856 research outputs found

    Multi-state Boson Stars

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    Motivated by the increasing interest in models which consider scalar fields as viable dark matter candidates, we have constructed a generalization of relativistic Boson Stars (BS) composed of two coexisting states of the scalar field, the ground state and the first excited state. We have studied the dynamical evolution of these Multi-state Boson Stars (MSBS) under radial perturbations, using numerical techniques. We show that stable MSBS can be constructed, when the number of particles in the first excited state, N2, is smaller than the number of particles in the ground state, N1. On the other hand, when N2 > N1, the configurations are initially unstable. However, they evolve and settle down into stable configurations. In the stabilization process, the initially ground state is excited and ends in a first excited state, whereas the initially first excited state ends in a ground state. During this process, both states emit scalar field radiation, decreasing their number of particles. This behavior shows that even though BS in the first excited state are intrinsically unstable under finite perturbations, the configuration resulting from the combination of this state with the ground state produces stable objects. Finally we show in a qualitative way, that stable MSBS could be realistic models of dark matter galactic halos, as they produce rotation curves that are flatter at large radii than the rotation curves produced by BS with only one state.Comment: 14 pages. Extended discussion and new figures added. Conclusions unchanged. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    E-commerce and territorial development in the Objective-1 spanish regions

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    The information and communication technologies constitute one of the main forces of the globalization. In this framework, the e-commerce takes advantage of Internet to improve the competitiveness of the companies and territories. In the nowadays scenario, the e-commerce opens development posibilities for the regions fewer developed, creating a virtual space that saves the geographical barriers. However, the use of its advantages requires infrastructures and equipment, organizational capacity and high formation in new technologies. In spite of the deficit that the objetive 1 spanish regions show in these fields to develop the their own Information Society, the attitude and the efforts of the public and private agents in improving their position in the national and international context, they open optimistic expectations on the future use of the advantages that the e-commerce offers for the growth and the improvement of the regional competitiveness in Spain. Nevertheless, one cannot hope the e-commerce is a decisive element to eliminate the territorial inequalities, not even the technologies of the information in its group, but rather it can be that they originate a restructuring of the spanish and european territorial pattern, where some regions will be able to improve thanks to the extension and deeping of the digital economy and others will worsen its position in the territorial system. In any event, the developed regions leave of a better position. All the analysts coincide in pointing out that the e-commerce is in an incipient phase, for what es expected that its growth in next years is very important. In this sense, this communication seeks to analyze the use of the possibilities that the e-commerce offers as tool of improvement of the competitiveness in the objetive 1 spanish regions in the framework of the regional development. To get this objetive, the theoretical linkings are revised among the new information and communication technologies, that allow the use of Internet like a trade channel, and the territorial development, showing the different focuses with those that are come approaching the influences of the Information Society on the regional competitiveness. Also, the current situation and perspectives of the objetive one spanish regions are rewied to face the challenges that outline the technological advances in this field in three environments: infrastructures and equipment; organization, support institutions and administration initiatives; and innovation, knowledge and formation.

    Grammar and institutionalisation of italian language teaching in the 19 th century Spain

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    Las primeras huellas de institucionalización pública de la enseñanza de lenguas en la España del XIX se manifiestan tarde, más si cabe en el caso de la lengua italiana, y desde luego sin continuidad entre los diferentes textos legales que, en materia de instrucción pública, se sucedieron durante el siglo. No por ello, sin embargo, faltaron gramáticas. Evidenciar esta situación será el primer objetivo del presente trabajo. El segundo será describir cómo y en qué medida influyeron las normativas de instrucción pública en la composición de las gramáticas italoespañolas del XIX.The first traces of public institutionalisation of language teaching in 19th century Spain appear late, even later in the case of Italian, and with no continuity in the various pieces of legislation on public education issued over the century. On the other hand, however, grammar books were present. The first goal of this paper is that of depicting this situation. The second will be that of describing how and to what extent laws on public education influenced the composition of grammar books in the Italian-Spanish tradition of the 19th century

    Régimen de inhabilidades e incompatibilidades de los congresistas junio de 1997-junio de 1999 Marco descriptivo y analítico

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    154 páginas incluye ilustraciones y diagramasLa Constitución del 91, creó unas inhabilidades e incompatibilidades mucho más estrictas que las de la Constitución Nacional de 1886, para los ciudadanos que aspiren o sean elegidos congresistas. Con base en lo anterior es importante conocer que hechos han impedido tramitar imparcialmente asuntos sometidos a consideración de los congresistas, si realmente éstos se han declarado impedidos o no, si han hecho una indebida destinación de dineros públicos, si han traficado influencias debidamente comprobadas y si han sido sancionados con la pérdida de su investidura, en el periodo de junio de 1997 a junio de 1999. El congresista, debe ser un militante continuo al servicio de la comunidad. Ello supone adecuado adiestramiento, y un escrupuloso sentido moral, ético y profesiona

    Social capital and the integration of processes in the supply chain management in the real sector in Colombia

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    This research evaluates the relationship of social capital with the integration of processes in the supply chain management in companies of the real sector in Colombia, mediated by their organizational size and the uncertainty of the environment. For this purpose, 232 companies associated to the real sector in Colombia were surveyed and with the information obtained, multivariate analysis of structural equations was made with the SPSS and AMOS tools. As a result, there is a significant direct relationship between social capital and the integration of processes in the supply chain management, thus social capital was identified as a fundamental determinant in efforts to integrate the supply chain, unlike the mediating variables analyzed (size and uncertainty of the environment).Esta investigación evalúa la relación del capital social (CS) con la integración de los procesos en la gestión de cadenas de abastecimiento (SCI) en empresas del sector real en Colombia, mediada por las variables del tamaño organizacional (S) y la incertidumbre del entorno (UE). Para esto, se encuestaron 232 directivos de empresas asociadas al sector real en Colombia y con la información obtenida se realizó análisis multivariante de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) con la herramienta SPSS y AMOS. Como resultado, se evidencia una relación directa significativa del CS sobre la SCI. Las variables mediadoras no registran significancia en el análisis.Tesi

    Bioestratigrafía (graptolitos) del límite Ordovícico-Silúrico en los Pirineos orientales (curso alto del río Segre, Lleida)

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    Se presenta una sección de pizarras negras graptolíticas donde, por vez primera en España, se registra de manera continua el límite Ordovícico-Silúrico. El perfil se localiza al este de Estana (Lleida), en la Zona Axial pirenaica. El límite se localiza 2,20. m por encima del techo de la Cuarcita de Bar, cuya edad ordovícica queda aquí demostrada. Las asociaciones de graptolitos del Hirnantiense superior pertenecen a la Biozona de Metabolograptus persculptus y a la llamada “fauna pre-ascensus”, en tanto que los graptolitos del Silúrico basal corresponden a la Biozona de Akidograptus ascensus. El descubrimiento de esta sección es bastante excepcional en las plataformas del sur de Gondwana, donde los graptolitos post-glaciares son extremadamente raros. Entre las formas silúricas, se presenta el tercer hallazgo mundial de la especie Rickardsograptus? bifurcus, definida en China y reconocida también en los Alpes Cárnicos de Austria

    Nuevos datos faunísticos e interacciones de moscas piojo (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) parasitando aves capturadas con redes japonesas en el Sistema Central (España)

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    Louse flies and keds (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) are permanent ectoparasites of birds and mammals, respectively. The abundance and species composition of the Spanish Hippoboscidae fauna is relatively little studied, with 20 species recorded so far. The aim of this pilot study is to provide new data on these ectoparasites from birds collected by mist-netting in two ringing stations in the Central System mountains in Madrid (Spain). Four polyxenous louse fly species, all of the subfamily Ornithomyinae, were obtained and identified from 13 avian hosts (Order: Passeriformes). They are, in decreasing order of abundance: Ornithomya fringillina (Curtis, 1936), Ornithophila metallica (Schiner, 1864), Ornithomya avicularia (Linnaeus, 1758), and Ornithoica turdi (Oliver in Latreille, 1811). The woodchat shrike Lanius senator Linnaeus, 1758 was the most common avian species parasitized by hippoboscids. New faunistic records and host-parasite interactions are provided for the first time in Spain.Las moscas piojo (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) son ectoparásitos permanentes de aves y mamíferos. La abundancia y composición faunística de los hipobóscidos de España está relativamente poco estudiada, con 20 especies registradas hasta el momento. El objetivo de este estudio es aportar datos nuevos sobre estos ectoparásitos a partir de hospedadores aviares recogidos con redes japonesas en dos estaciones de anillamiento del Sistema Central en Madrid (España). Se identificaron cuatro especies generalistas de moscas piojo de la subfamilia Ornithomyinae, obtenidas de 13 hospedadores aviares (Orden: Passeriformes). Estas especies son, en orden de abundancia decreciente: Ornithomya fringillina (Curtis, 1936), Ornithophila metallica (Schiner, 1864), Ornithomya avicularia (Linnaeus, 1758) y Ornithoica turdi (Oliver in Latreille, 1811). El alcaudón común Lanius senator Linnaeus, 1758 fue la especie de ave más comúnmente parasitada por hipobóscidos. Se proporcionan nuevos datos faunísticos e interacciones aves-parásito para España

    La tecnología lítica de La Maya y El Basalito (Salamanca): nuevas aportaciones desde la talla experimental

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    Experimental archaeology is a field that helps us to understand how prehistoric activities developed. Experimentation also facilitates our understanding of hominid tool knapping procedures and technologies.Experimental knapping is one of the main methodologies used to analyse the influence of raw materials, the knapper's role, cultural heritage and economy in prehistoric technological repertoires.Two classic Mode 2 (Acheulian) deposits were studied within the framework of these experimental premises: La Maya and El Basalito. Tool variations were analyzed, differentiating aspects related to technical solutions from those associated with the group's cultural tradition and the intensity of the occupation.La arqueología experimental es una disciplina que facilita la comprensión del desarrollo de las diferentes actividades de la prehistoria. A través de la experimentación se pueden llegar a comprender los procedimientos y las técnicas que llevaron a cabo los homínidos en la fabricación de sus herramientas.La talla experimental es una de las principales vías metodológicas en el análisis de la influencia de las materias primas, el papel del tallador, la herencia cultural y la economía en los repertorios tecnológicos del pasado.El estudio bajo esas premisas experimentales, de dos yacimientos clásicos del Modo 2 del achelense: La Maya y El Basalito, permiten analizar la variabilidad instrumental, diferenciando los aspectos ligados a soluciones técnicas de aquellos relacionados a la tradición cultural del grupo o al grado de intensidad ocupacional