1,431 research outputs found

    Airframe study and design for ONAerospace eVTOL

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    During the last decades, there has been an increasing demand for electric aviation from society due to the environmental and economic benefits it offers. New aircraft concepts have appeared such as the eVTOLs. These aircraft have the capabilities of the helicopter: Vertical Take-Off and Landing. For that reason, ONAerospace is designing a new aircraft concept, called ONA Jet. This concept could cover search and rescue, and medical and commercial operations. The ONA Jet is powered by electrical motors and has VTOL capabilities. However, when cruising it uses conventional wings to generate lift. This project studies and designs the airframe, specifically the body shape. The design objective of this work is to define a body shape solution that produces at least 25% of the total aircraft lift in cruise conditions with a stall speed of 35 m/s. This would lead to a decrease in the entire wing span, so reducing weight as well as enabling the aircraft to land in the current VTOL infrastructure. The body of the aircraft has been designed following standard aircraft designing procedures, first defining the cabin measures and then, the shape itself. The results validation and the parameter studies have been done with ANSYS, a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) tool that allows the design validation in a real wind tunnels or flight conditions. However, it has been validated just in 2D due to software version limitations. Finally, a valid design has been presented, achieving the previously defined requirements. However, several design considerations and parameters will have to be reconsidered or refined in subsequent studies in order to maximize the total airplane¿s performance.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::13 - Acció per al Clim

    Modeling the energy consumption of trains by applying neural networks

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    [EN] This paper presents the training of a neural network using consumption data measured in the underground network of Valencia (Spain), with the objective of estimating the energy consumption of the systems. After the calibration and validation of the neural network using part of the gathered consumption data, the results obtained show that the neural network is capable of predicting power consumption with high accuracy. Once fully trained, the network can be used to study the energy consumption of a metro system and for testing the hypothetical operation scenarios.The realization of this paper was possible thanks to the collaboration agreement signed between the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia and Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana, and funding obtained by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the project "Strategies for the design and energy-efficient operation of railway and tramway infrastructure'' (Ref. TRA2011-26602).Pineda-Jaramillo, JD.; Insa Franco, R.; Martínez Fernández, P. (2018). Modeling the energy consumption of trains by applying neural networks. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 232(3):816-823. https://doi.org/10.1177/0954409717694522S816823232

    Comparing energy consumption for rail transit routes through Symmetric Vertical Sinusoid Alignments (SVSA), and applying artificial neural networks. A case study of Metro Valencia (Spain)

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    [ES] Este artículo presenta el entrenamiento de una red neuronal artificial usando el consumo energético medido en la red metropolitana de Valencia, España, para estimar el consumo energético de un sistema metro. Después de la calibración y validación de la red neuronal, los resultados obtenidos muestran que esta puede ser utilizada para predecir el consumo energético con una gran precisión. Una vez entrenada, la red neuronal es utilizada para probar diferentes escenarios de operación hipotéticos con el objetivo de reducir el consumo energético de un sistema metro. Estos escenarios de operación incluyen diferentes trazados verticales que prueban que los Alineamientos Verticales Sinusoidales Simétricos (SVSA, por sus siglas en inglés) pueden reducir el consumo energético en un 18.41 % en contraste con un alineamiento plano (pendiente del 0%).[EN] This paper presents the training of an artificial neural network using consumption data measured in the metropolitan network of Valencia, Spain, to estimate the energy consumption of a metro system. After calibration and validation of the neural network, the results obtained show that it can be used to predict energy consumption with high accuracy. Once fully trained, the neural network is used for testing hypothetical operational scenarios aimed to reduce the energy consumption of a metro system. These operational scenarios include different vertical alignments that prove that Symmetric Vertical Sinusoid Alignments (SVSA) can reduce energy consumption by 18.41% in contrast to a flat (0% gradient) alignment.Pineda-Jaramillo, JD.; Salvador Zuriaga, P.; Insa Franco, R. (2017). Comparing energy consumption for rail transit routes through Symmetric Vertical Sinusoid Alignments (SVSA), and applying artificial neural networks. A case study of Metro Valencia (Spain). DYNA. 84(203):17-23. https://doi.org/10.15446/dyna.v84n203.65267S17238420

    Cómo es la percepción de bienestar psicológico en cuidadores no profesionales de pacientes oncológicos en la ciudad de pereira 2022

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la percepción de bienestar psicológico en cuidadores no profesionales de pacientes oncológicos y sus estrategias de afrontamiento en el manejo de este tipo de pacientes. Se trata de una investigación de tipo cualitativo con taxonomía etnometodología y fenomenológica con un muestreo selectivo, direccionado, teórico discrecional y en bola de nieve, aplicado a cuidadores informales de pacientes oncológicos en donde se les hizo básicamente una entrevista con 4 preguntas, y los datos fueron sometidos al análisis a través del programa Atlas TI. Dentro de los hallazgos principales se encontró aspectos negativos y positivos de ser un cuidador no profesional. Como conclusión principal se observó que los cuidadores informales comparten 2 tipos de estrategias de afrontamiento en común que son pasar tiempo de calidad con el paciente y apoyarse de la religión.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira -- Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Exactas y Naturales -- Enfermerí

    A year of living dangerously: Challenges and recommendations for safely performing ophthalmic surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic, from start to finish

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced all nations to take an active role in infection control incorporating recommendations and measures to control viral dissemination. The epidemiological impact is very diverse and dynamic, even within the same region. Scientific knowledge regarding SARS-CoV-2 continues to improve every day with protocols needing to be updated and adjusted on a regular basis. Ophthalmology is a medical specialty identified to be at high risk for several reasons: it has very close doctor-patient contact, the virus has been detected in tears, and the ocular surface serves as a gateway to developing the infection. We have reviewed the current information on SARS-CoV-2 in the ophthalmologic field and provide up-to-date recommendations to help create protocols that can adapt to the dynamic situation of ophthalmologic institutions, patient cases, economic situations and access to diagnostic tests. This paper outlines the main recommendations regarding the initial consultation and outpatient clinics, measures to apply in the operating room (OR), and suggestions for post-surgical controls. Triage, according to the patient?s conditions and eye pathology, reduction of the time the patient is at the institution, social distancing, correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE), barrier methods, hygiene, as well as other recommendations mentioned in this document, will allow physicians to take care of the visual health of the patients while reducing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.Fil: Salica, Juan Pablo. Universidad Austral; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Consejo de Oftalmología Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Potilinski, María Constanza. Universidad Austral; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Querci, Marcia. Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas "Norberto Quirno"; ArgentinaFil: Navarro, Ignacio. Universidad Austral; ArgentinaFil: Rivero, Juan Sebastián. Centro de Educación Medica E Invest.clinicas; Argentina. Consejo de Oftalmología Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Daponte, Pablo. Centro de Educación Medica E Invest.clinicas; Argentina. Consejo de Oftalmología Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Pineda Il, Roberto. Harvard Medical School; Estados UnidosFil: Gallo, Juan Eduardo Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Austral; Argentin

    Diseño de un sistema productivo sustentable para producción de panela en el municipio de Nariño, Antioquia

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    Colombia es un país reconocido por la producción de panela a nivel mundial, pero con inconvenientes en sus métodos de realización del producto, por ser muy artesanales en varios lugares del territorio. Esto motivó a realizar este estudio para un diseño de un sistema productivo sustentable de panela en el Municipio de Nariño, Antioquia por su tradición en la elaboración de este tipo de productos. El diseño se elabora a partir de diagramaciones que muestren las actividades del proceso y determinando la tecnología que se desea implementar, siendo un punto decisivo en la manera de producción de la panela; por último, se hace la distribución más pertinente en los centros de trabajo, teniendo en cuenta las medidas en las áreas de los diversos lugares de producción y que sirva finalmente como base para las personas de la región que deseen emprender en la producción de panela, una forma amigable con el ambienteColombia is a country recognized for the production of panela worldwide, but with drawbacks in its methods of making the product, for being very traditional in various parts of the territory. This motivated to carry out this study for a design of a sustainable panela production system in the Municipality of Nariño, Antioquia due to its tradition in the elaboration of this type of products. The design is made from diagrams that show the activities of the process and determining the technology to be implemented, being a decisive point in the way of production of the panela; Finally, the most pertinent distribution is made in the work centers, taking into account the measures in the areas of the various places of production and that finally serves as a base for the people of the region who wish to undertake the production of panela, an environmentally friendly wayRionegr

    Diseño de un sistema productivo sustentable para producción de panela en el municipio de Nariño, Antioquia

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    Colombia es un país reconocido por la producción de panela a nivel mundial, pero con inconvenientes en sus métodos de realización del producto, por ser muy artesanales en varios lugares del territorio. Esto motivó a realizar este estudio para un diseño de un sistema productivo sustentable de panela en el Municipio de Nariño, Antioquia por su tradición en la elaboración de este tipo de productos. El diseño se elabora a partir de diagramaciones que muestren las actividades del proceso y determinando la tecnología que se desea implementar, siendo un punto decisivo en la manera de producción de la panela; por último, se hace la distribución más pertinente en los centros de trabajo, teniendo en cuenta las medidas en las áreas de los diversos lugares de producción y que sirva finalmente como base para las personas de la región que deseen emprender en la producción de panela, una forma amigable con el ambienteColombia is a country recognized for the production of panela worldwide, but with drawbacks in its methods of making the product, for being very traditional in various parts of the territory. This motivated to carry out this study for a design of a sustainable panela production system in the Municipality of Nariño, Antioquia due to its tradition in the elaboration of this type of products. The design is made from diagrams that show the activities of the process and determining the technology to be implemented, being a decisive point in the way of production of the panela; Finally, the most pertinent distribution is made in the work centers, taking into account the measures in the areas of the various places of production and that finally serves as a base for the people of the region who wish to undertake the production of panela, an environmentally friendly wayRionegr

    The use of driving simulators for enhancing train driver’s performance in terms of energy consumption

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    [EN] This paper presents a driving simulator to be used by train drivers for training their driving skills in terms of energy-efficiency. In railway operations, previous experiences have shown differences in energy consumption up to 20 % among train drivers for the same journey in similar operational conditions. This shows great saving potentials in both economic and environmental terms. For this reason, railway companies wishing to become more efficient must encourage their train drivers to balance the energy consumption towards the minimum threshold. In this sense, driving simulators are a good complement for training courses on energy-saving best practices given to train drivers, where they can put into practice the learned contents. The developed driving simulator consists in an Excel spreadsheet including an accurate energy consumption model, which was previously developed from real measurements on different train services. The fact of being an Excel spreadsheet provides a familiar interface to train drivers, making easier its use, and becomes an affordable tool for small and medium size freight private railway companies. Furthermore, the fact of being a non-real-time simulation makes possible to perform a journey of several hours in a few minutes, thus being able to test different driving strategies for the same train journey in a short time period. In this paper, the driving simulator was applied to the Valencia-Cuenca-Aranjuez railway line operated by Renfe Operadora with Diesel Multiple Units. The results are given in terms of fuel consumption, costs of fuel and CO2 emissions and enable train drivers to find by themselves the most efficient way to drive the train between two stations. Finally, this driving simulator may serve as the basis for training and evaluating train drivers in order to set up a bonus/penalty policy for rewarding the most efficient train drivers and achieve an overall energy consumption reduction.The authors would like to thank Renfe Operadora for its help and offer during the train tests. Project Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Ref. TRA 2011- 26602.Salvador Zuriaga, P.; García Román, C.; Pineda Jaramillo, JD.; Insa Franco, R. (2016). The use of driving simulators for enhancing train driver’s performance in terms of energy consumption. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1852-1865. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.4236OCS1852186

    Mezclas de poliuretano termoplástico con polipropileno

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    Con el presente trabajo se realizarán mezclas en diferentes proporciones de materiales disponibles en el mercado (Poliuretanos termoplásticos, polipropilenos y aditivos), para realizar con ellos pruebas que puedan dar información sobre las propiedades de resistencia al medio ambiente y ductilidad necesaria para ser usadas en el medio industrial como reemplazo de las mezclas existentes de mayor valor. Como resultado se obtendrán placas y probetas de diferentes proporciones realizadas en el reómetro de torque las cuales serán usadas en pruebas adicionales para ser verificados en medios controlados y así lograr un sustituto adecuado para el uso de las mismas en la industria colombiana. Los materiales a usar serán un poliuretano termoplástico del fabricante Bayer, un polipropileno homopolímero del fabricante Plassol y aditivos de absorción ultra violeta (UV), para que en diferentes proporciones de cada elemento se logren encontrar cualidades que permitan su producción masiva a menores costos de producción.Ingeniero de Telecomunicacionespregrad

    Sistema de gestión de inventarios para SISSI S.A.S.

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    SISSI S.A.S., es una empresa que pertenece al sector textil, nació en 1993 con la idea de su fundador Alberto Stacey de fabricar y comercializar ropa interior de mujer y que al día de hoy sigue con la misma operación desde su apertura en la localidad de Fontibón En esta organización se evidenció la inexistencia de un sistema de información pertinente para el correcto manejo de sus inventarios, por tal motivo y teniendo en cuenta su necesidad, se buscó un modelo de inventario que se ajustara a las condiciones de la empresa, permitiendo así mejorar los procesos de compras y ventas. Para desarrollar y determinar el modelo apropiado fue pertinente indagar, conocer y verificar información referente a: Ventas, compras, proveedores y todo lo relacionado con los costos de fabricación; permitiendo obtener las variables para evaluar el modelo probabilístico de inventario de revisión continua, el cual de acuerdo a lo evaluado permite el mejoramiento de los procesos ya mencionados. Al desarrollar el Sistema de Gestión de inventario se espera, que SISSI S.A.S. mejore en el manejo de sus inventarios, y tenga en cuenta la información generada por el modelo, para hacer un análisis claro, consiente y específico, mejorando de esta manera la eficiencia y operación de la empresa.SISSI S.A.S., is a company belonging to the textile industry, was born in 1993 with the idea of its founder Alberto Stacey of women's underwear market and that continues today with the same operation since it opened in the town of Fontibón. In this organization evidenced the absence of a system of information relevant to the proper management of their inventories, for that reason and taking into account their needs, is seeking an inventory model that would meet the conditions of the company, thereby improving the buying and selling process. To develop and determine the appropriate model was appropriate to investigate, understand and verify information concerning sales, purchases, suppliers and everything related to manufacturing costs, allowing get the variables to assess the probability model continuous review inventory, which evaluated according to what allows the improvement of processes mentioned above. In developing the Inventory Management System is expected that SISSI S.A.S. improve the management of their inventories, and note the information generated by the model, to make a clear, conscious and specific, thus improving the efficiency and operation of the company