2,167 research outputs found

    Structural considerations in zeotropic distillation sequences with multiple feeds

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    The separation of multiple feed streams with some common components using sequences of distillation columns produces a rich space of alternatives that must be considered. In this work, we present the main structural characteristics of sequences generated when we want to take advantage of the synergies of common components in multiple feed streams to reduce both, energy consumption and the total number of distillation columns. In general, the sequence of separation tasks of the whole system can be obtained from the sequences of separation tasks of each one of the feeds. However, the integration in actual columns is not so straightforward and we must consider aspects like the optimal location of feeds in multiple-feed columns; and the alternatives of integration of common sub-mixtures (when possible) in actual columns. Besides, the optimal sequence of separation tasks for each feed is not necessarily the same when all of them are considered simultaneously. We show that the minimum number of actual columns, without considering further intensification, depends on the number of components in each feed and on the possibilities of integration of common sub-mixtures, so we extend the concepts of regular and basic column sequences to deal with these new situations. The examples show the potential savings in energy and number of columns compared to maintain isolated each feed; mixing the feed streams or an incorrect integration.The authors acknowledge financial support to the “Generalitat Valenciana” under project PROMETEO 2020/064

    Rigorous design of distillation columns using surrogate models based on Kriging interpolation

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    The economic design of a distillation column or distillation sequences is a challenging problem that has been addressed by superstructure approaches. However, these methods have not been widely used because they lead to mixed-integer nonlinear programs that are hard to solve, and require complex initialization procedures. In this article, we propose to address this challenging problem by substituting the distillation columns by Kriging-based surrogate models generated via state of the art distillation models. We study different columns with increasing difficulty, and show that it is possible to get accurate Kriging-based surrogate models. The optimization strategy ensures that convergence to a local optimum is guaranteed for numerical noise-free models. For distillation columns (slightly noisy systems), Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions cannot be tested directly on the actual model, but still we can guarantee a local minimum in a trust region of the surrogate model that contains the actual local minimum.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, under the project CTQ2012-37039-C02-02

    3D-form metrology of arbitrary optical surfaces by absorption in fluids

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    We present an imaging technique for the 3D-form metrology of optical surfaces. It is based on the optical absorption in fluids situated between the surface and a reference. An improved setup with a bi-chromatic light source is fundamental to obtain reliable topographic maps. It is able to measure any surface finish (rough or polished), form and slope and independently of scale. We present results focused on flat and spherical optical surfaces, arrays of lenses and with different surface finish (rough-polished). We achieve form accuracies from several nanometers to sub-lambda for sag departures from tens to hundred of microns. Therefore, it seems suitable for the quality control in the production of precision aspheric, freeform lenses and other complex shapes on transparent substrates, independently of the surface finish

    Hybrid simulation-equation based synthesis of chemical processes

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    A challenging problem in the synthesis and design of chemical processes consists of dealing with hybrid models involving process simulators and explicit constraints. Some unit operations in modular process simulators are slightly noisy or require large CPU times to converge. In this work, this problem is addressed by combining process simulators and surrogate models. We have replaced some unit operations, which cannot be used directly with a gradient-based optimization, by surrogate models based on Kriging interpolation. To increase the robustness of the resulting optimization model, we perform a degree of freedom analysis and aggregate (or disaggregate) parts of the model to reduce the number of independent variables of the Kriging surrogate models (KSMs). Thus, the final model is composed of KSMs, unit operations (maintained in the process simulator) and also explicit equations. The optimization of the well-known vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) production process is performed to test the proposed approach. The effect of the heat integration is also studied. In addition, the economic feasibility of the optimized process is calculated assuming uncertainty in raw material and product prices.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness from Spain, under the project CTQ2016-77968-C3-02-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), and Call 2013 National Sub-Program for Training, Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for doctoral training (BES-2013-064791)

    Tratamiento de aguas residuales de matadero con elevado contenido en sangre mediante combinación de sistemas, anaerobio de película fija (BAPF) y aerobio de membrana (MBR)

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    La naturaleza líquida de la sangre, unida a su baja valorización como subproducto, ocasiona que, en mayor o menor medida, acabe formando parte de las aguas residuales de los mataderos, incrementando su carga contaminante, lo que dificulta y encarece su tratamiento mediante los procesos de depuración convencionales habitualmente implantados en esta industria. Además, las crecientes exigencias en la calidad de vertido, especialmente en lo que respecta a la eliminación de nutrientes, hacen que cada vez sea más necesario el empleo de tecnologías de depuración avanzadas. En este trabajo se efectúa un estudio de viabilidad, a escala piloto, con objeto de optimizar el tratamiento necesario desde un punto de vista técnico-económico, mediante la combinación de la biotecnología anaerobia y el tratamiento avanzado en reactores biológicos de membrana. Para ello, se evalúan las principales limitaciones de ambas tecnologías, como la inhibición del proceso anaerobio por el nitrógeno amoniacal que libera la degradación de las proteínas, así como el ensuciamiento de las membranas. _____________________________________ The liquid nature of blood, joined to his low valuation as by-product, causes that, in major or minor measure, it ends up forming part of the slaughterhouse wastewater, increasing its pollutant load, which makes difficult and increases cost of its treatment by means of the conventional processes habitually implanted in this industry. In addition, the increasing requirements in the quality of effluent, specially regarding the elimination of nutrients, do more necessary the employment of advanced technologies of treatment. In this work, a viability study to pilot scale is effected, in order to optimize the necessary treatment from a technical - economical point of view, by means of the combination of the anaerobic biotechnology and the advanced treatment in membrane biological reactors. For it, there are evaluated the principal limitations of both technologies, as the inhibition of the anaerobic process for the ammonia nitrogen liberates in the degradation of the proteins, as well as the fouling of the membranes

    Rigorous Design of Complex Distillation Columns Using Process Simulators and the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    We present a derivative-free optimization algorithm coupled with a chemical process simulator for the optimal design of individual and complex distillation processes using a rigorous tray-by-tray model. The proposed approach serves as an alternative tool to the various models based on nonlinear programming (NLP) or mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) . This is accomplished by combining the advantages of using a commercial process simulator (Aspen Hysys), including especially suited numerical methods developed for the convergence of distillation columns, with the benefits of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) metaheuristic algorithm, which does not require gradient information and has the ability to escape from local optima. Our method inherits the superstructure developed in Yeomans, H.; Grossmann, I. E.Optimal design of complex distillation columns using rigorous tray-by-tray disjunctive programming models. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2000, 39 (11), 4326–4335, in which the nonexisting trays are considered as simple bypasses of liquid and vapor flows. The implemented tool provides the optimal configuration of distillation column systems, which includes continuous and discrete variables, through the minimization of the total annual cost (TAC). The robustness and flexibility of the method is proven through the successful design and synthesis of three distillation systems of increasing complexity.The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from the Spanish “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación” (CTQ2009-14420-C02-02 and CTQ2012-37039-C02-02)

    Election of Water Resources Management Entity Using a Multi-Criteria Decision (MCD) Method in Salta Province (Argentine)

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    At present, the water resources are a strategic element each time more necessary and limited becoming a source of conflicts. For that, it is fundamental to create an independent and competent entity with good reputation and social acceptation. This entity must be able to obtain, store and process all data dispersed in different entities creating a network for these purposes. Finally, it must be able to organize different branches between the government and the final users. Using one of the wellknown Multicriteria Decision Methods(MCDM) with several realistic alternatives and several criteria identified in expert seminars in Salta and Madrid, we have obtained hopeful results and more recently new modifications introduced have generated better results

    Vigilancia paramétrica de la bilinealidad de transmisores de presión por análisis de ruido

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es detectar la no linealidad asociada al comportamiento de un transmisor de presión capacitivo tipo Rosemount, cuando éste sufre pérdidas de aceite. La metodología propuesta consiste en suponer un comportamiento dinámico bilineal. Se simula la respuesta tanto del transmisor como de su línea sensora a una excitación de tipo ruido blanco y se trata la señal de medida aplicando modelos autorregresivos univariantes. Se plantea la simulación introduciendo el empleo de dos familias de coeficientes autorregresivos para reproducir la bilinealidad, no considerando la ecuación estocástica asociada a la excitación por ruido blanco. A partir de los resultados se ha definido un índice de vigilancia paramétrica para complementar la medida del tiempo de respuesta del sensor, ya que dicho tiempo no es la magnitud adecuada para detectar la bilinealidad

    Comparison of Brans Promethee multicriteria decision method and Promethee modified by authors for the optimization of an erosion control integral plan in Chaco area in Salta province (Argentine)

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    Chaco area is situated in the Province of Salta at North West of Argentine. The desertification is a big problem. In order to mitigate the problem it is necessary to take into account not only pedologic criteria but the economical, environmental, cultural and sociological criteria. Six sub zones have been established following previous studies. Eight criteria and six alternatives have been introduced in the model. Following the results of the study carried out by a collaborative project between UPM and UCS financed by AECID (1) were established several initial matrix. Brans Promethee multicriteria decision method (MCDM) was applied and the authors modified that method introducing weights like in Electre metho

    Suitability Study of Structure-from-Motion for the Digitisation of Architectural (Heritage) Spaces to Apply Divergent Photograph Collection

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    The digitisation of architectural heritage has experienced a great development of low-cost and high-definition data capture technologies, thus enabling the accurate and effective modelling of complex heritage assets. Accordingly, research has identified the best methods to survey historic buildings, but the suitability of Structure-from-Motion/Multi-view-Stereo (SfM/MVS) for interior square symmetrical architectural spaces is unexplored. In contrast to the traditional SfM surveying for which the camera surrounds the object, the photograph collection approach is divergent in courtyards. This paper evaluates the accuracy of SfM point clouds against Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) for these large architectural spaces with a symmetrical configuration, with the main courtyard of Casa de Pilatos in Seville, Spain, as a case study. Two different SfM surveys were conducted: (1) Without control points, and (2) referenced using a total station. The first survey yielded unacceptable results: A standard deviation of 0.0576 m was achieved in the northwest sector of the case study, mainly because of the difficulty of aligning the SfM and TLS data due to the way they are produced. This value could be admissible depending on the purpose of the photogrammetric model