2,076 research outputs found

    Deployment and validation of a communication suite using an NFV service platform

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    Telecommunications are in permanent and constant change. The arrival of 5G brings new use cases to the table, wich drive the standarisation and where the efforts shall be directed. Also, Vertical Industries are demanding better performance in terms of network flexibility and computation power to Infrastructure Providers, and even vertical applications are requiring more complex scenarios (e.g., in Industrial, Immersive Media and Real Time Communication applications). Vertical industries do not only require a reliable, fast platform, but also to reduce on time-to-market and capability to manage Quality of Service (QoS) for certain applications. ETSI Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) ISG is doing an effort to give solutions to these new problems aroused. In NFV nomenclature, these applications are abstracted by a concept called Network Service. Some of these Network Services might be instantiated in complex scenarios, which must be connected across a Wide Area Networks (WAN), where recently Software Defined Networks (SDN) have been acquiring more importance, reducing Capex and Opex costs for WAN providers but also speeding up the process of network configuration, where Open and well-defined APIs are becoming a key to success. To solve the problem of instantiating services across a WAN, there exist the concept of WAN Infrastructure Manager (WIM), a component defined in ETSI NFV architecture and which currently Orchestration Platforms developers are bringing up some solutions with. WIM(s) communicates directly with the NFV Orchestrator, the main component governing a NFV Management and Orchestration Platform. In this respect, this thesis has developed a solution within 5GPPP 5GTANGO project to extend SONATA NFV platform in order to be used to deploy network services over multiple Virtualisation Infrastructure Managers (VIM), which are interconnected through one or multiple WIM(s), using ONF Transport API (T-API) definition as WIM Southbound API Interface. Moreover, these instantiation has been validated and it has been analyzed the benefit of using a Point Of Presence (PoP) closer located at the 'edge' for instantiating a QoS reliant Network Service. T-API has been also extended in order to be used in application connectivity services, allowing an extension of what is called in SDN 'flow matching'. Thus, the main output of this thesis is going to be included in new SONATA Service Platform release 5.0, and furthermore is going to have a critical importance to give functionality to one of 5GTANGO project pilots

    Aplicabilidad del modelo de análisis de corrientes múltiples: estudio de caso frente a la política pública de infraestructura vial en Colombia en el caso de la ventana de oportunidad de las asociaciones público-privadas (APP)

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    116 páginasBy 2018, it is expected to have the largest historical investment in transport infrastructure coming from prívate sources. This shows a significant change in the trend of the financing of this sectoral policy. In this sense, the thesis' main question: Has there been any window of opportunity used by a political entrepreneur to determine the public policy solution adopted far road infrastructure policies in Colombia? By the application of the Multiple Streams Approach (MSA) Model structured and developed by John Kingdon, it is concluded that there were at least two windows of opportunity far the-case of public-private partnerships lPPP). Both of the cases opened by the political stream, whose political entrepreneur could not be determined. However, the text preved the possibility of applying the MSA in Colombia for the specific case of the road transport policy.Para 2018, se espera que se presenten las mayores inversiones históricas en infraestructura de transporte con fuente privada. Esto evidencia un cambio significativo en la tendencia de la financiación de dicha política sectorial. En este sentido, la tesis se pregunta: ¿Ha existido alguna ventana de oportunidad aprovechada por un emprendedor político que determine la solución de política pública adoptada para las políticas de infraestructura vial en Colombia? A lo que por medio de la aplicación del Modelo de Análisis de Corrientes Múltiples (MSA) de John Kingdon, se llega a la conclusión de que se evidenciaron al menos dos ventanas de oportunidad para el caso de las alianzas público privadas, en ambos casos abiertas por la corriente política, cuyo emprendedor político no logra ser determinado. Sin embargo, el documento logra probar la posibilidad de aplicación del MSA en Colombia para el caso específico de la política de transporte de carreteras.Magíster en Gobierno y Políticas PúblicasMaestrí

    Hidrólisis ácida del residuo de poda de olivo en un reactor continuo de extrusión

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    La hidrólisis de materiales lignocelulósicos en condiciones suaves conduce a una disolución de azúcares procedentes de la fracción hemicelulósica, así como una serie de compuestos que pueden inhibir su posible fermentación.Para intentar reducir la degradación de los azúcares, se ha ensayado la hidrólisis del residuo de poda del olivar en un reactor de extrusión de doble hélice, ya que la acción mecánica de esta técnica permite aumentar la hidrólisis de las fibras y operar en continuo y a temperaturas inferiores. Se ha trabajado en el rango de temperatura de 70 a 100 ºC y a concentraciones de ácido sulfúrico de 1 a 3 N. El rendimiento en D-glucosa alcanza el 7,4% pero los rendimientos en pentosas son bajos,ya que las hemicelulosas son hidrolizadas en pequeñaextensión. Aunque este hecho puede restar interés a laextrusión como etapa única de hidrólisis, al menos en las condiciones ensayadas, le confiere un gran interés como pretratamiento si el objetivo del mismo es la obtenciónde D-xilosa fermentable

    Optimización de una infraestructura de red basada en Smart APs

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    En empresas, centros comerciales y campus universitarios, el despliegue de una red Wi-Fi con un conjunto de puntos de acceso coordinados se está convirtiendo en una solución común para proveer de acceso a Internet a los usuarios. Los servicios que utilizan estos usuarios son muy variados, y además se deben suministrar tanto a usuarios estáticos como móviles con la calidad suficiente. El Proyecto Wi-5 propone una plataforma que, usando conceptos de SDN y puntos de acceso inteligentes, logre hacer un uso más eficiente de los recursos disponibles. Dentro de este contexto, los objetivos de este trabajo han consistido en optimizar aspectos de funcionamiento de la plataforma aparte de añadir funcionalidades de monitorización y control del sistema. Para ello se ha revisado el código y realizado mejoras sustanciales e implementaciones de dichas funcionalidades. Para validar las mejoras se han efectuado un conjunto de experimentos variando parámetros de la configuración. De estos experimentos se ha llegado a una solución válida para cualquier tipo de servicio, incluso aquellos servicios de tiempo real con determinados requerimientos de calidad, aplicable a una gran variedad de dispositivos (portátiles, móviles, PC...), sin perder el enfoque en la escalabilidad del sistema. En concreto, se ha conseguido un mecanismo de traspaso de clientes entre los puntos de acceso, de forma transparente al usuario. Además, queda patente que el tipo de servicios coexistentes en un punto de acceso debe ser tenido en cuenta a la hora de ejecutar algoritmos de gestión de recursos en la red, con el fin de proveer una mejor calidad de servicio. Estos avances podrán ser considerados para el diseño de redes Wi-Fi inalámbricas con múltiples puntos de acceso

    Nanoporous alumina support covered by imidazole moiety-based ionic liquids: optical characterization and application

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    This work analyzes chemical surface and optical characteristics of a commercial nanoporous alumina structure (NPAS) as a result of surface coverage by different imidazolium-based ionic liquids (1-butyl-3-metylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, 3-methyl-1-octylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, or 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate). Optical characteristics of the IL/NPAS samples were determined by photoluminescence (at different excitation wavelengths (from 300 nm to 400 nm), ellipsometry spectroscopy, and light transmittance/reflectance measurements for a range of wavelengths that provide information on modifications related to both visible and near-infrared regions. Chemical surface characterization of the three IL/NPAS samples was performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), which indicates almost total support coverage by the ILs. The IL/NPAS analyzed samples exhibit different photoluminescence behavior, high transparency (<85%), and a reflection maximum at wavelength ~380 nm, with slight differences depending on the IL, while the refractive index values are rather similar to those shown by the ILs. Moreover, the illuminated I–V curves (under standard conditions) of the IL/NPAS samples were also measured for determining the efficiency energy conversion to estimate their possible application as solar cells. On the other hand, a computational quantum mechanical modeling method (DFT) was used to establish the most stable bond between the ILs and the NPAS support.M.A. thanks the SpanishMinistry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033) through project PID2021-122613OB-I00

    Homeostatic control of polyamine levels under long-term salt stress in Arabidopsis

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    Salt stress has been frequently studied in its first osmotic phase. Very often, data regarding the second ionic phase is missing. It has also been suggested that Putrescine or/and Spermine could be responsible for salt resistance. In order to test this hypothesis under long-term salt stress, we obtained Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic plants harboring pRD29A::oatADC or pRD29A::GUS construction. Although Putrescine was the only polyamine significantly increased after salt acclimation in pRD29A::oatADC transgenic lines, this rendered in no advantage to this kind of stress. The higher Spermine levels found in WT and transgenic lines when compared to control conditions along with no increment on Putrescine levels in WT plants under salt acclimation, leads us to analyze Spermine effect on pADC1 and pADC2 expression. Increasing levels of this polyamine inhibits these promoters expression while enhances pRD29A expression, making Spermine the polyamine responsible for salt acclimation, and the transgenic lines developed in this work suitable for studying Putrescine roles in conditions where its biosynthesis would be inhibited in the WT genotype

    Diplomado de profundización en Linux.

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    Figura 1. Configuración del proxy por medio de Ip y puerto, Figura 2. Acceso denegado a internet por medio de Ip y puerto, Figura 3. Configuración de emisor común.El presente artículo pretende plasmar una observación y una caracterización de los diferentes conceptos fundamentales de los sistemas operativos Gnu/Linux, haciendo uso y organización de aportes realizados durante el curso, con los cuales el estudiante profundizará acerca de los pasos y temáticas presentados, logrando de esta manera alcanzar mayor comprensión y desarrollar habilidades en la optimización de las diferentes herramientas que nos ofrece Gnu/Linux.This article aims to capture an observation and a characterization of the different fundamental concepts of Gnu / Linux operating systems, making use and organization of contributions made during the course, with which the student will deepen on the steps and themes presented, achieving In this way, we can achieve greater understanding and develop skills in the optimization of the different tools offered by Gnu / Linux

    Izaña Atmospheric Research Center. Activity Report 2015-2016

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    This report is a summary of the many activities at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center to the broader community. The combination of operational activities, research and development in state-of-the-art measurement techniques, calibration and validation and international cooperation encompass the vision of WMO to provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and related environmental issues

    Izaña Atmospheric Research Center. Activity Report 2019-2020

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    Editors: Emilio Cuevas, Celia Milford and Oksana Tarasova.[EN]The Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (IARC), which is part of the State Meteorological Agency of Spain (AEMET), is a site of excellence in atmospheric science. It manages four observatories in Tenerife including the high altitude Izaña Atmospheric Observatory. The Izaña Atmospheric Observatory was inaugurated in 1916 and since that date has carried out uninterrupted meteorological and climatological observations, contributing towards a unique 100-year record in 2016. This reports are a summary of the many activities at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center to the broader community. The combination of operational activities, research and development in state-of-the-art measurement techniques, calibration and validation and international cooperation encompass the vision of WMO to provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and related environmental issues.[ES]El Centro de Investigación Atmosférica de Izaña (CIAI), que forma parte de la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología de España (AEMET), representa un centro de excelencia en ciencias atmosféricas. Gestiona cuatro observatorios en Tenerife, incluido el Observatorio de Izaña de gran altitud, inaugurado en 1916 y que desde entonces ha realizado observaciones meteorológicas y climatológicas ininterrumpidas y se ha convertido en una estación centenaria de la OMM. Estos informes resumen las múltiples actividades llevadas a cabo por el Centro de Investigación Atmosférica de Izaña. El liderazgo del Centro en materia de investigación y desarrollo con respecto a las técnicas de medición, calibración y validación de última generación, así como la cooperación internacional, le han otorgado una reputación sobresaliente en lo que se refiere al tiempo, el clima, la hidrología y otros temas ambientales afines