1,339 research outputs found

    An Intelligent Traction Control for Motorcycles

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    The appearance of anti-lock braking systems (ABS) and traction control systems (TCS) have been some of the most major developments in vehicle safety. These systems have been evolving since their origin, always keeping the same objective, by using increasingly sophisticated algorithms and complex brake and torque control architectures. The aim of this work is to develop and implement a new control model of a traction control system to be installed on a motorcycle, regulating the slip in traction and improving dynamic performance of two-wheeled vehicles. This paper presents a novel traction control algorithm based on the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Fuzzy Logic. An ANN is used to estimate the optimal slip of the surface the vehicle is moving on. A fuzzy logic control block, which makes use of the optimal slip provided by the ANN, is developed to control the throttle position. Two control blocks have been tuned. The first control block has been tuned according to the experience of an expert operator. The second one has been optimized using Evolutionary Computation (EC). Simulation shows that the use of EC can improve the fuzzy logic based control algorithm, obtaining better results than those produced with the control tuned only by experience.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Influencia de la política criminológica mediática y sus efectos en el punitivismo penal Huaral, 2022

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    Objetivo: Determinar cómo la política criminológica mediática se relaciona con el punitivismo penal en Huaral en el año 2022. Métodos: Es una investigación aplicada por cuanto se analizó una realidad objetiva y concreta para este caso, cómo es la dinámica del punitivismo penal y la influencia de la política criminal mediática. Del mismo modo es TRANSVERSAL, por cuanto analiza las variables identificadas en un solo periodo de tiempo, sobre la base de una muestra predefinida que se trabajará para obtener resultados en un solo periodo. El enfoque del trabajo es CUANTITATIVO, en la medida que hace uso de la estadística paramétrica y prueba hipótesis para obtener un resultado que pruebe la hipótesis planeada para ello se ha recurrido a las escalas de la unidad de análisis de la presente investigación. Resultados: Según la tabla N° 35, muestra los efectos de la Prueba de Normalidad que se atribuye a las dimensiones de cada variable, donde se puede evidenciar que se ha aplicado la prueba de bondad de ajuste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, por tener una población mayor a 50 y observando que se determinaran correlaciones entre variables y dimensiones con puntajes que se aproximan a una distribución anormal, por ello, la prueba estadística a usarse deberá ser no paramétrica: Prueba de Rho Spearman. Conclusión: La política criminológica mediática obedece a una serie de factores usualmente subjetivos, que se ejerce bajo presiones, bajo reglas sugestivas que traen consigo un punitivismo penal que afecta en muchos casos a derechos fundamentales e incluso humanos

    A Rare Case of Gastric Variceal Hemorrhage Secondary to Infiltrative B-Cell Lymphoma

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    Portal hypertension commonly arises in the setting of advanced liver cirrhosis and is the consequence of increased resistance within the portal vasculature. Less commonly, left-sided noncirrhotic portal hypertension can develop in a patient secondary to isolated obstruction of the splenic vein. We present a rare case of left-sided portal hypertension and isolated gastric varices in a patient with large B-cell lymphoma, who was treated with splenic artery embolization. The patient is a 73-year-old male with no previous history of liver disease, who presented with coffee ground emesis and melena. On admission to hospital, he was found to have a hemoglobin level of 3.4 g/l. Emergent esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed isolated bleeding gastric varices (IGV1 by Sarin classification) in the fundus and cardia with subsequent argon plasma coagulation injection. He was transferred to our tertiary center where work-up revealed normal liver function tests, and abdominal ultrasound showed patent hepatic/portal vasculature without cirrhosis. MRI demonstrated a large heterogeneously enhancing mass in the pancreatic tail, with invasion into the spleen and associated splenic vein thrombosis. Surgery consultation was obtained, but urgent splenectomy was not recommended. The patient instead underwent splenic artery embolization to prevent future bleeding from his known gastric varices. Pathology from a CT-guided biopsy was consistent with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. PET imaging showed uptake in the splenic hilum/pancreatic tail region with no additional metastatic involvement. He was evaluated by the Hematology Department to initiate R-CHOP chemotherapy. During his outpatient follow-up, he reported no further episodes of melena or hematemesis. To the best of our knowledge, there have only been two published case reports of large B-cell lymphoma causing upper gastrointestinal bleeding from isolated gastric varices. These cases were treated with splenectomy or chemotherapy alone. Thus far, splenectomy has been the standard treatment approach for splenic vein thrombosis with clinical complication, such as gastric variceal bleeding. We present a case of successful treatment of bleeding isolated gastric varices using a less invasive and less morbid approach through splenic artery embolization. This case highlights the need for an increased awareness of the diverse etiologies of left-sided portal hypertension and isolated gastric varices, as well as the consideration of minimally invasive management strategies

    Small-Scale Fading Analysis of the Vehicular-to-Vehicular Channel inside Tunnels

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    [EN] We present a small-scale fading analysis of the vehicular-to-vehicular (V2V) propagation channel at 5.9 GHz when both the transmitter (Tx) and the receiver (Rx) vehicles are inside a tunnel and are driving in the same direction. This analysis is based on channel measurements carried out at different tunnels under real road traffic conditions. The Rice distribution has been adopted to fit the empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF). A comparison of the K factor values inside and outside the tunnels shows differences in the small-scale fading behavior, with the K values derived from the measurements being lower inside the tunnels. Since there are so far few published results for these confined environments, the results obtained can be useful for the deployment of V2V communication systems inside tunnels.The authors want to thank J. A. Campuzano, D. Balaguer, and L. Morag on for their support during the measurement campaign, as well as B. Bernardo-Clemente and A. VilaJimenez for their support and assistance in the laboratory activities. This work has been funded in part by Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia delMinisterio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain, TEC2013-47360-C3-3-P, and Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion COLCIENCIAS en Colombia.Loredo, S.; Del Castillo, A.; Fernandez, H.; Rodrigo Peñarrocha, VM.; Reig, J.; Rubio Arjona, L. (2017). Small-Scale Fading Analysis of the Vehicular-to-Vehicular Channel inside Tunnels. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Online). 2017:1-6. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/1987437S16201

    Long term effects of peripubertal stress on excitatory and inhibitory circuits in the prefrontal cortex of male and female mice

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    The impact of stressful events is especially important during early life, because certain cortical regions, especially the prefrontal cortex (PFC), are still developing. Consequently, aversive experiences that occur during the peripubertal period can cause long-term alterations in neural connectivity, physiology and related behaviors. Although sex influences the stress response and women are more likely to develop stress-related psychiatric disorders, knowledge about the effects of stress on females is still limited. In order to analyze the long-term effects of peripubertal stress (PPS) on the excitatory and inhibitory circuitry of the adult PFC, and whether these effects are sex-dependent, we applied an unpredictable chronic PPS protocol based on psychogenic stressors. Using two strains of transgenic mice with specific fluorescent cell reporters, we studied male and diestrus females to know how PPS affects the structure and connectivity of parvalbumin expressing (PV+) interneurons and pyramidal neurons. We also studied the expression of molecules related to excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission, as well as alterations in the expression of plasticity-related molecules. The structure of pyramidal neurons was differentially affected by PPS in male and female mice: while the former had a decreased dendritic spine density, the latter displayed an increase in this parameter. PPS affected the density of puncta expressing excitatory and inhibitory synaptic markers exclusively in the female mPFC. Similarly, only in female mice we observed an increased complexity of the dendritic tree of PV+ neurons. Regarding the perisomatic innervation on pyramidal and PV + neurons by basket cells, we found a significant increase in the density of puncta in stressed animals, with interesting differences between the sexes and the type of basket cell analyzed. Finally, the PPS protocol also altered the total number of somata expressing the polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) when we analyzed both sexes together. These results highlight the strong programming effects of aversive experiences during early life for the establishment of cortical circuitry and the special impact of these stressful events on females