926 research outputs found

    Las nuevas leyes de derecho de autor: ¿adecuadas para la preservación digital?

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    Introducción. Además de dificultades de naturaleza técnica y económico-organizativa, la preservación digital se enfrenta con graves problemas de tipo legal, en especial con el derecho de autor, ya que todas las estrategias de preservación implican normalmente la copia de la información y/o la utilización de software con derechos de autor. El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar hasta qué punto es adecuada la legislación actual de derecho de autor para hacer frente a las necesidades de preservación de los materiales informativos que componen las colecciones de las bibliotecas. Metodología. Análisis de una muestra representativa de las leyes nacionales de aquellos países que las han reformado más recientemente, además del impacto de los otros dos métodos de protección: contractual y tecnológico. Resultados. Incluso tras las recientes reformas, la legislación actual es de escasa utilidad para las actividades de preservación digital, ya que se han desaprovechado las posibilidades que ofrece el Tratado de la OMPI de 1996 para adaptar y ampliar las limitaciones y excepciones a los derechos de autor. Conclusiones. Es necesaria una reforma de la legislación que permita llevar a cabo todas las actividades de copia y comunicación de obras y de uso de software necesarias, incluso eludiendo la protección tecnológica, si es preciso. Pero esto no es suficiente para las obras bajo licencia, para las que la mejor solución sería la inclusión de cláusulas específicas que faciliten la preservación, por lo que es imprescindible la cooperación entre los dos sectores implicados: bibliotecas y propietarios de los derechos.Introduction. Besides technical and economic-organisational problems, digital preservation also faces legal issues, especially regarding copyright legislation, since all digital preservation strategies involve copying materials and/or using software which is typically copyrighted. The purpose of this paper is to ascertain the extent to which current copyright laws meet the preservation requirements of library materials.. Methodology. A cross-sectional analysis of recently updated national copyright laws as well as the impact of the other two protection methods: contractual and technological. Results. Even after the latest updates current copyright legislation is almost useless for digital preservation activities since the opportunities provided by WIPO Copyright Treaty to adapt and extend copyright exceptions and limitations have been used to the full. Conclusion. We need a legislation reform that will make it possible to carry out all required copying and communication activities and software use, even if circumventing technological protection is needed. But that is not enough for licensed works. The best solution for this kind of work is to include specific clauses in the licences that facilitate preservation activities. Thus, cooperation between both parties, libraries and rights' holders, is essential

    Acerca de las cartas de servicios de bibliotecas públicas españolas: un análisis de la información sobre los derechos de autor.

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    Objective. The majority of the services offered by public libraries are involved in copyright. This work has the aim to find out, based on the content analysis of the services charts, whether the existing relationships between the services offered and the copyright involved are properly identified and whether this is adequately communicated to the users as required by the quality management regulation. Design/Methodology/Approach. It is based on the location of the services charts of the Spanish public libraries. A sample is selected for the qualitative analysis including a wide variety of libraries. Out of these, as a first approach to the study of the subject, only the services and information of general nature are analysed. The following aspects are also checked: the existence of references to the regulations on copyright; the mechanisms available for the citizen to communicate with the library and participate in its management; and the services offered and the legal consequences for the citizen, what should be reflected on the content of the services charts. Results/Discussion. The results bring to light the fact that the references to copyrights in the services charts of the Spanish public libraries are scarce, either regulations or matters of general nature or specific regarding their application to the services provided to users. Conclusions. This work exposes that the services offered by public libraries have numerous copyright implications but that these do not seem to be properly identified for their inclusion in the services charts. The conclusions specify what sort of information is gathered in this respect and which way. Originality/Value. The majority of the services offered by public libraries are involved in copyright. However, this is an insufficiently studied field. In addition, these implications have increased in number and complexity with the development of the digital environment. On the other hand, the application of the quality management and the rules derived from this compels the public libraries to elaborate quality tools with the purpose of facilitating the communication between the institution and the citizens, in particular, the services charts. Thus, a study of this nature is of interest

    A new sensor-based self-configurable bandstop filter for reducing the energy leakage in industrial microwave ovens

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    In this work a new sensor-based self-configurable waveguide bandstop filter that uses a combination of metallic irises and reconfigurable posts for reducing the energy leakage in industrial microwave ovens is presented and validated through a procedure fully based on measurements. Several optimization and reconfiguration alternatives of the moving posts such as genetic algorithms and parametric sweeps are assessed. Results show that good attenuation values can be obtained for all the analyzed scenarios. In particular, genetic algorithms are shown as the best search strategy. Design and optimization times are also reduced when using the proposed filter compared to computer simulations

    Electromagnetic equivalent models for printed circuit boards inside a metallic enclosure Using a coaxial-to-waveguide transition calibration

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    Equivalent models of printed circuit boards are useful to simplify electromagnetic problems by reducing the computational costs of numerical simulations. In this paper, a new procedure for obtaining a simple equivalent model of printed circuit boards inside metallic enclosures is presented. The equivalent model is obtained in two steps: first we precisely characterize the coaxial to waveguide transitions used during measurements by means of an inverse procedure and then during a second inverse procedure, we carry out simulations by concatenating these transitions and the equivalent model and comparing to measurements. The optimized parameters for the equivalent model are: thickness, dielectric constant and the electric conductivity. Results for a printed circuit board in three scenarios have been obtained by using a sweep and two different optimization techniques. Benefits and drawbacks of the model are discussed. Results indicate that this procedure produces very precise characterization of the equivalent model of PCBs depending on the position and orientation of this device within the enclosure.This work was supported in part by the Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia, under the Séneca predoctoral fellowship with reference 16381/FPI/10 and under the project 00700/PPC/0

    Schroedinger vs. Navier-Stokes

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    [EN] Quantum mechanics has been argued to be a coarse-graining of some underlying deterministic theory. Here we support this view by establishing a map between certain solutions of the Schroedinger equation, and the corresponding solutions of the irrotational Navier-Stokes equation for viscous fluid flow. As a physical model for the fluid itself we propose the quantum probability fluid. It turns out that the (state-dependent) viscosity of this fluid is proportional to Planck's constant, while the volume density of entropy is proportional to Boltzmann's constant. Stationary states have zero viscosity and a vanishing time rate of entropy density. On the other hand, the nonzero viscosity of nonstationary states provides an information-loss mechanism whereby a deterministic theory (a classical fluid governed by the Navier-Stokes equation) gives rise to an emergent theory (a quantum particle governed by the Schroedinger equation).Fernández De Córdoba, P.; Isidro San Juan, JM.; Vazquez Molina, J. (2016). Schroedinger vs. Navier-Stokes. Entropy. 18(1):1-11. doi:10.3390/e18010034S11118

    A novel technique for sterilization using a power self-regulated single-mode microwave cavity

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    In this paper, a novel technique to achieve precise temperatures in food sterilization has been proposed. An accurate temperature profile is needed in order to reach a commitment between the total removal of pathogens inside the product and the preservation of nutritional and organoleptic characteristics. The minimal variation of the target temperature in the sample by means of a monitoring and control software platform, allowing temperature stabilization over 100 °C, is the main goal of this work. A cylindrical microwave oven, under pressure conditions and continuous control of the microwave supply power as function of the final temperature inside the sample, has been designed and developed with conditions of single-mode resonance. The uniform heating in the product is achieved by means of sample movement and the self-regulated power control using the measured temperature. Finally, for testing the sterilization of food with this technology, specific biological validation based on Bacillus cereus as a biosensor of heat inactivation has been incorporated as a distribution along the sample in the experimental process to measure the colony-forming units (CFUs) for different food samples (laboratory medium, soup, or fish-based animal by-products). The obtained results allow the validation of this new technology for food sterilization with precise control of the microwave system to ensure the uniform elimination of pathogens using high temperatures.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under the project with reference DPI2014-61857-EXP

    Nueva especie de microalga y su aplicación para consumo animal, humano y en la obtención de carotenoides

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    Número de publicación: ES2259548 A1 (01.10.2006) También publicado como: ES2259548 B1 (01.10.2007) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.)P200500374 (18.02.2005)Una nueva cepa de Scenedesmus ha sido aislada en la estación experimental "Las Palmerillas-CAJAMAR", siendo identificada como "microorganismo no previamente registrado" por la Universidad de Gottinghem, y depositada en la Culture Collection of Alagae and Protozoa (CCAP) como Scenedesmus almeriensis. La nueva cepa puede ser utilizada para consumo animal y/o humano, y produce elevadas cantidades de carotenoides, especialmente luteína y betacaroteno. Scenedesmus almeriensis crece adecuadamente en un amplio rango de temperaturas de 10°C a 40°C, a un pH de 7.0 a 9.5, y es tolerante a elevadas concentraciones de cobre, de hasta 1 mg/L. La cepa microalgal, cultivada en un fotobiorreactor de 4000 L en el que el cultivo se impulsa mecánicamente, produce luteína en una cantidad de al menos 4 mg por gramo de materia seca. Esta cepa es muy adecuada para la producción de carotenoides de aplicación en el tratamiento de desordenes de la macular ocular.Universidad de Almerí

    Entropy, Topological Theories and Emergent Quantum Mechanics

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    [EN] The classical thermostatics of equilibrium processes is shown to possess a quantum mechanical dual theory with a finite dimensional Hilbert space of quantum states. Specifically, the kernel of a certain Hamiltonian operator becomes the Hilbert space of quasistatic quantum mechanics. The relation of thermostatics to topological field theory is also discussed in the context of the approach of the emergence of quantum theory, where the concept of entropy plays a key role.Research supported by grant No. ENE2015-71333-R (Spain).Cabrera, D.; Fernández De Córdoba Castellá, PJ.; Isidro San Juan, JM.; Vazquez Molina, J. (2017). Entropy, Topological Theories and Emergent Quantum Mechanics. Entropy. 19(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/e19030087S19

    Lattice scars: Surviving in an open discrete billiard

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    We study quantum systems on a discrete bounded lattice (lattice billiards). The statistical properties of their spectra show universal features related to the regular or chaotic character of their classical continuum counterparts. However, the decay dynamics of the open systems appear very different from the continuum case, their properties being dominated by the states in the band center. We identify a class of states ("lattice scars") that survive for infinite times in dissipative systems and that are degenerate at the center of the band. We provide analytical arguments for their existence in any bipartite lattice, and give a formula to determine their number. These states should be relevant to quantum transport in discrete systems, and we discuss how to observe them using photonic waveguides, cold atoms in optical lattices, and quantum circuits.Comment: 14 one-column pages, 6 figures. Watch appearance of scars during dynamical evolution on movies at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sCbQmYfF-E and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XZw4zZjrG0. v2: title changed; more details on experimental implementations. Accepted for publication by New J. Phy