trabajo muestran que la divulgación científica tiene una presencia casi nula en sus sitios web y apenas se alude en ellos a alguna actuación de RSC; además, su aparición en los periódicos locales es escasa y se liga a aspectos estrictamente empresariales. Sin embargo, una encuesta a la que han contestado los gestores de esas firmas nos descubre que una amplia mayoría están dispuestos a aumentar los vínculos con su entorno.This paper discusses the feasibility of joint Corporate Communication of biotech companies around a basic exercise: nourish its Corporate Social Responsibility activities in Science Communication. Such interventions would help not only to improve the scientific understanding of society and that their views on the areas of application of biotechnology are founded but also to discuss these and other issues with the public, especially the closest. But such implementation would require, first, that the company perceives its neighbors as public interest. Hence, this research starts from the analysis of the external communication of these businesses. Our sample are the 32 biotech SMEs settled in four techn ology parks in Andalusia. The results of this work show that disclosure has almost no presence on their websites and hardly aware of them of any action of CSR;also appeared in local newspapers is scarce and is linked to strictly business aspects. However, a survey of the managers of these firms reveals that the vast majority are ready to expand ties with their environment

    Biotechnological companies and spreading of science. The case of smes based in andalusian technological parks

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    Las empresas biotecnológicas no pueden desestimar que el interés social por esa franja de conocimiento es muy alto, genera expectativas y recelos, y cubrir esa demanda no solo compete a los organismos públicos. Para comprobar cuál es su realidad enfocamos en este trabajo a las 32 pymes asentadas en cuatro parques tecnológicos de Andalucía. Utilizamos metodologías variadas para comprobar cómo es su presencia en los periódicos locales de referencia en sus respectivas provincias; qué ámbitos cubren sus sitios web y cuál es la opinión de sus gestores sobre diferentes aspectos de su comunicación. Los resultados nos llevan a concluir que no existe diálogo entre la sociedad y estas empresas, paso ineludible para que las pymes integren mecanismos de divulgación como elementos de su comunicación y de su RSC; sin embargo, sus ejecutivos no repudian a la ciudadanía como público, si bien no han localizado las herramientas que solucionen tal desconexión.Biotech companies cannot ignore the social interest they arouse in this age of knowledge; this interest raises expectations and fears, and meeting the demand created is not only the responsibility of government agencies. To analyse the situation this paper focuses on 32 SMEs based in four Technology Parks in Andalusia. We use a variety of methods to examine their presence in the local newspapers in their respective provinces; what areas their websites cover and find the opinion of their managers on various aspects of their communications. The results revealed an absence of dialogue between society and these firms. It might be necessary for SMEs to integrate disclosure mechanisms within their communication strategies and their CSR; however, their executives did not repudiate the public as an audience, but have not found the tools to bridge this gap

    Factors Associated with the Differential Distribution of Cetaceans Linked with Deep Habitats in the Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Deep-habitat cetaceans are generally difficult to study, leading to a limited knowledge of their population. This paper assesses the differential distribution patterns of three deep-habitat cetaceans (Sperm whale—Physeter macrocephalus, Risso’s dolphin—Grampus griseus & Cuvier’s beaked whale—Ziphius cavirostris). We used data of 842 opportunistic sightings of cetaceans in the western Mediterranean sea. We inferred environmental and spatio-temporal factors that affect their distribution. Binary logistic regression models were generated to compare the presence of deep-habitat cetaceans with the presence of other cetacean species in the dataset. Then, the favourability function was applied, allowing for comparison between all the models. Sperm whale and Risso’s dolphin presence was differentially favoured by the distance to towns in the eastern part of the western Mediterranean sea. The differential distribution of sperm whale was also influenced by the stability of SST, and that of the Risso’s dolphin by lower mean salinity and higher mean Chlorophyll A concentration. When modelling the three deep-habitat cetaceans (including Cuvier’s beaked whale), the variable distance to towns had a negative influence on the presence of any of them more than it did to other cetaceans, being more favourable far from towns, so this issue should be further investigated.Postprint2,92