802 research outputs found

    Divorce risk factors and their variation over time in Spain

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the determinants of marriage dissolution in Spain and their variation over time for women married between 1949 and 2006. Data are drawn from the Survey of Fertility, Family and Values of 2006. The article analyses the transition from first marriage to marital dissolution for couples who married in two eras: one prior to the Divorce Law of 1981, during which social and legal barriers to dissolution were many, and one in the period after the law was introduced, during which barriers to marriage dissolution were far fewer. Analyses are conducted using a continuous time event history model. The results indicate some similarities between Spain and other countries, such as the positive relationship between the typical features of unconventional families and marital dissolution, but also some specific differences, such as an increase in the importance of premarital pregnancy and/or not having children. It is also important to stress the declining importance of socio-economic variables, such as education and the labour market situation of women.age heterogamy, children and divorce, divorce, education and divorce, event history analysis, parental divorce, premarital children, premarital cohabitation, premarital pregnancy, separation

    Género y clase en la biografía de una científica de élite

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    A pesar de que la sociología ha demostrado que los condicionamientos sociales, tales como el género o la clase social, son cruciales para explicar la trayectoria vital del individuo, es común la creencia en que la voluntad individual puede superar características sociológicas adversas para la consecución de una posición social aventajada. Las excepciones a la regularidad empírica constituyen ejemplos que refuerzan dicha idea. Gertrudis de la Fuente, pionera en la bioquímica en España, mujer e hija de un obrero, es una de esas excepciones. Su historia de vida sirve para reflexionar sobre la incidencia de los condicionamientos sociales en la «construcción de la vocación» y en la configuración de la trayectoria vital. Finalmente, se plantea el tributo que «las excepciones» han de pagar para lograr de una posición privilegiada en la élite científica desde la perspectiva de género.In spite of the fact that Sociology has proved that social conditionings, such as gender or social class, are crucial in explaining the life patterns of the individual, the belief that he or she can overcome adverse sociological limitations in order to achieve outstanding status is common. Exceptions to the empirical regularity constitute examples that support the aforementioned idea. Gertrudis de la Fuente, pioneer of Biochemistry in Spain, from a working class family, is one of those exceptions. Her life history is useful for reflecting on the incidence of social conditionings on «construction of vocation» and on shape of life patterns

    Problemas básicos de procesos de conformado por deformación metálica

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    La presente colección de problemas básicos sobre procesos de conformado por deformación plástica de metales tiene como objetivo principal complementar la formación académica de quienes cursen las asignaturas de Fabricación en los Grados de Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales de las Escuelas de Ingeniería Industrial. Los contenidos se han organizado inicialmente en dos secciones: procesos de conformado volumétrico y procesos de conformado de chapa, de acuerdo con la clasificación más habitual seguida en estos procesos. La sección dedicada a los procesos volumétricos (o masivos) se ha organizado a su vez en cuatro capítulos dedicados a los procesos de forja, laminación, extrusión y trefilado; así mismo la de conformado de chapa se ha organizado en tres: embutición, doblado y estirado. En todos los capítulos se resuelven detenidamente un conjunto de problemas de referencia cuyo objeto es intentar asegurar una correcta comprensión de los fundamentos de la mecánica de cada proceso de conformado. A esta primera relación de problemas resueltos le sigue una segunda colección de problemas propuestos, de la se aporta únicamente la solución final con objeto de que se realice el esfuerzo de resolución de los mismos por quien se los plantee al tiempo que sirva como autoevaluación de los conocimientos adquiridos

    Divorce risk factors and their variation over time in Spain

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the determinants of marriage dissolution in Spain and their variation over time for women married between 1949 and 2006. Data are drawn from the Survey of Fertility, Family and Values of 2006. The article analyses the transition from first marriage to marital dissolution for couples who married in two eras: one prior to the Divorce Law of 1981, during which social and legal barriers to dissolution were many, and one in the period after the law was introduced, during which barriers to marriage dissolution were far fewer. Analyses are conducted using a continuous time event history model. The results indicate some similarities between Spain and other countries, such as the positive relationship between the typical features of unconventional families and marital dissolution, but also some specific differences, such as an increase in the importance of premarital pregnancy and/or not having children. It is also important to stress the declining importance of socio-economic variables, such as education and the labour market situation of women

    La flexibilidad laboral: significados y consecuencias

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    The objectives of the paper are 1) to analyse the effects of labour flexibility on individuals from a lifecourse perspective and 2) to know whether flexibility has undermined or reinforced the effects of social classes, education and gender on several aspects concerning the life-course, above all those related to employment in Spain. The peculiarity of the Spanish case lies in the proportion of fixed-term contracts. The greatest difference between these contracts and permanent contracts is not the job to be done, or even its temporary or permanent nature, but rather the lower layoff cost. The way that the Welfare State has introduced flexibilisation has achieved a balance of risks between the generations, so that there cannot be said to be clear winners or losers. The data indicate that the effects of flexibilisation on the main changes in the labour market and in demography are much more modest than what the hypotheses predict. Similarly, flexibilisation has not evened out the risks among the different social classes and educational levels, although it has not provoked an increase in inequality, either.Los objetivos del articulo son 1) analizar las consecuencias de la flexibilidad laboral en el curso vital de los individuos, 2) asi como saber si la flexibilidad ha socavado o reforzado la importancia de las clases sociales, de la educacion y del genero en distintos aspectos concernientes al curso vital, sobre todo relacionados con el empleo en Espana. La peculiaridad espanola con respecto a la flexibilidad radica en la alta proporcion de contratos temporales. La mayor diferencia entre estos contratos y los indefinidos es su menor coste de despido. La manera en la que el Estado del Bienestar ha introducido la flexibilidad ha logrado un equilibrio de riesgos entre generaciones, por lo que no puede decirse que haya unos claros ganadores o perdedores. Los datos indican que los efectos de la flexibilizacion sobre el curso vital de los individuos son mucho mas modestos de lo que las hipotesis preven. Asimismo, la flexibilización no ha mermado la importancia de las clases sociales ni de los niveles de estudio para explicar la posición de los individuos en el mercado laboral, aunque tampoco hay una clara evidencia de que las brechas entre los individuos de distintas clases ocupaciones o con distintos niveles de estudio hayan aumentado en Espana

    Efectos de un programa de actividad física extracurricular en niños de primer ciclo de ESO con sobrepeso y obesidad

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    Obesity and its impact are increasingly obvious in Spanish society. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of an extracurricular intervention of physical and sports activities in order to improve students' body composition and fitness level between two groups of adolescences with overweight or obesity for a six-month period. Moreover, a comparison based on gender was also targeted in this intervention. The sample consisted of 38 students, seventeen boys and twenty-one girls, with BMI above the 85th percentile. Several fitness tests and anthropometric measurements were performed. The results showed significant improvements in the experimental group regarding their physical condition and body fat percentage compared to the control group who did not show any significant achievements. According to the comparison based on gender, within the experimental group, girls achieved more significant results both in their physical fitness and in their body fat percentage

    Employment opportunities at entry into the labor market in Spain since the mid-1970s

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    "The objectives of the research are: 1) to determine whether young people's job opportunities at the beginning of their careers have improved or worsened in Spain between 1976 and 2005, 2) to find out what individual characteristics favor or impede a good entry into the world of work, and 3) to find out how inequality according to gender, social class and educational level has evolved in a context where entry into the labor market is increasingly flexible. To this end, all of the trimesters of the Spanish Labor Force Survey were used, from the third trimester of 1976 to the third trimester of 2005. Two files were created, one with the typical ages at entry into the labor market according to level of studies and birth cohort, and the other with ages five years older than the previous ones. Logistic regressions and the artificial cohort method were used to analyze the likelihood of being employed, of having a fixed-term contract, and of being employed in an unskilled job for both of these life moments (entry into the labor market and the first steps in the labor market). With respect to the likelihood of being employed, the results show that entry into the labor market depends largely on the economic cycle. Insofar as concerns the quality of employment, young people today must face a reality that was unknown before the mid-eighties, namely temporary employment, despite the fact that the likelihood of working with a fixed-term contract has decreased slightly for the youngest cohorts. Similarly, the analyses show that temporary employment is, in most cases, a transitory state. As for the likelihood of occupying an unskilled position, the balance of the last thirty years is positive, because the change in the productive structure has favored young people's access to better positions, compared to their parents. Also, gender inequality has decreased, and social and educational level inequalities have not generally increased, although the results show nuances that will be further developed in the text." (author's abstract

    Origen social y paro: ¿importa la ocupación de los padres para evitar el desempleo?

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    The aim of the paper is to know whether the social origin influences the probability of being unemployed and, secondly, if so, to find out whether that influence remains even controlling for educational attainment. The third objective is to determine whether the influence of social origin varies depending on the level of education. 49 surveys from the Spanish Centre for Sociological Research carried out between 2013 and 2017 have been handled, and a linear probability model has been applied. The results show that there is a clear effect of social origin on unemployment, and that this effect occurs mainly indirectly, through the educational level. However, social origin continues to have an effect even controlling for education among university graduates (non engineerings) and among those with lower secondary or less education.Este artículo plantea tres objetivos. El primero, saber si el origen social influye en la probabilidad de estar parado y, en segundo lugar, en caso de que se sea así, averiguar si esa influencia se mantiene incluso comparando a individuos con el mismo nivel educativo. El tercer objetivo es determinar si el efecto del origen social en el paro varía en cada nivel de estudios. Para ello se han manejado 49 encuestas del CIS llevadas a cabo entre 2013 y 2017, y se ha aplicado un modelo de probabilidad lineal. Los resultados muestran que hay un efecto claro del origen social sobre el paro y que este efecto se produce sobre todo indirectamente, a través del nivel educativo. No obstante, el origen social sigue teniendo un efecto incluso controlando por la educación entre los licenciados o graduados universitarios (no ingenieros) y los que tienen la secundaria inicial o menos
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