11 research outputs found
Bogomolnyi-type bounds in unconventional superconductors without external magnetic fields
Following Bogomolnyi's classical treatment of vortices, we develop a method
for finding rigorous lower bounds to the Landau-Ginzburg free energy describing
unconventional superconductors in the absence of external magnetic fields. This
allows a more precise description of the magnetic instabilities previously
considered in these systems. In particular, we derive new sufficient conditions
for the stability of both the homogeneous and inhomogeneous equilibrium states.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, no figures, submitted to Solid State Communication
Chiral torsional effects in anomalous fluids in thermal equilibrium
[EN] Using the similarity between spacetime torsion and axial gauge couplings, we
study torsional contributions to the equilibrium partition function in a stationary background.
In the case of a charged fluid minimally coupled to torsion, we spot the existence
of linear torsional magnetic and vortical effects, while the axial-vector current and the
spin energy potential do not receive corrections in the torsion at linear order. The covariant
energy-momentum tensor, on the other hand, does contain terms linear in the torsion
tensor. The case of a two-flavor hadronic superfluid is also analyzed, and the torsional
contributions to the constitutive relations computed. Our results show the existence of a
torsional electric chiral effect mediated by the charged pions
Topology of SmB6 revisited by means of topological quantum chemistry
The mixed-valence compound SmB6 with partially filled samarium 4 flat bands hybridizing with 5 conduction bands is a paramount example of a correlated topological heavy-fermion system. In this study, we revisit the topology of SmB6 within the formalism of topological quantum chemistry and symmetry-based indicators. Based on this approach, we reach a detailed classification of the material's topology, and we reformulate the origin of topology in terms of band representations. We corroborate these aspects by constructing a minimal TB model that is consistent with all the symmetries of the system and is able to reproduce the topology of the material. We finally unveil the previously overlooked formation of multiple topological gaps, and we discuss its implications for experiments
Catalogue of topological phonon materials
Phonons play a crucial role in many properties of solid state systems, such
as thermal and electrical conductivity, neutron scattering and associated
effects or superconductivity. Hence, it is expected that topological phonons
will also lead to rich and unconventional physics and the search of materials
hosting topological phonons becomes a priority in the field. In electronic
crystalline materials, a large part of the topological properties of Bloch
states can be indicated by their symmetry eigenvalues in reciprocal space. This
has been adapted to the high-throughput calculations of topological materials,
and more than half of the stoichiometric materials on the databases are found
to be topological insulators or semi-metals. Based on the existing phonon
materials databases, here we have performed the first catalogue of topological
phonon bands for more than ten thousand three-dimensional crystalline
materials. Using topological quantum chemistry, we calculate the band
representations, compatibility relations, and band topologies of each isolated
set of phonon bands for the materials in the phonon databases. We have also
calculated the real space invariants for all the topologically trivial bands
and classified them as atomic and obstructed atomic bands. In particular,
surface phonon modes (dispersion) are calculated on different cleavage planes
for all the materials. Remarkably, we select more than one thousand "ideal"
non-trivial phonon materials to fascinate the future experimental studies. All
the data-sets obtained in the the high-throughput calculations are used to
build a Topological Phonon Database.Comment: 8+535 pages, 187 figures, 21 tables. The Topological Phonon Database
is available at https://www.topologicalquantumchemistry.com/topophonons or
Transversality-Enforced Tight-Binding Model for 3D Photonic Crystals aided by Topological Quantum Chemistry
Tight-binding models can accurately predict the band structure and topology
of crystalline systems and they have been heavily used in solid-state physics
due to their versatility and low computational cost. It is quite
straightforward to build an accurate tight-binding model of any crystalline
system using the maximally localized Wannier functions of the crystal as a
basis. In 1D and 2D photonic crystals, it is possible to express the wave
equation as two decoupled scalar eigenproblems where finding a basis of
maximally localized Wannier functions is feasible using standard Wannierization
methods. Unfortunately, in 3D photonic crystals, the vectorial nature of the
electromagnetic solutions cannot be avoided. This precludes the construction of
a basis of maximally localized Wannier functions via usual techniques. In this
work, we show how to overcome this problem by using topological quantum
chemistry which will allow us to express the band structure of the photonic
crystal as a difference of elementary band representations. This can be
achieved by the introduction of a set of auxiliary modes, as recently proposed
by Solja\v{c}i\'c et. al., which regularize the -point obstruction
arising from transversality constraint of the Maxwell equations. The
decomposition into elementary band representations allows us to isolate a set
of pseudo-orbitals that permit us to construct an accurate
transversality-enforced tight-binding model (TETB) that matches the dispersion,
symmetry content, and topology of the 3D photonic crystal under study.
Moreover, we show how to introduce the effects of a gyrotropic bias in the
framework, modeled via non-minimal coupling to a static magnetic field. Our
work provides the first systematic method to analytically model the photonic
bands of the lowest transverse modes over the entire BZ via a TETB model.Comment: 3 figure
Data for "Catalog of topological phonon materials"
<p>Additional material for the article "Catalog of topological phonon materials", Science (2023)</p>
Immuno-priming durvalumab with bevacizumab in HER2-negative advanced breast cancer : a pilot clinical trial
Preclinical research suggests that the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in breast cancer can be enhanced by combining them with antiangiogenics, particularly in a sequential fashion. We sought to explore the efficacy and biomarkers of combining the anti-PD-L1 durvalumab plus the antiangiogenic bevacizumab after bevacizumab monotherapy for advanced HER2-negative breast cancer. Patients had advanced HER2-negative disease that progressed while receiving single-agent bevacizumab maintenance as a part of a previous chemotherapy plus bevacizumab regimen. Treatment consisted of bi-weekly durvalumab plus bevacizumab (10 mg/kg each i.v.). Peripheral-blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were obtained before the first durvalumab dose and every 4 weeks and immunophenotyped by flow-cytometry. A fresh pre-durvalumab tumor biopsy was obtained; gene-expression studies and immunohistochemical staining to assess vascular normalization and characterize the immune infiltrate were conducted. Patients were classified as "non-progressors" if they had clinical benefit (SD/PR/CR) at 4 months. The co-primary endpoints were the changes in the percentage T cell subpopulations in PBMCs in progressors versus non-progressors, and PFS/OS time. Twenty-six patients were accrued. Median PFS and OS were 3.5 and 11 months; a trend for a longer OS was detected for the hormone-positive subset (19.8 versus 7.4 months in triple-negatives; P = 0.11). Clinical benefit rate at 2 and 4 months was 60% and 44%, respectively, without significant differences between hormone-positive and triple-negative (P = 0.73). Non-progressors' tumors displayed vascular normalization features as a result of previous bevacizumab, compared with generally abnormal patterns observed in progressors. Non-progressors also showed increased T-effector and T-memory signatures and decreased T signatures in gene expression studies in baseline-post-bevacizumab-tumors compared with progressors. Notably, analysis of PBMC populations before durvalumab treatment was concordant with the findings in tumor samples and showed a decreased percentage of circulating T in non-progressors. This study reporting on sequential bevacizumab+durvalumab in breast cancer showed encouraging activity in a heavily pre-treated cohort. The correlative studies agree with the preclinical rationale supporting an immunopriming effect exerted by antiangiogenic treatment, probably by reducing T cells both systemically and in tumor tissue. The magnitude of this benefit should be addressed in a randomized setting. (www.clinicaltrials.gov):. Registered on June 16, 202
Esclerosi múltiple: preguntes i respostes per a pacients i familiars
Ha colaborado en este proyecto el Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante (ISABIAL).Este libro pretende resolver algunas dudas que plantea la Esclerosis Múltiple, mediante un formato de preguntas y respuestas que los autores de este libro (profesionales y especialistas multidisciplinares involucrados en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad) han intentado condensar en estas páginas. Trasladando de este modo los conocimientos y la experiencia acumulados. Este libro tiene algunas peculiaridades. La primera es que en su redacción y revisión han participado pacientes de la Asociación de Esclerosis Múltiple de Alicante (ADEMA) y de la Asociación Alicantina de Esclerosis Múltiple "Vega Baja" y ello ha ayudado a conseguir una redacción y contenido claro y conciso, sin tecnicismos innecesarios, pero de gran aplicación y contenido científico clínico. La segunda peculiaridad es que, al ser la Comunidad Valenciana, donde vivimos, una comunidad plurilingüe, este libro tiene versiones en castellano y en valenciano. La tercera peculiaridad es que el libro no tiene patrocinio de la industria farmacéutica y ninguno de los autores ha recibido remuneración por su contribución. Conscientes de que los conocimientos y los tratamientos sobre la enfermedad van cambiando con el tiempo, se intentará actualizarlo periódicamente y tras esta edición de mayo de 2017. Se estructura en los siguientes capítulos: 1) ¿Qué es la esclerosis múltiple i por qué se produce?; 2) Los síntomas de la enfermedad; 3) Diagnóstico; 4) Tratamiento; 5) Tratamiento rehabilitador y sintomático; 6) Dolor y Esclerosis Múltiple; 7) Aspectos emocionales en la Esclerosis Múltiple; 8) La Esclerosis Múltiple y la mujer; 9) Mi vida día día; 10) Actividad física y ejercicio; 11) Ármate de valor.Aquest llibre pretén resoldre alguns dubtes que planteja l'Esclerosi Múltiple, mitjançant un format de preguntes i respostes que els autors d'aquest llibre (professionals i especialistes multidisciplinaris involucrats en el diagnòstic i tractament de la malaltia) han intentat condensar en aquestes pàgines. Traslladant d'aquesta manera els coneixements i l'experiència acumulats. Aquest llibre té algunes peculiaritats. La primera és que en la seua redacció i revisió han participat pacients de l'Associació d'Esclerosi Múltiple d'Alacant (ADEMA) i de l'Associació Alacantina d'Esclerosi Múltiple "Vega Baixa" i això ha ajudat a aconseguir una redacció i contingut clar i concís, sense tecnicismes innecessaris, però de gran aplicació i contingut científic clínic. La segona peculiaritat és que, en ser la Comunitat Valenciana, on vivim, una comunitat plurilingüe, aquest llibre té versions en castellà i en valencià. La tercera peculiaritat és que el llibre no té patrocini de la indústria farmacèutica i cap dels autors ha rebut remuneració per la seua contribució. Conscients que els coneixements i els tractaments sobre la malaltia van canviant amb el temps, s'intentarà actualitzar-lo periòdicament i després d'aquesta edició de maig de 2017. S'estructura en els següents capítols: 1) Què és l'esclerosi múltiple i per què es produeix?; 2) Els símptomes de la malaltia; 3) Diagnòstic; 4) Tractament; 5) Tractament rehabilitador i simptomàtic; 6) Dolor i Esclerosi Múltiple; 7) Aspectes emocionals en l'Esclerosi Múltiple; 8) L'Esclerosi Múltiple i la dona; 9) La meua vida dia dia; 10) Activitat física i exercici; 11) Arma't de valor